path: root/pcp
diff options
authorNathan Scott <>2021-05-27 16:05:48 +1000
committerNathan Scott <>2021-06-09 17:09:29 +1000
commit4bcb5d116bd371fb72e8c43335316184fb8febd9 (patch)
tree532f3d46adb9fc6f1240a1ab10c1c3fdd4dc41b3 /pcp
parent4d7cee56f04c7c716ad8289047b8d1cb44c4c4fe (diff)
Update the PCP platform to use common Process fields and code
Remove code now that we have common platform-independent command line wrangling (thanks BenBE!). Add PCP platform support for a handful of other recently arriving odds and ends - ELAPSED time, CWD, and so on.
Diffstat (limited to 'pcp')
6 files changed, 59 insertions, 376 deletions
diff --git a/pcp/PCPProcess.c b/pcp/PCPProcess.c
index 4a5cdb32..3b66a301 100644
--- a/pcp/PCPProcess.c
+++ b/pcp/PCPProcess.c
@@ -21,9 +21,6 @@ in the source distribution for its full text.
#include "ProvideCurses.h"
#include "XUtils.h"
-/* Used to identify kernel threads in Comm column */
-static const char *const kthreadID = "KTHREAD";
const ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
[0] = { .name = "", .title = NULL, .description = NULL, .flags = 0, },
[PID] = { .name = "PID", .title = "PID", .description = "Process/thread ID", .flags = 0, .pidColumn = true, },
@@ -45,6 +42,7 @@ const ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
[PRIORITY] = { .name = "PRIORITY", .title = "PRI ", .description = "Kernel's internal priority for the process", .flags = 0, },
[NICE] = { .name = "NICE", .title = " NI ", .description = "Nice value (the higher the value, the more it lets other processes take priority)", .flags = 0, },
[STARTTIME] = { .name = "STARTTIME", .title = "START ", .description = "Time the process was started", .flags = 0, },
+ [ELAPSED] = { .name = "ELAPSED", .title = "ELAPSED ", .description = "Time since the process was started", .flags = 0, },
[PROCESSOR] = { .name = "PROCESSOR", .title = "CPU ", .description = "If of the CPU the process last executed on", .flags = 0, },
[M_VIRT] = { .name = "M_VIRT", .title = " VIRT ", .description = "Total program size in virtual memory", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[M_RESIDENT] = { .name = "M_RESIDENT", .title = " RES ", .description = "Resident set size, size of the text and data sections, plus stack usage", .flags = 0, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
@@ -81,20 +79,11 @@ const ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
[M_PSSWP] = { .name = "M_PSSWP", .title = " PSSWP ", .description = "shows proportional swap share of this mapping, Unlike \"Swap\", this does not take into account swapped out page of underlying shmem objects.", .flags = PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_SMAPS, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[CTXT] = { .name = "CTXT", .title = " CTXT ", .description = "Context switches (incremental sum of voluntary_ctxt_switches and nonvoluntary_ctxt_switches)", .flags = PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_CTXT, .defaultSortDesc = true, },
[SECATTR] = { .name = "SECATTR", .title = " Security Attribute ", .description = "Security attribute of the process (e.g. SELinux or AppArmor)", .flags = PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_SECATTR, },
- [PROC_COMM] = { .name = "COMM", .title = "COMM ", .description = "comm string of the process from /proc/[pid]/comm", .flags = 0, },
+ [PROC_COMM] = { .name = "COMM", .title = "COMM ", .description = "comm string of the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [PROC_EXE] = { .name = "EXE", .title = "EXE ", .description = "Basename of exe of the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [CWD] = { .name = "CWD", .title = "CWD ", .description = "The current working directory of the process", .flags = PROCESS_FLAG_CWD, },
-/* This function returns the string displayed in Command column, so that sorting
- * happens on what is displayed - whether comm, full path, basename, etc.. So
- * this follows PCPProcess_writeField(COMM) and PCPProcess_writeCommand */
-static const char* PCPProcess_getCommandStr(const Process *this) {
- const PCPProcess *pp = (const PCPProcess *)this;
- if ((Process_isUserlandThread(this) && this->settings->showThreadNames) || !pp->mergedCommand.str) {
- return this->comm;
- }
- return pp->mergedCommand.str;
Process* PCPProcess_new(const Settings* settings) {
PCPProcess* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(PCPProcess));
Object_setClass(this, Class(PCPProcess));
@@ -107,8 +96,6 @@ void Process_delete(Object* cast) {
- free(this->procComm);
- free(this->mergedCommand.str);
@@ -120,210 +107,6 @@ static void PCPProcess_printDelay(float delay_percent, char* buffer, int n) {
-TASK_COMM_LEN is defined to be 16 for /proc/[pid]/comm in man proc(5), but is
-not available in an userspace header - so define it. Note: when colorizing a
-basename with the comm prefix, the entire basename (not just the comm prefix)
-is colorized for better readability, and it is implicit that only up to
-(TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) could be comm.
-#define TASK_COMM_LEN 16
-This function makes the merged Command string. It also stores the offsets of
-the basename, comm w.r.t the merged Command string - these offsets will be used
-by PCPProcess_writeCommand() for coloring. The merged Command string is also
-returned by PCPProcess_getCommandStr() for searching, sorting and filtering.
-void PCPProcess_makeCommandStr(Process* this) {
- PCPProcess *pp = (PCPProcess *)this;
- PCPProcessMergedCommand *mc = &pp->mergedCommand;
- bool showMergedCommand = this->settings->showMergedCommand;
- bool showProgramPath = this->settings->showProgramPath;
- bool searchCommInCmdline = this->settings->findCommInCmdline;
- /* pp->mergedCommand.str needs updating only if its state or contents
- * changed. Its content is based on the fields cmdline and comm. */
- if (
- mc->prevMergeSet == showMergedCommand &&
- mc->prevPathSet == showProgramPath &&
- mc->prevCommSet == searchCommInCmdline &&
- !mc->cmdlineChanged &&
- !mc->commChanged
- ) {
- return;
- }
- /* The field separtor "│" has been chosen such that it will not match any
- * valid string used for searching or filtering */
- const char *SEPARATOR = CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_VERT];
- const int SEPARATOR_LEN = strlen(SEPARATOR);
- /* Check for any changed fields since we last built this string */
- if (mc->cmdlineChanged || mc->commChanged) {
- free(mc->str);
- /* Accommodate the column text, two field separators and terminating NUL */
- mc->str = xCalloc(1, mc->maxLen + 2*SEPARATOR_LEN + 1);
- }
- /* Preserve the settings used in this run */
- mc->prevMergeSet = showMergedCommand;
- mc->prevPathSet = showProgramPath;
- mc->prevCommSet = searchCommInCmdline;
- /* Mark everything as unchanged */
- mc->cmdlineChanged = false;
- mc->commChanged = false;
- /* Clear any separators */
- mc->sep1 = 0;
- mc->sep2 = 0;
- /* Clear any highlighting locations */
- mc->baseStart = 0;
- mc->baseEnd = 0;
- mc->commStart = 0;
- mc->commEnd = 0;
- const char *cmdline = this->comm;
- const char *procComm = pp->procComm;
- char *strStart = mc->str;
- char *str = strStart;
- int cmdlineBasenameOffset = pp->procCmdlineBasenameOffset;
- int cmdlineBasenameEnd = pp->procCmdlineBasenameEnd;
- if (!cmdline) {
- cmdlineBasenameOffset = 0;
- cmdlineBasenameEnd = 0;
- cmdline = "(zombie)";
- }
- assert(cmdlineBasenameOffset >= 0);
- assert(cmdlineBasenameOffset <= (int)strlen(cmdline));
- if (showMergedCommand && procComm && strlen(procComm)) { /* Prefix column with comm */
- if (strncmp(cmdline + cmdlineBasenameOffset, procComm, MINIMUM(TASK_COMM_LEN - 1, strlen(procComm))) != 0) {
- mc->commStart = 0;
- mc->commEnd = strlen(procComm);
- str = stpcpy(str, procComm);
- mc->sep1 = str - strStart;
- str = stpcpy(str, SEPARATOR);
- }
- }
- if (showProgramPath) {
- (void) stpcpy(str, cmdline);
- mc->baseStart = cmdlineBasenameOffset;
- mc->baseEnd = cmdlineBasenameEnd;
- } else {
- (void) stpcpy(str, cmdline + cmdlineBasenameOffset);
- mc->baseStart = 0;
- mc->baseEnd = cmdlineBasenameEnd - cmdlineBasenameOffset;
- }
- if (mc->sep1) {
- mc->baseStart += str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
- mc->baseEnd += str - strStart - SEPARATOR_LEN + 1;
- }
-static void PCPProcess_writeCommand(const Process* this, int attr, int baseAttr, RichString* str) {
- const PCPProcess *pp = (const PCPProcess *)this;
- const PCPProcessMergedCommand *mc = &pp->mergedCommand;
- int strStart = RichString_size(str);
- int baseStart = strStart + pp->mergedCommand.baseStart;
- int baseEnd = strStart + pp->mergedCommand.baseEnd;
- int commStart = strStart + pp->mergedCommand.commStart;
- int commEnd = strStart + pp->mergedCommand.commEnd;
- int commAttr = CRT_colors[Process_isUserlandThread(this) ? PROCESS_THREAD_COMM : PROCESS_COMM];
- bool highlightBaseName = this->settings->highlightBaseName;
- RichString_appendWide(str, attr, pp->mergedCommand.str);
- if (pp->mergedCommand.commEnd) {
- if (!pp->mergedCommand.separateComm && commStart == baseStart && highlightBaseName) {
- /* If it was matched with binaries basename, make it bold if needed */
- if (commEnd > baseEnd) {
- RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | baseAttr, baseStart, baseEnd - baseStart);
- RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | commAttr, baseEnd, commEnd - baseEnd);
- } else if (commEnd < baseEnd) {
- RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | commAttr, commStart, commEnd - commStart);
- RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | baseAttr, commEnd, baseEnd - commEnd);
- } else {
- // Actually should be highlighted commAttr, but marked baseAttr to reduce visual noise
- RichString_setAttrn(str, A_BOLD | baseAttr, commStart, commEnd - commStart);
- }
- baseStart = baseEnd;
- } else {
- RichString_setAttrn(str, commAttr, commStart, commEnd - commStart);
- }
- }
- if (baseStart < baseEnd && highlightBaseName) {
- RichString_setAttrn(str, baseAttr, baseStart, baseEnd - baseStart);
- }
- if (mc->sep1)
- RichString_setAttrn(str, CRT_colors[FAILED_READ], strStart + mc->sep1, 1);
- if (mc->sep2)
- RichString_setAttrn(str, CRT_colors[FAILED_READ], strStart + mc->sep2, 1);
-static void PCPProcess_writeCommandField(const Process *this, RichString *str, char *buffer, int n, int attr) {
- /* This code is from Process_writeField for COMM, but we invoke
- * PCPProcess_writeCommand to display the full binary path
- * (or its basename)│/proc/pid/comm│/proc/pid/cmdline */
- int baseattr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_BASENAME];
- if (this->settings->highlightThreads && Process_isThread(this)) {
- attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD];
- baseattr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_THREAD_BASENAME];
- }
- if (!this->settings->treeView || this->indent == 0) {
- PCPProcess_writeCommand(this, attr, baseattr, str);
- } else {
- char* buf = buffer;
- int maxIndent = 0;
- bool lastItem = (this->indent < 0);
- int indent = (this->indent < 0 ? -this->indent : this->indent);
- int vertLen = strlen(CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_VERT]);
- for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- if (indent & (1U << i)) {
- maxIndent = i+1;
- }
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < maxIndent - 1; i++) {
- if (indent & (1 << i)) {
- if (buf - buffer + (vertLen + 3) > n) {
- break;
- }
- buf = stpcpy(buf, CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_VERT]);
- buf = stpcpy(buf, " ");
- } else {
- if (buf - buffer + 4 > n) {
- break;
- }
- buf = stpcpy(buf, " ");
- }
- }
- n -= (buf - buffer);
- const char* draw = CRT_treeStr[lastItem ? TREE_STR_BEND : TREE_STR_RTEE];
- xSnprintf(buf, n, "%s%s ", draw, this->showChildren ? CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_SHUT] : CRT_treeStr[TREE_STR_OPEN] );
- RichString_appendWide(str, CRT_colors[PROCESS_TREE], buffer);
- PCPProcess_writeCommand(this, attr, baseattr, str);
- }
static void PCPProcess_writeField(const Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field) {
const PCPProcess* pp = (const PCPProcess*) this;
bool coloring = this->settings->highlightMegabytes;
@@ -331,29 +114,29 @@ static void PCPProcess_writeField(const Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessF
int attr = CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR];
int n = sizeof(buffer) - 1;
switch ((int)field) {
- case CMINFLT: Process_colorNumber(str, pp->cminflt, coloring); return;
- case CMAJFLT: Process_colorNumber(str, pp->cmajflt, coloring); return;
- case M_DRS: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->m_drs, coloring); return;
- case M_DT: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->m_dt, coloring); return;
- case M_LRS: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->m_lrs, coloring); return;
- case M_TRS: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->m_trs, coloring); return;
- case M_SHARE: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->m_share, coloring); return;
- case M_PSS: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->m_pss, coloring); return;
- case M_SWAP: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->m_swap, coloring); return;
- case M_PSSWP: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->m_psswp, coloring); return;
- case UTIME: Process_printTime(str, pp->utime); return;
- case STIME: Process_printTime(str, pp->stime); return;
- case CUTIME: Process_printTime(str, pp->cutime); return;
- case CSTIME: Process_printTime(str, pp->cstime); return;
- case RCHAR: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->io_rchar, coloring); return;
- case WCHAR: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->io_wchar, coloring); return;
- case SYSCR: Process_colorNumber(str, pp->io_syscr, coloring); return;
- case SYSCW: Process_colorNumber(str, pp->io_syscw, coloring); return;
- case RBYTES: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->io_read_bytes, coloring); return;
- case WBYTES: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->io_write_bytes, coloring); return;
- case CNCLWB: Process_humanNumber(str, pp->io_cancelled_write_bytes, coloring); return;
- case IO_READ_RATE: Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, pp->io_rate_read_bps, coloring); return;
- case IO_WRITE_RATE: Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, pp->io_rate_write_bps, coloring); return;
+ case CMINFLT: Process_printCount(str, pp->cminflt, coloring); return;
+ case CMAJFLT: Process_printCount(str, pp->cmajflt, coloring); return;
+ case M_DRS: Process_printBytes(str, pp->m_drs, coloring); return;
+ case M_DT: Process_printBytes(str, pp->m_dt, coloring); return;
+ case M_LRS: Process_printBytes(str, pp->m_lrs, coloring); return;
+ case M_TRS: Process_printBytes(str, pp->m_trs, coloring); return;
+ case M_SHARE: Process_printBytes(str, pp->m_share, coloring); return;
+ case M_PSS: Process_printKBytes(str, pp->m_pss, coloring); return;
+ case M_SWAP: Process_printKBytes(str, pp->m_swap, coloring); return;
+ case M_PSSWP: Process_printKBytes(str, pp->m_psswp, coloring); return;
+ case UTIME: Process_printTime(str, pp->utime, coloring); return;
+ case STIME: Process_printTime(str, pp->stime, coloring); return;
+ case CUTIME: Process_printTime(str, pp->cutime, coloring); return;
+ case CSTIME: Process_printTime(str, pp->cstime, coloring); return;
+ case RCHAR: Process_printBytes(str, pp->io_rchar, coloring); return;
+ case WCHAR: Process_printBytes(str, pp->io_wchar, coloring); return;
+ case SYSCR: Process_printCount(str, pp->io_syscr, coloring); return;
+ case SYSCW: Process_printCount(str, pp->io_syscw, coloring); return;
+ case RBYTES: Process_printBytes(str, pp->io_read_bytes, coloring); return;
+ case WBYTES: Process_printBytes(str, pp->io_write_bytes, coloring); return;
+ case CNCLWB: Process_printBytes(str, pp->io_cancelled_write_bytes, coloring); return;
+ case IO_READ_RATE: Process_printRate(str, pp->io_rate_read_bps, coloring); return;
+ case IO_WRITE_RATE: Process_printRate(str, pp->io_rate_write_bps, coloring); return;
case IO_RATE: {
double totalRate = NAN;
if (!isnan(pp->io_rate_read_bps) && !isnan(pp->io_rate_write_bps))
@@ -364,7 +147,7 @@ static void PCPProcess_writeField(const Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessF
totalRate = pp->io_rate_write_bps;
totalRate = NAN;
- Process_outputRate(str, buffer, n, totalRate, coloring); return;
+ Process_printRate(str, totalRate, coloring); return;
case CGROUP: xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%-10s ", pp->cgroup ? pp->cgroup : ""); break;
case OOM: xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%4u ", pp->oom); break;
@@ -384,27 +167,6 @@ static void PCPProcess_writeField(const Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessF
xSnprintf(buffer, n, "%5lu ", pp->ctxt_diff);
case SECATTR: snprintf(buffer, n, "%-30s ", pp->secattr ? pp->secattr : "?"); break;
- case COMM: {
- if ((Process_isUserlandThread(this) && this->settings->showThreadNames) || !pp->mergedCommand.str) {
- Process_writeField(this, str, field);
- } else {
- PCPProcess_writeCommandField(this, str, buffer, n, attr);
- }
- return;
- }
- case PROC_COMM: {
- const char* procComm;
- if (pp->procComm) {
- attr = CRT_colors[Process_isUserlandThread(this) ? PROCESS_THREAD_COMM : PROCESS_COMM];
- procComm = pp->procComm;
- } else {
- attr = CRT_colors[PROCESS_SHADOW];
- procComm = Process_isKernelThread(this) ? kthreadID : "N/A";
- }
- /* 15 being (TASK_COMM_LEN - 1) */
- Process_printLeftAlignedField(str, attr, procComm, 15);
- return;
- }
Process_writeField(this, str, field);
@@ -482,20 +244,11 @@ static int PCPProcess_compareByKey(const Process* v1, const Process* v2, Process
return SPACESHIP_NUMBER(p1->ctxt_diff, p1->ctxt_diff);
return SPACESHIP_NULLSTR(p1->secattr, p2->secattr);
- case PROC_COMM: {
- const char *comm1 = p1->procComm ? p1->procComm : (Process_isKernelThread(v1) ? kthreadID : "");
- const char *comm2 = p2->procComm ? p2->procComm : (Process_isKernelThread(v2) ? kthreadID : "");
- return strcmp(comm1, comm2);
- }
return Process_compareByKey_Base(v1, v2, key);
-bool Process_isThread(const Process* this) {
- return (Process_isUserlandThread(this) || Process_isKernelThread(this));
const ProcessClass PCPProcess_class = {
.super = {
.extends = Class(Process),
@@ -504,6 +257,5 @@ const ProcessClass PCPProcess_class = {
.compare = Process_compare
.writeField = PCPProcess_writeField,
- .getCommandStr = PCPProcess_getCommandStr,
.compareByKey = PCPProcess_compareByKey
diff --git a/pcp/PCPProcess.h b/pcp/PCPProcess.h
index 946d3831..25707f2b 100644
--- a/pcp/PCPProcess.h
+++ b/pcp/PCPProcess.h
@@ -26,35 +26,8 @@ in the source distribution for its full text.
-/* PCPProcessMergedCommand is populated by PCPProcess_makeCommandStr: It
- * contains the merged Command string, and the information needed by
- * PCPProcess_writeCommand to color the string. str will be NULL for kernel
- * threads and zombies */
-typedef struct PCPProcessMergedCommand_ {
- char *str; /* merged Command string */
- int maxLen; /* maximum expected length of Command string */
- int baseStart; /* basename's start offset */
- int baseEnd; /* basename's end offset */
- int commStart; /* comm's start offset */
- int commEnd; /* comm's end offset */
- int sep1; /* first field separator, used if non-zero */
- int sep2; /* second field separator, used if non-zero */
- bool separateComm; /* whether comm is a separate field */
- bool cmdlineChanged; /* whether cmdline changed */
- bool commChanged; /* whether comm changed */
- bool prevMergeSet; /* whether showMergedCommand was set */
- bool prevPathSet; /* whether showProgramPath was set */
- bool prevCommSet; /* whether findCommInCmdline was set */
- bool prevCmdlineSet; /* whether findCommInCmdline was set */
-} PCPProcessMergedCommand;
typedef struct PCPProcess_ {
Process super;
- char *procComm;
- int procCmdlineBasenameOffset;
- int procCmdlineBasenameEnd;
- PCPProcessMergedCommand mergedCommand;
- bool isKernelThread;
unsigned long int cminflt;
unsigned long int cmajflt;
unsigned long long int utime;
@@ -111,18 +84,6 @@ typedef struct PCPProcess_ {
unsigned long long int last_mlrs_calctime;
} PCPProcess;
-static inline void Process_setKernelThread(Process* this, bool truth) {
- ((PCPProcess*)this)->isKernelThread = truth;
-static inline bool Process_isKernelThread(const Process* this) {
- return ((const PCPProcess*)this)->isKernelThread;
-static inline bool Process_isUserlandThread(const Process* this) {
- return this->pid != this->tgid;
extern const ProcessFieldData Process_fields[LAST_PROCESSFIELD];
extern const ProcessClass PCPProcess_class;
@@ -131,10 +92,6 @@ Process* PCPProcess_new(const Settings* settings);
void Process_delete(Object* cast);
-/* This function constructs the string that is displayed by
- * PCPProcess_writeCommand and also returned by PCPProcess_getCommandStr */
-void PCPProcess_makeCommandStr(Process *this);
bool Process_isThread(const Process* this);
diff --git a/pcp/PCPProcessList.c b/pcp/PCPProcessList.c
index 3755c9bc..0985ad2c 100644
--- a/pcp/PCPProcessList.c
+++ b/pcp/PCPProcessList.c
@@ -364,6 +364,10 @@ static void PCPProcessList_readSecattrData(PCPProcess* process, int pid, int off
process->secattr = setString(PCP_PROC_LABELS, pid, offset, process->secattr);
+static void PCPProcessList_readCwd(PCPProcess* process, int pid, int offset) {
+ process->super.procCwd = setString(PCP_PROC_CWD, pid, offset, process->super.procCwd);
static void PCPProcessList_updateUsername(Process* process, int pid, int offset, UsersTable* users) {
unsigned int uid = 0;
pmAtomValue value;
@@ -377,61 +381,42 @@ static void PCPProcessList_updateCmdline(Process* process, int pid, int offset,
pmAtomValue value;
if (!Metric_instance(PCP_PROC_PSARGS, pid, offset, &value, PM_TYPE_STRING)) {
if (process->state != 'Z')
- Process_setKernelThread(process, true);
- else
- process->basenameOffset = 0;
+ process->isKernelThread = true;
+ Process_updateCmdline(process, NULL, 0, 0);
char *command = value.cp;
int length = strlen(command);
if (command[0] != '(') {
- Process_setKernelThread(process, false);
+ process->isKernelThread = false;
} else {
if (command[length-1] == ')')
command[length-1] = '\0';
- Process_setKernelThread(process, true);
+ process->isKernelThread = true;
- int tokenEnd = 0;
int tokenStart = 0;
- int lastChar = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
/* htop considers the next character after the last / that is before
* basenameOffset, as the start of the basename in cmdline - see
* Process_writeCommand */
if (command[i] == '/')
tokenStart = i + 1;
- lastChar = i;
- }
- tokenEnd = length;
- PCPProcess *pp = (PCPProcess *)process;
- pp->mergedCommand.maxLen = lastChar + 1; /* accommodate cmdline */
- if (!process->comm || !String_eq(command, process->comm)) {
- process->basenameOffset = tokenEnd;
- free_and_xStrdup(&process->comm, command);
- pp->procCmdlineBasenameOffset = tokenStart;
- pp->procCmdlineBasenameEnd = tokenEnd;
- pp->mergedCommand.cmdlineChanged = true;
- }
- /* comm could change, so should be updated */
- if ((length = strlen(comm)) > 0) {
- pp->mergedCommand.maxLen += length;
- if (!pp->procComm || !String_eq(command, pp->procComm)) {
- free_and_xStrdup(&pp->procComm, command);
- pp->mergedCommand.commChanged = true;
- }
- } else if (pp->procComm) {
- free(pp->procComm);
- pp->procComm = NULL;
- pp->mergedCommand.commChanged = true;
+ int tokenEnd = length;
+ Process_updateCmdline(process, command, tokenStart, tokenEnd);
+ Process_updateComm(process, comm);
+ if (Metric_instance(PCP_PROC_EXE, pid, offset, &value, PM_TYPE_STRING)) {
+ Process_updateExe(process, value.cp);
+ free(value.cp);
+ }
static bool PCPProcessList_updateProcesses(PCPProcessList* this, double period, struct timeval* tv) {
@@ -511,16 +496,6 @@ static bool PCPProcessList_updateProcesses(PCPProcessList* this, double period,
PCPProcessList_updateCmdline(proc, pid, offset, command);
- /* (Re)Generate the Command string, but only if the process is:
- * - not a kernel thread, and
- * - not a zombie or it became zombie under htop's watch, and
- * - not a user thread or if showThreadNames is not set */
- if (!Process_isKernelThread(proc) &&
- (proc->state != 'Z' || pp->mergedCommand.str) &&
- (!Process_isUserlandThread(proc) || !settings->showThreadNames)) {
- PCPProcess_makeCommandStr(proc);
- }
if (settings->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_CGROUP)
PCPProcessList_readCGroups(pp, pid, offset);
@@ -533,20 +508,16 @@ static bool PCPProcessList_updateProcesses(PCPProcessList* this, double period,
if (settings->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_SECATTR)
PCPProcessList_readSecattrData(pp, pid, offset);
- if (proc->state == 'Z' && proc->basenameOffset == 0) {
- proc->basenameOffset = -1;
- free_and_xStrdup(&proc->comm, command);
- pp->procCmdlineBasenameOffset = 0;
- pp->procCmdlineBasenameEnd = 0;
- pp->mergedCommand.commChanged = true;
+ if (settings->flags & PROCESS_FLAG_CWD)
+ PCPProcessList_readCwd(pp, pid, offset);
+ if (proc->state == 'Z' && !proc->cmdline && command[0]) {
+ Process_updateCmdline(proc, command, 0, strlen(command));
} else if (Process_isThread(proc)) {
- if (settings->showThreadNames || Process_isKernelThread(proc)) {
- proc->basenameOffset = -1;
- free_and_xStrdup(&proc->comm, command);
- pp->procCmdlineBasenameOffset = 0;
- pp->procCmdlineBasenameEnd = 0;
- pp->mergedCommand.commChanged = true;
+ if ((settings->showThreadNames || Process_isKernelThread(proc)) && command[0]) {
+ Process_updateCmdline(proc, command, 0, strlen(command));
if (Process_isKernelThread(proc)) {
} else {
@@ -557,14 +528,12 @@ static bool PCPProcessList_updateProcesses(PCPProcessList* this, double period,
/* Set at the end when we know if a new entry is a thread */
proc->show = ! ((hideKernelThreads && Process_isKernelThread(proc)) ||
(hideUserlandThreads && Process_isUserlandThread(proc)));
-//fprintf(stderr, "Updated PID %d [%s] show=%d user=%d[%d] kern=%d[%d]\n", pid, command, proc->show, Process_isUserlandThread(proc), hideUserlandThreads, Process_isKernelThread(proc), hideKernelThreads);
if (proc->state == 'R')
proc->updated = true;
-//fprintf(stderr, "Total tasks %d, running=%d\n", pl->totalTasks, pl->runningTasks);
return true;
diff --git a/pcp/Platform.c b/pcp/Platform.c
index 1caa3e09..f4d538df 100644
--- a/pcp/Platform.c
+++ b/pcp/Platform.c
@@ -219,6 +219,8 @@ static const char *Platform_metricNames[] = {
[PCP_PROC_LABELS] = "proc.psinfo.labels",
[PCP_PROC_ENVIRON] = "proc.psinfo.environ",
[PCP_PROC_TTYNAME] = "proc.psinfo.ttyname",
+ [PCP_PROC_EXE] = "proc.psinfo.exe",
+ [PCP_PROC_CWD] = "proc.psinfo.cwd",
diff --git a/pcp/Platform.h b/pcp/Platform.h
index 2a1bd3b4..cd90bc00 100644
--- a/pcp/Platform.h
+++ b/pcp/Platform.h
@@ -206,6 +206,8 @@ typedef enum Metric_ {
PCP_PROC_LABELS, /* proc.psinfo.labels */
PCP_PROC_ENVIRON, /* proc.psinfo.environ */
PCP_PROC_TTYNAME, /* proc.psinfo.ttyname */
+ PCP_PROC_EXE, /* proc.psinfo.exe */
+ PCP_PROC_CWD, /* proc.psinfo.cwd */
diff --git a/pcp/ProcessField.h b/pcp/ProcessField.h
index ee03cbaf..3d5cb743 100644
--- a/pcp/ProcessField.h
+++ b/pcp/ProcessField.h
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ in the source distribution for its full text.
M_PSSWP = 121, \
CTXT = 122, \
SECATTR = 123, \
- PROC_COMM = 124, \
+ \
// End of list

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