diff options
authorSebul <sebuls@gmail.com>2021-08-20 04:21:52 +0900
committerSebul <sebuls@gmail.com>2021-08-20 04:23:32 +0900
commit0fb1943a58d0d9d2dcb9aa4391a24096c88fbd37 (patch)
parent227d184d161d82796451b526476649fd987dbc7f (diff)
ko. Debian 11 releasenotes
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/korean/releases/bullseye/releasenotes.wml b/korean/releases/bullseye/releasenotes.wml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..01fea4e8c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/korean/releases/bullseye/releasenotes.wml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#use wml::debian::template title="데비안 11 -- 릴리스 노트" BARETITLE=true
+#use wml::debian::release
+#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info"
+#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/arches.data"
+#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/bullseye/release.data"
+#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="ce7e85638a047b969574a7abeb8a634c27b9086b" maintainer="Sebul"
+<if-stable-release release="stretch">
+<p>This is a <strong>work-in-progress version</strong> of the Release Notes
+for Debian 10, codename buster, which isn't released yet. The
+information presented here might be inaccurate and outdated and is most
+likely incomplete.</p>
+<if-stable-release release="buster">
+<p>This is a <strong>work-in-progress version</strong> of the Release Notes
+for Debian 11, codename bullseye, which isn't released yet. The
+information presented here might be inaccurate and outdated and is most
+likely incomplete.</p>
+<p>데비안 11에서 새로운 점을 찾으려면, 해당 아키텍처에서 릴리스 노트를 보세요:
+<:= &permute_as_list('release-notes/', 'Release Notes'); :>
+<p>릴리스 노트에는 이전 릴리스에서 업그레이드하는 사용자에 대한 지침도 들어 있습니다.
+<p>브라우저의 지역화를 올바르게 설정하면, 위의 링크를 사용하여 올바른 HTML 버전을 자동으로 가져올 수 있습니다. &mdash;
+<a href="$(HOME)/intro/cn">content negotiation</a>을 보십시오.
+그렇지 않으면 아래 표에서 원하는 정확한 아키텍처, 언어 및 형식을 선택하십시오.</p>
+<div class="centerdiv">
+<table class="reltable">
+ <th align="left"><strong>이키텍처</strong></th>
+ <th align="left"><strong>형식</strong></th>
+ <th align="left"><strong>언어</strong></th>
+<: &permute_as_matrix_new( file => 'release-notes', langs => \%langsrelnotes,
+ formats => \%formats, arches => \@arches,
+ html_file => 'release-notes/index' ); :>

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