diff options
authorHolger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org>2023-06-17 11:09:08 +0200
committerHolger Wansing <hwansing@mailbox.org>2023-06-17 11:09:08 +0200
commit46798256027fd5722a8ac454890013d87dc458b0 (patch)
parent68785cbc2272afcc58f4e18d445999fe46bff385 (diff)
Remove ./doc/obsolete.wml|defs for all languages
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 4751 deletions
diff --git a/danish/doc/obsolete.wml b/danish/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fb6808e7d9..00000000000
--- a/danish/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,455 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Forældet dokumentation"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="4792632f7a20682a368627c66663b57ff1b3fa8b"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-<h1 id="historical">Historiske dokumenter</h1>
-<p>De nedenfor anførte dokumenter blev enten skrevet for længe siden og er ikke
-ført ajour, eller blev skrevet til tidligere udgaver af Debian og er ikke blevet
-opdateret til de aktuelle udgaver. Oplysningerne i dokumenterne er forældet,
-men kan stadig være af interesse for nogle læsere.</p>
-<p>De dokumener som ikke længere er relevante og ikke længere tjener noget
-formål, har fået fjernet deres referencer, men kildekoden til mange af de
-forældede dokumenter kan findes på
-<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">DDP's loft</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="user">Brugerorienteret dokumentation</h2>
-<document "dselect-dokumentation til begyndere" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denne fil dokumenterer deselect for førstegangsbrugere, og har det mål at
- hjælpe med at foretage en vellykket installering af Debian. Der forsøges
- ikke på at forklare alt, derfor skal du også læse hjælpe-skærmbillederne,
- første gang du anvender dselect.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gået i stå: <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> har
- erstattet dselect som Debians standardprogram til pakkehåndteringsgrænseflade.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca da en fr it ja hr pl pt ru sk es cs de" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Brugervejledning" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Denne <q>brugervejledning</q> er en omformatteret udgave af <q>Progenys brugervejledning</q>.
-Indholdet er tilpasset til Debians-standardsystem.</p>
-<p>Over 300 sider med en god vejledning i at bruge Debians styresystem fra
-den grafiske brugerflade og kommandolinien.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- I sig selv nyttig som en vejledning. Skrevet til udgivelsen "woody", er ved
- at blive overflødig.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debians lærebog" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Denne håndbog er beregnet til nye Linux-brugere, som en hjælp til at lære
-Linux at kende, når systemet er blevet installeret, eller til nye Linux-brugere
-på systemer som administreres af andre.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gået i stå; ikke færdig; muligvis forældet på grund af
- <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian-reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ikke klar endnu
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Vejledning i installering og anvendelse" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
- En håndbog, rettet mod slutbrugere.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- færdig (men handler om potato)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debians brugeropslagsbog" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denne håndbog giver om ikke andet en oversigt over alt hvad en bruger bør
- vide om sit Debian GNU/Linux-system (f.eks. opsætning af X, hvordan netværket
- sættes op, tilgang til disketter, osv.). Det er hensigten at slå bro mellem
- Debian-vejledningen og de detaljerede håndbøger og info-sider, der følger med
- alle pakker.</p>
- <p>Det er også hensigten at give en vis indsigt i hvordan man kombinerer
- kommandoer, efter det genrelle Unix-princip, at der <em>altid er mere end en
- måde at gøre det på</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gået i stå og ganske mangelfuld; muligvis forældet på grund af
- <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian-reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debians system-administrationshåndbog" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Dette dokument nævnes i indledningen til fremgangsmådehåndbogen.
- Det dækker alle aspekter af systemadministrering af et Debian-system.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <status>
- gået i stå; ufuldstændig; muligvis forældet på grund af
- <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian-reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ikke tilgængelig endnu
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debians netværkadministrationshåndbog" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denne håndbog dækker alle aspekter af netværksadministrering af et
- Debian-system.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gået i stå; ufuldstændig; muligvis forældet på grund af
- <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian-reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ikke tilgængelig endnu
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Linux-kogebog" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
- En opslagsbog om Debian GNU/Linux-systemet, med over 1500 <q>opskrifter</q> på
- hvordan man bruger systemet i dagligdagen &ndash; fra arbejde med tekst, billeder
- og lyd, til problemer med produktivitet og netværk. Som den software bogen
- beskriver, er den udgivet under "copyleft" og kildedataene er tilgængelige.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- udgivet, skrevet til woody, er ved at blive forældet
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">fra forfatteren</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denne håndbog er en hurtig, men komplet, informationskilde om APT-systemet
- og dets muligheder. Der er mange oplysninger om APT's primære
- anvendelsesområder og mange eksempler.
- </p>
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- forældet siden 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <br>
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="ca en fr el it ja zh-cn zh-tw ko pl pt-br ru es cs tr de uk"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" vcstype="attic" />
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Udviklerdokumentation</h2>
-<document "Introduktion: Fremstil en Debian-pakke" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Introduktion til hvordan man laver en <code>.deb</code> ved hjælp af
- <strong>debmake</strong>.
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- stoppet, overflødiggjort af <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">vejledning til nye udviklere</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML online</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debians håndbog til programmører" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Vejleder nye udviklere i at oprette en pakke til Debian GNU/Linux-systemet.
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- forældet pga. <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">vejledning til nye udviklere</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ikke færdig
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<document "Debians pakningshåndbog" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denne håndbog beskriver de tekniske aspekter ved fremstillingen af
- Debians binære- og kildekodepakker. Den dokumenterer også grænsefladen
- mellem dselect og dettes adgangsscripts. Håndbogen behandler ikke
- Debian-projekets retningslinier, og den forudsætter kendskab til dpkg's
- funktionalitet fra en systemadministrators perspektiv.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- Delene, som var de facto-retningslinier blev flettet ind i
- <a href="devel-manuals#policy">debian-policy</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<document "Hvordan software-producenter kan distribuere deres produkter direkte i .deb-formatet" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Dette dokument er tænkt som udgangspunkt til at forklare hvordan
- softwareproducenter kan integrere deres produkter med Debian, hvilke
- forskellige situationer der kan opstå, afhængigt af produkternes licens
- og producentens valg, samt hvilke muligheder der er. Det forklarer ikke
- hvordan man fremstiller pakker, men har henvisninger til dokumenter som
- forklarer lige netop dette.
- Læs dette dokument hvis du ikke har indblik i alt hvad det indebærer, at
- fremstille og distribuere Debian-pakker, og hvordan disse eventuelt føjes til
- Debians distribution.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- forældet
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Introduktion til i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Dette dokument beskriver de grundlæggende idéer og hvordan man udfører
- l10n (lokaltilpasning/localization),
- i18n (internationalisering/internationalization), og
- m17n (flersprogstilpasning/multilingualization) for programmører og
- pakkevedligeholdere.
- Formålet med dette dokument er at få flere pakker til at understøtte
- i18n og gøre Debian til en mere internationaliseret distribution. Bidrag fra
- hele verden er velkomne, da den oprindelige forfatter er japansktalende og
- dette dokument dermed vil handle om "japanisering" hvis der ikke kommer
- bidrag.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- forældet, gået i stå
- </status>
- <availability>
- ikke klar endnu
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<document "Debian SGML/XML HOWTO" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denne HOWTO indeholder praktiske oplysninger om anvendelse af SGML og XML på
- et Debian-styresystem.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- gået i stå, forældet
- </status>
- <availability>
-# English only using index.html, so langs set.
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto" formats="html" srctype="SGML" vcstype="attic" />
-<document "Debian XML/SGML Policy" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tillæg til Debians fremgangsmåder (subpolicy) beskrivende Debian-pakker
- der anvender og/eller stiller XML/SGML-ressourcer til rådighed.
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- dødt
- <tt>sgml-base-doc</tt> samt nyt materiale vedrørende XML-kataloghåndtering
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<document "DebianDoc-SGML Markup-håndbog" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Dokumentation af <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong>-systemet,
- indeholdende de bedste fremgangsmåder og tips til vedligeholdere.
- Efterfølgende udgaver bør indeholde tips til nemmere vedligeholdelse og
- opbygning af dokumentation i Debian-pakker, retningslinier for organisering
- af oversættelse af dokumentationen, og andre nyttige oplysninger.
- Se også <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">fejl #43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- færdig
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Forskellig dokumentation</h2>
-<document "Debian Repository HOWTO" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Dette dokument forklarer hvordan Debians arkiver (repositories) fungerer,
- hvordan man opretter dem og hvordan man føjer dem til <tt>sources.list</tt>
- på den rette måde.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- klar (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr ta de uk" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
diff --git a/dutch/doc/obsolete.wml b/dutch/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d9ca187780..00000000000
--- a/dutch/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,408 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Verouderde documentatie"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="4792632f7a20682a368627c66663b57ff1b3fa8b"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-<h1 id="historical">Historische documenten</h1>
-<p>De hieronder vermelde documenten zijn ofwel lang geleden geschreven en niet meer actueel, ofwel geschreven voor eerdere versies van Debian en niet bijgewerkt naar de huidige versie. Hun informatie is verouderd, maar kan nog steeds interessant zijn voor sommigen.
-<p>Van de documenten die hun relevantie hebben verloren en geen nut meer hebben, zijn de referenties verwijderd, maar de broncode van veel van deze verouderde handleidingen is te vinden op de
-<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">zolder van het DDP</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="user">Op de gebruiker gerichte documentatie</h2>
-<document "dselect Documentation for Beginners" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
- dselect-documentatie voor beginners. Dit bestand documenteert dselect voor nieuwe gebruikers, en is bedoeld als hulp bij het succesvol installeren van Debian. Het doet geen poging om alles uit te leggen, dus als u dselect voor het eerst tegenkomt, doorloop dan de hulpschermen.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gestagneerd: <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> heeft dselect vervangen als de standaard Debian-pakketbeheerinterface
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "User's Guide" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Deze <q>User's Guide</q> (gebruikershandleiding) is niets anders dan een opnieuw opgemaakte <q>Progeny User's Guide</q> (Progeny gebruikershandleiding).
-De inhoud is aangepast aan het standaard Debian-systeem.</p>
-<p>Meer dan 300 pagina's met een goede handleiding om het Debian-systeem te gebruiken vanaf de <acronym lang="en" title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym>-desktop en de commandoregel.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- Op zich nuttig als inleidende handleiding. Geschreven voor de woody-release, raakt verouderd.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Tutorial" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Inleidende handleiding voor Debian. Deze handleiding is bedoeld voor een nieuwe Linux-gebruiker, om die gebruiker wegwijs te maken in Linux nadat hij het geïnstalleerd heeft, of voor een nieuwe Linux-gebruiker op een systeem dat iemand anders beheert.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gestagneerd; onvolledig;
- waarschijnlijk achterhaald door <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a> (Referentiehandleiding voor Debian)
- </status>
- <availability>
- nog onvolledig
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Debian GNU/Linux: Gids voor installatie en gebruik. Een handleiding, gericht op de eindgebruiker.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- klaar (maar dit is voor potato)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian User Reference Manual" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Debian Gebruikersreferentiehandleiding. Deze handleiding geeft ten minste een overzicht van alles wat een gebruiker zou moeten weten over zijn Debian GNU/Linux-systeem (bv. instellen van X, hoe het netwerk te configureren, toegang tot diskettes, enz.) Het is bedoeld als overbrugging tussen de Debian Beginnershandleiding en de gedetailleerde handleiding en informatiepagina's die bij elk pakket worden geleverd.</p>
- <p>Deze is ook bedoeld om een idee te geven van hoe men commando's kan combineren, volgens het algemene Unix-principe dat <em>er altijd meer dan één manier is om iets te doen</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gestagneerd en vrij onvolledig;
- waarschijnlijk achterhaald door de <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Referentiehandleiding van Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian System Administrator's Manual" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
- De handleiding voor systeembeheerders van Debian. Dit document wordt genoemd in de inleiding van het Beleidshandboek. Het behandelt alle aspecten van systeembeheer van een Debian-systeem.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gestagneerd; onvolledig;
- waarschijnlijk achterhaald door de <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Referentiehandleiding van Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- nog niet beschikbaar
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Network Administrator's Manual" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Handleiding voor netwerkbeheerders van Debian. Deze handleiding behandelt alle aspecten van netwerkbeheer van een Debian-systeem.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- gestagneerd; onvolledig;
- waarschijnlijk achterhaald door de <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Referentiehandleiding van Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- nog niet beschikbaar
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Add this to books, there's a revised edition (2nd) @ Amazon
-<document "The Linux Cookbook" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Het Linux-kookboek. Een praktische naslaggids voor het Debian GNU/Linux-systeem dat in meer dan 1.500 <q>recepten</q> laat zien hoe het te gebruiken voor alledaagse activiteiten &mdash; van het werken met tekst, afbeeldingen en geluid tot productiviteits- en netwerkproblemen. Net als de software die het boek beschrijft, is het boek auteursrechtelijk beschermd onder copyleft-regels en zijn de brongegevens beschikbaar.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- gepubliceerd; geschreven voor woody, geraakt verouderd
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">van de auteur</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Deze handleiding probeert een snelle maar volledige bron van informatie te zijn over het APT-systeem en zijn mogelijkheden. Het bevat veel informatie over de belangrijkste toepassingen van APT en vele voorbeelden.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- verouderd sinds 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" vcstype="attic"/>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Documentatie voor ontwikkelaars</h2>
-<document "Introduction: Making a Debian Package" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Een Debian pakket maken. Inleiding over het maken van een <code>.deb</code> met behulp van <strong>debmake</strong>.
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- gestagneerd, achterhaald door de <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">Gids voor nieuwe pakketbeheerders</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML online</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Programmers' Manual" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Debian Programmeurshandleiding. Helpt nieuwe ontwikkelaars bij het maken van een pakket voor het Debian GNU/Linux-systeem.
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- achterhaald door de <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">Gids voor nieuwe pakketbeheerders</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Packaging Manual" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Debian verpakkingshandleiding. Deze handleiding beschrijft de technische aspecten van het maken van binaire en bronpakketten van Debian. Het documenteert ook de interface tussen dselect en zijn benaderingsmethode-scripts. Het behandelt niet de beleidsvereisten van het Debian Project en het veronderstelt vertrouwdheid met de functies van dpkg vanuit het perspectief van de systeembeheerder.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- Onderdelen die de facto beleidsrichtlijnen waren, werden ingevoegd in de
- <a href="devel-manuals#policy">Debian beleidsrichtlijnen</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "How Software Producers can distribute their products directly in .deb format" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Hoe softwareproducenten hun producten rechtstreeks in .deb-indeling kunnen distribueren. Dit document is bedoeld als een startpunt om uit te leggen hoe softwareproducenten hun producten kunnen integreren in Debian, welke verschillende situaties zich kunnen voordoen afhankelijk van de licentie van de producten en de keuzes van de producenten, en welke mogelijkheden er zijn. Het legt niet uit hoe pakketten gemaakt moeten worden, maar verwijst naar documenten die dat wel doen.
- <p>U zou dit moeten lezen als u niet bekend bent met het grote plaatje van het maken en distribueren van Debian-pakketten, en eventueel met het toevoegen ervan aan de Debian-distributie.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- verouderd
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Introduction to i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Inleiding tot i18n. Dit document beschrijft het basisidee en de howto van l10n (lokalisatie), i18n (internationalisatie), en m17n (meertaligheid) voor programmeurs en pakketbeheerders.
- <p>Het doel van dit document is om meer pakketten i18n te laten ondersteunen en van Debian een meer geïnternationaliseerde distributie te maken. Bijdragen van over de hele wereld zijn welkom, omdat de oorspronkelijke auteur Japans spreekt en dit document over Japanisering zou gaan als er geen bijdragen waren.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- gestagneerd, verouderd
- </status>
- <availability>
- nog onvolledig
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian SGML/XML HOWTO" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Deze HOWTO bevat praktische informatie over het gebruik van SGML en XML op een Debian besturingssysteem.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- gestagneerd, verouderd
- </status>
- <availability>
-# English only using index.html, so langs set.
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto"
- formats="html"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="attic"
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian XML/SGML Policy" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Debian XML/SGML-beleid. Subbeleid voor Debian-pakketten die XML- of SGML-bronnen aanbieden en/of gebruiken.
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- dood
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "DebianDoc-SGML Markup Manual" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
- DebianDoc-SGML opmaakhandleiding. Documentatie voor het <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong>-systeem, inclusief goede praktijken en tips voor beheerders. Toekomstige versies zouden tips moeten bevatten voor het gemakkelijker onderhouden en bouwen van documentatie in Debian-pakketten, richtlijnen voor het organiseren van de vertaling van documentatie, en andere nuttige informatie.
- Zie ook <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">bug #43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- klaar
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Overige documentatie</h2>
-<document "Debian Repository HOWTO" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- HOWTO over het Debian pakketarchief. Dit document legt uit hoe Debian-pakketarchieven werken, hoe ze moeten worden gemaakt en hoe ze correct kunnen worden toegevoegd aan de <tt>sources.list</tt>..
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- klaar (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
diff --git a/english/doc/obsolete.defs b/english/doc/obsolete.defs
deleted file mode 100644
index 82df08cf993..00000000000
--- a/english/doc/obsolete.defs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
-# Data that can be updated without the need to update translations
-# debiandoc-sgml-doc is obsolete!
-<define-tag inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc whitespace=delete>
- <inddpvcs name="debiandoc-sgml-doc"
- naming="none"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="git"
- vcsweb="https://salsa.debian.org/xml-sgml-team/debiandoc-sgml-doc"
- vcsrepo="https://salsa.debian.org/xml-sgml-team/debiandoc-sgml-doc.git"
- />
-# xml-sgml-policy is obsolete!
-<define-tag inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy whitespace=delete>
- <inddpvcs name="xml-sgml-policy"
- naming="none"
- srctype="XML"
- vcstype="attic"
- />
-# intro-i18n is obsolete!
-<define-tag inddpvcs-intro-i18n whitespace=delete>
- <inddpvcs name="intro-i18n"
- langs=""
- formats="html txt pdf"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="attic"
- />
-# distribute-deb is obsolete!
-<define-tag inddpvcs-distribute-deb whitespace=delete>
- <inddpvcs name="distribute-deb" index="distribute-deb"
- langs=""
- formats="html"
- srctype="XML"
- vcstype="attic"
- />
diff --git a/english/doc/obsolete.wml b/english/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index f934950d52e..00000000000
--- a/english/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,457 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Obsolete Documentation"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-<h1 id="historical">Historical documents</h1>
-<p>The documents listed below were either written a long time ago and
-are not up to date or have been written for previous versions of Debian
-and have not been updated to current versions. Their information is
-outdated, but may still be of interest to some.</p>
-<p>The documents that have lost their relevance and serve no purpose any
-more, have had their references removed, but the source code for many of
-these obsolete manuals can be found on the
-<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">DDP's attic</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="user">User oriented documentation</h2>
-<document "dselect Documentation for Beginners" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This file documents dselect for first-time users, and is intended to help
- in getting Debian installed successfully. It makes no attempt to explain
- everything, so when you first meet dselect, work through the help screens.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled: <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> has
- replaced dselect as the standard Debian package management interface
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "User's Guide" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-This <q>User's Guide</q> is nothing but a reformatted <q>Progeny User's Guide</q>.
-Contents are adjusted for the standard Debian system.</p>
-<p>Over 300 pages with a good tutorial to start using the Debian system
-from <acronym lang="en" title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> desktop
-and shell command line.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- Useful itself as a tutorial. Written for the woody release,
- getting obsolete.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Tutorial" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-This manual is for a new Linux user, to help such a user get acquainted
-with Linux once they have installed it, or for a new Linux user on a system
-which someone else is administering.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled; incomplete;
- probably obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- not yet complete
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
- A manual, oriented towards the end-user.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- ready (but it is for potato)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian User Reference Manual" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This manual provides at least an overview of everything a user should know
- about their Debian GNU/Linux system (i.e. setting up X, how to configure
- network, accessing floppy disks, etc.). It is intended to bridge the gap
- between the Debian Tutorial and the detailed manual and info pages
- supplied with each package.</p>
- <p>It is also intended to give some idea of how to combine commands, on
- the general Unix principle, that <em>there is always more than one way to
- do it</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled and quite incomplete;
- probably obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian System Administrator's Manual" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This document is mentioned in the introduction of the Policy manual.
- It covers all system administration aspects of a Debian system.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled; incomplete;
- probably obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- not yet available
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Network Administrator's Manual" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This manual covers all network administration aspects of a Debian system.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled; incomplete;
- probably obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- not yet available
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Add this to books, there's a revised edition (2nd) @ Amazon
-<document "The Linux Cookbook" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
- A hands-on reference guide to the Debian GNU/Linux system that shows,
- in over 1,500 <q>recipes</q>, how to use it for everyday activities &mdash; from
- working with text, images, and sound to productivity and networking
- issues. Like the software the book describes, the book is copylefted
- and its source data is available.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- published; written for woody, getting obsolete
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">from the author</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This manual tries to be a quick but complete source of information
- about the APT system and its features. It contains much information
- about the main uses of APT and many examples.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- obsolete since 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" vcstype="attic"/>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Developer documentation</h2>
-<document "Introduction: Making a Debian Package" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Introduction on how to create a <code>.deb</code>, using
- <strong>debmake</strong>.
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- stalled, obsoleted by <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML online</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Programmers' Manual" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Helps new developers to create a package for the Debian GNU/Linux system.
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- obsoleted by <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Packaging Manual" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This manual describes the technical aspects of creating Debian binary
- and source packages. It also documents the interface between dselect
- and its access method scripts. It does not deal with the Debian
- Project policy requirements, and it assumes familiarity with dpkg's
- functions from the system administrator's perspective.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- Parts that were de facto policy were merged into
- <a href="devel-manuals#policy">debian-policy</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "How Software Producers can distribute their products directly in .deb format" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This document is intended as a starting point to explain how software
- producers can integrate their products with Debian, what different
- situations can arise depending on the license of the products and the
- choices of the producers, and what possibilities there are. It does not
- explain how to create packages, but it links to documents which do exactly
- that.
- <p>You should read this if you are not familiar with the big picture of
- creating and distributing Debian packages, and optionally with adding them
- to the Debian distribution.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- obsolete
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Introduction to i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This document describes basic idea and howto of l10n (localization),
- i18n (internationalization), and m17n (multilingualization) for
- programmers and package maintainers.
- <p>The aim of this document is to make more packages support i18n
- and to make Debian a more internationalized distribution.
- Contributions from all over the world will be welcome, because
- the original author is Japanese-speaker and this document would be
- on Japanization if there were no contributions.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- stalled, obsolete
- </status>
- <availability>
- not yet complete
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian SGML/XML HOWTO" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This HOWTO contains practical information about the use of SGML and XML
- on a Debian operating system.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- stalled, obsolete
- </status>
- <availability>
-# English only using index.html, so langs set.
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto"
- formats="html"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="attic"
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian XML/SGML Policy" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Subpolicy for Debian packages that provide and/or make use
- of XML or SGML resources.
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- dead
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "DebianDoc-SGML Markup Manual" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Documentation for the <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong> system,
- including best practices and hints for maintainers. Future versions
- should includes tips for easier maintenance and building of
- documentation in Debian packages, guidelines for organizing
- translation of documentation, and other helpful information.
- See also <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">bug #43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- ready
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Miscellaneous documentation</h2>
-<document "Debian Repository HOWTO" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This document explains how Debian repositories work, how to create
- them, and how to add them to the <tt>sources.list</tt> correctly.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- ready (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
diff --git a/finnish/doc/obsolete.wml b/finnish/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 65cbee85c6f..00000000000
--- a/finnish/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,545 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Vanhentuneet oppaat"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="534d1b782cfb92f46dc41fd064f779fffc329b12"
-<h1 id="historical">Historialliset oppaat</h1>
-<p>Alla mainitut dokumentit on kirjoitettu kauan sitten eivätkä ne
-ole ajan tasalla tai ne on kirjoitettu Debianin edellisille versioille
-ja niitä ei ole päivitetty vastaamaan nykyisiä versioita. Niiden sisältämä
-tieto on vanhentunutta, mutta ne saattavat kuitenkin kiinnostaa joitakin.</p>
-<h2 id="user">Käyttäjien oppaat</h2>
-<document "dselect-perusteita aloittelijoille (englanninkielinen)" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä dokumentti kertoo dselect-ohjelman käytöstä ensikertalaisille, ja sen
- tarkoituksena on auttaa Debian-asennuksen onnistumisessa. Se ei pyri
- selittämään kaikkea, joten kun törmäät ensi kertaa dselect:iin, käytä
- ohjelman ohjetta apunasi.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- pysähdyksissä: <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> on
- korvannut dselectin Debianin pakettihallinnan vakiokäyttöliittymänä
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Käyttäjän opas (englanninkielinen)" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Tämä <q>käyttöopas</q> on uudelleen muotoiltu <q>Progeny-käyttöopas</q>.
-Sisältö on muutettu vastaamaan normaalia Debian-järjestelmää.</p>
-<p>Yli 300 sivua sisältävä opas Debian-järjestelmän käytön aloittamisesta
-graafisen- ja tekstikäyttöliittymän kautta.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- Sellaisenaan käyttökelpoinen opas. Kirjoitettu woodylle, vanhentunut.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian-pikaohje (englanninkielinen)" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Tämä opas on tarkoitettu uudelle Linux-käyttäjälle, asennuksen jälkeen
-tapahtuvaan Linuxiin tutustumiseen, tai uudelle Linux-käyttäjälle joka
-käyttää jonkun muun ylläpitämää järjestelmää.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- pysähdyksissä; kesken;
- korvautunut mahdollisesti <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian-hakuteoksella</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ei vielä valmis
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Asennus- ja käyttöohje (englanninkielinen)" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Käyttöopas, suunnattu loppukäyttäjälle.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- valmis (käsittelee potato-julkaisua)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian-käyttäjän hakuteos (englanninkielinen)" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä opas tarjoaa ainakin yleiskuvan kaikesta mitä käyttäjän tulisi
- tietää Debian GNU/Linux-järjestelmästään (esim. X:n asetukset, verkon
- konfigurointi, levykeaseman käyttö jne.). Sen tarkoituksena on kaventaa
- Debian Tutorialin ja pakettien mukana tulevien yksityiskohtaisten man-
- ja infosivujen välistä kuilua.</p>
- <p>Sen tarkoituksena on myös antaa jonkinlainen idea komentojen
- yhdistelystä, yleisen Unix-periaatteen mukaisesti, <em>asiat voidaan
- aina tehdä useammalla kuin yhdellä tavalla</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- pysähdyksissä ja melko keskeneräinen;
- korvautunut mahdollisesti <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian-hakuteoksella</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian-järjestelmän ylläpitäjän opas (englanninkielinen)" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä dokumentti on mainittu Policy-manualin esittelyssä.
- Se kattaa kaikki Debian-järjestelmän ylläpitoon liittyvät näkökulmat.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- pysähdyksissä; kesken;
- korvautunut mahdollisesti <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian-hakuteoksella</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ei vielä saatavilla
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian-verkon ylläpitäjän opas (englanninkielinen)" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä opas kattaa kaikki Debian-järjestelmän verkon ylläpitoon liittyvät
- näkökulmat.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- pysähdyksissä; kesken;
- korvautunut mahdollisesti <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian-hakuteoksella</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ei vielä saatavilla
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Add this to books, there's a revised edition (2nd) @ Amazon
-<document "Linux-keittokirja (The Linux Cookbook)" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Kädestä pitävä opas Debian GNU/Linux -järjestelmään opettaa
- käytön jokapäiväisissä toimissa yli 1&nbsp;500 <q>reseptin</q> avulla.
- Aiheina ovat tekstin, kuvien ja äänen käsittelystä tuottavuuteen
- ja verkkoasioihin asti. Kuten ohjelmisto, josta kirja kertoo, myös
- itse kirja on tekijänoikeudella avattu ja sen lähdekoodi on saatavilla.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- julkaistu; kirjoitettu woodylle, vanhentunut
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">tekijältä</a>
- </availability>
-<document "APT HOWTO (englanninkielinen)" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä opas pyrkii olemaan nopea mutta täydellinen tietolähde
- APT-järjestelmästä ja sen ominaisuuksista. Sisältää paljon tietoa
- APT:n pääasiallisista käyttötarkoituksista ja lukuisia esimerkkejä.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- valmis
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" />
- </availability>
-<document "Euro-tuki Debian GNU/Linuxissa (englanninkielinen)" "euro-support">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Tämä dokumentti käsittelee Debian GNU/Linux-käyttöjärjestelmän
-euro-tukeen liittyviä asioita ja opastaa kuinka järjestelmän ja sovellusten
-asetukset määritellään oikein tätä tarkoitusta varten.
- <authors "Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña">
- <status>
- valmis
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "euro-support">
- <inddpvcs name="debian-euro-support" langs="en fr it" cvsname="euro-support">
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Kehittäjien oppaat</h2>
-<document "Dpkg-opas (englanninkielinen)" "dpkgint">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Dokumentti dpkg:n sisimmästä, ja siitä kuinka kirjoittaa uusia
- paketinhallintatyökaluja dpkg-kirjastoja käyttäen. Tämä lienee
- käyttökelpoinen vain rajatulle käyttäjäjoukolle.
- <authors "Klee Dienes">
- <status>
- pysähdyksissä
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "dpkg-doc">
- <a href="packaging-manuals/dpkg-internals/">HTML-versio</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Esittely: Debian-paketin tekeminen (englanninkielinen)" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Esittely siitä kuinka luodaan <code>.deb</code>-paketti, käyttämällä
- <strong>debmake</strong>-ohjelmaa.
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- pysähdyksissä, vanhentunut, tilalle tullut <a href=
- "devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML-dokumentti</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian-ohjelmoijan opas (englanninkielinen)" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Avustaa uusia kehittäjiä luotaessa paketteja Debian GNU/Linux-järjestelmälle.
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- vanhentunut, tilalle tullut <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">Uuden ylläpitäjän opas</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debianin pakettiopas (englanninkielinen)" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä opas kertoo Debianin binääri- ja lähdekoodipakettien luomiseen
- liittyvistä teknisistä näkökohdista. Se dokumentoi myös dselect:in ja
- sen hakutoimintoskriptien välistä liittymää. Se ei käsittele
- Debian-projektin linjausten vaatimuksia, ja olettaa dpkg:n
- toimintojen tuntemista järjestelmän ylläpitäjän näkökulmasta.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- Osat jotka olivat de facto-käytäntöä yhdistettiin äskettäin
- <a href="devel-manuals#debian-policy">debian-policy-oppaaseen</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<document "Esittely kansainvälistämiseen (englanninkielinen)" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä dokumentti käsittelee lokalisoinnin (l10n, localization),
- kansainvälistämisen (i18n, internationalization) ja monikielisyyden
- (m17n, multilingualization) perusideoita ja ohjeita ohjelmoijille
- ja pakettien ylläpitäjillle.
- <p>Tämän dokumentin tavoitteena on parantaa pakettien i18n-tukea
- ja tehdä Debianista yhä kansainvälisempi jakelu. Kaikista maailman kolkista
- tuleva apu on tervetullutta, sillä alkuperäinen kirjoittaja puhuu japania
- ja tämä dokumentti käsittelisi japanisointia (j10n, Japanization) jollei
- apua olisi saatu muita kieliä puhuvilta.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- kehityksen alla
- </status>
- <availability>
- ei vielä valmis
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<document "Kuinka ohjelmistokehittäjät voivat jakaa tuotteitaan suoraan .deb-formaatissa (englanninkielinen)" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämän dokumentin tarkoitus on selittää perusteet siitä, kuinka
- ohjelmistokehittäjät voivat integroida tuotteensa Debianiin, millaisia
- eri tilanteita tulee riippuen tuotteiden lisensseistä ja kehittäjien
- valinnoista ja mitkä ovat eri vaihtoehdot. Tämä ei selitä kuinka
- paketteja luodaan, mutta linkittää dokumentteihin, joissa kerrotaan
- se kerrotaan.
- <p>Sinun kannattaa lukea tämä, jos laajempi kuva Debian-pakettien
- luomisesta ja jakelusta (ja mahdollisesti myös lisäämisestä
- Debian-jakeluun) ei ole tuttu.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- valmis (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<document "Debian XML/SGML -linja (englanninkielinen)" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Alilinjaus Debian-paketeille, jotka tarjoavat ja/tai hyödyntävät XML-
- tai SGML-resursseja.
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- käynnistysvaiheessa, mukaan liitetään nykyinen SGML-linja
- <tt>sgml-base-doc</tt>:ista ja uutta materiaalia XML-luetteloinnin hallintaan
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<document "DebianDoc-SGML Markup-opas" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Dokumentit <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong>-järjestelmälle,
- sisältää parhaat käytännöt ja vinkit ylläpitäjille. Tulevat versiot
- sisältävät vihjeitä Debian-pakettien dokumenttien helpompaan ylläpitoon
- ja tekoon, ohjeita dokumenttien käännösten järjestelyyn ja muuta
- hyödyllistä tietoa.
- Katso myös <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">vika #43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- valmis
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Sekalaiset oppaat</h2>
-<document "Debian META-opas (englanninkielinen)" "meta">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä opas kertoo käyttäjälle mistä löytää dokumentin, joka vastaa hänen
- kysymyksiinsä.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- suunnitteilla
- </status>
- <availability>
- ei vielä valmis, ylläpito ilmeisesti lopetettu
- <inddpvcs name="meta">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian-kirjaehdotuksia" "books">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Luettelo kirjoista Debian-käyttäjien tai ylläpitäjien huomioitavaksi.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "?">
- <status>
- suunnitteilla
- </status>
- <availability>
- ei vielä valmis
- <inddpvcs name="book-suggestions">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian-sanasto" "dict">
-<div class="centerblock">
- <q>Olen ollut pitkään sitä mieltä että tarvitsemme Debian-sanaston.
- Tällä projektilla on todellakin oma kummallinen kielensä. Ehkä voisimme
- laittaa jonnekin www-lomakkeen niin että ihmiset voisivat lähettää uusia
- termejä ja määrittelyjä niille aina kun niitä ilmenee.</q>
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "?">
- <status>
- suunnitteilla
- </status>
- <availability>
- keskeneräinen
- <inddpvcs name="dictionary">
- <p>Paketit <a href="https://packages.debian.org/dict-vera">dict-vera</a>
- ja <a href="https://packages.debian.org/dict-foldoc">dict-foldoc</a>
- sisältävät runsaasti Debianiin liittyvien termien ja lyhenteiden määritelmiä.
- </availability>
-<hr />
- <dt><strong><a href="../releases/potato/installguide/">Potaton asennus-KUINKA</a></strong></dt>
- <dd>Epävirallinen asennusohje Debianin julkaisulle 2.2 (koodinimeltään potato).
- </dd>
-<document "Debian-repository-HOWTO" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Tämä dokumentti selittää kuinka Debian-pakettivarastot toimivat, kuinka
- sellaisia luodaan ja kuinka ne lisätään <tt>sources.list</tt>:n oikein.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- valmis (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta">
- </availability>
diff --git a/french/doc/obsolete.wml b/french/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index f9b02710439..00000000000
--- a/french/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,534 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Documentation obsolète"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="4792632f7a20682a368627c66663b57ff1b3fa8b" maintainer="Jean-Paul Guillonneau"
-<h1 id="historical">Documents d'archive</h1>
-Les documents listés ci-dessous ont été soit écrits il y a longtemps et ne sont
-plus à jour, soit écrits pour des versions précédentes de Debian et n'ont
-pas été mis à jour pour la version actuelle. Leurs informations sont
-périmées, mais elle peuvent tout de même être intéressantes pour quelques
-<p>Les documents ayant perdu leur pertinence et n’étant plus d’aucune utilité,
-ont vu leurs références retirées, mais le code source de beaucoup de ces
-manuels peut être retrouvé dans le
-<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">grenier du Projet de documentation Debian</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="user">Documentation pour les utilisateurs</h2>
-<document "Documentation dselect pour débutants" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Ce fichier documente dselect pour les utilisateurs novices et son rôle est
-d'aider à installer Debian avec succès. Il n'explique
-pas tout, aussi quand vous rencontrerez dselect pour la première fois, naviguez
-à travers les écrans d'aide.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- au point mort&nbsp;: <a
- href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> a remplacé
- dselect en tant qu'interface standard de gestion des paquets Debian
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Guide de l'utilisateur" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Ce guide n'est rien d'autre que le <q>Progeny User's Guide</q>, réécrit et
-adapté pour le système Debian standard.
-Plus de 300&nbsp;pages pédagogiques pour débuter avec le système
-Debian, de l'interface graphique à la ligne de commande.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- Utile en tant que tutoriel, ce manuel a été écrit pour la version
- <em>Woody</em> et il est devenu obsolète.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Cours Debian" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Destiné au nouvel utilisateur qui vient d'installer Linux, ce manuel en
-facilite la découverte&nbsp;; il conviendra également à l'utilisateur néophyte
-d’un système qu'il n'administre pas.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- au point mort, incomplet ;
- il est peut-être rendu obsolète par le <a href="#quick-reference">\
- Guide de référence pour Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- incomplet
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Un manuel orienté vers l'utilisateur.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- prêt (mais pour <i>Potato</i>)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manuel de référence de l'utilisateur Debian" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Ce manuel fournit une vue d'ensemble sur tout ce qu'un utilisateur devrait
-savoir sur son système Debian GNU/Linux (c'est-à-dire la mise en place de
-X Window, comment configurer le réseau, accéder au lecteur de disquettes, etc.).
-Son rôle est de combler le fossé entre le Cours Debian et les pages
-détaillées de manuel et d'info fournies avec chaque paquet.
-Il a également été conçu pour donner des idées sur la manière de combiner les
-commandes, sur le principe d’Unix, qu'<em>il y a toujours plus d'une façon de
-faire la même chose</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- au point mort et assez incomplet&nbsp;;
- il est peut-être rendu obsolète par le <a href="#quick-reference">\
- Guide de référence pour Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manuel de l'administrateur système Debian" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Ce document est mentionné dans l'introduction de la Charte Debian. Il couvre
-tous les aspects de l'administration d'un système Debian.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- au point mort, incomplet&nbsp;;
- il est peut-être rendu obsolète par le <a href="#quick-reference">\
- Guide de référence pour Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- indisponible
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manuel de l'administrateur réseau Debian" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Ce manuel couvre tous les aspects de l'administration réseau d'un système
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- au point mort, incomplet&nbsp;;
- il est peut-être rendu obsolète par le <a href="#quick-reference">\
- Guide de référence pour Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- indisponible
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Add this to books, there's a revised edition (2nd) @ Amazon
-<document "The Linux Cookbook" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Ce mode d'emploi du système Debian GNU/Linux montre comment s'en servir
-quotidiennement avec efficacité, à travers plus de 1&nbsp;500 recettes allant
-de la manipulation de textes, d'images et de sons aux questions de productivité
-et de réseaux. Comme les logiciels qu'il décrit, ce livre est libre (NdT&nbsp;:
-<em>copylefted</em>) et ses sources sont disponibles.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- publié&nbsp;; écrit pour <em>Woody</em>, devenu obsolète
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">en ligne chez l'auteur</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "apt-HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Ce manuel tente d'être une source d'information rapide mais néanmoins
- complète sur le système APT et ses caractéristiques. Il contient beaucoup
- d'informations sur les utilisations principales d'APT ainsi que de nombreux
- exemples.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- obsolète depuis 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" vcstype="attic"/>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Documentation pour les développeurs</h2>
-<document "Introduction&nbsp;: créer un paquet Debian" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Introduction à la création d'un <code>.deb</code> en utilisant
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- au point mort ; rendu obsolète par le <a href="#maint-guide">Guide des
- nouveaux responsables</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">en ligne</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manuel des programmeurs Debian" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Aide les nouveaux développeurs à créer un paquet pour le système Debian
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- rendu obsolète par le <a href="#maint-guide">Guide des nouveaux
- responsables</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manuel de l'empaquetage Debian" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Ce manuel décrit les aspects techniques de la création de paquets binaires
- et de paquets sources Debian. Il documente également l'interface entre
- dselect et ses scripts de méthodes d'accès. Il ne traite pas des exigences
- définies par la Charte du projet Debian et il suppose une certaine
- familiarité avec les fonctions de dpkg du point de vue de l'administration
- d'un système.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- les parties propres à la Charte ont été intégrées dans
- <a href="devel-manuals#policy">debian-policy</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Comment les auteurs de logiciels peuvent distribuer leurs
-produits directement au format .deb" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
-La lecture de ce document constitue un bon point de départ pour les
-auteurs de logiciels qui souhaiteraient savoir comment intégrer leurs
-produits à l'intérieur de Debian, quelles sont les différentes situations
-et problèmes qui peuvent surgir en fonction des licences du produit et
-des choix de l'auteur, et quelles sont les possibilités pour y faire
-face. Ce document n'explique pas le processus de création des paquets,
-mais il fait référence aux manuels décrivant ce processus.
- <p>Vous devriez le lire si vous voulez vous familiariser et vous faire
- une idée générale de la création et distribution de paquets Debian,
- pour éventuellement y ajouter les vôtres.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- obsolète
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Introduction à i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Ce document décrit les concepts de base et pratiques pour l10n (régionalisation),
- i18n (internationalisation) et m17n (multilingualisation) pour les programmeurs
-et les responsables de paquets.
-<p>Le but de ce document est que plus de paquets gèrent i18n et de faire de Debian
-une distribution plus internationalisée. Les contributions du monde entier seront
-les bienvenues car l’auteur original est un locuteur japonais et ce document
-serait en japonais s’il n’existait aucune contribution.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- au point mort, obsolète
- </status>
- <availability>
- pas encore complet
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "SGML-XML HOWTO" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Ce HOWTO contient des informations pratiques sur l'utilisation du SGML et du
- XML sur un système d'exploitation Debian.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- au point mort, obsolète
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto" formats="html" srctype="SGML" vcstype="attic"/>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Charte Debian XML/SGML" "xml-sgml-policy">
- <div class="centerblock">
- <p>
- Des conseils pour les paquets Debian qui fournissent ou utilisent des
- ressources XML ou SGML.
- <doctable>
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- démarré en fusionnant la charte SGML actuelle issue de
- <tt>sgml-base-doc</tt> avec des éléments inédits abordant
- l'organisation du catalogue XML
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manuel DebianDoc-SGML Markup" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Documentation pour le système <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong>, incluant les
-meilleures pratiques et des conseils pour les responsables. De futures versions
-pourraient contenir des suggestions pour une construction et un entretien plus
-faciles de la documentation dans les paquets Debian, des directives pour
-l’organisation de la traduction de la documentation et d’autres informations très
-utiles. Consultez aussi le <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">bogue n° 43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- prêt
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Documentation diverse</h2>
-<document "Référentiels Debian HOWTO" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Ce document explique le fonctionnement et la création des référentiels
- Debian, ainsi que la syntaxe précise du fichier <tt>sources.list</tt>.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- prêt (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
- </doctable>
- </div>
-# This document has been added by French translators, it
-# describes l10n of a Debian box in French
-<document "Utiliser et configurer Debian pour le français" "l10n-french">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Rédigé en français, ce manuel explique comment franciser l'environnement
-Debian pour les distributions <em>Potato</em> et
- <authors "Nicolas Sabouret">
- <status>
- au point mort, obsolète
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "doc-debian-fr"><br>
- <inddpvcs name="fr/debian-fr-howto"
- langs="fr"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="git"
- vcsweb="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic/fr"
- vcsrepo="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic/fr.git"
- />
- </availability>
diff --git a/greek/doc/obsolete.wml b/greek/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 995239aa263..00000000000
--- a/greek/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,458 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Obsolete Documentation"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="4792632f7a20682a368627c66663b57ff1b3fa8b" maintainer="galaxico"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-<h1 id="historical">Historical documents</h1>
-<p>The documents listed below were either written a long time ago and
-are not up to date or have been written for previous versions of Debian
-and have not been updated to current versions. Their information is
-outdated, but may still be of interest to some.</p>
-<p>The documents that have lost their relevance and serve no purpose any
-more, have had their references removed, but the source code for many of
-these obsolete manuals can be found on the
-<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">DDP's attic</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="user">User oriented documentation</h2>
-<document "dselect Documentation for Beginners" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This file documents dselect for first-time users, and is intended to help
- in getting Debian installed successfully. It makes no attempt to explain
- everything, so when you first meet dselect, work through the help screens.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled: <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> has
- replaced dselect as the standard Debian package management interface
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "User's Guide" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-This <q>User's Guide</q> is nothing but a reformatted <q>Progeny User's Guide</q>.
-Contents are adjusted for the standard Debian system.</p>
-<p>Over 300 pages with a good tutorial to start using the Debian system
-from <acronym lang="en" title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> desktop
-and shell command line.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- Useful itself as a tutorial. Written for the woody release,
- getting obsolete.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Tutorial" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-This manual is for a new Linux user, to help such a user get acquainted
-with Linux once they have installed it, or for a new Linux user on a system
-which someone else is administering.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled; incomplete;
- probably obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- not yet complete
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
- A manual, oriented towards the end-user.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- ready (but it is for potato)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian User Reference Manual" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This manual provides at least an overview of everything a user should know
- about their Debian GNU/Linux system (i.e. setting up X, how to configure
- network, accessing floppy disks, etc.). It is intended to bridge the gap
- between the Debian Tutorial and the detailed manual and info pages
- supplied with each package.</p>
- <p>It is also intended to give some idea of how to combine commands, on
- the general Unix principle, that <em>there is always more than one way to
- do it</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled and quite incomplete;
- probably obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian System Administrator's Manual" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This document is mentioned in the introduction of the Policy manual.
- It covers all system administration aspects of a Debian system.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled; incomplete;
- probably obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- not yet available
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Network Administrator's Manual" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This manual covers all network administration aspects of a Debian system.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- stalled; incomplete;
- probably obsoleted by <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- not yet available
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Add this to books, there's a revised edition (2nd) @ Amazon
-<document "The Linux Cookbook" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
- A hands-on reference guide to the Debian GNU/Linux system that shows,
- in over 1,500 <q>recipes</q>, how to use it for everyday activities &mdash; from
- working with text, images, and sound to productivity and networking
- issues. Like the software the book describes, the book is copylefted
- and its source data is available.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- published; written for woody, getting obsolete
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">from the author</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This manual tries to be a quick but complete source of information
- about the APT system and its features. It contains much information
- about the main uses of APT and many examples.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- obsolete since 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" vcstype="attic"/>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Developer documentation</h2>
-<document "Introduction: Making a Debian Package" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Introduction on how to create a <code>.deb</code>, using
- <strong>debmake</strong>.
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- stalled, obsoleted by <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML online</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Programmers' Manual" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Helps new developers to create a package for the Debian GNU/Linux system.
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- obsoleted by <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Packaging Manual" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This manual describes the technical aspects of creating Debian binary
- and source packages. It also documents the interface between dselect
- and its access method scripts. It does not deal with the Debian
- Project policy requirements, and it assumes familiarity with dpkg's
- functions from the system administrator's perspective.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- Parts that were de facto policy were merged into
- <a href="devel-manuals#policy">debian-policy</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "How Software Producers can distribute their products directly in .deb format" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This document is intended as a starting point to explain how software
- producers can integrate their products with Debian, what different
- situations can arise depending on the license of the products and the
- choices of the producers, and what possibilities there are. It does not
- explain how to create packages, but it links to documents which do exactly
- that.
- <p>You should read this if you are not familiar with the big picture of
- creating and distributing Debian packages, and optionally with adding them
- to the Debian distribution.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- obsolete
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Introduction to i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This document describes basic idea and howto of l10n (localization),
- i18n (internationalization), and m17n (multilingualization) for
- programmers and package maintainers.
- <p>The aim of this document is to make more packages support i18n
- and to make Debian a more internationalized distribution.
- Contributions from all over the world will be welcome, because
- the original author is Japanese-speaker and this document would be
- on Japanization if there were no contributions.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- stalled, obsolete
- </status>
- <availability>
- not yet complete
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian SGML/XML HOWTO" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This HOWTO contains practical information about the use of SGML and XML
- on a Debian operating system.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- stalled, obsolete
- </status>
- <availability>
-# English only using index.html, so langs set.
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto"
- formats="html"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="attic"
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian XML/SGML Policy" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Subpolicy for Debian packages that provide and/or make use
- of XML or SGML resources.
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- dead
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "DebianDoc-SGML Markup Manual" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Documentation for the <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong> system,
- including best practices and hints for maintainers. Future versions
- should includes tips for easier maintenance and building of
- documentation in Debian packages, guidelines for organizing
- translation of documentation, and other helpful information.
- See also <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">bug #43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- ready
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Miscellaneous documentation</h2>
-<document "Debian Repository HOWTO" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- This document explains how Debian repositories work, how to create
- them, and how to add them to the <tt>sources.list</tt> correctly.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- ready (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
diff --git a/italian/doc/obsolete.wml b/italian/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ca7c905b1d..00000000000
--- a/italian/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,461 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Documentazione obsoleta"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="4792632f7a20682a368627c66663b57ff1b3fa8b" maintainer="Francesca Ciceri"
-#first translator and maintainer="Johan Haggi"
-<h1 id="historical">Documenti storici</h1>
-<p>I documenti qui elencati furono scritti parecchio tempo fa e
-non sono stati aggiornati oppure sono stati scritti per versioni precedenti di Debian
-e non sono stati aggiornati per la versione corrente. Il loro contenuto è quindi
-superato ma potrebbero avere ancora qualche utilità.</p>
-<p>I riferimenti ai documenti che hanno perso la loro importanza e che non
-hanno più alcuno scopo sono stati rimossi, tuttavia il codice sorgente di
-parecchi dei manuali obsoleti possono essere trovati nell'<a
-href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">attivo del DDP</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="user">Documentazione rivolta all'utente</h2>
-<document "dselect Documentation for Beginners (Guida a dselect per principianti)" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Illustra dselect ai nuovi utenti ed il suo obiettivo è aiutare
- ad installare con successo Debian. Non cerca di spiegare
- tutto, cosicché quando si userà dselect per la
- prima volta, si dovrà consultare anche la guida in linea.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- in stallo: <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> ha
- rimpiazzato dselect come interfaccia standard Debian per la gestione dei pacchetti
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "User's Guide" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Questa <q>User's Guide</q> è solo una nuova formattazione di <q>Progeny User's Guide</q>.
-I contenuti sono stati adattati al sistema standard Debian.</p>
-<p>Più di 300 pagine con un buon tutorial per iniziare ad usare il sistema Debian
-sia da <acronym lang="en" title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym> che dalla linea di comando.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- Utile come tutorial. Scritto per la release Woody,
- sta divenendo obsoleta.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Tutorial" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Questo manuale è per i nuovi utilizzatori di Linux, per aiutarli a conoscere
-Linux una volta installato, o per i nuovi utenti su un sistema Linux
-amministrato da qualcun altro.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- in stallo; incompleto;
- probabilmente reso obsoleto da <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference (La guida Debian)</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- non ancora completato
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Un manuale rivolto agli utenti finali.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- pronto (ma è per potato)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian User Reference Manual" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo manuale fornisce le nozioni di base di tutto quello che un utente dovrebbe sapere
- circa il suo sistema Debian GNU/Linux (impostare X, configurare
- una rete, accedere ai floppy disk, ecc.). È pensato per colmare il gap
- tra il <q>Debian Tutorial</q> e le dettagliate pagine man ed info
- fornite con ogni pacchetto.</p>
- <p>È anche pensato per dare alcuni spunti su come combinare comandi e sul
- principio Unix secondo cui: <em>there is always more than one way to
- do it (c'è sempre più di un modo di farlo)</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- in stallo e abbastanza incompleto;
- probabilmente reso obsoleto da <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference (La guida Debian)</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian System Administrator's Manual" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo documento è menzionato nell'introduzione del <q>Policy manual</q>.
- Esso copre tutti gli aspetti dell'amministrazione di un sistema Debian.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- in stallo; incompleto;
- probabilmente reso obsoleto da <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference (La guida Debian)</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- non ancora disponibile
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Network Administrator's Manual" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo manuale tratta tutti gli aspetti dell'amministrazione di rete di un sistema Debian.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- in stallo; incompleto;
- probabilmente reso obsoleto da <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debian Reference (La guida Debian)</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- non ancora disponibile
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Add this to books, there's a revised edition (2nd) @ Amazon
-<document "The Linux Cookbook" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Una guida che mostra, con oltre 1.500 <q>ricette</q>, come usare Debian GNU/Linux
- nel lavoro quotidiano: dal lavoro con testi, immagini e suoni ai problemi di
- rendimento e networking. Come il software che descrive, il libro è copylefted
- ed il sorgente è disponibile.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- pubblicato; scritto per woody, sta divenendo obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">from the author</a>
- </availability>
-<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo manuale cerca di essere una fonte di informazione rapida ma
- completa per il sistema APT e le sue caratteristiche. Contiene svariate
- informazioni sugli usi principali di APT e molti esempi.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- obsoleto dal 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" />
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Documentazione per gli sviluppatori</h2>
-<document "Introduction: Making a Debian Package" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Introduzione su come creare un <code>.deb</code>, usando
- <strong>debmake</strong>.
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- in stallo, reso obsoleto da <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML online</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Programmers' Manual" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Aiuta i nuovi sviluppatori a creare un pacchetto per il sistema Debian GNU/Linux.
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- reso obsoleto da <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Packaging Manual" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo manuale descrive gli aspetti tecnici della creazione di pacchetti Debian binari
- o di sorgenti. Documenta anche l'interfaccia tra dselect
- e gli script per i suoi metodi di accesso. Non tratta delle linee guida del Progetto
- Debian e presuppone una buona conoscenza del funzionamento di dpkg
- dal punto di vista dell'amministratore di sistema.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- Parti che erano le linee guida di fatto, sono state recentemente
- inserite nella <a href="devel-manuals#policy">debian-policy</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<document "How Software Producers can distribute their products directly in .deb format" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo documento è inteso come punto di partenza per mostrare come i
- produttori di software possano integrare i loro prodotti in Debian, quali
- diverse situazioni possono derivare a seconda della licenza dei prodotti
- e delle scelte dei produttori, quali opportunità ci sono. Non spiega come
- creare i pacchetti ma elenca i documenti che lo fanno.
- Si dovrebbe leggerlo se non si conosce bene il complesso lavoro della
- creazione e distribuzione dei pacchetti Debian e, facoltativamente, quando
- li si aggiunge alla distribuzione Debian.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<document "Introduction to i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo documento descrive le idee basilari ed il howto di l10n
- (localizzazione), di i18n (internazionalizzazione) e di m17n
- (multilinguaggio) per i programmatori ed i manutentori dei pacchetti.
- <p>Lo scopo di questo documento è di far sì che sempre più pacchetti
- supportino i18n e che Debian sia sempre più una distribuzione internazionale.
- Contributi da tutto il mondo saranno benvenuti, poiché
- l'autore originale parla giapponese e questo documento potrebbe essere
- solo sulla giapponesizzazione se non ci saranno contributi.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- in sviluppo
- </status>
- <availability>
- non ancora completato
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<document "Debian SGML/XML HOWTO" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo HOWTO contiene informazioni pratiche sull'uso di SGML e XML
- con un sistema operativo Debian.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- sospeso, obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto"
- formats="html"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="attic"
- />
- </availability>
-<document "Debian XML/SGML Policy" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Linee guida per i pacchetti Debian che forniscono e/o fanno uso
- di risorse XML o SGML.
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- È iniziata l'unione nelle attuali linee guida SGML di <tt>sgml-base-doc</tt>
- e di nuovi materiali per la gestione di documenti XML
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<document "DebianDoc-SGML Markup Manual" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Documentazione per <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong>,
- comprese le migliori regole e consigli per i manutentori. Le versioni future
- dovrebbero comprendere suggerimenti per una più facile manutenzione e costruzione della
- documentazione nei pacchetti Debian, linee guida per organizzare
- la traduzione della documentazione ed altre utili informazioni.
- Vedere anche <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">bug #43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- pronto
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Documentazione varia</h2>
-<document "Debian Repository HOWTO" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Questo documento spiega come funzionano i repository Debian, come crearli,
- come aggiungerli correttamente a <tt>sources.list</tt>.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- pronto (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
diff --git a/portuguese/doc/obsolete.wml b/portuguese/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index d60f6677ac0..00000000000
--- a/portuguese/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,474 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Documentação obsoleta"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="4792632f7a20682a368627c66663b57ff1b3fa8b"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-<h1 id="historical">Documentos históricos</h1>
-Os documentos listados abaixo foram escritos há muito tempo e não estão
-atualizados ou foram escritos para versões anteriores do Debian e não foram
-atualizados para as versões atuais. Suas informações estão desatualizadas,
-mas ainda podem ser do interesse de algumas pessoas.
-Os documentos que perderam relevância e não servem mais para nada tiveram
-suas referências removidas, mas o código-fonte de muitos desses manuais
-obsoletos pode ser encontrado no
-<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">sótão do DDP</a>.
-<h2 id="user">Documentação orientada ao(à) usuário(a)</h2>
-<document "dselect Documentation for Beginners" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este arquivo documenta o dselect para usuários(as) iniciantes, e tem como
-objetivo ajudar na instalação do Debian com sucesso. Ele não tenta explicar
-tudo; portanto, quando você usar o dselect pela primeira vez, navegue nas
-telas de ajuda.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- parado: o <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a>
- substituiu o dselect como a interface padrão de gerenciamento de pacotes no
- Debian
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "User's Guide" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este <q>guia do(a) usuário(a)</q> nada mais é que um <q>guia do(a) usuário(a)
-do Progeny</q> reformatado.
-Os conteúdos estão ajustados para o sistema Debian padrão.
-Mais de 300 páginas com um bom tutorial para começar a usar o sistema Debian a
-partir da
-<acronym lang="en" title="Graphical User Interface">interface gráfica do(a) usuário(a)</acronym>
-no desktop e da linha de comando shell.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- útil como um tutorial. Escrito para a versão woody, tornou-se obsoleto.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Tutorial" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este manual é para um(a) usuário(a) novato(a) no Linux, para ajudar esse(a)
-usuário(a) a se familiarizar com o Linux após a instalação, ou para um(a)
-usuário(a) novato(a) no Linux em um sistema que outra pessoa esteja administrando.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- parado; incompleto;
- provavelmente obsoleto pela <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">referência Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ainda não está completo
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Um manual orientado para o(a) usuário(a) final.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- pronto (mas é para o potato)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian User Reference Manual" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este manual fornece pelo menos uma visão geral de tudo o que um(a) usuário(a)
-deve saber sobre seu sistema Debian GNU/Linux (ou seja, configurar o X, como
-configurar a rede, acessar disquetes, etc). Ele pretende preencher a lacuna
-entre o tutorial do Debian e o manual detalhado e as páginas de informações
-fornecidas por cada pacote.
-Ele também pretende dar uma alguma ideia de como combinar comandos, segundo o
-princípio geral do Unix, de que <em>sempre existe mais de uma maneira de
-fazer algo</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- parado; bastante incompleto;
- provavelmente obsoleto pela <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">referência Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian System Administrator's Manual" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este documento é mencionado na introdução do manual de políticas.
-Ele cobre todos os aspectos de administração do sistema de um sistema Debian.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- parado; incompleto;
- provavelmente obsoleto pela <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">referência Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- não disponível ainda
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Network Administrator's Manual" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este manual cobre todos os aspectos de administração de rede de um sistema Debian.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- parado; incompleto;
- provavelmente obsoleto pela <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">referência Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- não disponível ainda
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Adicione isso aos livros, há uma edição revisada (2º) @ Amazon
-<document "The Linux Cookbook" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Um guia prático de referência para o sistema Debian GNU/Linux que mostra, em
-mais de 1.500 <q>receitas</q>, como usá-lo para atividades diárias &mdash; desde
-o trabalho com texto, imagens e som até produtividade e problemas de rede.
-Como o software que o livro descreve, o livro é livre (copyleft) e o fonte dos
-dados está disponível.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- publicado; escrito para a versão woody, tornou-se obsoleto.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">do autor</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este manual tenta ser uma fonte rápida, mas completa, de informações sobre o
-sistema APT e seus recursos. Ele contém muitas informações sobre os principais
-usos do APT e muitos exemplos.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- obsoleto desde 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" vcstype="attic"/>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Documentação para desenvolvedor(a)</h2>
-<document "Introduction: Making a Debian Package" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Introdução sobre como criar um <code>.deb</code>, usando
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- parado, obsoleto pelo <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">guia dos(as)
- novos(as) mantenedores(as)</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML online</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Programmers' Manual" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Ajuda novos(as) desenvolvedores(as) a criar um pacote para o sistema Debian
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- obsoleto pelo <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">guia dos(as) novos(as)
- mantenedores(as)</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian Packaging Manual" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este manual descreve os aspectos técnicos da criação de pacotes binários e de
-código-fonte do Debian. Ele também documenta a interface entre o dselect e seus
-scripts de método de acesso. Ele não lida com os requisitos da política do
-projeto Debian e assume familiaridade com as funções do dpkg da perspectiva
-do(a) administrador(a) do sistema.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- as partes que na realidade eram diretrizes foram incorporadas na
- <a href="devel-manuals#policy">política do Debian</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "How Software Producers can distribute their products directly in .deb format" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este documento pretende ser um ponto de partida para explicar como os(as)
-produtores(as) de software podem integrar seus produtos ao Debian, quais
-situações diferentes podem surgir, dependendo da licença dos produtos e das
-escolhas dos(as) produtores(as), e quais são as possibilidades que existem. Ele
-não explica como criar pacotes, mas referencia documentos que fazem exatamente
-Você deve ler isso se não estiver familiarizado com o panorama geral da criação
-e distribuição de pacotes Debian, e opcionalmente com a adição deles à
-distribuição Debian.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Introduction to i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este documento descreve a ideia básica e o howto de l10n (localização),
-i18n (internacionalização) e m17n (multilinguização) para programadores(as) e
-mantenedores(as) de pacotes.
-O objetivo deste documento é tornar mais pacotes compatíveis com o i18n e
-tornar o Debian uma distribuição mais internacionalizada.
-Contribuições de todo o mundo serão bem-vindas, porque o autor original é um
-falante de japonês e este documento seria em japonês se não houvesse
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- parado, obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
- ainda não está completo
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian SGML/XML HOWTO" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este HOWTO contém informações práticas sobre o uso de SGML e XML em um sistema
-operacional Debian.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- parado, obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
-# Apenas inglês apenas usando index.html, então defina o langs.
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto"
- formats="html"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="attic"
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian XML/SGML Policy" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Subpolítica para pacotes Debian que fornecem e/ou fazem uso de recursos XML ou
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- morto
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "DebianDoc-SGML Markup Manual" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Documentação para o sistema <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong>, incluindo
-melhores práticas e dicas para mantenedores(as). Versões futuras devem incluir
-dicas para facilitar a manutenção e construção de documentação nos pacotes
-Debian, diretrizes para organizar a tradução de documentação e outras
-informações úteis.
-Veja também o <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">bug #43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- pronto
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Documentação diversa</h2>
-<document "Debian Repository HOWTO" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este documento explica como os repositórios Debian funcionam, como criá-los e
-como adicioná-los ao <tt>sources.list</tt> corretamente.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- pronto (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
diff --git a/spanish/doc/obsolete.wml b/spanish/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6995629a0c8..00000000000
--- a/spanish/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,456 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Documentación obsoleta"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="4792632f7a20682a368627c66663b57ff1b3fa8b"
-<h1 id="historical">Documentos históricos</h1>
-<p>Los documentos listados a continuación, bien fueron escritos hace mucho tiempo y
-no están al día, o bien se han escrito para versiones anteriores de Debian
-y no se han actualizado para las versiones actuales. La información que contienen está
-desactualizada, pero todavía puede ser de interés para algunos.</p>
-<p>Los documentos que han perdido relevancia y ya no sirven a ningún propósito
-han sido eliminados de aquí, pero el código fuente de muchos de estos manuales
-obsoletos puede encontrarse en
-<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">el ático del Proyecto de Documentación de Debian</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="user">Documentación orientada al usuario</h2>
-<document "dselect Documentación para principiantes" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este fichero documenta «dselect» para nuevos usuarios con la intención de ayudar
- a instalar Debian con éxito. No intenta explicarlo
- todo, así que, cuando utilice «dselect» por primera vez, consulte las pantallas de ayuda.
- <authors "Stéphane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- congelado: <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> ha
- sustituido a «dselect» como interfaz estándar de gestión de paquetes de Debian.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk vcstype="attic"">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Guía de usuario («User's Guide»)" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Esta <q>guía de usuario</q> no es más que una <q>guía de usuario de Progeny</q> reformateada.
-Su contenido está adaptado al sistema Debian estándar.</p>
-<p>Más de 300 páginas con un buen tutorial para empezar a utilizar el sistema Debian
-tanto desde la <acronym lang="es" title="Interfaz gráfica de usuario («Graphical User Interface»)">GUI</acronym> de escritorio
-como desde línea de órdenes.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- Útil en sí mismo como tutorial. Fue escrito para la versión woody
- y se ha quedado obsoleto.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" no es redundante, añade el sufijo de idioma necesario al enlace
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Tutorial de Debian («Debian Tutorial»)" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Este manual es para nuevos usuarios de Linux, para ayudarles a conocerlo
-una vez lo han instalado, o bien para nuevos usuarios de Linux en un sistema
-administrado por otra persona.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- congelado; incompleto;
- probablemente obsoleto tras la <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Guía de referencia de Debian</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- no completo aún
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guía de instalación y uso («Debian GNU/Linux: Guide to Installation and Usage»)" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Un manual orientado al usuario final.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- listo (pero es para potato).
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manual de referencia del usuario de Debian («Debian User Reference Manual»)" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este manual proporciona cuando menos una visión general de todo lo que un usuario debería saber
- sobre el sistema Debian GNU/Linux (por ejemplo: configuración de X, cómo configurar
- la red, acceso a discos flexibles, etc.). Ha sido escrito con la intención de cubrir la brecha
- entre el tutorial de Debian y las detalladas páginas de manual e «info»
- proporcionadas con cada paquete.</p>
- <p>También tiene la intención de dar algunas ideas sobre cómo combinar órdenes, basándose en
- el principio general de Unix de que <em>siempre hay más de una forma de
- hacerlo</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- congelado y bastante incompleto;
- probablemente obsoleto tras la <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Guía de referencia de Debian</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manual del administrador del sistema Debian («Debian System Administrator's Manual»)" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
- En la introducción del manual de normas («Policy manual») se menciona este documento.
- Cubre todos los aspectos de administración de un sistema Debian.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- congelado; incompleto;
- probablemente obsoleto tras la <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Guía de referencia de Debian</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- no disponible todavía.
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manual del administrador de red con Debian («Debian Network Administrator's Manual»)" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este manual cubre todos los aspectos de administración de redes en un sistema Debian.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- congelado; incompleto;
- probablemente obsoleto tras la <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Guía de referencia de Debian</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- no disponible todavía.
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Añadir este a la relación de libros, hay una edición revisada (segunda) en Amazon
-<document "El libro de recetas de Linux («The Linux Cookbook»)" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Una guía de referencia práctica del sistema Debian GNU/Linux que muestra,
- a través de más de 1.500 <q>recetas</q>, cómo usarlo para actividades de cada día (desde
- trabajar con texto, imágenes y sonido hasta cuestiones de productividad y
- redes). El propio libro se distribuye con «copyleft», igual que el software que describe,
- y su código fuente está disponible.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- publicado; fue escrito para woody y se ha quedado obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">del autor</a>
- </availability>
-<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este manual quiere ser una fuente de información rápida, pero completa,
- sobre el sistema APT y sus características. Contiene mucha información
- sobre los usos principales de APT y muchos ejemplos.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- obsoleto desde 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" vcstype="attic"/>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Documentación para desarrolladores</h2>
-<document "Introducción: hacer un paquete Debian («Introduction: Making a Debian Package»)" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Introducción a cómo construir un <code>.deb</code> usando
- <strong>debmake</strong>.
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- congelado, obsoleto tras la <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">Guía del nuevo desarrollador de Debian</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML en línea</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manual de programadores Debian («Debian Programmers' Manual»)" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Ayuda a los nuevos desarrolladores a construir un paquete para el sistema Debian GNU/Linux.
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- obsoleto tras la <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">Guía del nuevo desarrollador de Debian</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Manual del autor de paquetes Debian («Debian Packaging Manual»)" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este manual describe los aspectos técnicos de la construcción de paquetes
- binarios y fuentes. También documenta la interfaz entre «dselect»
- y sus «scripts» de métodos de acceso. No trata los requisitos normativos
- del proyecto Debian, y asume familiaridad con las funciones de
- «dpkg» desde la perspectiva del administrador del sistema.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- Partes que eran normas de facto se integraron en
- el <a href="devel-manuals#policy">Manual de normas de Debian («debian-policy»)</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<document "Cómo pueden distribuir los Productores de Software sus
-productos directamente en formato .deb" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este documento está pensado como un punto de inicio al explicar cómo
- los productores de software pueden integrar sus productos con Debian,
- qué situaciones pueden surgir dependiendo de la licencia de
- los productos, las opciones de los productores y las posibilidades que
- tienen. No explica cómo crear paquetes, pero enlaza a documentos que
- hacen justo eso.
- <p>Debería leer esto si no está en general familiarizado con la
- creación y distribución de paquetes para Debian y, opcionalmente,
- con su adición a la distribución.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- Disponible (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Introducción a la i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este documento explica a los programadores y mantenedores de paquetes
- la idea básica y <q>cómo hacer</q> l10n (localización), i18n
- (internacionalización) y m17n (multilingualización).
- <p>El objetivo de este documento es hacer que haya más paquetes con
- soporte de i18n y conseguir que Debian sea una distribución más
- internacionalizada. Son bienvenidas las contribuciones de cualquier
- parte del mundo, ya que el autor original es japonés y su
- documento sería sobre <q>japonización</q> si nadie contribuyera.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- parado, obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
- sin completar aún
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Cómo de Debian sobre SGML/XML («Debian SGML/XML HOWTO»)" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este «Cómo» contiene información práctica sobre el uso de SGML y XML
- en un sistema operativo Debian.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- parado, obsoleto
- </status>
- <availability>
-# English only using index.html, so langs set.
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto"
- formats="html"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="attic"
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Normativa para Debian XML/SGML" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Subnorma para paquetes de Debian que proporcionen o hagan uso de
- recursos XML o SGML.
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- Empezando, fusionando la norma actual sobre SGML de
- <tt>sgml-base-doc</tt> y nuevo material para la gestión del catálogo XML
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<document "Manual de marcas de DebianDoc-SGML" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Documentación para el sistema <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong>,
- incluyendo consejos para los mantenedores. Las próximas versiones
- deberían incluir consejos para un mejor mantenimiento y procesado de
- documentación en paquetes Debian, directivas para organizar la
- traducción de la documentación y otras informaciones de interés.
- Véase también <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">bug #43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- listo
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Documentación miscelánea</h2>
-<document "Guía de repositorios Debian («Debian Repository HOWTO»)" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Este documento explica cómo funcionan los repositorios Debian, cómo crearlos
- y cómo incluirlos correctamente en <tt>sources.list</tt>.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- listo (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
diff --git a/swedish/doc/obsolete.wml b/swedish/doc/obsolete.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index badb6d652a6..00000000000
--- a/swedish/doc/obsolete.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,462 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Förlegad dokumentation"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/manuals.defs"
-#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/obsolete.defs"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="4792632f7a20682a368627c66663b57ff1b3fa8b"
-<h1 id="historical">Historiska dokument</h1>
-<p>De dokument som listas nedan skrevs antingen för väldigt länge sedan och
-är inte uppdaterade eller har skrivits för tidigare versioner av Debian
-och har inte uppdaterats till aktuella versioner. Information i dessa dokument är
-gammal, men kan ändå vara av intresse för någon.</p>
-<p>De dokument som har förlorat sin relevans och inte har något syfte längre
-har fått sina referenser borttagna, men källkoden för dessa föråldrade manualer
-finns fortfarande på
-<a href="https://salsa.debian.org/ddp-team/attic">DDP's vind</a>.</p>
-<h2 id="user">Användaroriented dokumentation</h2>
-<document "dselect-dokumentation för nybörjare" "dselect">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denna fil dokumenterar dselect för förstagångsanvändare och är tänkt som en hjälp
- till att installera Debian framgångsrikt. Den försöker inte förklara
- allt, så när du möter dselect för första gången, arbeta med hjälp av hjälpskärmarna.
- <authors "St&eacute;phane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- avstannad: <a href="https://packages.debian.org/aptitude">aptitude</a> har
- ersatt dselect som Debians standardpakethanteringsgränssnitt
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="dselect-beginner" formats="html txt pdf ps"
- langs="ca cs da de en es fr hr it ja pl pt ru sk" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Användarguide" "users-guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Denna <q>Användarguide</q> är inget annat än en omformatterad <q>Användarguide för Progeny</q>.
-Innehållet har anpassats till Debians standardsystem.</p>
-<p>Över 300 sidor med en bra genomgång kring hur man börjar använda Debiansystemet
-från <acronym lang="en" title="Graphical User Interface">GUI</acronym>-skrivbord
-och skalkommandoraden.
- <authors "Progeny Linux Systems, Inc.">
- <maintainer "Osamu Aoki (&#38738;&#26408; &#20462;)">
- <status>
- Användbar som en genomgång. Skriven för Woody-utgåvan,
- blir alltmer utdaterad.
- </status>
- <availability>
-# langs="en" isn't redundant, it adds the needed language suffix to the link
- <inddpvcs name="users-guide" index="users-guide" langs="en" formats="html txt pdf" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debiangenomgång" "tutorial">
-<div class="centerblock">
-Denna manual är riktad till en ny Linuxanvändare, för att hjälpa denna att bekanta sig
-med Linux efter att de har installerat det, eller till en ny Linuxanvändare på ett system
-som någon annan administrerar.
- <authors "Havoc Pennington, Oliver Elphick, Ole Tetlie, James Treacy,
- Craig Sawyer, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <editors "Havoc Pennington">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- avstannad; ofullständig;
- förmodligen ersatt av <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debianreferens</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- inte komplett
- <inddpvcs name="debian-tutorial" vcsname="tutorial" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian GNU/Linux: Guide till installation och användning" "guide">
-<div class="centerblock">
- En manual riktad till slutanvändaren.
- <authors "John Goerzen, Ossama Othman">
- <editors "John Goerzen">
- <status>
- färdig (men för potato)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "debian-guide">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debians användarreferensmanual" "userref">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denna manual tillhandahåller åtminstone en överblick kring allt en användare bör veta
- om sitt Debian GNU/Linux-system (d.v.s. sätta upp X, hur man konfigurerar
- nätverket, kommer åt disketter, etc.). Det är menat att fylla glappet
- mellan Debiangenomgången och de detaljerade manual- och infosidor
- som följer med varje paket.</p>
- <p>Den är också menad att ge en idé om hur man kombinerar kommandon, i linje med
- den generella Unixprincipen att <em>det finns alltid mer än ett sätt att
- göra det</em>.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Jason D. Waterman, Havoc Pennington,
- Oliver Elphick, Bruce Evry, Karl-Heinz Zimmer">
- <editors "Thalia L. Hooker, Oliver Elphick">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- avstannad och ganska ofullständig;
- förmodligen utdaterad av <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debianreferensen</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="user" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debiansystemadministratörsmanual" "system">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Detta dokument nämns i introduktionen till policymanualen.
- Det täcker alla systemadministrationsaspekter av ett Debiansystem.
- <authors "Tapio Lehtonen">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- avstannad; ofullständig;
- förmodligen utdaterad av <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debianreferensen</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ännu inte tillgänglig
- <inddpvcs name="system-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debiannätverksadministratörsmanual" "network">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denna manual täcker alla nätverksadministrationsaspekter av ett Debiansystem.
- <authors "Ardo van Rangelrooij, Oliver Elphick, Duncan C. Thomson, Ivan E. Moore II">
- <maintainer "(?)">
- <status>
- avstannad; ofullständig;
- förmodligen utdaterad av <a href="user-manuals#quick-reference">Debianreferensen</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- ännu inte tillgänglig
- <inddpvcs name="network-administrator" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-# Add this to books, there's a revised edition (2nd) @ Amazon
-<document "The Linux Cookbook" "linuxcookbook">
-<div class="centerblock">
- En referensguide till Debian GNU/Linux-systemet som visar,
- med hjälp av fler än 1500 <q>recept</q>, hur man använder det för allehanda daliga aktiviteter &ndash; från
- arbete med text, bilder och ljud till produktivitets- och nätverksfrågor.
- Precis som den mjukvara boken beskriver, är den <q>copyleft</q>
- och dess källkod finns tillgänglig.
- <authors "Michael Stutz">
- <status>
- publicerad; skriven för woody, börjar bli utdaterad
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "linuxcookbook">
- <p><a href="http://dsl.org/cookbook/">från författaren</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "APT HOWTO" "apt-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denna manual försöker vara en snabb men komplett informationskälla
- om APT-systemet och dess funktioner. Den innehåller mycket information
- om huvudanvändingsområdena för APT och flera exempel.
- <authors "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <maintainer "Gustavo Noronha Silva">
- <status>
- förlegad sedan 2009
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "apt-howto">
- <inddpvcs name="apt-howto" langs="en ca cs de es el fr it ja pl pt-br ru uk tr zh-tw zh-cn"
- formats="html txt pdf ps" naming="locale" vcstype="attic"/>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="devel">Utvecklardokumentation</h2>
-<document "Introduktion: Att göra ett Debianpaket" "makeadeb">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Introduktion om hur man gör en <code>.deb</code> med hjälp av
- <strong>debmake</strong>.
- <authors "Jaldhar H. Vyas">
- <status>
- avstannad, utdaterad av <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">Debian New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <a href="https://people.debian.org/~jaldhar/">HTML online</a>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debianprogrammerarens manual" "programmers">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Hjälper nya utvecklare att skapa ett paket för Debian GNU/Linux-systemet.
- <authors "Igor Grobman">
- <status>
- utdaterad av <a href="devel-manuals#maint-guide">New Maintainers' Guide</a>
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="programmer" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debians paketeringshandbok" "packman">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Denna handbok beskriver de tekniska aspekterna vad gäller att skapa
- binär- och källkodspaket för Debian.
- Den beskriver även gränssnittet mellan dselect och dess åtkomstskript.
- Den hanterar inte Debianprojektets policykrav, och förutsätter
- förtrogenhet med dpkgs funktioner från systemadministratörens synvinkel.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Klee Dienes, David A. Morris, Christian Schwarz">
- <status>
- Delar som var de facto-policy flyttades nyligen in i
- <a href="devel-manuals#policy">debian-policy</a>.
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inoldpackage "packaging-manual">
- </availability>
-<document "Hur programvaruproducenter kan distribuera sina program direkt i .deb-formatet" "swprod">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Detta dokument är avsedd som en startpunkt för att förklara hur
- programvaruproducenter kan integrera sina produkter med Debian, vilka olika
- situationer kan uppkomma beroende på produktens licens och producenternas
- olika val, samt vilka möjligheter som finns.
- Den förklarar inte hur man skapar paket, utan länkar till dokument som gör
- precis det.
- <p>Du bör läsa denna om du inte känner till de övergripande dragen i att
- skapa och distribuera Debianpaket, och möjligen även med att lägga dem till
- Debiandistributionen.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- klar (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-distribute-deb>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Introduction to i18n" "i18n">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Detta dokument beskriver den grundläggande idén med och hur man utför
- lokalanpassning (<span lang=en>l10n, localization</span>),
- internationalisering (<span lang=en>i18n, internationalization</span>),
- och flerspråksanpassning (<span lang=en>m17n, multilingualization</span>)
- för programmerare och paketansvariga.
- <p>Målet med detta dokument är att få fler paket att stöda
- internationalisering och göra Debian en mer internationaliserad
- distribution.
- Bidrag från hela världen välkomnas då originalförfattaren är
- japansktalande och detta dokument skulle handla om japanskanpassning om
- det inte funnes några bidragslämnare.
- <authors "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <maintainer "Tomohiro KUBOTA (&#20037;&#20445;&#30000;&#26234;&#24195;)">
- <status>
- avstannad, inaktuell
- </status>
- <availability>
- ännu ej klar
- <inddpvcs-intro-i18n>
- </availability>
-<hr />
-<document "Debian SGML/XML HOWTO" "sgml-howto">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Detta HOWTO-dokument innehåller praktisk information om hur man använder
- SGML och XML på operativsystemet Debian.
- <authors "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <maintainer "Stephane Bortzmeyer">
- <status>
- avstannat, inaktuellt
- </status>
- <availability>
-# English only using index.html, so langs set.
- <inddpvcs name="sgml-howto"
- formats="html"
- srctype="SGML"
- vcstype="attic"
- />
- </availability>
- </doctable>
- </div>
-<document "Debians riktlinjer för XML/SGML" "xml-sgml-policy">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Delpolicy för Debianpaket som tillhandahåller och/eller använder
- XML- eller SGML-resurser.
- <authors "Mark Johnson, Ardo van Rangelrooij, Adam Di Carlo">
- <status>
- igångsatt, tar in nuvarande SGML-riktlinjer från <tt>sgml-base-doc</tt>
- samt nytt material för XML-kataloghantering
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs-xml-sgml-policy>
- </availability>
-<document "DebianDoc-SGML Markup Manual" "markup">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Dokumentation för <strong>debiandoc-sgml</strong>-systemet,
- inklusive bästa sätt att utföra saker på och tips för utvecklare.
- Framtida versioner bör innehålla tips om förenklat underhåll och
- för att bygga dokumentation i Debianpaket, riktlinjer för att
- organisera översättningar av dokumentation, och annan hjälpsam
- information.
- Se även <a href="https://bugs.debian.org/43718">felrapport 43718</a>.
- <authors "Ian Jackson, Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <maintainer "Ardo van Rangelrooij">
- <status>
- klar
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inpackage "debiandoc-sgml-doc">
- <inddpvcs-debiandoc-sgml-doc>
- </availability>
-<h2 id="misc">Blandad dokumentation</h2>
-<document "Guide till Debianarkiv" "repo">
-<div class="centerblock">
- Detta dokument förklarar hur Debianarkiv fungerar, hur man skapar dem,
- samt hur man lägger dem till <tt>sources.list</tt> på rätt sätt.
- <authors "Aaron Isotton">
- <maintainer "Aaron Isotton">
- <status>
- klar (?)
- </status>
- <availability>
- <inddpvcs name="repository-howto" index="repository-howto"
- formats="html" langs="en fr de uk ta" vcstype="attic">
- </availability>

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