path: root/chinese/CD
diff options
authorLaura Arjona Reina <larjona@debian.org>2020-11-01 19:24:31 +0100
committerLaura Arjona Reina <larjona@debian.org>2020-11-01 19:24:31 +0100
commit76c94b9d47e66f6f753a24579ddfee72f4e28534 (patch)
tree709269b0508129ed908eb6905af031a287ebf819 /chinese/CD
parent1cc96aa40a8960143093849435cf326636e8d9fc (diff)
Sync with English (remove /CD/releases)
Diffstat (limited to 'chinese/CD')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 336 deletions
diff --git a/chinese/CD/releases/Makefile b/chinese/CD/releases/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f19c095e2..00000000000
--- a/chinese/CD/releases/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/chinese,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/chinese/CD/releases/index.wml b/chinese/CD/releases/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 990552669c9..00000000000
--- a/chinese/CD/releases/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,335 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::cdimage title="Debian 光碟映像檔發行情報" BARETITLE=true
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="981a8578736a09678fc193cac33fe0f2ff036381" maintainer="Kanru Chen"
-# $Id$
-# Translator: "Allen H.Y. Chin" <allenchin.ee91g@nctu.edu.tw>, 2002/11/20
-# Checked by foka, 2002/11/20 (我未 check 完,不過大致上 OK。)
-#<p>This page contains some last-minute information regarding the official
-#Debian CD images. <em>Focus is on problems specific to CD images</em> - see
-#the <a href="$(HOME)/releases/">general release information</a> for issues
-#which are not limited to people who install from CD-ROM.</p>
-<p>本網頁包含過去正式發行版本的 Debian 光碟映像檔資訊。</p>
-目前正式發行版的資訊可以在<a href="$(HOME)/releases/stable/debian-installer/">
-<hrline />
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 4.0 rev2" version="4.0 rev2">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 4.0 rev1" version="4.0 rev1">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 4.0 rev0" version="4.0 rev0">
- <p>如果您使用光碟安裝並且在安裝過程中選擇了鏡像站台,則有機會在安裝後
- 檔案 <tt>/etc/apt/sources.list</tt> 中是指向 <q>sarge</q> 而不是 <q>etch</q>。<br />
- 這只有在您選擇的鏡像站台不夠新,仍然將 stable 指向 sarge 時會發生。
- 使用者在發行後馬上從光碟安裝 etch 的,建議檢查 <tt>sources.list</tt> 檔案
- 並將 <q>sarge</q> 取代為 <q>etch</q>。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev6a" version="3.1 rev6a">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev6" version="3.1 rev6">
- <p>在 3.1r6 的安裝光碟映像檔發現一個瑕疵:因為缺少一個 <q>oldstable</q> 的符號連結,安裝會立即失敗。更新後的光碟映像檔可以正常運作。</p>
- <p>此問題已在 3.1r6a 映像檔中修復。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev5" version="3.1 rev5">
- <p>安裝在 i386, hppa, ia64 與 s390 硬體架構時,安裝程式可能會選擇錯誤的核心。<br/>
- 你可以利用開機參數 <tt>debconf/priority=medium</tt> 避開這個問題。這會列出所有可用的核心供手動選擇適當地核心。</p>
- <p>抱歉造成不便;我們會在 r6 修好這個問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev4" version="3.1 rev4">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev3" version="3.1 rev3">
- <p>CD#1 包含多餘的檔案,忘記在發行 3.1r3 時刪除。這造成兩個問題:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>用這些映像檔安裝的核心有時會裝到光碟上較舊的檔案。安裝完成後更新核心套件即可。</li>
- <li>因為 CD#1 上多餘的檔案佔用了多餘空間,一些原本在 CD#1 的套件裝不下了。如果你希望用光碟安裝這些套件,你會需要使用 CD#2。</li>
- </ul>
- <p>很抱歉造成困擾;我們會在 r4 時修好這些問題。DVD 映像檔以及網路安裝應該不受影響。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev2" version="3.1 rev2">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev1" version="3.1 rev1">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev0a" version="3.1 rev0a">
- <p>光碟中的 README 檔案顯示此 CD 為非官方測試版。這是<em>錯的</em>,這的確是官方正式發布的光碟。抱歉造成混淆。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.1 rev0" version="3.1 rev0">
- <p>從這些映像檔安裝會有<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2005/06/msg00003.html">安裝錯誤安全更新位置到 /etc/apt/sources.list</a>的問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.0 rev6" version="3.0 rev6">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.0 rev5" version="3.0 rev5">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.0 rev4" version="3.0 rev4">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.0 rev3" version="3.0 rev3">
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.0 rev2" version="3.0 rev2">
-# <p>No known problems.</p>
- <p>目前沒有發現任何問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.0 rev1" version="3.0 rev1">
-# <p>No known problems.</p>
- <p>目前沒有發現任何問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 3.0 rev0" version="3.0 rev0">
-# <p>The CD's README states that the CD is an unofficial beta. The
-# README is wrong, it <em>is</em> the official CD release. Sorry for
-# the confusion.</p>
- <p>README [CN:文件:][HKTW:檔案:]宣稱光碟中包含的是測試版,這並不正確。光碟中包含的是<em>正式發行版</em>。我們謹對可能造成的困惑致歉。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 2.2 rev7" version="2.2 rev7">
-# <p>No known problems.</p>
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 2.2 rev6" version="2.2 rev6">
-# <p>No known problems.</p>
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <release-notes title="Official Debian 2.2 rev5" version="2.2 rev5">
-# <p>No known problems.</p>
- <p>目前沒有發現問題。</p>
- </release-notes>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <dt><strong>Official Debian 2.2 rev4 and rev4.1</strong></dt>
- <dd>
-# <p>The original 2.2rev4 CDs for the powerpc architecture
-# were not bootable. They were regenerated - the resulting
-# 2.2rev4.1 release does not differ from 2.2rev4 except on
-# powerpc.</p>
- <p>原本給 powerpc 使用的 2.2rev4 光碟無法正常開機,重新發行的可開機光碟版本稱為 2.2rev4.1。除了 powerpc 以外,其它各種硬體架構用的版本均沒有作任何修改。 </p>
- </dd>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <dt><strong>Official Debian 2.2 rev3</strong></dt>
- <dd>
-# <p>Toshiba laptops are reported to have problems booting off the CDs
-# because their BIOS
-# <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0104/msg01326.html">cannot
-# handle</a> 2.88MB boot images. The easiest way to start installing
-# Debian on these machines is by running <tt>boot.bat</tt> from the
-# <tt>install/</tt> directory of the Binary-1 CD.</p>
- <p>Toshiba 的手提型電腦由於 BIOS 無法正確辨認 2.88MB 開機映像檔,因此無法開機。
- (<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-0104/msg01326.html">相關資訊</a>)
- 最簡單的解決方案是改由 Binary-1 光碟中的 <tt>install/</tt> 目錄下執行 <tt>boot.bat</tt>,以進行 Debian 安裝[CN:過程:][HKTW:程序:]。
-# <p>Not all packages from section "contrib" are included on the CDs,
-# since they depend on non-free packages that are also not on the CDs.</p>
- <p>某些 <q>contrib</q> 類別的套件並沒有包含在光碟中,原因是這些套件所依賴的 non-free 套件也沒有包含在光碟中。</p>
-# <p>The problems with the <tt>gpm</tt> text-mode mouse driver have still
-# not been resolved. See in the "2.2 rev0" section below for more
-# info.</p>
- <p><tt>gpm</tt>(文字模式滑鼠驅動程式)仍包含未解決的問題。更詳細的說明請見 <q>2.2 rev0</q> 部份。</p>
- </dd>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <dt><strong>Official Debian 2.2 rev2</strong></dt>
- <dd>
-# <p>Not all packages from section "contrib" are included on
-# the CDs, since they depend on non-free packages that are
-# also not on the CDs.</p>
- <p>某些 <q>contrib</q> 類別的套件並沒有包含在光碟中,原因是這些套件所依賴的 non-free 套件也沒有包含在光碟中。</p>
-# <p>The problems with the <tt>gpm</tt> text-mode mouse
-# driver have still not been resolved. See in the "2.2 rev0"
-# section below for more info.</p>
- <p><tt>gpm</tt>(文字模式滑鼠驅動程式)仍包含未解決的問題。更詳細的說明請見 "2.2 rev0" 部份。</p>
- </dd>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <dt><strong>Official Debian 2.2 rev1</strong></dt>
- <dd>
-# <p>No CD images were created for the 2.2 rev1 release.</p>
- <p>此發行版本並沒有製作光碟映像檔。</p>
- </dd>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <dt><strong>Official Debian 2.2 rev0</strong></dt>
- <dd>
-# <p>Not all packages from section "contrib" are included on the CDs,
-# since they depend on non-free packages that are also not on the CDs.</p>
- <p>某些 "contrib" 類別的套件並沒有包含在光碟中,原因是這些套件所依賴的 non-free 套件也沒有包含在光碟中。</p>
-# <p><strong>i386</strong>: There are some issues with the <tt>gpm</tt>
-# text-mode mouse driver while running the X Window System. The easiest
-# solution is to remove the line
-# <tt>repeat_type=<i>&lt;something&gt;</i></tt> from
-# <tt>/etc/gpm.conf</tt>, running "<tt>/etc/init.d/gpm&nbsp;restart</tt>"
-# and then restart X. Other solutions are possible, ask the
-# <a href="mailto:gpm@packages.debian.org">gpm maintainer</a> to supply
-# more documentation.</p>
- <p><strong>i386</strong>執行 X Window System 時,會與 <tt>gpm</tt>(文字模式滑鼠驅動程式)會發生衝突。最簡單的解決方案是由 <tt>/etc/gpm.conf</tt> 移除 <tt>repeat_type=<em>&lt;something&gt;</em></tt>,然後執行 <q><tt>/etc/init.d/gpm&nbsp;restart</tt></q> 來重新啟動 gpm,接著再重新啟動 X。其他的解決方案請向 <a href="mailto:gpm@packages.debian.org">gpm 維護者</a> 洽詢。</p>
-# <p><strong>i386</strong>: The previously available Binary-2 CD image had
-# a one-bit problem that prevented the package "<tt>pdksh</tt>" from being
-# installed. Repairing your own image is very easy with the
-# <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-i386-2.c">correct-i386-2.c</a>
-# program.</p>
- <p><strong>i386</strong>:原版的 Binary-2 光碟映像檔有問題,以致於 "<tt>pdksh</tt>" 套件無法安裝。您可以藉由 <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-i386-2.c">correct-i386-2.c</a> 編譯出的程式來修正光碟映像檔。</p>
-# <p>Thanks to <a href="mailto:kteague@sprocket.dhis.net">Ken Teague</a>
-# we also have a precompiled
-# <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-i386-2.zip">Windows
-# version</a>; usage: extract the <tt>.zip</tt> in the dir where the
-# <tt>binary-i386-2.iso</tt> file is sitting, then in a DOS box change to
-# that directory and give the command "<tt>correct-i386-2
-# binary-i386-2.iso</tt>".</p>
- <p>感謝 <a href="mailto:kteague@sprocket.dhis.net">Ken Teague</a>。我們也提供了預先編譯完成的 <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-i386-2.zip">Windows 版修正程式</a>,使用方法如下:將 <tt>.zip</tt> 解開至 <tt>binary-i386-2.iso</tt> 所在目錄,開啟 DOS 視窗並切換至該目錄,然後執行 <q><tt>correct-i386-2 binary-i386-2.iso</tt></q> 來進行修正。</p>
-# <p>If you have a CD-ROM, which you obviously cannot repair, the easiest
-# option to get <tt>pdksh</tt> is to
-# <a href="http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/shells/pdksh_5.2.14-1.deb">download
-# it</a> (212 kB) and install with "<tt>dpkg -i pdksh_5.2.14-1.deb</tt>".
-# But you can also copy the file from the CD to a temporary directory and
-# use the same
-# <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-i386-2.c">correct-i386-2.c</a>
-# program, but then you should modify it so that <tt>POS</tt> is
-# <tt>0x64de</tt>.</p>
- <p>若您持有的是無法修復的光碟而非映像檔,您可以 <a href="http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/potato/main/binary-i386/shells/pdksh_5.2.14-1.deb">下載<tt>pdksh</tt>套件</a> (212 kB) 並執行 <q><tt>dpkg -i pdksh_5.2.14-1.deb</tt></q> 進行安裝。 您也可以將光碟中的[CN:文件:][HKTW:檔案:]複製到暫存目錄,並以上述的 <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-i386-2.c">correct-i386-2.c</a> 來修正,但您必須修改程式原始碼,將 <tt>POS</tt> 設定為 <tt>0x64de</tt>。</p>
-# <p><strong>PowerPC</strong>: The powerpc Binary-1_NONUS and Binary-3 CD
-# images are also plagued by a one-bit problem, preventing
-# "<tt>smbfs</tt>" and "<tt>gimp-manual</tt>" respectively from being
-# installed. Repaired versions are (slowly) propagating to the mirrors,
-# but you can repair your own images very easily with the
-# <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-powerpc-1_NONUS.c">correct-powerpc-1_NONUS.c</a>
-# and
-# <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-powerpc-3.c">correct-powerpc-3.c</a>
-# programs. These also contain information on repairing the affected
-# packages individually when copied from CD (which is especially useful
-# for the 15MB-sized "<tt>gimp-manual</tt>").</p>
- <p><strong>PowerPC</strong>: Binary-1_NONUS 及 Binary-3 光碟映像檔均有問題,這些問題分別導致 <q><tt>smbfs</tt></q> 及 <q><tt>gimp-manual</tt></q> 套件無法安裝。 修復過的映像檔正逐漸更新至各映射網站,您也可以分別使用 <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-powerpc-1_NONUS.c">correct-powerpc-1_NONUS.c</a> 及 <a href="https://cdimage.debian.org/~costar/correct_cds/correct-powerpc-3.c">correct-powerpc-3.c</a> 來修正映像檔。上述程式也包含將套件個別複製到暫存區並予以修復的方法,(這對 15MB 大小的 <q><tt>gimp-manual</tt></q> 套件可能特別有用)。</p>
-# <p><strong>Sparc</strong>: The 2.2 rev0 CDs have a problem when booting
-# from the Binary-1 CD. This has been solved in the 2.2 rev0a (or
-# 2.2_rev0_CDa) version of the sparc CDs.</p>
- <p><strong>Sparc</strong>: 您無法以 2.2 rev0 Binary-1 光碟開機,這個問題已在 2.2 rev0a(或
- 2.2_rev0_CDa)中修復。</p>
-# <p>Sparc: If X does not start correctly, and the error message mentions
-# the mouse, and you are <i>not</i> running the <tt>gpm</tt> text-mode
-# mouse driver, &quot;<tt>rm -f /dev/gpmdata</tt>&quot; might help.</p>
- <p><strong>Sparc</strong>: 若您在錯誤紀錄檔中發現滑鼠問題造成 X 無法正常執行,則以 <q><tt>rm -f /dev/gpmdata</tt></q> 來<em>停止執行</em> <tt>gpm</tt> (文字模式滑鼠驅動程式)可能有所幫助。</p>
-# <p><strong>Alpha</strong>: The 2.2 rev0 CDs may prove problematic when
-# booting from the Binary-1 CD. To solve that, boot with "<tt>-flags
-# i</tt>", then enter at the aboot prompt:
-# <br>
-# <tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;aboot&gt; b /linux
-# initrd=/boot/root.bin root=/dev/ram</tt>
-# <br>
-# This problem has been corrected in the 2.2 rev0a (or 2.2_rev0_CDa)
-# version of the alpha CDs.</p>
- <p><strong>Alpha</strong>: 以 2.2 rev0 之 Binary-1 光碟開機可能會發生問題。解決方案是以 <q><tt>-flags i</tt></q> 參數開機,然後在 aboot 提示符號輸入:
- <br />
- <tt>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;aboot&gt; b /linux
- initrd=/boot/root.bin root=/dev/ram</tt>
- <br />
- 這個問題已經在2.2 rev0a(或 2.2_rev0_CDa)中修正。</p>
- </dd>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <dt><strong>Potato test-cycle-3</strong></dt>
- <dd>
-# <p>The <tt>gpm</tt> text-mode mouse driver has some problems. You
-# should <strong>not</strong> run the <tt>mouse-test</tt> program, and you
-# will have to do "<tt>/etc/init.d/gpm&nbsp;stop</tt>" before you can use
-# the mouse in X.</p>
- <p><tt>gpm</tt> (文字模式滑鼠驅動程式)有一些問題。請<strong>不要</strong>執行 <tt>mouse-test</tt> 程式,並且以 <q><tt>/etc/init.d/gpm&nbsp;stop</tt></q> 停止 gdm 以便在 X 中使用滑鼠。</p>
- </dd>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <dt><strong>Potato test-cycle-2</strong></dt>
- <dd>
-# <p>The <tt>gpm</tt> text-mode mouse driver has some problems. You
-# should <strong>not</strong> run the <tt>mouse-test</tt> program, and you
-# will have to do "<tt>/etc/init.d/gpm&nbsp;stop</tt>" before you can use
-# the mouse in X.</p>
- <p><tt>gpm</tt> (文字模式滑鼠驅動程式)有一些問題。請<strong>不要</strong>執行 <tt>mouse-test</tt> 程式,並且以 <q><tt>/etc/init.d/gpm&nbsp;stop</tt></q> 停止 gdm 以便在 X 中使用滑鼠。</p>
- </dd>
-# ------------------------------------------------------------
- <dt><strong>Potato test-cycle-1</strong></dt>
- <dd>
-# <p>No relevant information</p>
- <p>沒有相關[CNHK:信息:][TW:訊息:]。</p>
- </dd>

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