path: root/Perl/Local
diff options
authorLaura Arjona Reina <larjona>2017-11-07 08:29:00 +0000
committerLaura Arjona Reina <larjona>2017-11-07 08:29:00 +0000
commitc52c3f997af0f9e848540920b8aa847f250afae3 (patch)
tree51163462d487a5e2c7d7f5bbd95d76be3bb582fc /Perl/Local
parent63da651d5457b82371ad778e2b95e9a6b9c94ba9 (diff)
Add copies of the CVS scripts to compare revisions. They need to evolve to use Git and hashes instead of CVS and revision numbers
CVS version numbers Perl/Local/Gitinfo.pm: INITIAL -> 1.1 Perl/Local/VCS_git.pm: INITIAL -> 1.1
Diffstat (limited to 'Perl/Local')
2 files changed, 1177 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Perl/Local/Gitinfo.pm b/Perl/Local/Gitinfo.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e798917e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/Local/Gitinfo.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+## Copyright (C) 2001 Denis Barbier <barbier@debian.org>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+## (at your option) any later version.
+=head1 NAME
+Local::Cvsinfo - retrieve CVS related informations from a checked out copy
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Local::Cvsinfo;
+ my $cvs = Local::Cvsinfo->new();
+ $cvs->readinfo('.', recursive => 1, verbose => 1 );
+ my $top = $cvs->topdir();
+ my $rev = $cvs->revision('foo/bar');
+This module retrieves CVS related informations from a checked out
+working directory, by scanning the F<CVS/*> files found within.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+package Local::Cvsinfo;
+use Carp;
+use strict;
+=item new
+This is the constructor.
+ my $cvs = Local::Cvsinfo->new();
+sub new {
+ my $proto = shift;
+ my $class = ref($proto) || $proto;
+ my $self = {
+ TOP => '',
+ IGNORE => [],
+ DIRS => [],
+ FILES => {},
+ SKIP => sub {},
+ };
+ bless ($self, $class);
+ return $self;
+=item options
+Without arguments, return a reference to a hash array containing the
+list of options.
+If there is an argument, set some global options for the timelife of
+this object. Argument is a hash array, currently C<recursive>,
+C<verbose>, C<skipdir> and C<matchfile> keys are recognized. Processing
+is recursive (resp. verbose) if C<recursive> (resp. C<verbose>) is set
+to a non-null value. The C<skipdir> and C<matchfile> values must be
+arrays containing Perl regular expressions, the former specifies
+directory to skip in recursive mode (C<CVS> directories are always
+skipped), and the latter specifies which files do match (default: all).
+ $cvs->options(recursive => 1, matchfile => [ '\.c$' ]);
+ while (($key, $val) = each %{$cvs->options()}) {
+ print $key . ":" . $val . "\n";
+ }
+sub options {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my %arg = @_;
+ if (!@_) {
+ return $self->{GLOBAL_OPTIONS};
+ }
+ $self->{GLOBAL_OPTIONS} = \%arg;
+ $self->{GLOBAL_OPTIONS}->{matchfile} ||= [ '' ];
+ $self->{OPTIONS} = $self->{GLOBAL_OPTIONS};
+ $self->_fix_skip();
+sub _verbose {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return unless $self->{OPTIONS}->{verbose};
+ print STDERR "Verbose: ".$_[0] . "\n";
+=item readinfo
+This is where processing is done. First argument is a directory name,
+the F<CVS/Entries> and F<CVS/Repository> files will be searched in that
+directory and informations on entries defined within are internally
+stored, unless this entry has been discarded by an C<skipdir> attribute.
+Optional remaining arguments are a hash array overriding global options.
+ $cvs->readinfo("src");
+ $cvs->readinfo("src", recursive => 1);
+sub readinfo {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $dir = shift;
+ my %options = @_;
+ my @heredir = ();
+ my ($entry, $oldoptions, $line);
+ $dir =~ s|/+$||;
+ -r $dir."/CVS/Entries" or do {
+ carp "Unable to read file $dir/CVS/Entries ... skipped";
+ return;
+ };
+ -r $dir."/CVS/Repository" or do {
+ carp "Unable to read file $dir/CVS/Repository ... skipped";
+ return;
+ };
+ # Set options
+ $oldoptions = $self->{OPTIONS};
+ $self->{OPTIONS} = $self->{GLOBAL_OPTIONS};
+ if (%options) {
+ foreach (keys %options) {
+ $self->{OPTIONS}->{$_} = $options{$_};
+ }
+ }
+ $self->_fix_skip()
+ unless ref($oldoptions->{skipdir}) eq "ARRAY"
+ and ref($oldoptions->{matchfile}) eq "ARRAY"
+ and ref($self->{OPTIONS}->{skipdir}) eq "ARRAY"
+ and ref($self->{OPTIONS}->{matchfile}) eq "ARRAY"
+ and join("\n", $oldoptions->{skipdir}) eq join("\n", $self->{OPTIONS}->{skipdir})
+ and join("\n", $oldoptions->{matchfile}) eq join("\n", $self->{OPTIONS}->{matchfile});
+ # Read CVS/Repository and CVS/Root to determine top-level
+ # directory
+ open(REP, "< $dir/CVS/Repository")
+ or croak "Unable to read file $dir/CVS/Repository\n";
+ $self->_verbose("Reading $dir/CVS/Repository");
+ $line = <REP>;
+ close(REP);
+ if ($line =~ m#^/#) {
+ # Absolute path, we must read CVS/Root
+ open(ROOT, "< $dir/CVS/Root")
+ or croak "Unable to read file $dir/CVS/Root\n";
+ $self->_verbose("Reading $dir/CVS/Root");
+ my $root = <ROOT>;
+ close(ROOT);
+ chomp $root;
+ $root =~ s/^.*://;
+ $line =~ s#^$root/##
+ or croak "Unable to determine toplevel CVS directory\n";
+ }
+ chomp $line;
+ $line =~ s{[^/]+}{..}g;
+ $line =~ s{^\.\.}{.};
+ $line =~ s{^\./}{};
+ $self->{TOP} = $line;
+ # Read CVS/Entries
+ open(ENTRIES, "< $dir/CVS/Entries")
+ or croak "Unable to read file $dir/CVS/Entries\n";
+ $self->_verbose("Reading $dir/CVS/Entries");
+ my @entries = <ENTRIES>;
+ close(ENTRIES);
+ # Entries are sorted so that DIRS is also sorted.
+ foreach (sort @entries) {
+ chomp;
+ if (m|^D/([^/]+)/|) {
+ $entry = $dir."/".$1;
+ next if $self->_skippable($entry) or ! -d $entry;
+ push (@{$self->{DIRS}}, $entry);
+ push (@heredir, $entry);
+ $self->_verbose("Found directory: $entry");
+ } elsif (m|^/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]+)/([^/]*)/(?:T[^/]+)?$|) {
+ $entry = $dir."/".$1;
+ next if $self->_skippable($entry) or ! -f $entry;
+ $self->{FILES}->{$entry} = {
+ REV => $2,
+ DATE => $3,
+ KEYWORD => $4,
+ };
+ $self->_verbose("Found file $entry, rev. $2, date $3");
+ } elsif (m|^D$|) {
+ # Hmmm, what is this entry for?
+ } else {
+ carp "Unable to parse line:\n\t$_\n";
+ }
+ }
+ return unless $self->{OPTIONS}->{recursive};
+ foreach my $d (@heredir) {
+ next if $self->_skippable($d);
+ $self->readinfo($d, %options);
+ }
+# Set $self->{SKIP} according to $self->{OPTIONS}->{skipdir} and
+# $self->{OPTIONS}->{matchfile}
+sub _fix_skip {
+ my $self = shift;
+ if (ref($self->{OPTIONS}) eq "HASH") {
+ my $sub = "\$_ = shift; if (-d \$_) { return 1 if m{^(.*/)?CVS\$};";
+ ref($self->{OPTIONS}->{skipdir}) eq "ARRAY" and do {
+ foreach (@{$self->{OPTIONS}->{skipdir}}) {
+ $sub .= "return 1 if m{/$_\$};";
+ }
+ };
+ $sub .= "return 0; }";
+ ref($self->{OPTIONS}->{matchfile}) eq "ARRAY" and do {
+ foreach (@{$self->{OPTIONS}->{matchfile}}) {
+ $sub .= "return 0 if m{$_};";
+ }
+ };
+ $sub .= "return 1";
+ $self->{SKIP} = eval "sub {$sub}";
+ } else {
+ $self->{SKIP} = sub {};
+ }
+sub _skippable {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return 0 unless &{$self->{SKIP}}($_[0]);
+ $self->_verbose("Skipping $_[0]");
+ return 1;
+=item reset
+Clear all data set by previous call to C<readinfo>.
+ $cvs->readinfo("src");
+ $cvs->reset();
+ $cvs->readinfo("doc");
+sub reset {
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{DIRS} = [];
+ $self->{FILES} = {};
+=item topdir
+Return relative path of the top directory CVS checked out copy.
+This path is the one when C<readinfo> was called.
+ my $root = $cvs->topdir();
+sub topdir {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{TOP};
+=item removefile
+Remove an entry from the file list.
+ $cvs->removefile("src/main.c");
+sub removefile {
+ my $self = shift;
+ delete $self->{FILES}->{$_[0]};
+=item dirs
+Return a reference to the list of directories contained in current
+working directory.
+ foreach (@{$cvs->dirs()}) {
+ print "Found directory: $_\n";
+ }
+sub dirs {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return $self->{DIRS};
+=item files
+Return a reference to file list.
+ foreach (@{$cvs->files()}) {
+ print "Found file: $_\n";
+ }
+sub files {
+ my $self = shift;
+ return [keys %{$self->{FILES}}];
+=item revision
+First argument is a filename. If there is no more argument, the CVS
+revision of this file is returned, otherwise it is set to the 2nd
+ my $rev = $cvs->revision("src/foo.c");
+sub revision {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ return undef if !defined($self->{FILES}->{$file});
+ $self->{FILES}->{$file}->{REV} = $_[0] if @_;
+ return $self->{FILES}->{$file}->{REV};
+=item date
+First argument is a filename. If there is no more argument, the latest
+commit date of this file is returned (in a format similar to the
+C<date> command output), otherwise it is set to the 2nd argument.
+ my $date = $cvs->date("src/foo.c");
+sub date {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ return undef if !defined($self->{FILES}->{$file});
+ $self->{FILES}->{$file}->{DATE} = $_[0] if @_;
+ return $self->{FILES}->{$file}->{DATE};
+=item keyword
+First argument is a filename. If there is no more argument, the keyword
+substitution method (see the B<-k> flag of the C<cvs> command) for this
+file is returned, otherwise it is set to the 2nd argument.
+ my $kflag = $cvs->keyword("src/foo.c");
+sub keyword {
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ return undef if !defined($self->{FILES}->{$file});
+ $self->{FILES}->{$file}->{KEYWORD} = $_[0] if @_;
+ return $self->{FILES}->{$file}->{KEYWORD};
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2001 Denis Barbier <barbier@debian.org>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+(at your option) any later version.
diff --git a/Perl/Local/VCS_git.pm b/Perl/Local/VCS_git.pm
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ef93c482947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Perl/Local/VCS_git.pm
@@ -0,0 +1,798 @@
+## Copyright (C) 2008 Bas Zoetekouw <bas@debian.org>
+## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
+## under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published
+## by the Free Software Foundation.
+=head1 NAME
+Local::VCS_CVS - generic wrapper around version control systems -- CVS version
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use Local::VCS_CVS;
+ use Data::Dumper;
+ my %info = vcs_path_info( '.', recursive => 1, verbose => 1 );
+ print Dumper($info{'foo.wml'});
+ my %info2 = svn_file_info( 'foo.wml' );
+ print Dumper(\%info2);
+This module retrieves CVS info (such as revision of latest change, date
+of latest change, author, etc) for checked-out object in a working directory.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+package Local::VCS_CVS;
+use 5.008;
+use Local::Cvsinfo;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Spec::Functions qw( rel2abs splitdir catfile rootdir catdir );
+use File::stat;
+use Carp;
+use Fcntl qw/ SEEK_SET /;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use Date::Parse;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+ use base qw( Exporter );
+ our $VERSION = sprintf "%s", q$Revision$ =~ /([0-9.]+)/;
+ our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
+ &vcs_cmp_rev &vcs_count_changes
+ &vcs_get_topdir
+ &vcs_path_info &vcs_file_info
+ &vcs_get_log &vcs_get_diff
+ &vcs_get_file
+ );
+ our %EXPORT_TAGS = ( 'all' => [@EXPORT_OK] );
+# handling debugging
+my $DEBUG = 0;
+sub _debug
+ my @text = @_;
+ return unless $DEBUG;
+ print STDERR "=> ", @text, "\n";
+ return;
+# return the type of the specified file
+sub _typeoffile;
+=item vcs_cmp_rev
+Compare two revision strings.
+Takes two revision strings as arguments, and
+returns 1 if the first one is largest,
+-1 if the second one is largest,
+0 if they are equal
+sub vcs_cmp_rev
+ my $a = shift || '0';
+ my $b = shift || '0';
+ my @a = split( /\./, $a );
+ my @b = split( /\./, $b );
+ # compare the two revision string term by term
+ my $i = 0;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ # first check if there are terms left in both revisions
+ if ( $i > $#a and $i>$#b ) { return 0 };
+ if ( $i > $#a ) { return -1 };
+ if ( $i > $#b ) { return 1 };
+ # then check this term
+ if ( $a[$i] < $b[$i] ) { return -1; }
+ if ( $a[$i] > $b[$i] ) { return 1; }
+ # terms are equal, look at the next one
+ $i++;
+ }
+ # should never be reached
+ croak "Internal error: this should never be executed";
+=item vcs_count_changes
+Return the number of changes to particular file between two revisions
+The first argument is a name of a file.
+The second and third argument specify the revision range
+Example use:
+ my $num1 = svn_count_changes( 'foo.c', 'r42', 'r70' );
+ my $num2 = svn_count_changes( 'foo.c', 'r42', 'HEAD' );
+sub vcs_count_changes
+ my $file = shift or return undef;
+ my $rev1 = shift || '1.1';
+ my $rev2 = shift || 'HEAD';
+ $rev1 = '1.1' if $rev1 eq 'n/a';
+ # find the version number of HEAD, if it was specified
+ if ( $rev2 eq 'HEAD' )
+ {
+ my %info = vcs_file_info( $file );
+ return -1 if not %info;
+ $rev2 = $info{'cmt_rev'};
+ }
+ # for CVS, this is pretty easy: we simply compare the two version numbers
+ # note: we don't support branches (aren't used in the webwml repo anyway)
+ my @rev1 = split( /\./, $rev1 );
+ my @rev2 = split( /\./, $rev2 );
+ croak "non-similar revision numbers `$rev1' and `$rev2' (different branches?)"
+ if ( scalar @rev1 != scalar @rev2 );
+ # check that all but the last components of the version numbers match
+ # i.e., we can compare 2.0.1 and 2.0.17, but not 1.0.2 and 2.0.17
+ while ( @rev1 > 1 )
+ {
+ croak "non-similar revision numbers (different branches?)"
+ unless shift @rev1 == shift @rev2;
+ }
+ return $rev2[0] - $rev1[0];
+=item vcs_path_info
+Return CVS information and status about a tree of files.
+The first argument is a name of a file or directory, and subsequent arguments
+form a hash of named options (see below).
+The function returns a hash, which for each filename contains
+Subversion status information:
+ 'type' => type of the file ('d' directory, 'f' regular file, etc)
+ 'cmt_rev' => revision in which latest change was made to this file
+ 'cmt_date' => date on which latest change to this file was committed
+Optional remaining arguments are a hash array with options:
+ recursive: if set to a true value (and the specified file is a directory),
+ recurse into subdirectories
+ match_pat: only files/dirs that match this pattern are processed
+ skip_pat: files/dirs that match this pattern are skipped
+Example uses:
+ my %info1 = $vcs_path_info( 'src' );
+ my %info2 = $readinfo( 'src', recursive => 1 );
+ my %info3 = $readinfo( 'src', recursive => 1, match_pat => '\.c$' );
+# todo: verbose
+sub vcs_path_info
+ my ($dir,%options) = @_;
+ croak("No file or directory specified") unless $dir;
+ _debug "Called with $dir";
+ my $recurse = $options{recursive} || $options{recurse} || 0;
+ my $match_pat = $options{match_pat} || undef;
+ my $skip_pat = $options{skip_pat} || undef;
+ _debug "Recurse is $recurse";
+ _debug "Match pattern is '$match_pat'" if defined $match_pat;
+ _debug "Skip pattern is '$skip_pat'" if defined $skip_pat;
+ # $cvs->readinfo expects a matchfile input; if nothing is specified, we
+ # pass a pattern that matches everything
+ $match_pat ||= '.';
+ $dir = rel2abs( $dir );
+ # use Local::Cvsinfo to do the actual work in CVS
+ my $cvs = Local::Cvsinfo->new();
+ $cvs->readinfo( $dir, recursive => $recurse, matchfile => [$match_pat] );
+ my $files = $cvs->files;
+ # construct a nice hash from the data we received from Cvsinfo
+ my %data;
+ for my $file (keys %{$cvs->{FILES}})
+ {
+ # we return relative paths, so strip off the dir name
+ my $file_rel = $file;
+ $file_rel =~ s{^$dir/?}{};
+ # skip files that match the skip pattern
+ next if $skip_pat and $file_rel =~ m{$skip_pat};
+ $data{$file_rel} = {
+ 'cmt_rev' => $cvs->{FILES}->{$file}->{'REV'},
+ 'cmt_date' => str2time( $cvs->{FILES}->{$file}->{'DATE'} ),
+ 'type' => _typeoffile $file,
+ };
+ }
+ return %data;
+=item vcs_file_info
+Return VCS information and status about a single file
+The single argument is a name of a file.
+The function returns a hash, which contains VCS status information for
+the specified file:
+ 'type' => type of the file ('d' directory, 'f' regular file, etc)
+ 'cmt_rev' => revision in which latest change was made to this file
+ 'cmt_date' => date on which latest change to this file was committed
+Example use:
+ my %info = $vcs_file_info( 'foo.wml' );
+sub vcs_file_info
+ my $file = shift or carp("No file specified");
+ my %options = @_;
+ my $quiet = $options{quiet} || undef;
+ my ($basename,$dirname) = fileparse( rel2abs $file );
+ # note: for some weird reason, the file is returned as '.'
+ my %info = vcs_path_info( $dirname, 'recursive' => 0 );
+ if ( not ( exists $info{$basename} and $info{$basename} ) )
+ {
+ carp("No info found about `$file' (does the file exist?)") if ( ! $quiet );
+ return;
+ }
+ return %{ $info{$basename} };
+=item vcs_get_log
+Return the log info about a specified file
+The first argument is a name of a checked-out file.
+The (optional) second and third argument specify the starting and end revision
+of the log entries
+Example use:
+ my @log_entries = vcs_get_log( 'foo.wml' );
+sub vcs_get_log
+ my $file = shift or return;
+ my $rev1 = shift || '0';
+ my $rev2 = shift || '';
+ my @logdata;
+ # set the record separator for cvs log output
+ local $/ = "\n----------------------------\n";
+ my $command = sprintf( 'cvs log -r%s:%s %s', $rev1, $rev2, $file );
+ open( my $cvs, '-|', $command )
+ or croak("Couldn't run `$command': $!");
+ # skip the first record (gives genral meta-info)
+ <$cvs>;
+ # read the consequetive records
+ while ( my $record = <$cvs> )
+ {
+ #print "==> $record\n";
+ # the first two lines of a record contains metadata that looks like this:
+ # revision 1.4
+ # date: 2008-09-18 16:21:31 +0200; author: bas; state: Exp; lines: +212 -105; commitid: aGcNZ0HjJeSEfgjt;
+ # first split off the first line
+ my ($metadata1,$metadata2,$logmessage) = split( /\n/, $record, 3 );
+ my ($revision) = $metadata1 =~ m{^revision (.+)};
+ my ($date,$author) = $metadata2 =~ m{^date: (.*?); author: (.*?); state: };
+ croak( "Couldn't parse output of `$command'" )
+ unless $revision and $date and $author;
+ # convert date to unixtime
+ $date = str2time( $date );
+ # last line of the log message is still the record separator
+ $logmessage =~ s{\n[^\n]+\n$}{}ms;
+ push @logdata, {
+ 'rev' => $revision,
+ 'date' => $date,
+ 'author' => $author,
+ 'message' => $logmessage,
+ };
+ }
+ close( $cvs );
+ return reverse @logdata;
+=item vcs_get_diff
+Returns a hash of (filename,diff) pairs containing the unified diff between two version of a (number of) files.
+The first argument is a name of a checked-out file. The second and third
+argument specify the starting and end revision of the log entries. If the
+third argument is not specified, the current (possibly modified) version is
+used. If the second argument is also not specified, the current (possibly
+modified) version is diffed against the latest checked in version.
+Example use:
+ my %diffs = vcs_get_diff( 'foo.wml', '1.4', '1.17' );
+ my %diffs = vcs_get_diff( 'bla.wml', '1.8' );
+ my %diffs = vcs_get_diff( 'bas.wml' );
+sub vcs_get_diff
+ my $file = shift or return;
+ my $rev1 = shift;
+ my $rev2 = shift;
+ # hash to store the output
+ my %data;
+ my $command = sprintf( 'cvs -q diff %s %s -u %s 2> /dev/null',
+ defined $rev1 ? "-r$rev1" : '',
+ defined $rev2 ? "-r$rev2" : '',
+ $file );
+ # set the record separator for cvs diff output
+ local $/ = "\n" . ('=' x 67) . "\n";
+ open( my $cvs, '-|', $command )
+ or croak("Couldn't run `$command': $!");
+ # the first "record" is bogusl
+ <$cvs>;
+ # read the consequetive records
+ while ( my $record = <$cvs> )
+ {
+ # remove the record separator from the end of the record
+ $record =~ s{ $/ \n? \Z }{}msx;
+ # remove the "Index:" line from the end of the record
+ $record =~ s{ ^Index: [^\n]+ \n+ \Z }{}msx;
+ # remove the first four lines
+ $record =~ s{ \A (?: .*? \n ){4} }{}msx;
+ # get the file name
+ if ( not $record =~ m{ \A --- \s+ ([^\t]+) \t }msx )
+ {
+ croak("Parse error in output of `$command'");
+ }
+ my $file = $1;
+ $data{$file} = $record;
+ }
+ close( $cvs );
+ return %data;
+# returns the respository
+sub _get_repository
+ open( my $fd, '<', 'CVS/Repository' )
+ or croak("Couldn't open `CVS/Repository': $!");
+ my $repo = <$fd>;
+ close( $fd );
+ chomp $repo;
+ return $repo;
+=item vcs_get_file
+Return a particular revision of a file
+The first argument is a name of a file.
+The second argument is the revision.
+This function retrieves the specified revision fo the file from the repository
+and returns it (without writing anything in the current checked-out tree)
+Example use:
+ my $text = vcs_get_file( 'foo.c', '1.12' );
+sub vcs_get_file
+ my $file = shift or croak("No file specified");
+ my $rev = shift or croak("No revision specified");
+ croak( "No such file: $file" ) unless -f $file;
+ #TODO: what happens if we're not in the root webwml dir?
+ my $command = sprintf( 'cvs -q checkout -p -r%s %s/%s',
+ $rev, _get_repository, $file );
+ local $/ = ('=' x 67) . "\n";
+ my $text;
+ open ( my $cvs, '-|', $command )
+ or croak("Error while executing `$command': $!");
+ while ( my $line = <$cvs> )
+ {
+ $text .= $line;
+ }
+ close( $cvs );
+ croak("Error while executing `$command': $!") unless WIFEXITED($?);
+ # return the file
+ return $text;
+=item vcs_get_topdir
+Return the top dir of the webwml repository
+The first argument is a name of a checked-out file or directory.
+If it is not specified, by default the current directory is used.
+Example use:
+ my $dir = vcs_get_topdir( 'foo.c' );
+sub vcs_get_topdir
+ my $file = shift || '.';
+ my $cvs = Local::Cvsinfo->new();
+ $cvs->readinfo( $file );
+ my $root = $cvs->topdir()
+ or croak ("Unable to determine top-level directory");
+ # TODO: add some check that this really is the top level dir
+ return $root;
+## internal functions
+# return the type of the input argument (file, dir, symlink, etc)
+sub _typeoffile
+ my $file = shift or return;
+ stat $file or croak("Couldn't stat file `$file'");
+ return 'f' if ( -f _ );
+ return 'd' if ( -d _ );
+ return 'l' if ( -l _ );
+ return 'S' if ( -S _ );
+ return 'p' if ( -p _ );
+ return 'b' if ( -b _ );
+ return 'c' if ( -c _ );
+ return '';
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2008 Bas Zoetekouw <bas@debian.org>
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of version2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the
+Free Software Foundation.
+# stuff below is an old Subversion implementation that we probably won't use
+# ignore for now, I will get rid of it as the rewrite progresses
+# -- Bas.
+=item svn_diff
+Return diff for the specified file
+The first argument is a name of a file.
+The second argument is the revision against which to take the diff (use undef for HEAD)
+If a thrird argument is present, it signifies that hte use want a diff between
+the version specified in the second agument and the one in the third argument
+Example use:
+ # get diff of local changes against head
+ my $diff1 = $svn_diff( 'foo.c' );
+ # get diff of local changes against revision 12
+ my $diff2 = $svn_diff( 'foo.c', 'r12' );
+ # get diff between version 11 and 12 of the file
+ my $diff1 = $svn_diff( 'foo.c', 'r11', 'r12' );
+sub svn_diff
+ my $file = shift or carp("No file specified");
+ my $rev1 = shift or carp("No orig revision specified");
+ my $rev2 = shift or carp("No target revision specified");
+ carp( "No such file: $file" ) unless -e $file;
+ # intitalize SVN client
+ my $ctx = SVN::Client->new();
+ # create twoo filehandles for output and error streams
+ # TODO: this doesn't work (bug in SVN::Client?)
+ my ($out,$err);
+ #open ( my $fd_out, '>', \$out ) or croak("Couldn't open \\\$out");
+ #open ( my $fd_err, '>', \$err ) or croak("Couldn't open \\\$err");
+ open ( my $fd_out, '+>', undef ) or croak("Couldn't open anonymous output");
+ open ( my $fd_err, '+>', undef ) or croak("Couldn't open anonymous error");
+ $ctx->diff(
+ [], # options to diff (-u is default)
+ $file, $rev1, # first file
+ $file, $rev2, # second file
+ 1, # recursiveness
+ 1, # don't bother with ancestors
+ 0, # do diff deleted files
+ $fd_out, # output file
+ $fd_err, # error output file
+ );
+ # read the stuff from the files
+ seek( $fd_out, 0, SEEK_SET );
+ seek( $fd_err, 0, SEEK_SET );
+ {
+ local $/;
+ $out = <$fd_out>;
+ $err = <$fd_err>;
+ }
+ # done with the files
+ close( $fd_out );
+ close( $fd_err );
+ # croak on error
+ croak( $err ) if $err;
+ # return the diff
+ return $out;
+=item svn_log
+Return the log entries of a particular file
+The first argument is a name of a file.
+The (optional) second and third argument specify the revision range
+This function retrieves the log entry/entries of the specified revision(s) for
+the specified file. If only a file name is given, the entire history is
+returned; if only 1 revision is specified, the log entrie of that particular
+revision is returned; if two revisions are specified, all log entries in
+between are returned.
+Example use:
+ my @log = svn_log( 'foo.c' );
+ my @log = svn_log( 'foo.c', 'r42' );
+ my @log = svn_log( 'foo.c', 'r42', 'r112' );
+ my @log = svn_log( 'foo.c', 'r42', 'HEAD' );
+my @_log_collection;
+sub _log_receiver
+ my $paths = shift; # NOTE: not used
+ my $rev = shift;
+ my $author = shift;
+ my $date = str2time( shift );
+ my $msg = shift;
+ push @_log_collection, {
+ 'rev' => $rev,
+ 'author' => $author,
+ 'date' => $date,
+ 'message' => $msg,
+ };
+sub svn_log
+ my $file = shift or carp("No file specified");
+ my $rev1 = shift || '0';
+ my $rev2 = shift || 'HEAD';
+ carp( "No such file: $file" ) unless -e $file;
+ # clear log
+ @_log_collection = ();
+ # intitialize SVN client
+ my $ctx = SVN::Client->new();
+ eval {
+ $ctx->log(
+ $file,
+ $rev1,
+ $rev2,
+ 0, # determine which files were changed on each revision?
+ 0, # don't traverse history of copies?
+ \&_log_receiver
+ );
+ };
+ carp($@) if $@;
+ # return a copy of the logs
+ return @_log_collection;
+=item svn_get_info
+Return info about the (local) Subversion repository
+The first argument is a name of a checked-out file or directory.
+Example use:
+ my %info = svn_info( 'foo.c' );
+my %_info_data;
+sub _info_receiver
+ my( $path, $info, $pool ) = @_;
+ # return if the info is already known
+ return if %_info_data;
+ %_info_data = (
+ 'url' => $info->URL(),
+ 'rev' => $info->rev(),
+ 'kind' => $info->kind(),
+ 'root' => $info->repos_root_URL(),
+ 'uuid' => $info->repos_UUID(),
+ 'last_changed_rev' => $info->last_changed_rev(),
+ 'last_changed_date' => $info->last_changed_date(),
+ 'last_changed_author' => $info->last_changed_author(),
+ );
+sub svn_get_info
+ my $file = shift or carp("No file specified");
+ $file = rel2abs( $file );
+ # intitialize SVN client
+ my $ctx = SVN::Client->new();
+ # reset the info hash
+ %_info_data = ();
+ eval {
+ $ctx->info(
+ $file,
+ undef, # no revision info, so...
+ undef, # ...only use local info
+ \&_info_receiver,
+ 0, # no, don't recurse
+ );
+ };
+ carp($@) if $@;
+ return %_info_data;
+=item svn_get_depth
+Find how deep we are inside the repository
+The first argument is a name of a checked-out file or directory.
+Example use:
+ my $depth = svn_get_topdir( 'foo.c' );
+sub svn_get_depth
+ my $file = shift or carp("No file specified");
+ my %info = svn_get_info( $file );
+ my $top = $info{'url'};
+ my $root = $info{'root'};
+ # if $file really is a file (not a dir), only look at the directory part of
+ # the filename
+ $top = dirname( $top ) if $info{'kind'} == 1;
+ # remove the root from the start of url to get a top dir
+ $top =~ s{^\Q$root\E}{};
+ $top =~ s{/+}{/};
+ # count the number of elements in the path
+ my $num = scalar splitdir( $top );
+ # minus 1, because $top starts with a '/', and thus splitdir adds an empty
+ # field at the beginning
+ return $num - 1;

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