diff options
authorDenis Barbier <barbier>2001-11-19 00:05:22 +0000
committerDenis Barbier <barbier>2001-11-19 00:05:22 +0000
commit27df4ecfbc4681ec60ab50c16197956b3596498c (patch)
parent05d3940f68b53d77122f306561c89ebc0a62c573 (diff)
Add CPAN modules Locale::Country and Locale::Language to replace
webwml/english/international/l10n/scripts/{Country,Language}.pm These modules are needed by webwml/english/international/l10n/scripts/transmonitor-check2 CVS version numbers Perl/Locale/Constants.pm: INITIAL -> 1.1 Perl/Locale/Country.pm: INITIAL -> 1.1 Perl/Locale/Language.pm: INITIAL -> 1.1
3 files changed, 1251 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/Locale/Constants.pm b/Perl/Locale/Constants.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f220c659b3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/Locale/Constants.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+package Locale::Constants;
+# Locale::Constants - defined constants for identifying codesets
+# $Id$
+use strict;
+require Exporter;
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+use constant LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2 => 1;
+use constant LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3 => 2;
+use constant LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC => 3;
+=head1 NAME
+Locale::Constants - constants for Locale codes
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Locale::Constants;
+ $codeset = LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2;
+B<Locale::Constants> defines symbols which are used in
+the three modules from the Locale-Codes distribution:
+ Locale::Language
+ Locale::Country
+ Locale::Currency
+B<Note:> at the moment only Locale::Country supports
+more than one code set.
+The symbols defined are used to specify which codes you
+want to be used:
+You shouldn't have to C<use> this module directly yourself -
+it is used by the three Locale modules, which in turn export
+the symbols.
+None at the moment.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item Locale::Language
+Codes for identification of languages.
+=item Locale::Country
+Codes for identification of countries.
+=item Locale::Currency
+Codes for identification of currencies and funds.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Neil Bowers E<lt>neilb@cre.canon.co.ukE<gt>
+Copyright (C) 2001, Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
diff --git a/Perl/Locale/Country.pm b/Perl/Locale/Country.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..68bd6982599
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/Locale/Country.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,702 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Locale::Country - ISO codes for country identification (ISO 3166)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Locale::Country;
+ $country = code2country('jp'); # $country gets 'Japan'
+ $code = country2code('Norway'); # $code gets 'no'
+ @codes = all_country_codes();
+ @names = all_country_names();
+ # add "uk" as a pseudo country code for United Kingdom
+ Locale::Country::_alias_code('uk' => 'gb');
+package Locale::Country;
+use strict;
+require 5.002;
+The C<Locale::Country> module provides access to the ISO
+codes for identifying countries, as defined in ISO 3166.
+You can either access the codes via the L<conversion routines>
+(described below), or with the two functions which return lists
+of all country codes or all country names.
+There are three different code sets you can use for identifying
+=over 4
+=item B<alpha-2>
+Two letter codes, such as 'tv' for Tuvalu.
+This code set is identified with the symbol C<LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2>.
+=item B<alpha-3>
+Three letter codes, such as 'brb' for Barbados.
+This code set is identified with the symbol C<LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3>.
+=item B<numeric>
+Numeric codes, such as 064 for Bhutan.
+This code set is identified with the symbol C<LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC>.
+All of the routines take an optional additional argument
+which specifies the code set to use.
+If not specified, it defaults to the two-letter codes.
+This is partly for backwards compatibility (previous versions
+of this module only supported the alpha-2 codes), and
+partly because they are the most widely used codes.
+The alpha-2 and alpha-3 codes are not case-dependent,
+so you can use 'BO', 'Bo', 'bO' or 'bo' for Bolivia.
+When a code is returned by one of the functions in
+this module, it will always be lower-case.
+require Exporter;
+use Carp;
+use Locale::Constants;
+# Public Global Variables
+$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(code2country country2code
+ all_country_codes all_country_names
+ country_code2code
+# Private Global Variables
+my $CODES = [];
+my $COUNTRIES = [];
+There are three conversion routines: C<code2country()>, C<country2code()>,
+and C<country_code2code()>.
+=over 8
+=item code2country( CODE, [ CODESET ] )
+This function takes a country code and returns a string
+which contains the name of the country identified.
+If the code is not a valid country code, as defined by ISO 3166,
+then C<undef> will be returned:
+ $country = code2country('fi');
+=item country2code( STRING, [ CODESET ] )
+This function takes a country name and returns the corresponding
+country code, if such exists.
+If the argument could not be identified as a country name,
+then C<undef> will be returned:
+ $code = country2code('Norway', LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3);
+ # $code will now be 'nor'
+The case of the country name is not important.
+See the section L<KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS> below.
+=item country_code2code( CODE, CODESET, CODESET )
+This function takes a country code from one code set,
+and returns the corresponding code from another code set.
+ $alpha2 = country_code2code('fin',
+ # $alpha2 will now be 'fi'
+If the code passed is not a valid country code in
+the first code set, or if there isn't a code for the
+corresponding country in the second code set,
+then C<undef> will be returned.
+sub code2country
+ my $code = shift;
+ my $codeset = @_ > 0 ? shift : LOCALE_CODE_DEFAULT;
+ return undef unless defined $code;
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Make sure the code is in the right form before we use it
+ # to look up the corresponding country.
+ # We have to sprintf because the codes are given as 3-digits,
+ # with leading 0's. Eg 052 for Barbados.
+ #-------------------------------------------------------------------
+ if ($codeset == LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC)
+ {
+ return undef if ($code =~ /\D/);
+ $code = sprintf("%.3d", $code);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $code = lc($code);
+ }
+ if (exists $CODES->[$codeset]->{$code})
+ {
+ return $CODES->[$codeset]->{$code};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ # no such country code!
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub country2code
+ my $country = shift;
+ my $codeset = @_ > 0 ? shift : LOCALE_CODE_DEFAULT;
+ return undef unless defined $country;
+ $country = lc($country);
+ if (exists $COUNTRIES->[$codeset]->{$country})
+ {
+ return $COUNTRIES->[$codeset]->{$country};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ # no such country!
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub country_code2code
+ (@_ == 3) or croak "country_code2code() takes 3 arguments!";
+ my $code = shift;
+ my $inset = shift;
+ my $outset = shift;
+ my $outcode = shift;
+ my $country;
+ return undef if $inset == $outset;
+ $country = code2country($code, $inset);
+ return undef if not defined $country;
+ $outcode = country2code($country, $outset);
+ return $outcode;
+There are two function which can be used to obtain a list of all codes,
+or all country names:
+=over 8
+=item C<all_country_codes( [ CODESET ] )>
+Returns a list of all two-letter country codes.
+The codes are guaranteed to be all lower-case,
+and not in any particular order.
+=item C<all_country_names( [ CODESET ] )>
+Returns a list of all country names for which there is a corresponding
+country code in the specified code set.
+The names are capitalised, and not returned in any particular order.
+Not all countries have alpha-3 and numeric codes -
+some just have an alpha-2 code,
+so you'll get a different number of countries
+depending on which code set you specify.
+sub all_country_codes
+ my $codeset = @_ > 0 ? shift : LOCALE_CODE_DEFAULT;
+ return keys %{ $CODES->[$codeset] };
+sub all_country_names
+ my $codeset = @_ > 0 ? shift : LOCALE_CODE_DEFAULT;
+ return values %{ $CODES->[$codeset] };
+This module supports a semi-private routine for specifying two letter
+code aliases.
+ Locale::Country::_alias_code( ALIAS => CODE [, CODESET ] )
+This feature was added as a mechanism for handling
+a "uk" code. The ISO standard says that the two-letter code for
+"United Kingdom" is "gb", whereas domain names are all .uk.
+By default the module does not understand "uk", since it is implementing
+an ISO standard. If you would like 'uk' to work as the two-letter
+code for United Kingdom, use the following:
+ use Locale::Country;
+ Locale::Country::_alias_code('uk' => 'gb');
+With this code, both "uk" and "gb" are valid codes for United Kingdom,
+with the reverse lookup returning "uk" rather than the usual "gb".
+sub _alias_code
+ my $alias = shift;
+ my $real = shift;
+ my $codeset = @_ > 0 ? shift : LOCALE_CODE_DEFAULT;
+ my $country;
+ if (not exists $CODES->[$codeset]->{$real})
+ {
+ carp "attempt to alias \"$alias\" to unknown country code \"$real\"\n";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ $country = $CODES->[$codeset]->{$real};
+ $CODES->[$codeset]->{$alias} = $country;
+ $COUNTRIES->[$codeset]->{"\L$country"} = $alias;
+ return $alias;
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+The following example illustrates use of the C<code2country()> function.
+The user is prompted for a country code, and then told the corresponding
+country name:
+ $| = 1; # turn off buffering
+ print "Enter country code: ";
+ chop($code = <STDIN>);
+ $country = code2country($code, LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2);
+ if (defined $country)
+ {
+ print "$code = $country\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "'$code' is not a valid country code!\n";
+ }
+Most top-level domain names are based on these codes,
+but there are certain codes which aren't.
+If you are using this module to identify country from hostname,
+your best bet is to preprocess the country code.
+For example, B<edu>, B<com>, B<gov> and friends would map to B<us>;
+B<uk> would map to B<gb>. Any others?
+=over 4
+=item *
+When using C<country2code()>, the country name must currently appear
+exactly as it does in the source of the module. For example,
+ country2code('United States')
+will return B<us>, as expected. But the following will all return C<undef>:
+ country2code('United States of America')
+ country2code('Great Britain')
+ country2code('U.S.A.')
+If there's need for it, a future version could have variants
+for country names.
+=item *
+In the current implementation, all data is read in when the
+module is loaded, and then held in memory.
+A lazy implementation would be more memory friendly.
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item Locale::Language
+ISO two letter codes for identification of language (ISO 639).
+=item Locale::Currency
+ISO three letter codes for identification of currencies
+and funds (ISO 4217).
+=item ISO 3166
+The ISO standard which defines these codes.
+=item http://www.din.de/gremien/nas/nabd/iso3166ma/
+Official home page for ISO 3166
+=item http://www.egt.ie/standards/iso3166/iso3166-1-en.html
+Another useful, but not official, home page.
+=item http://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/docs/app-f.html
+An appendix in the CIA world fact book which lists country codes
+as defined by ISO 3166, FIPS 10-4, and internet domain names.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Neil Bowers E<lt>neilb@cre.canon.co.ukE<gt>
+Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# initialisation code - stuff the DATA into the ALPHA2 hash
+ my ($alpha2, $alpha3, $numeric);
+ my $country;
+ while (<DATA>)
+ {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ chop;
+ ($alpha2, $alpha3, $numeric, $country) = split(/:/, $_, 4);
+ $CODES->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2]->{$alpha2} = $country;
+ $COUNTRIES->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_2]->{"\L$country"} = $alpha2;
+ if ($alpha3)
+ {
+ $CODES->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3]->{$alpha3} = $country;
+ $COUNTRIES->[LOCALE_CODE_ALPHA_3]->{"\L$country"} = $alpha3;
+ }
+ if ($numeric)
+ {
+ $CODES->[LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC]->{$numeric} = $country;
+ $COUNTRIES->[LOCALE_CODE_NUMERIC]->{"\L$country"} = $numeric;
+ }
+ }
+ae:are:784:United Arab Emirates
+ag:atg:028:Antigua and Barbuda
+an:ant:530:Netherlands Antilles
+as:asm:016:American Samoa
+ba:bih:070:Bosnia and Herzegovina
+bf:bfa:854:Burkina Faso
+bn:brn:096:Brunei Darussalam
+bv:::Bouvet Island
+cc:::Cocos (Keeling) Islands
+cd:cod:180:Congo, The Democratic Republic of the
+cf:caf:140:Central African Republic
+ci:civ:384:Cote D'Ivoire
+ck:cok:184:Cook Islands
+cr:cri:188:Costa Rica
+cv:cpv:132:Cape Verde
+cx:::Christmas Island
+cz:cze:203:Czech Republic
+do:dom:214:Dominican Republic
+eh:esh:732:Western Sahara
+fk:flk:238:Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
+fm:fsm:583:Micronesia, Federated States of
+fo:fro:234:Faroe Islands
+fx:::France, Metropolitan
+gb:gbr:826:United Kingdom
+gf:guf:254:French Guiana
+gq:gnq:226:Equatorial Guinea
+gs:::South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands
+hk:hkg:344:Hong Kong
+hm:::Heard Island and McDonald Islands
+io:::British Indian Ocean Territory
+ir:irn:364:Iran, Islamic Republic of
+kn:kna:659:Saint Kitts and Nevis
+kp:prk:408:Korea, Democratic People's Republic of
+kr:kor:410:Korea, Republic of
+ky:cym:136:Cayman Islands
+la:lao:418:Lao People's Democratic Republic
+lc:lca:662:Saint Lucia
+lk:lka:144:Sri Lanka
+ly:lby:434:Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
+md:mda:498:Moldova, Republic of
+mh:mhl:584:Marshall Islands
+mk:mkd:807:Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of
+mp:mnp:580:Northern Mariana Islands
+nc:ncl:540:New Caledonia
+nf:nfk:574:Norfolk Island
+nz:nzl:554:New Zealand
+pf:pyf:258:French Polynesia
+pg:png:598:Papua New Guinea
+pm:spm:666:Saint Pierre and Miquelon
+pr:pri:630:Puerto Rico
+ps:pse:275:Palestinian Territory, Occupied
+ru:rus:643:Russian Federation
+sa:sau:682:Saudi Arabia
+sb:slb:090:Solomon Islands
+sh:shn:654:Saint Helena
+sj:sjm:744:Svalbard and Jan Mayen
+sl:sle:694:Sierra Leone
+sm:smr:674:San Marino
+st:stp:678:Sao Tome and Principe
+sv:slv:222:El Salvador
+sy:syr:760:Syrian Arab Republic
+tc:tca:796:Turks and Caicos Islands
+tf:::French Southern Territories
+tp:tmp:626:East Timor
+tt:tto:780:Trinidad and Tobago
+tw:twn:158:Taiwan, Province of China
+tz:tza:834:Tanzania, United Republic of
+um:::United States Minor Outlying Islands
+us:usa:840:United States
+va:vat:336:Holy See (Vatican City State)
+vc:vct:670:Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
+vg:vgb:092:Virgin Islands, British
+vi:vir:850:Virgin Islands, U.S.
+wf:wlf:876:Wallis and Futuna
+za:zaf:710:South Africa
diff --git a/Perl/Locale/Language.pm b/Perl/Locale/Language.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1ce0faff5b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/Locale/Language.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Locale::Language - ISO two letter codes for language identification (ISO 639)
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Locale::Language;
+ $lang = code2language('en'); # $lang gets 'English'
+ $code = language2code('French'); # $code gets 'fr'
+ @codes = all_language_codes();
+ @names = all_language_names();
+package Locale::Language;
+use strict;
+require 5.002;
+The C<Locale::Language> module provides access to the ISO two-letter
+codes for identifying languages, as defined in ISO 639. You can either
+access the codes via the L<conversion routines> (described below),
+or with the two functions which return lists of all language codes or
+all language names.
+require Exporter;
+# Public Global Variables
+use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT);
+$VERSION = sprintf("%d.%02d", q$Revision$ =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)/);
+@ISA = qw(Exporter);
+@EXPORT = qw(&code2language &language2code
+ &all_language_codes &all_language_names );
+# Private Global Variables
+my %CODES = ();
+my %LANGUAGES = ();
+There are two conversion routines: C<code2language()> and C<language2code()>.
+=over 8
+=item code2language()
+This function takes a two letter language code and returns a string
+which contains the name of the language identified. If the code is
+not a valid language code, as defined by ISO 639, then C<undef>
+will be returned.
+ $lang = code2language($code);
+=item language2code()
+This function takes a language name and returns the corresponding
+two letter language code, if such exists.
+If the argument could not be identified as a language name,
+then C<undef> will be returned.
+ $code = language2code('French');
+The case of the language name is not important.
+See the section L<KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS> below.
+sub code2language
+ my $code = shift;
+ return undef unless defined $code;
+ $code = lc($code);
+ if (exists $CODES{$code})
+ {
+ return $CODES{$code};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ # no such language code!
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ return undef;
+ }
+sub language2code
+ my $lang = shift;
+ return undef unless defined $lang;
+ $lang = lc($lang);
+ if (exists $LANGUAGES{$lang})
+ {
+ return $LANGUAGES{$lang};
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ # no such language!
+ #---------------------------------------------------------------
+ return undef;
+ }
+There are two function which can be used to obtain a list of all
+language codes, or all language names:
+=over 8
+=item C<all_language_codes()>
+Returns a list of all two-letter language codes.
+The codes are guaranteed to be all lower-case,
+and not in any particular order.
+=item C<all_language_names()>
+Returns a list of all language names for which there is a corresponding
+two-letter language code. The names are capitalised, and not returned
+in any particular order.
+sub all_language_codes
+ return keys %CODES;
+sub all_language_names
+ return values %CODES;
+=head1 EXAMPLES
+The following example illustrates use of the C<code2language()> function.
+The user is prompted for a language code, and then told the corresponding
+language name:
+ $| = 1; # turn off buffering
+ print "Enter language code: ";
+ chop($code = <STDIN>);
+ $lang = code2language($code);
+ if (defined $lang)
+ {
+ print "$code = $lang\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "'$code' is not a valid language code!\n";
+ }
+=over 4
+=item *
+In the current implementation, all data is read in when the
+module is loaded, and then held in memory.
+A lazy implementation would be more memory friendly.
+=item *
+Currently just supports the two letter language codes -
+there are also three-letter codes, and numbers.
+Would these be of any use to anyone?
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+=over 4
+=item Locale::Country
+ISO codes for identification of country (ISO 3166).
+Supports 2-letter, 3-letter, and numeric country codes.
+=item Locale::Currency
+ISO three letter codes for identification of currencies and funds (ISO 4217).
+=item ISO 639:1988 (E/F)
+Code for the representation of names of languages.
+=item http://lcweb.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/langhome.html
+Home page for ISO 639-2
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Neil Bowers E<lt>neilb@cre.canon.co.ukE<gt>
+Copyright (c) 1997-2001 Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE).
+This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+# initialisation code - stuff the DATA into the CODES hash
+ my $code;
+ my $language;
+ while (<DATA>)
+ {
+ next unless /\S/;
+ chop;
+ ($code, $language) = split(/:/, $_, 2);
+ $CODES{$code} = $language;
+ $LANGUAGES{"\L$language"} = $code;
+ }
+cu:Church Slavic
+gd:Gaelic (Scots)
+ho:Hiri Motu
+nb:Norwegian Bokmål
+nd:Ndebele, North
+nn:Norwegian Nynorsk
+nr:Ndebele, South
+ny:Chichewa; Nyanja
+oc:Occitan (post 1500)
+os:Ossetian; Ossetic

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