diff options
authorThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2024-04-05 20:43:08 +0200
committerThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2024-04-05 20:43:08 +0200
commitaa4b91a4546bb73421d05cfe23c7a48d5198993f (patch)
parent2ec61da96ce2e7a93db891a832f3fdfebe6532c8 (diff)
remove unused script
The script was added in 2000 (c82f174ae37) for creating an ISO with only one language, this is not needed any more
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 224 deletions
diff --git a/i18nwwwfix.pl b/i18nwwwfix.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index 319e84a4a83..00000000000
--- a/i18nwwwfix.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# This script enables the creation of copies of the www site
-# in only two languages. Default language (see $DEFAULT)
-# and provided language (-p switch) giving preference to
-# the later.
-# (c) Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña <jfs@debian.org>
-# Distributed under the GNU GPL License (see https://www.gnu.org/gpl)
-# It fixes all the href links in the current directory
-# and all under it depending on the files that exist.
-# Current options
-# -p (obliged): tells which preferred language to use
-# -v (optional): activates verbose output
-# In order to retrieve Debian's website try something
-# like:
-# (for Spanish users)
-# 1.- wget -o debian.log -m -k http://www.es.debian.org
-# 2.- (go to the dir created by wget, in our case www.es.debian.org)
-# 3.- perl intcopy.pl -p es
-# 1.- Customize the URL and -p option to fix for your closest mirror and
-# language
-# 2.- after doing this you can remove all other languages
-# besides yours (anyone care to give an easy bash line here?)
-# 3.- afterwards check all URL (try checkbot) and send any bugs regarding
-# bad fixed links to me.
-# TODO:
-# 1.- It currently does not understand # in links and fixes
-# them incorrectly
-use Getopt::Std;
-use IO::File;
-use Cwd;
-use File::Copy;
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-my %opts;
-getopts('vp:d:', \%opts);
-my $POST = $opts{'p'};
-my $DEFAULT = "en"; #Default language is english (en)
-my $INVALID_DIRS = '^\.|\.\.|CVS|\.svn|.git$';
-my $current_dir = $opts{'d'} || getcwd;
-my $verbose = $opts{'v'};
-exit 0;
-sub fixDirectory
- my ($directory) = @_;
- my $dir = new IO::File;
- opendir ($dir, $directory) || die ("I cannot read $directory: $!\n");
- while ( my $file = readdir ($dir) )
- {
- next if $file eq '.' or $file eq '..';
- warn "Checking $file\n" if $verbose;
- if ( -d "${directory}/${file}" and not -l "${directory}/${file}" )
- {
- if ( $file =~ /$INVALID_DIRS/ )
- {
- warn "Not a valid dir: $file \n" if $verbose;
- }
- else
- {
- fixDirectory ("${directory}/${file}");
- }
- }
- else
- {
- fix_html_file (${directory},"${directory}/${file}") if $file =~ /.html?$/ ;
- }
- } # del while
-} #de la subrutina
-sub fix_html_file
- # This is a html file
- my ($directory,$file) = @_;
- warn "Opening the file $file.\n" if $verbose;
- open (FICHERO, "<${file}") or die ("Cannot open ${file} : $!\n");
- open (NEWFICHERO, ">${file}.bak") or die ("I cannot create a backup of ${file} : $!\n");
- while ( my $line =<FICHERO>)
- {
- chomp $line;
- # Here we must check:
- # 1.- the href ends in .$post.html and $POST = $post and if not
- # cancel the href (remove the tag)
- # 2.- if the href does not end in $post.html and $POST.html exists
- # make it point there
- # 3.- if the href does not end in $post.html and $POST.html does not
- # exist then link to .en.html (english version)
- my $newline = "";
- my $endofline = "";
- while ( $line =~ m/A HREF=\"(.*?)\"/gi )
- {
- my $old_ref = $1;
- my $new_ref = $old_ref;
- $newline = $newline.$`;
- $endofline = $';
- if ( islocalreference($old_ref) )
- {
- warn "Checking reference $old_ref\n" if $verbose;
- if ( $old_ref =~ /\/$/ )
- {
- # This is a directory... check if the file exists
- warn "Fixing directory reference $old_ref\n" if $verbose;
- if ( -f "${directory}/${old_ref}/index.$POST.html" )
- {
- $new_ref = $old_ref."index.".$POST.".html";
- }
- if ( $new_ref eq $old_ref
- and -f "${directory}/${old_ref}/index.$DEFAULT.html" )
- {
- $new_ref = $old_ref."index.".$DEFAULT.".html";
- }
- if ( $new_ref eq $old_ref and -f "${directory}/${old_ref}/index.html" )
- {
- $new_ref = $old_ref."index.html";
- }
- }
- elsif ( $old_ref =~ /(.*?)\.(.*?)\.html$/ )
- {
- # This one uses does *not* use content negotiation...
- warn "Fixing HTML reference $old_ref\n" if $verbose;
- my $base = $1;
- my $ending = $2;
- if ( -f "${directory}/${base}.$POST.html" )
- {
- $new_ref = $base.".".$POST.".html";
- }
- if ( $new_ref eq $old_ref && -f "${directory}/${base}.$DEFAULT.html" )
- {
- $new_ref = $base.".".$DEFAULT.".html";
- }
- }
- elsif ( $old_ref !~ /([\w-]+)\.([\w-]+)$/ ) {
- warn "Fixing Content Negotiation reference $old_ref\n" if $verbose;
- # This one uses *does* use content negotiation...
- # Check as above but also move around files
- if ( -f "${directory}/${old_ref}.$POST.html" )
- {
- $new_ref = $old_ref.".".$POST.".html";
- }
- if ( "$new_ref eq $old_ref && -f ${directory}/${old_ref}.$DEFAULT.html" )
- {
- $new_ref = $old_ref.".".$DEFAULT.".html";
- }
- if ( "$new_ref eq $old_ref && -f ${directory}/${old_ref}.html" )
- {
- $new_ref = $old_ref.".html"
- }
- if ( "$new_ref eq $old_ref && -f ${directory}/${old_ref}" )
- {
- $new_ref = $old_ref.".html";
- }
- }
- }
- # After checking if $old_ref =/= $new_ref then substitute
- $newline .= qq{A HREF="$new_ref"};
- if ( $verbose and $new_ref ne $old_ref)
- {
- warn "Fixed reference $old_ref to $new_ref\n";
- }
- }
- $newline .= $endofline;
- $newline = $line if $newline eq "";
- warn "Changing $line to $newline\n" if $verbose;
- print NEWFICHERO $newline;
- print NEWFICHERO "\n";
- }
- close FICHERO;
- unlink $file;
- move("$file.bak", $file)
- or die("Couldn't move `$file.bak' to `$file': $!\n");
-# Checks if a reference points to a local resource,
-# i.e. it is not in (http|ftp|gopher):// form
-sub islocalreference
- my ($reference) = @_;
- if ($reference !~ /:\/\// )
- {
- warn "Local reference: $reference\n" if $verbose;
- return 1;
- }
- return;

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