diff options
authorkongr45gpen <electrovesta@gmail.com>2014-04-25 12:57:02 +0300
committerkongr45gpen <electrovesta@gmail.com>2014-04-25 12:57:02 +0300
commit02409d18d3604a87b53b70181246b6b92b27b4c2 (patch)
parentd3c6bc9f317b284b010d9be50d1d82849f598917 (diff)
Separate the bot's logic into different files
9 files changed, 425 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/__init__.py b/__init__.py
index 0f7df37..435c2af 100644
--- a/__init__.py
+++ b/__init__.py
@@ -27,6 +27,15 @@ import plugin
reload(plugin) # In case we're being reloaded.
# Add more reloads here if you add third-party modules and want them to be
# reloaded when this plugin is reloaded. Don't forget to import them as well!
+import local.handler.GithubHandler as RequestHandler
+import local.handler.PushHandler
+import local.utility
+print "PushHandler reloaded"
if world.testing:
import test
diff --git a/local/handler/GithubHandler.py b/local/handler/GithubHandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..340a65d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/handler/GithubHandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+import re
+import json
+import time
+import random
+import urllib
+import urllib2
+import urlparse
+import threading
+import BaseHTTPServer
+import supybot.conf as conf
+import supybot.utils as utils
+import supybot.world as world
+from supybot.commands import *
+import supybot.plugins as plugins
+import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
+import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
+import supybot.registry as registry
+import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
+from ..utility import *
+import PushHandler
+import WikiHandler
+import IssueHandler
+import IssueCommentHandler
+class GithubHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ def do_POST(s):
+ """Respond to a POST request."""
+ length = int(s.headers['Content-Length'])
+ post_data = urlparse.parse_qs(s.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8'))
+ data = json.loads(post_data['payload'][0])
+ s.send_response(200)
+ s.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
+ s.end_headers()
+ s.wfile.write('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Hello</title></head>')
+ s.wfile.write("<body><p>Thanks, you're awesome.</p>")
+ s.wfile.write('</body></html>\n')
+ s.wfile.write(s.path.split('/'))
+ #print json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
+ path = s.path.split('/')
+ channel = configValue('channel')
+ receivedcode = ''
+ requireCode = configValue('passcode').strip() \
+ and configValue('passcode').strip().lower() != 'false' \
+ and configValue('passcode').strip().lower() != 'null' \
+ and configValue('passcode').strip().lower() != 'no'
+ # Analyse the URL
+ i = 0
+ for part in path:
+ part = urllib.unquote(part)
+ if i == 1 and requireCode:
+ receivedcode = part
+ part = part.replace('+','#');
+ part = part.replace('~','#');
+ part = part.replace('-','#');
+ part = part.replace('&','#');
+ part = part.replace('^','#');
+ if part.startswith("#") and not configValue('disallowChannelOverride'):
+ channel = part
+ i+=1
+ if requireCode and receivedcode != configValue('passcode'):
+ # The password is wrong
+ s.wfile.write("The password is wrong")
+ return
+ for irc in world.ircs:
+ # Handle different event types
+ msgs = []
+ if 'pages' in data:
+ msgs = WikiHandler.handle(irc, data, channel)
+ elif 'commits' in data:
+ msgs = PushHandler.handle(irc, data, channel)
+ elif 'issue' in data:
+ if 'comment' in data:
+ msgs = IssueCommentHandler.handle(irc, data, channel)
+ else:
+ msgs = IssueHandler.handle(irc, data, channel)
+ else:
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "Something happened"))
+ #msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg("#main", "%s" % ()) )
+ for msg in msgs:
+ irc.queueMsg(msg)
diff --git a/local/handler/IssueCommentHandler.py b/local/handler/IssueCommentHandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..06aa005
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/handler/IssueCommentHandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
+from ..utility import *
+def handle(irc, data, channel):
+ msgs = []
+ url = getShortURL(data['comment']['url'])
+ creator = ''
+ if data['sender']['login'] != data['issue']['user']['login']:
+ creator = " by %s" % (ircutils.mircColor(data['issue']['user']['login'],"green"),)
+ milestone = ''
+ if data['issue']['milestone'] and configValue("showMilestone"):
+ milestone = ircutils.mircColor(" (%s" % (data['issue']['milestone']['title']),"brown")
+ if milestone:
+ oparen = '- '
+ else:
+ oparen = '('
+ lines = data['comment']['body'].splitlines()
+ line = lines[0]
+ if len(line) > 70:
+ line = "%s..." % (line[0:67])
+ elif len(lines) > 1:
+ line += "..."
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s commented on issue %s \"%s\"%s%s %s%s): %s" % (
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ ircutils.mircColor(data['comment']['user']['login'], "green"),
+ ''.join(["#",str(data['issue']['number'])]),
+ ircutils.bold(data['issue']['title']),
+ creator,
+ milestone,
+ oparen, url,
+ line
+ )) )
+ return msgs
diff --git a/local/handler/IssueHandler.py b/local/handler/IssueHandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ec66cd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/handler/IssueHandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
+from ..utility import *
+def handle(irc, data, channel):
+ msgs = []
+ url = data['issue']['url']
+ if data['issue']['assignee'] and data['sender']['login'] == data['issue']['assignee']['login']:
+ senderColor = "green"
+ else:
+ senderColor = "dark grey"
+ creator = ''
+ if data['sender']['login'] != data['issue']['user']['login']:
+ creator = " by %s" % (ircutils.mircColor(data['issue']['user']['login'],"green"),)
+ milestone = ''
+ if data['issue']['milestone'] and configValue("showMilestone"):
+ milestone = ircutils.mircColor(" (%s" % (data['issue']['milestone']['title']),"brown")
+ if milestone:
+ oparen = '- '
+ else:
+ oparen = '('
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s %s issue %s \"%s\"%s%s %s%s)" % (
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ ircutils.mircColor(data['sender']['login'], senderColor),
+ colorAction(data['action']),
+ ''.join(["#",str(data['issue']['number'])]),
+ ircutils.bold(data['issue']['title']),
+ creator,
+ milestone,
+ oparen, url
+ )) )
+ return msgs
diff --git a/local/handler/PushHandler.py b/local/handler/PushHandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..97ed825
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/handler/PushHandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
+from ..utility import *
+def handle(irc, data, channel):
+ msgs = []
+ commitno = len(data['commits'])
+ ref = data['ref'].split('/',2)
+ branch = ref[2]
+ colon = ''
+ if data['commits']:
+ colon = ':'
+ isTag = False
+ branched = data['created'] or data['deleted'] or ref[1] == "tags"
+ branchFrom = ''
+ tagFrom = ''
+ onlyDeleted = data['deleted'] and not data['created']
+ if branched:
+ print branch
+ if ref[1] == 'tags':
+ isTag = True
+ urls = ' (%s)' % (getShortURL(data['compare']),)
+ if 'base_ref' in data:
+ base_ref = data['base_ref'].split('/',2)
+ if isTag:
+ branchFrom = '%s %s ' % (base_ref[2], ircutils.bold('*'))
+ else:
+ branchFrom = ' from %s' % (base_ref[2],)
+ if data['created'] and data['deleted'] or (not data['created'] and not data['deleted'] and data['forced']):
+ if isTag:
+ action = "re-tagged"
+ else:
+ action = "re-created"
+ elif data['created'] and not data['forced']:
+ if isTag:
+ action = "tagged"
+ else:
+ action = "created"
+ elif data['deleted'] and not data['forced']:
+ if isTag:
+ action = "deleted tag"
+ else:
+ action = "deleted"
+ urls = ''
+ elif data['created']:
+ if isTag:
+ action = "tagged"
+ else:
+ action = "created"
+ elif data['deleted']:
+ if isTag:
+ action = "deleted tag"
+ else:
+ action = "deleted"
+ urls = ''
+ else:
+ action = "did something with"
+ if configValue("hidePush",None) == False and not branched:
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s @ %s: %s pushed %s %s (%s)%s" % (
+ ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ ircutils.mircColor(data['pusher']['name'], "green"),
+ ircutils.bold(str(commitno)),
+ plural(commitno, "commit", "commits"),
+ getShortURL(data['compare']),
+ colon
+ )) )
+ elif branched:
+ if isTag:
+ if onlyDeleted:
+ commitInfo = ""
+ else:
+ commitMsg = ""
+ if configValue("tagShowCommitMsg"):
+ commitMsg = ircutils.mircColor(" (%s)" % (maxLen(data['head_commit']['message'].splitlines()[0],75)),"brown")
+ commitInfo = " %s %s%s as" % (branchFrom, ircutils.bold(data['head_commit']['id'][0:6]), commitMsg)
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s %s%s %s%s" % (
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ ircutils.mircColor(data['pusher']['name'], "green"),
+ colorAction(action),
+ commitInfo,
+ ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
+ urls,
+ )) )
+ else:
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s %s branch %s%s%s%s" % (
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ ircutils.mircColor(data['pusher']['name'], "green"),
+ colorAction(action),
+ ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
+ branchFrom,
+ urls,
+ colon
+ )) )
+ for commit in data['commits']:
+ if 'username' in commit['author']:
+ author = commit['author']['username']
+ else:
+ author = commit['author']['name']
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s @ %s: %s * %s (%s)" % (
+ ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ ircutils.mircColor(author, "green"),
+ ircutils.bold(commit['id'][0:6]),
+ getShortURL(commit['url']),
+ )) )
+ commitlines = commit['message'].splitlines()
+ for rawline in commitlines:
+ line = maxLen(rawline, 400)
+ msgs.append(ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s @ %s: %s" % (
+ ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ line,
+ )) )
+ return msgs
diff --git a/local/handler/WikiHandler.py b/local/handler/WikiHandler.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e0cd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/handler/WikiHandler.py
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+import supybot.ircmsgs as ircmsgs
+from ..utility import *
+def handle(irc, data, channel):
+ msgs = []
+ pageno = len(data['pages'])
+ url = getShortURL("%s/wiki/_compare/%s" % ( data['repository']['html_url'], data['pages'][0]['sha'] ))
+ if configValue("hidePush",None) is False:
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s modified %s wiki %s (%s):" % (
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ ircutils.mircColor(data['sender']['login'], "green"),
+ ircutils.bold(str(pageno)),
+ plural(pageno, "page", "pages"),
+ url
+ )) )
+ urlShown = False;
+ for page in data['pages']:
+ if configValue("hidePush") and urlShown is False:
+ pageurl = "(%s)" % (url,)
+ urlShown = True
+ elif configValue("hidePush"):
+ pageurl = ""
+ else:
+ pageurl = "(%s)" % (page['html_url'],)
+ # Unfortunately github doesn't support edit summaries :(
+ msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s %s %s * %s %s" % (
+ ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
+ ircutils.mircColor(data['sender']['login'], "green"),
+ colorAction(page['action']),
+ ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(page['page_name'], "blue")),
+ ircutils.bold(page['sha'][0:6]),
+ pageurl,
+ )) )
+ return msgs
diff --git a/local/handler/__init__.py b/local/handler/__init__.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/handler/__init__.py
diff --git a/local/utility.py b/local/utility.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c6a6c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/local/utility.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import urllib2
+import supybot.conf as conf
+import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
+import supybot.registry as registry
+def registryValue(plugin, name, channel=None, value=True):
+ group = conf.supybot.plugins.get(plugin)
+ names = registry.split(name)
+ for name in names:
+ group = group.get(name)
+ if channel is not None:
+ if ircutils.isChannel(channel):
+ group = group.get(channel)
+ else:
+ self.log.debug('registryValue got channel=%r', channel)
+ if value:
+ return group()
+ else:
+ return group
+def configValue(name, channel=None, repo=None, type=None, module=None):
+ return registryValue("Github", name, channel)
+def plural(number, s, p):
+ if number != 1:
+ return p
+ return s
+def maxLen(msg, maxn=400):
+ """Cut down a string if its longer than `maxn` chars"""
+ if len(msg) > maxn:
+ ret = "%s..." % (msg[0:(maxn-3)])
+ else:
+ ret = msg
+ return ret
+def colorAction(action):
+ """Give an action string (e.g. created, edited) and get a nice IRC colouring"""
+ if action == "created" or action == "opened" or action == "tagged":
+ return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "green"))
+ if action == "deleted" or action == "closed" or action == "re-tagged" or \
+ action == "deleted tag" or action == "failed" or action == "still failing":
+ return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "red"))
+ if action == "merged":
+ return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "light blue"))
+ if action == "reopened":
+ return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "blue"))
+ if action == "forced the creation of" or action == "forced the deletion of":
+ return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action,"brown"))
+ return action
+def getShortURL(longurl):
+ if configValue("shortURL") is False:
+ url = longurl
+ else:
+ data = 'url=%s' % (longurl)
+ req = urllib2.Request("http://git.io", data)
+ response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+ url = response.info().getheader('Location')
+ return ircutils.mircColor(url, "purple")
diff --git a/plugin.py b/plugin.py
index c990b10..74f0e0a 100644
--- a/plugin.py
+++ b/plugin.py
@@ -30,7 +30,6 @@ import json
import time
import random
import urllib
-import urllib2
import urlparse
import threading
import BaseHTTPServer
@@ -45,388 +44,16 @@ import supybot.ircutils as ircutils
import supybot.registry as registry
import supybot.callbacks as callbacks
-def plural(number, s, p):
- if number != 1:
- return p
- return s
-def maxLen(msg, maxn=400):
- """Cut down a string if its longer than `maxn` chars"""
- if len(msg) > maxn:
- ret = "%s..." % (msg[0:(maxn-3)])
- else:
- ret = msg
- return ret
-def colorAction(action):
- """Give an action string (e.g. created, edited) and get a nice IRC colouring"""
- if action == "created" or action == "opened" or action == "tagged":
- return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "green"))
- if action == "deleted" or action == "closed" or action == "re-tagged" or \
- action == "deleted tag" or action == "failed" or action == "still failing":
- return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "red"))
- if action == "merged":
- return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "light blue"))
- if action == "reopened":
- return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "blue"))
- if action == "forced the creation of" or action == "forced the deletion of":
- return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action,"brown"))
- return action
-def registryValue(plugin, name, channel=None, value=True):
- group = conf.supybot.plugins.get(plugin)
- names = registry.split(name)
- for name in names:
- group = group.get(name)
- if channel is not None:
- if ircutils.isChannel(channel):
- group = group.get(channel)
- else:
- self.log.debug('registryValue got channel=%r', channel)
- if value:
- return group()
- else:
- return group
-def configValue(name, channel=None, repo=None, type=None, module=None):
- return registryValue("Github", name, channel)
-def getShortURL(longurl):
- if configValue("shortURL") is False:
- url = longurl
- else:
- data = 'url=%s' % (longurl)
- req = urllib2.Request("http://git.io", data)
- response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
- url = response.info().getheader('Location')
- return ircutils.mircColor(url, "purple")
+RequestHandler = utils.python.universalImport('handler.GithubHandler', 'local.handler.GithubHandler')
# Possible colours:
# white, black, (light/dark) blue, (light) green, red, brown, purple,
# orange, yellow, teal, pink, light/dark gray/grey
-class GithubHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
- def do_POST(s):
- """Respond to a POST request."""
- length = int(s.headers['Content-Length'])
- post_data = urlparse.parse_qs(s.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8'))
- data = json.loads(post_data['payload'][0])
- s.send_response(200)
- s.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
- s.end_headers()
- s.wfile.write('<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Hello</title></head>')
- s.wfile.write("<body><p>Thanks, you're awesome.</p>")
- s.wfile.write('</body></html>\n')
- s.wfile.write(s.path.split('/'))
- print json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
- path = s.path.split('/')
- channel = configValue('channel')
- receivedcode = ''
- requireCode = configValue('passcode').strip() \
- and configValue('passcode').strip().lower() != 'false' \
- and configValue('passcode').strip().lower() != 'null' \
- and configValue('passcode').strip().lower() != 'no'
- # Analyse the URL
- i = 0
- for part in path:
- part = urllib.unquote(part)
- if i == 1 and requireCode:
- receivedcode = part
- part = part.replace('+','#');
- part = part.replace('~','#');
- part = part.replace('-','#');
- part = part.replace('&','#');
- part = part.replace('^','#');
- if part.startswith("#") and not configValue('disallowChannelOverride'):
- channel = part
- i+=1
- if requireCode and receivedcode != configValue('passcode'):
- # The password is wrong
- s.wfile.write("The password is wrong")
- return
- for irc in world.ircs:
- # Handle different event types
- msgs = []
- if 'pages' in data:
- msgs = s.handle_wiki(irc, data, channel)
- elif 'commits' in data:
- msgs = s.handle_push(irc, data, channel)
- elif 'issue' in data:
- if 'comment' in data:
- msgs = s.handle_issue_comment(irc, data, channel)
- else:
- msgs = s.handle_issue(irc, data, channel)
- else:
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "Something happened"))
- #msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg("#main", "%s" % ()) )
- for msg in msgs:
- irc.queueMsg(msg)
- def handle_push(s, irc, data, channel):
- msgs = []
- commitno = len(data['commits'])
- ref = data['ref'].split('/',2)
- branch = ref[2]
- colon = ''
- if data['commits']:
- colon = ':'
- isTag = False
- branched = data['created'] or data['deleted'] or ref[1] == "tags"
- branchFrom = ''
- tagFrom = ''
- onlyDeleted = data['deleted'] and not data['created']
- if branched:
- print branch
- if ref[1] == 'tags':
- isTag = True
- urls = ' (%s)' % (getShortURL(data['compare']),)
- if 'base_ref' in data:
- base_ref = data['base_ref'].split('/',2)
- if isTag:
- branchFrom = '%s %s ' % (base_ref[2], ircutils.bold('*'))
- else:
- branchFrom = ' from %s' % (base_ref[2],)
- if data['created'] and data['deleted'] or (not data['created'] and not data['deleted'] and data['forced']):
- if isTag:
- action = "re-tagged"
- else:
- action = "re-created"
- elif data['created'] and not data['forced']:
- if isTag:
- action = "tagged"
- else:
- action = "created"
- elif data['deleted'] and not data['forced']:
- if isTag:
- action = "deleted tag"
- else:
- action = "deleted"
- urls = ''
- elif data['created']:
- if isTag:
- action = "tagged"
- else:
- action = "created"
- elif data['deleted']:
- if isTag:
- action = "deleted tag"
- else:
- action = "deleted"
- urls = ''
- else:
- action = "did something with"
- if configValue("hidePush",None) == False and not branched:
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s @ %s: %s pushed %s %s (%s)%s" % (
- ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- ircutils.mircColor(data['pusher']['name'], "green"),
- ircutils.bold(str(commitno)),
- plural(commitno, "commit", "commits"),
- getShortURL(data['compare']),
- colon
- )) )
- elif branched:
- if isTag:
- if onlyDeleted:
- commitInfo = ""
- else:
- commitMsg = ""
- if configValue("tagShowCommitMsg"):
- commitMsg = ircutils.mircColor(" (%s)" % (maxLen(data['head_commit']['message'].splitlines()[0],75)),"brown")
- commitInfo = " %s %s%s as" % (branchFrom, ircutils.bold(data['head_commit']['id'][0:6]), commitMsg)
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s %s%s %s%s" % (
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- ircutils.mircColor(data['pusher']['name'], "green"),
- colorAction(action),
- commitInfo,
- ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
- urls,
- )) )
- else:
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s %s branch %s%s%s%s" % (
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- ircutils.mircColor(data['pusher']['name'], "green"),
- colorAction(action),
- ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
- branchFrom,
- urls,
- colon
- )) )
- for commit in data['commits']:
- if 'username' in commit['author']:
- author = commit['author']['username']
- else:
- author = commit['author']['name']
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s @ %s: %s * %s (%s)" % (
- ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- ircutils.mircColor(author, "green"),
- ircutils.bold(commit['id'][0:6]),
- getShortURL(commit['url']),
- )) )
- commitlines = commit['message'].splitlines()
- for rawline in commitlines:
- maxLen(rawline, 400)
- msgs.append(ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s @ %s: %s" % (
- ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(branch, "blue")),
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- line,
- )) )
- return msgs
- def handle_wiki(s, irc, data, channel):
- msgs = []
- pageno = len(data['pages'])
- url = getShortURL("%s/wiki/_compare/%s" % ( data['repository']['html_url'], data['pages'][0]['sha'] ))
- if configValue("hidePush",None) is False:
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s modified %s wiki %s (%s):" % (
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- ircutils.mircColor(data['sender']['login'], "green"),
- ircutils.bold(str(pageno)),
- plural(pageno, "page", "pages"),
- url
- )) )
- urlShown = False;
- for page in data['pages']:
- if configValue("hidePush") and urlShown is False:
- pageurl = "(%s)" % (url,)
- urlShown = True
- elif configValue("hidePush"):
- pageurl = ""
- else:
- pageurl = "(%s)" % (page['html_url'],)
- # Unfortunately github doesn't support edit summaries :(
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s %s %s * %s %s" % (
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- ircutils.mircColor(data['sender']['login'], "green"),
- colorAction(page['action']),
- ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(page['page_name'], "blue")),
- ircutils.bold(page['sha'][0:6]),
- pageurl,
- )) )
- return msgs
- def handle_issue(s, irc, data, channel):
- msgs = []
- url = data['issue']['url']
- if data['issue']['assignee'] and data['sender']['login'] == data['issue']['assignee']['login']:
- senderColor = "green"
- else:
- senderColor = "dark grey"
- creator = ''
- if data['sender']['login'] != data['issue']['user']['login']:
- creator = " by %s" % (ircutils.mircColor(data['issue']['user']['login'],"green"),)
- milestone = ''
- if data['issue']['milestone'] and configValue("showMilestone"):
- milestone = ircutils.mircColor(" (%s" % (data['issue']['milestone']['title']),"brown")
- if milestone:
- oparen = '- '
- else:
- oparen = '('
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s %s issue %s \"%s\"%s%s %s%s)" % (
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- ircutils.mircColor(data['sender']['login'], senderColor),
- colorAction(data['action']),
- ''.join(["#",str(data['issue']['number'])]),
- ircutils.bold(data['issue']['title']),
- creator,
- milestone,
- oparen, url
- )) )
- return msgs
- def handle_issue_comment(s, irc, data, channel):
- msgs = []
- url = getShortURL(data['comment']['url'])
- creator = ''
- if data['sender']['login'] != data['issue']['user']['login']:
- creator = " by %s" % (ircutils.mircColor(data['issue']['user']['login'],"green"),)
- milestone = ''
- if data['issue']['milestone'] and configValue("showMilestone"):
- milestone = ircutils.mircColor(" (%s" % (data['issue']['milestone']['title']),"brown")
- if milestone:
- oparen = '- '
- else:
- oparen = '('
- lines = data['comment']['body'].splitlines()
- line = lines[0]
- if len(line) > 70:
- line = "%s..." % (line[0:67])
- elif len(lines) > 1:
- line += "..."
- msgs.append( ircmsgs.privmsg(channel, "%s: %s commented on issue %s \"%s\"%s%s %s%s): %s" % (
- ircutils.bold(data['repository']['name']),
- ircutils.mircColor(data['comment']['user']['login'], "green"),
- ''.join(["#",str(data['issue']['number'])]),
- ircutils.bold(data['issue']['title']),
- creator,
- milestone,
- oparen, url,
- line
- )) )
- return msgs
class Github(callbacks.Plugin):
"""Add the help for \"@plugin help Github\" here
This should describe how to use this plugin."""
- travisCount = 0
- travisShown = False
threaded = True
@@ -443,7 +70,7 @@ class Github(callbacks.Plugin):
self.rng = random.Random() # create our rng
self.rng.seed() # automatically seeds with current time
server_class = BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer
- self.httpd = server_class(('', 8093), GithubHandler)
+ self.httpd = server_class(('', 8093), RequestHandler.GithubHandler)
t = threading.Thread(target=self.ServerStart, args=(self.httpd,))
t.daemon = False
@@ -455,10 +82,7 @@ class Github(callbacks.Plugin):
- def create_dummy_request(self):
- server = xmlrpclib.Server('http://localhost:%s' % (8093))
- server.ping()
+ reload(RequestHandler)
def toast(self, irc, msg, args, seed, items):
"""<seed> <item1> [<item2> ...]

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