path: root/libcalendaring/lib/libcalendaring_itip.php
diff options
authorDaniel Lange <DLange@git.local>2016-03-07 15:53:16 +0100
committerDaniel Lange <DLange@git.local>2016-03-07 15:53:16 +0100
commit50569114acdc64e7c7cae1498635d3f821517c30 (patch)
tree13d6fe76af33134fbfb2286930fb6603047f9299 /libcalendaring/lib/libcalendaring_itip.php
parentc210d30de6c62e7f7867bb32651349ddf455d9e6 (diff)
Initial commit of the Faster IT roundcube_calendar plugin distribution
This includes: * Kolab plugins 3.2.9 (calendar and libcalendaring) * CalDAV driver 3.2.8 * .htaccess files for at least some security * SabreDAV updated to 1.8.12 (Jan 2015 release) * Support for CURLOPT_SSL_* settings to allow self-signed certificates * Small fixes & improved documentation
Diffstat (limited to 'libcalendaring/lib/libcalendaring_itip.php')
1 files changed, 817 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libcalendaring/lib/libcalendaring_itip.php b/libcalendaring/lib/libcalendaring_itip.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a67a380
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libcalendaring/lib/libcalendaring_itip.php
@@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
+ * iTIP functions for the calendar-based Roudncube plugins
+ *
+ * Class providing functionality to manage iTIP invitations
+ *
+ * @author Thomas Bruederli <bruederli@kolabsys.com>
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2011-2014, Kolab Systems AG <contact@kolabsys.com>
+ *
+ * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
+ * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
+ * License, or (at your option) any later version.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
+ * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ */
+class libcalendaring_itip
+ protected $rc;
+ protected $lib;
+ protected $plugin;
+ protected $sender;
+ protected $domain;
+ protected $itip_send = false;
+ protected $rsvp_actions = array('accepted','tentative','declined','delegated');
+ protected $rsvp_status = array('accepted','tentative','declined','delegated');
+ function __construct($plugin, $domain = 'libcalendaring')
+ {
+ $this->plugin = $plugin;
+ $this->rc = rcube::get_instance();
+ $this->lib = libcalendaring::get_instance();
+ $this->domain = $domain;
+ $hook = $this->rc->plugins->exec_hook('calendar_load_itip',
+ array('identity' => $this->rc->user->list_emails(true)));
+ $this->sender = $hook['identity'];
+ $this->plugin->add_hook('message_before_send', array($this, 'before_send_hook'));
+ $this->plugin->add_hook('smtp_connect', array($this, 'smtp_connect_hook'));
+ }
+ public function set_sender_email($email)
+ {
+ if (!empty($email))
+ $this->sender['email'] = $email;
+ }
+ public function set_rsvp_actions($actions)
+ {
+ $this->rsvp_actions = (array)$actions;
+ $this->rsvp_status = array_merge($this->rsvp_actions, array('delegated'));
+ }
+ public function set_rsvp_status($status)
+ {
+ $this->rsvp_status = $status;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Wrapper for rcube_plugin::gettext()
+ * Checking for a label in different domains
+ *
+ * @see rcube::gettext()
+ */
+ public function gettext($p)
+ {
+ $label = is_array($p) ? $p['name'] : $p;
+ $domain = $this->domain;
+ if (!$this->rc->text_exists($label, $domain)) {
+ $domain = 'libcalendaring';
+ }
+ return $this->rc->gettext($p, $domain);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Send an iTip mail message
+ *
+ * @param array Event object to send
+ * @param string iTip method (REQUEST|REPLY|CANCEL)
+ * @param array Hash array with recipient data (name, email)
+ * @param string Mail subject
+ * @param string Mail body text label
+ * @param object Mail_mime object with message data
+ * @param boolean Request RSVP
+ * @return boolean True on success, false on failure
+ */
+ public function send_itip_message($event, $method, $recipient, $subject, $bodytext, $message = null, $rsvp = true)
+ {
+ if (!$this->sender['name'])
+ $this->sender['name'] = $this->sender['email'];
+ if (!$message) {
+ libcalendaring::identify_recurrence_instance($event);
+ $message = $this->compose_itip_message($event, $method, $rsvp);
+ }
+ $mailto = rcube_idn_to_ascii($recipient['email']);
+ $headers = $message->headers();
+ $headers['To'] = format_email_recipient($mailto, $recipient['name']);
+ $headers['Subject'] = $this->gettext(array(
+ 'name' => $subject,
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'title' => $event['title'],
+ 'name' => $this->sender['name']
+ )
+ ));
+ // compose a list of all event attendees
+ $attendees_list = array();
+ foreach ((array)$event['attendees'] as $attendee) {
+ $attendees_list[] = ($attendee['name'] && $attendee['email']) ?
+ $attendee['name'] . ' <' . $attendee['email'] . '>' :
+ ($attendee['name'] ? $attendee['name'] : $attendee['email']);
+ }
+ $recurrence_info = '';
+ if (!empty($event['recurrence_id'])) {
+ $recurrence_info = "\n\n** " . $this->gettext($event['thisandfuture'] ? 'itipmessagefutureoccurrence' : 'itipmessagesingleoccurrence') . ' **';
+ }
+ else if (!empty($event['recurrence'])) {
+ $recurrence_info = sprintf("\n%s: %s", $this->gettext('recurring'), $this->lib->recurrence_text($event['recurrence']));
+ }
+ $mailbody = $this->gettext(array(
+ 'name' => $bodytext,
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'title' => $event['title'],
+ 'date' => $this->lib->event_date_text($event, true) . $recurrence_info,
+ 'attendees' => join(",\n ", $attendees_list),
+ 'sender' => $this->sender['name'],
+ 'organizer' => $this->sender['name'],
+ )
+ ));
+ // if (!empty($event['comment'])) {
+ // $mailbody .= "\n\n" . $this->gettext('itipsendercomment') . $event['comment'];
+ // }
+ // append links for direct invitation replies
+ if ($method == 'REQUEST' && $rsvp && ($token = $this->store_invitation($event, $recipient['email']))) {
+ $mailbody .= "\n\n" . $this->gettext(array(
+ 'name' => 'invitationattendlinks',
+ 'vars' => array('url' => $this->plugin->get_url(array('action' => 'attend', 't' => $token))),
+ ));
+ }
+ else if ($method == 'CANCEL' && $event['cancelled']) {
+ $this->cancel_itip_invitation($event);
+ }
+ $message->headers($headers, true);
+ $message->setTXTBody(rcube_mime::format_flowed($mailbody, 79));
+ if ($this->rc->config->get('libcalendaring_itip_debug', false)) {
+ console('iTip ' . $method, $message->txtHeaders() . "\n\r" . $message->get());
+ }
+ // finally send the message
+ $this->itip_send = true;
+ $sent = $this->rc->deliver_message($message, $headers['X-Sender'], $mailto, $smtp_error);
+ $this->itip_send = false;
+ return $sent;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Plugin hook triggered by rcube::deliver_message() before delivering a message.
+ * Here we can set the 'smtp_server' config option to '' in order to use
+ * PHP's mail() function for unauthenticated email sending.
+ */
+ public function before_send_hook($p)
+ {
+ if ($this->itip_send && !$this->rc->user->ID && $this->rc->config->get('calendar_itip_smtp_server', null) === '') {
+ $this->rc->config->set('smtp_server', '');
+ }
+ return $p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Plugin hook to alter SMTP authentication.
+ * This is used if iTip messages are to be sent from an unauthenticated session
+ */
+ public function smtp_connect_hook($p)
+ {
+ // replace smtp auth settings if we're not in an authenticated session
+ if ($this->itip_send && !$this->rc->user->ID) {
+ foreach (array('smtp_server', 'smtp_user', 'smtp_pass') as $prop) {
+ $p[$prop] = $this->rc->config->get("calendar_itip_$prop", $p[$prop]);
+ }
+ }
+ return $p;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Helper function to build a Mail_mime object to send an iTip message
+ *
+ * @param array Event object to send
+ * @param string iTip method (REQUEST|REPLY|CANCEL)
+ * @param boolean Request RSVP
+ * @return object Mail_mime object with message data
+ */
+ public function compose_itip_message($event, $method, $rsvp = true)
+ {
+ $from = rcube_idn_to_ascii($this->sender['email']);
+ $from_utf = rcube_utils::idn_to_utf8($from);
+ $sender = format_email_recipient($from, $this->sender['name']);
+ // truncate list attendees down to the recipient of the iTip Reply.
+ // constraints for a METHOD:REPLY according to RFC 5546
+ if ($method == 'REPLY') {
+ $replying_attendee = null;
+ $reply_attendees = array();
+ foreach ($event['attendees'] as $attendee) {
+ if ($attendee['role'] == 'ORGANIZER') {
+ $reply_attendees[] = $attendee;
+ }
+ else if (strcasecmp($attendee['email'], $from) == 0 || strcasecmp($attendee['email'], $from_utf) == 0) {
+ $replying_attendee = $attendee;
+ if ($attendee['status'] != 'DELEGATED') {
+ unset($replying_attendee['rsvp']); // unset the RSVP attribute
+ }
+ }
+ // include attendees relevant for delegation (RFC 5546, Section 4.2.5)
+ else if ((!empty($attendee['delegated-to']) &&
+ (strcasecmp($attendee['delegated-to'], $from) == 0 || strcasecmp($attendee['delegated-to'], $from_utf) == 0)) ||
+ (!empty($attendee['delegated-from']) &&
+ (strcasecmp($attendee['delegated-from'], $from) == 0 || strcasecmp($attendee['delegated-from'], $from_utf) == 0))) {
+ $reply_attendees[] = $attendee;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($replying_attendee) {
+ array_unshift($reply_attendees, $replying_attendee);
+ $event['attendees'] = $reply_attendees;
+ }
+ if ($event['recurrence']) {
+ unset($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS']);
+ }
+ }
+ // set RSVP for every attendee
+ else if ($method == 'REQUEST') {
+ foreach ($event['attendees'] as $i => $attendee) {
+ if (($rsvp || !isset($attendee['rsvp'])) && ($attendee['status'] != 'DELEGATED' && $attendee['role'] != 'NON-PARTICIPANT')) {
+ $event['attendees'][$i]['rsvp']= (bool)$rsvp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($method == 'CANCEL') {
+ if ($event['recurrence']) {
+ unset($event['recurrence']['EXCEPTIONS']);
+ }
+ }
+ // compose multipart message using PEAR:Mail_Mime
+ $message = new Mail_mime("\r\n");
+ $message->setParam('text_encoding', 'quoted-printable');
+ $message->setParam('head_encoding', 'quoted-printable');
+ $message->setParam('head_charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET);
+ $message->setParam('text_charset', RCMAIL_CHARSET . ";\r\n format=flowed");
+ $message->setContentType('multipart/alternative');
+ // compose common headers array
+ $headers = array(
+ 'From' => $sender,
+ 'Date' => $this->rc->user_date(),
+ 'Message-ID' => $this->rc->gen_message_id(),
+ 'X-Sender' => $from,
+ );
+ if ($agent = $this->rc->config->get('useragent')) {
+ $headers['User-Agent'] = $agent;
+ }
+ $message->headers($headers);
+ // attach ics file for this event
+ $ical = libcalendaring::get_ical();
+ $ics = $ical->export(array($event), $method, false, $method == 'REQUEST' && $this->plugin->driver ? array($this->plugin->driver, 'get_attachment_body') : false);
+ $filename = $event['_type'] == 'task' ? 'todo.ics' : 'event.ics';
+ $message->addAttachment($ics, 'text/calendar', $filename, false, '8bit', '', RCMAIL_CHARSET . "; method=" . $method);
+ return $message;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Forward the given iTip event as delegation to another person
+ *
+ * @param array Event object to delegate
+ * @param mixed Delegatee as string or hash array with keys 'name' and 'mailto'
+ * @param boolean The delegator's RSVP flag
+ * @param array List with indexes of new/updated attendees
+ * @return boolean True on success, False on failure
+ */
+ public function delegate_to(&$event, $delegate, $rsvp = false, &$attendees = array())
+ {
+ if (is_string($delegate)) {
+ $delegates = rcube_mime::decode_address_list($delegate, 1, false);
+ if (count($delegates) > 0) {
+ $delegate = reset($delegates);
+ }
+ }
+ $emails = $this->lib->get_user_emails();
+ $me = $this->rc->user->list_emails(true);
+ // find/create the delegate attendee
+ $delegate_attendee = array(
+ 'email' => $delegate['mailto'],
+ 'name' => $delegate['name'],
+ 'role' => 'REQ-PARTICIPANT',
+ );
+ $delegate_index = count($event['attendees']);
+ foreach ($event['attendees'] as $i => $attendee) {
+ // set myself the DELEGATED-TO parameter
+ if ($attendee['email'] && in_array(strtolower($attendee['email']), $emails)) {
+ $event['attendees'][$i]['delegated-to'] = $delegate['mailto'];
+ $event['attendees'][$i]['status'] = 'DELEGATED';
+ $event['attendees'][$i]['role'] = 'NON-PARTICIPANT';
+ $event['attendees'][$i]['rsvp'] = $rsvp;
+ $me['email'] = $attendee['email'];
+ $delegate_attendee['role'] = $attendee['role'];
+ }
+ // the disired delegatee is already listed as an attendee
+ else if (stripos($delegate['mailto'], $attendee['email']) !== false && $attendee['role'] != 'ORGANIZER') {
+ $delegate_attendee = $attendee;
+ $delegate_index = $i;
+ break;
+ }
+ // TODO: remove previous delegatee (i.e. attendee that has DELEGATED-FROM == $me)
+ }
+ // set/add delegate attendee with RSVP=TRUE and DELEGATED-FROM parameter
+ $delegate_attendee['rsvp'] = true;
+ $delegate_attendee['status'] = 'NEEDS-ACTION';
+ $delegate_attendee['delegated-from'] = $me['email'];
+ $event['attendees'][$delegate_index] = $delegate_attendee;
+ $attendees[] = $delegate_index;
+ $this->set_sender_email($me['email']);
+ return $this->send_itip_message($event, 'REQUEST', $delegate_attendee, 'itipsubjectdelegatedto', 'itipmailbodydelegatedto');
+ }
+ /**
+ * Handler for calendar/itip-status requests
+ */
+ public function get_itip_status($event, $existing = null)
+ {
+ $action = $event['rsvp'] ? 'rsvp' : '';
+ $status = $event['fallback'];
+ $latest = false;
+ $html = '';
+ if (is_numeric($event['changed']))
+ $event['changed'] = new DateTime('@'.$event['changed']);
+ // check if the given itip object matches the last state
+ if ($existing) {
+ $latest = (isset($event['sequence']) && intval($existing['sequence']) == intval($event['sequence'])) ||
+ (!isset($event['sequence']) && $existing['changed'] && $existing['changed'] >= $event['changed']);
+ }
+ // determine action for REQUEST
+ if ($event['method'] == 'REQUEST') {
+ $html = html::div('rsvp-status', $this->gettext('acceptinvitation'));
+ if ($existing) {
+ $rsvp = $event['rsvp'];
+ $emails = $this->lib->get_user_emails();
+ foreach ($existing['attendees'] as $attendee) {
+ if ($attendee['email'] && in_array(strtolower($attendee['email']), $emails)) {
+ $status = strtoupper($attendee['status']);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $rsvp = $event['rsvp'] && $this->rc->config->get('calendar_allow_itip_uninvited', true);
+ }
+ $status_lc = strtolower($status);
+ if ($status_lc == 'unknown' && !$this->rc->config->get('calendar_allow_itip_uninvited', true)) {
+ $html = html::div('rsvp-status', $this->gettext('notanattendee'));
+ $action = 'import';
+ }
+ else if (in_array($status_lc, $this->rsvp_status)) {
+ $status_text = $this->gettext(($latest ? 'youhave' : 'youhavepreviously') . $status_lc);
+ if ($existing && ($existing['sequence'] > $event['sequence'] || (!isset($event['sequence']) && $existing['changed'] && $existing['changed'] > $event['changed']))) {
+ $action = ''; // nothing to do here, outdated invitation
+ if ($status_lc == 'needs-action')
+ $status_text = $this->gettext('outdatedinvitation');
+ }
+ else if (!$existing && !$rsvp) {
+ $action = 'import';
+ }
+ else if ($latest && $status_lc != 'needs-action') {
+ $action = 'update';
+ }
+ $html = html::div('rsvp-status ' . $status_lc, $status_text);
+ }
+ }
+ // determine action for REPLY
+ else if ($event['method'] == 'REPLY') {
+ // check whether the sender already is an attendee
+ if ($existing) {
+ $action = $this->rc->config->get('calendar_allow_itip_uninvited', true) ? 'accept' : '';
+ $listed = false;
+ foreach ($existing['attendees'] as $attendee) {
+ if ($attendee['role'] != 'ORGANIZER' && strcasecmp($attendee['email'], $event['attendee']) == 0) {
+ $status_lc = strtolower($status);
+ if (in_array($status_lc, $this->rsvp_status)) {
+ $html = html::div('rsvp-status ' . $status_lc, $this->gettext(array(
+ 'name' => 'attendee' . $status_lc,
+ 'vars' => array(
+ 'delegatedto' => Q($event['delegated-to'] ?: ($attendee['delegated-to'] ?: '?')),
+ )
+ )));
+ }
+ $action = $attendee['status'] == $status || !$latest ? '' : 'update';
+ $listed = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$listed) {
+ $html = html::div('rsvp-status', $this->gettext('itipnewattendee'));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ $html = html::div('rsvp-status hint', $this->gettext('itipobjectnotfound'));
+ $action = '';
+ }
+ }
+ else if ($event['method'] == 'CANCEL') {
+ if (!$existing) {
+ $html = html::div('rsvp-status hint', $this->gettext('itipobjectnotfound'));
+ $action = '';
+ }
+ }
+ return array(
+ 'uid' => $event['uid'],
+ 'id' => asciiwords($event['uid'], true),
+ 'existing' => $existing ? true : false,
+ 'saved' => $existing ? true : false,
+ 'latest' => $latest,
+ 'status' => $status,
+ 'action' => $action,
+ 'html' => $html,
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Build inline UI elements for iTip messages
+ */
+ public function mail_itip_inline_ui($event, $method, $mime_id, $task, $message_date = null, $preview_url = null)
+ {
+ $buttons = array();
+ $dom_id = asciiwords($event['uid'], true);
+ $rsvp_status = 'unknown';
+ // pass some metadata about the event and trigger the asynchronous status check
+ $changed = is_object($event['changed']) ? $event['changed'] : $message_date;
+ $metadata = array(
+ 'uid' => $event['uid'],
+ '_instance' => $event['_instance'],
+ 'changed' => $changed ? $changed->format('U') : 0,
+ 'sequence' => intval($event['sequence']),
+ 'method' => $method,
+ 'task' => $task,
+ );
+ // create buttons to be activated from async request checking existence of this event in local calendars
+ $buttons[] = html::div(array('id' => 'loading-'.$dom_id, 'class' => 'rsvp-status loading'), $this->gettext('loading'));
+ // on iTip REPLY we have two options:
+ if ($method == 'REPLY') {
+ $title = $this->gettext('itipreply');
+ foreach ($event['attendees'] as $attendee) {
+ if (!empty($attendee['email']) && $attendee['role'] != 'ORGANIZER' &&
+ (empty($event['_sender']) || ($attendee['email'] == $event['_sender'] || $attendee['email'] == $event['_sender_utf']))) {
+ $metadata['attendee'] = $attendee['email'];
+ $rsvp_status = strtoupper($attendee['status']);
+ if ($attendee['delegated-to'])
+ $metadata['delegated-to'] = $attendee['delegated-to'];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // 1. update the attendee status on our copy
+ $update_button = html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => 'button',
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.add_from_itip_mail('" . JQ($mime_id) . "', '$task')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('updateattendeestatus'),
+ ));
+ // 2. accept or decline a new or delegate attendee
+ $accept_buttons = html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => "button accept",
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.add_from_itip_mail('" . JQ($mime_id) . "', '$task')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('acceptattendee'),
+ ));
+ $accept_buttons .= html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => "button decline",
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.decline_attendee_reply('" . JQ($mime_id) . "', '$task')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('declineattendee'),
+ ));
+ $buttons[] = html::div(array('id' => 'update-'.$dom_id, 'style' => 'display:none'), $update_button);
+ $buttons[] = html::div(array('id' => 'accept-'.$dom_id, 'style' => 'display:none'), $accept_buttons);
+ }
+ // when receiving iTip REQUEST messages:
+ else if ($method == 'REQUEST') {
+ $emails = $this->lib->get_user_emails();
+ $title = $event['sequence'] > 0 ? $this->gettext('itipupdate') : $this->gettext('itipinvitation');
+ $metadata['rsvp'] = true;
+ $metadata['sensitivity'] = $event['sensitivity'];
+ if (is_object($event['start'])) {
+ $metadata['date'] = $event['start']->format('U');
+ }
+ // check for X-KOLAB-INVITATIONTYPE property and only show accept/decline buttons
+ if (self::get_custom_property($event, 'X-KOLAB-INVITATIONTYPE') == 'CONFIRMATION') {
+ $this->rsvp_actions = array('accepted','declined');
+ $metadata['nosave'] = true;
+ }
+ // 1. display RSVP buttons (if the user was invited)
+ foreach ($this->rsvp_actions as $method) {
+ $rsvp_buttons .= html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => "button $method",
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.add_from_itip_mail('" . JQ($mime_id) . "', '$task', '$method', '$dom_id')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('itip' . $method),
+ ));
+ }
+ // add button to open calendar/preview
+ if (!empty($preview_url)) {
+ $msgref = $this->lib->ical_message->folder . '/' . $this->lib->ical_message->uid . '#' . $mime_id;
+ $rsvp_buttons .= html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => "button preview",
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.open_itip_preview('" . JQ($preview_url) . "', '" . JQ($msgref) . "')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('openpreview'),
+ ));
+ }
+ // 2. update the local copy with minor changes
+ $update_button = html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => 'button',
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.add_from_itip_mail('" . JQ($mime_id) . "', '$task')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('updatemycopy'),
+ ));
+ // 3. Simply import the event without replying
+ $import_button = html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => 'button',
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.add_from_itip_mail('" . JQ($mime_id) . "', '$task')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('importtocalendar'),
+ ));
+ // check my status
+ foreach ($event['attendees'] as $attendee) {
+ if ($attendee['email'] && in_array(strtolower($attendee['email']), $emails)) {
+ $metadata['attendee'] = $attendee['email'];
+ $metadata['rsvp'] = $attendee['rsvp'] || $attendee['role'] != 'NON-PARTICIPANT';
+ $rsvp_status = !empty($attendee['status']) ? strtoupper($attendee['status']) : 'NEEDS-ACTION';
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // add itip reply message controls
+ $rsvp_buttons .= html::div('itip-reply-controls', $this->itip_rsvp_options_ui($dom_id, $metadata['nosave']));
+ $buttons[] = html::div(array('id' => 'rsvp-'.$dom_id, 'class' => 'rsvp-buttons', 'style' => 'display:none'), $rsvp_buttons);
+ $buttons[] = html::div(array('id' => 'update-'.$dom_id, 'style' => 'display:none'), $update_button);
+ // prepare autocompletion for delegation dialog
+ if (in_array('delegated', $this->rsvp_actions)) {
+ $this->rc->autocomplete_init();
+ }
+ }
+ // for CANCEL messages, we can:
+ else if ($method == 'CANCEL') {
+ $title = $this->gettext('itipcancellation');
+ $event_prop = array_filter(array(
+ 'uid' => $event['uid'],
+ '_instance' => $event['_instance'],
+ '_savemode' => $event['_savemode'],
+ ));
+ // 1. remove the event from our calendar
+ $button_remove = html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => 'button',
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.remove_from_itip(" . rcube_output::json_serialize($event_prop) . ", '$task', '" . JQ($event['title']) . "')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('removefromcalendar'),
+ ));
+ // 2. update our copy with status=cancelled
+ $button_update = html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => 'button',
+ 'class' => 'button',
+ 'onclick' => "rcube_libcalendaring.add_from_itip_mail('" . JQ($mime_id) . "', '$task')",
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('updatemycopy'),
+ ));
+ $buttons[] = html::div(array('id' => 'rsvp-'.$dom_id, 'style' => 'display:none'), $button_remove . $button_update);
+ $rsvp_status = 'CANCELLED';
+ $metadata['rsvp'] = true;
+ }
+ // append generic import button
+ if ($import_button) {
+ $buttons[] = html::div(array('id' => 'import-'.$dom_id, 'style' => 'display:none'), $import_button);
+ }
+ // pass some metadata about the event and trigger the asynchronous status check
+ $metadata['fallback'] = $rsvp_status;
+ $metadata['rsvp'] = intval($metadata['rsvp']);
+ $this->rc->output->add_script("rcube_libcalendaring.fetch_itip_object_status(" . json_serialize($metadata) . ")", 'docready');
+ // get localized texts from the right domain
+ foreach (array('savingdata','deleteobjectconfirm','declinedeleteconfirm','declineattendee',
+ 'cancel','itipdelegated','declineattendeeconfirm','itipcomment','delegateinvitation',
+ 'delegateto','delegatersvpme','delegateinvalidaddress') as $label) {
+ $this->rc->output->command('add_label', "itip.$label", $this->gettext($label));
+ }
+ // show event details with buttons
+ return $this->itip_object_details_table($event, $title) .
+ html::div(array('class' => 'itip-buttons', 'id' => 'itip-buttons-' . asciiwords($metadata['uid'], true)), join('', $buttons));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render an RSVP UI widget with buttons to respond on iTip invitations
+ */
+ function itip_rsvp_buttons($attrib = array(), $actions = null)
+ {
+ $attrib += array('type' => 'button');
+ if (!$actions)
+ $actions = $this->rsvp_actions;
+ foreach ($actions as $method) {
+ $buttons .= html::tag('input', array(
+ 'type' => $attrib['type'],
+ 'name' => $attrib['iname'],
+ 'class' => 'button',
+ 'rel' => $method,
+ 'value' => $this->gettext('itip' . $method),
+ ));
+ }
+ // add localized texts for the delegation dialog
+ if (in_array('delegated', $actions)) {
+ foreach (array('itipdelegated','itipcomment','delegateinvitation',
+ 'delegateto','delegatersvpme','delegateinvalidaddress','cancel') as $label) {
+ $this->rc->output->command('add_label', "itip.$label", $this->gettext($label));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach (array('all','current','future') as $mode) {
+ $this->rc->output->command('add_label', "rsvpmode$mode", $this->gettext("rsvpmode$mode"));
+ }
+ $savemode_radio = new html_radiobutton(array('name' => '_rsvpmode', 'class' => 'rsvp-replymode'));
+ return html::div($attrib,
+ html::div('label', $this->gettext('acceptinvitation')) .
+ html::div('rsvp-buttons',
+ $buttons .
+ html::div('itip-reply-controls', $this->itip_rsvp_options_ui($attrib['id']))
+ )
+ );
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render UI elements to control iTip reply message sending
+ */
+ public function itip_rsvp_options_ui($dom_id, $disable = false)
+ {
+ $itip_sending = $this->rc->config->get('calendar_itip_send_option', 3);
+ // itip sending is entirely disabled
+ if ($itip_sending === 0) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ // add checkbox to suppress itip reply message
+ else if ($itip_sending >= 2) {
+ $rsvp_additions = html::label(array('class' => 'noreply-toggle'),
+ html::tag('input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'id' => 'noreply-'.$dom_id, 'value' => 1, 'disabled' => $disable, 'checked' => ($itip_sending & 1) == 0))
+ . ' ' . $this->gettext('itipsuppressreply')
+ );
+ }
+ // add input field for reply comment
+ $rsvp_additions .= html::a(array('href' => '#toggle', 'class' => 'reply-comment-toggle'), $this->gettext('itipeditresponse'));
+ $rsvp_additions .= html::div('itip-reply-comment',
+ html::tag('textarea', array('id' => 'reply-comment-'.$dom_id, 'name' => '_comment', 'cols' => 40, 'rows' => 6, 'style' => 'display:none', 'placeholder' => $this->gettext('itipcomment')), '')
+ );
+ return $rsvp_additions;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Render event/task details in a table
+ */
+ function itip_object_details_table($event, $title)
+ {
+ $table = new html_table(array('cols' => 2, 'border' => 0, 'class' => 'calendar-eventdetails'));
+ $table->add('ititle', $title);
+ $table->add('title', Q($event['title']));
+ if ($event['start'] && $event['end']) {
+ $table->add('label', $this->gettext('date'));
+ $table->add('date', Q($this->lib->event_date_text($event)));
+ }
+ else if ($event['due'] && $event['_type'] == 'task') {
+ $table->add('label', $this->gettext('date'));
+ $table->add('date', Q($this->lib->event_date_text($event)));
+ }
+ if (!empty($event['recurrence_date'])) {
+ $table->add('label', '');
+ $table->add('recurrence-id', $this->gettext($event['thisandfuture'] ? 'itipfutureoccurrence' : 'itipsingleoccurrence'));
+ }
+ else if (!empty($event['recurrence'])) {
+ $table->add('label', $this->gettext('recurring'));
+ $table->add('recurrence', $this->lib->recurrence_text($event['recurrence']));
+ }
+ if ($event['location']) {
+ $table->add('label', $this->gettext('location'));
+ $table->add('location', Q($event['location']));
+ }
+ if ($event['sensitivity'] && $event['sensitivity'] != 'public') {
+ $table->add('label', $this->gettext('sensitivity'));
+ $table->add('sensitivity', ucfirst($this->gettext($event['sensitivity'])) . '!');
+ }
+ if ($event['status'] == 'COMPLETED' || $event['status'] == 'CANCELLED') {
+ $table->add('label', $this->gettext('status'));
+ $table->add('status', $this->gettext('status-' . strtolower($event['status'])));
+ }
+ if ($event['comment']) {
+ $table->add('label', $this->gettext('comment'));
+ $table->add('location', Q($event['comment']));
+ }
+ return $table->show();
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create iTIP invitation token for later replies via URL
+ *
+ * @param array Hash array with event properties
+ * @param string Attendee email address
+ * @return string Invitation token
+ */
+ public function store_invitation($event, $attendee)
+ {
+ // empty stub
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Mark invitations for the given event as cancelled
+ *
+ * @param array Hash array with event properties
+ */
+ public function cancel_itip_invitation($event)
+ {
+ // empty stub
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Utility function to get the value of a custom property
+ */
+ public static function get_custom_property($event, $name)
+ {
+ $ret = false;
+ if (is_array($event['x-custom'])) {
+ array_walk($event['x-custom'], function($prop, $i) use ($name, &$ret) {
+ if (strcasecmp($prop[0], $name) === 0) {
+ $ret = $prop[1];
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ return $ret;
+ }

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