diff options
authorThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2020-10-31 16:27:00 +0100
committerThomas Lange <lange@debian.org>2020-10-31 16:27:00 +0100
commitaf5c780d01b48b438c62b68fbec914c747fa6421 (patch)
parentf70b285dc43ffdc82c7c56b4fbd276d8949bf98b (diff)
remove debian-lex
in aug 2019 I've asked which blends are active. A. Tille told me that it's fine to remove debian-lex, which is inactive and not listed as a blend any more
-rw-r--r--english/devel/debian-lex/debian-lex.pngbin19670 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--english/devel/debian-lex/debian-lex.xcfbin192711 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--english/devel/debian-lex/legaltux.pngbin37431 -> 0 bytes
31 files changed, 1 insertions, 2906 deletions
diff --git a/danish/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/danish/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e02cbb1a57..00000000000
--- a/danish/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/danish,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/danish/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/danish/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3af7a3cadba..00000000000
--- a/danish/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="24c44bd7384aec0bfadf3f41ae88f41afeb722fc"
-<p>Debian-Lex er et internt projekt, med det formål at gøre Debian
-til et system, som er specielt velegnet til de behov, der er på juridiske
-kontorer. Formålet med Debian-Lex er et komplet system til alle opgaver på et
-juridisk kontor, som er fuldstændig baseret på fri software.</p>
-<p>Den generelle idé med denne form for projekter, er baseret på projekterne
-<a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian Junior</a> og
-<a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a>, hvor størstedelen af disse
-siders indhold skamløst er stjålet fra sidstnævnte.</p>
-<p>Debian-Lex vil indeholde et antal metapakker, som opretter afhængigheder med
-andre Debian-pakker og på den måde, forberedes det komplette system til løsning
-af specifikke opgaver. Vi håber at der snart vil være et skelet til
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2003/debian-vote-200303/msg00014.html">\
-forskellelige varianter af Debian</a>, som Debian-Lex vil være baseret på.</p>
-<p>Vi forudser også, at Debian-Lex vil forbedre eksisterende pakker, ved at
-stille skabeloner tilpasset til advokater til rådighed. Eksempelvis skabeloner
-til OpenOffice.org, SQL-Ledger og et eksempel på et databaseskema til
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">Nyheder</a></h2>
-<tt>[23. august 2005]</tt> <strong>Debian Lex er på udkig efter en ny
-<tt>[11. august 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">\
-Vores CVS-server kører med de første udgaver af Debian-Lex-pakker</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[2. maj 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">\
-Presse: <em>Australier står i spidsen for udvikling Open Source-styresystem til advokater</em></a></strong><br>
-<tt>[23. april 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">\
-Debian-Lex omtalet i DWN!</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[19. april 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2003/debian-project-200304/msg00067.html">\
-Første forslag til udviklere</a></strong>
-<!--<p>For ældre nyheder, se <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-lex/News/">Debian-Lex' nyhedsside</a>.</p>-->
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Postliste</a></h2>
-<p>Postlisten til Debian-Lex er nu tilgængelig. Du kan tegne og ophæve
-abonnement ved hjælp af
-<a href="$(HOME)/MailingLists/subscribe">listens webside</a> og læse i
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">listearkivet</a>.</p>
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Softwareprojekter der skal indgå</a></h2>
-<p>Det første forsøg på at placere projekterne i kategorier, er måske ikke det
-bedste. Send forslag til forbedringer til postlisten.</p>
- <li><a href="software#administration">Administration af juridisk kontor</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Retsadministration</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Juridisk desktop</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#research">Juridisk søgning</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Server på juridisk kontor</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Andet</a></li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals">Projektmål</a></h2>
- <li>Opbygning af en solid programbase til juridiske kontorer med fokus på nem
- installation, let vedligeholdelse og sikkerhed.</li>
- <li>Sørge for at forfattere i projekter med lignende mål mødes.</li>
- <li>Testsystemer til let evaluering af kvaliteten af det juridiske programmel.</li>
- <li>Stille oplysninger og dokumentation til rådighed vedr. juridisk programmel.</li>
- <li>Hjælpe opstrømsforfattere med at få deres produkter pakket i Debian.</li>
- <li>Vise kommercielle programudviklingsvirksomheder styrken ved et solidt
- grundsystem, og få dem til at overveje at overføre deres programmel til
- Linux eller endda skifte til Open Source.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Foredrag om Debian-Lex</a></h2>
-<p>Her vil vi forsøge at tilføje alle foredrag om Debian-Lex, som kildekode og
-som præformatterede transparenter. Det kan være en god idé, at kigge på disse
-sider for at få nogle interessante oplysninger om projektet.</p>
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">Hvordan kan jeg hjælpe?</a></h2>
- <li>Arbejd på udvide og oversætte disse websider.</li>
- <li>Lav et logo (her er et <a href="debian-lex.png">eksempel</a>, som også er
- tilgængeligt i <a href="debian-lex.xcf">GIMP-format</a>, og her er
- <a href="legaltux.png">legal-TuX</a>, som det er baseret på).</li>
- <li>Pakning af ovennævnte softwareprojekter til Debian.</li>
- <li>Opbygning af metapakker til forskellige opgaver.</li>
- <li>Dokumentation og oversættelse.</li>
- <li>Internationalisering (hvilket er mere end bare oversættelse, på grund af
- forskellige juridiske systemer).</li>
- <li>Opbygning af live-cd (måske baseret på <a href="http://www.knoppix.de">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Marketing og markedsføring</a></h2>
-<p>Så snart projektet kan vise resultater, og endda i projekets indledende
-faser, er der fra overalt i verden interesse for projektet. Vi skal derfor
-samarbejde med press@debian.org, for gøre opmærksom på projektets eksistens.
-Til det formål vil vi lave en samling af præsentationer af Debian-Lex.</p>
diff --git a/danish/devel/debian-lex/software.wml b/danish/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index a9cb88bdcee..00000000000
--- a/danish/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,219 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex - Juridisk programmel"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="be191e77facf8c0d489cfd320232517e5233a3e2"
-<h2><a id="administration" name="administration">Administration af juridisk kontor</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://lcm.ngo-bg.org/">Legal Case Management System</a></h3>
-<p>Legal Case Management-system (det juridiske sagssystem) er beregnet til
-anvendelse hos almennyttige juridiske rådgivningscentre, så de kan foretage en
-bedre opfølgning på deres sager, deriblandt konsultationer og begivenheder i
-retten, rapporter osv.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/elawmanager/">eLawOffice</a></h3>
-<p>eLawOffice er et komplet og udvidelsesvenlig Java-pakke der kan køre på
-flere platforme, til arbejdsgange og datahåndtering i advokatvirksomheder
-(samt deling af data med kunder). Det fungerer i et intranet-/ekstranet-miljø,
-med et klient/server og servlet+jsp-program.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualaw/">VirtuaLaw</a></h3>
-<p>VirtuaLaw er et fleksibelt, Open Source-system til håndtering af juridiske
-sager til KDE, pt. under udvikling.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/etude/">Etude</a></h3>
-<p>Etude er beregnet til hjælp for advokater (eller andre selvstændige) til
-håndtering af deres klienter, tidsplaner, pengestrømme osv. Det leverer et
-tidsstyringssystem og giver mulighed for fakturering og registrering af
-betalinger. Programmet er på fransk og anvender PHP.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://www.sql-ledger.org">SQL Ledger</a></h3>
-<p>SQL Ledger er et professionelt, webbaseret "double-entry" bogholderisystem.
-Blandt dets funktioner er automatisk udskrivning af regninger (inklusive
-regninger i PDF-format til afsendelse via e-mail) og fuldstændig konfigurerbare
-skabeloner og rapporter.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h2><a id="desktop" name="desktop">Juridisk desktop</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://jinterview.sourceforge.net/default.htm">JInterView</a></h3>
-<p>JInterView er en klient (swing) samt en (web-baseret) servlet-applikation
-til dokumentopbygning.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://conflictfinder.sourceforge.net/">Conflict Finder</a></h3>
-<p>ConflictFinder er et Open Source-værktøj, under udvikling, til hjælp for
-professionelle juridiske personer med at undgå interessekonflikter.</p>
-<p>Licens: Artistic</p>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/chancery/">Chancery</a></h3>
-<p>Chancery bliver et sæt af programmer for skatterådgivere og advokater.
-Programmet vil primært være tilpasset europæisk skattelovgivning.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/editors/openoffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a></h3>
-<p>OpenOffice.org 1.0 er en fuldstændig kontorpakke som er næsten en komplet
-erstatning for Microsoft(R) Office. Brugerne rapporterer, at ingen eller kun
-lidt oplæring er påkræver for folk, der skifter fra andre kontorpakker - alt
-fungerer på den måde, folk forventer.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL/LGPL eller Sun Industry Standards Source License</p>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/evolution">Evolution</a></h3>
-<p>Evolution er en pakke bestående af integreret post, kalender og adressebog
-fra Ximian, Inc.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://gttr.sourceforge.net">GnoTime</a></h3>
-<p>GnoTime er GNOME Time Tracker, et program der gør det muligt at holde styr
-på den tid, der bruges på forskellige opgaver og projekter. GnoTime gør det
-også muligt at generere tilpassede rapporter og kommenterede logninger af disse
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://www.dcjent.com/casereporter/">Case Reporter</a></h3>
-<p>Case Reporter er et PHP-baseret informationshåndteringssystem til
-advokatvirksomheder. Projektets primære fokus er at stille et omfattende men
-funktionelt informationshåndteringssystem til rådighed, med særlig fokus på
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://www.enterpriseheart.com/site/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2">Enterprise Timesheet</a></h3>
-<p>Enterprise Timesheet er et PHP-baseret tidsregistreringssystem til små og
-mellemstore virksomheder.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://mozart.sourceforge.net">Mozart</a></h3>
-<p>Mozart er et kontakt-, kalender- og opgave-/projekthåndteringssystem.
-Alle brugere kan have deres egne adressebøger, kalendre og et uendeligt antal
-af opgaver/projekter. Man kan også håndtere mange opgaver/projekter for hver
-kontakt. Desuden kan man ved at kigge på en opgave/projekt, se alle kontakter
-der er tilknyttet den pågældende opgave.
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h2><a id="court" name="court">Retsadministration</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://openefm.sourceforge.net/">OpenEFM</a></h3>
-<p>OpenEFM er et Open Source-arkiveringssystem til behandling af
-<p>Licens: MPL 1.1</p>
-<h2><a id="research" name="research">Jurdisk søgning</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lawoffice/">Law Office</a></h3>
-<p>Law Office er en "Concordance"-killer. Concordance er klientprogrammel
-designet til den juridiske stab. Med programmet kan man uploade referater fra
-retshøringer og vidneudsag, udføre fuldtekst-søgninger, indtaste notater til
-referater til en bestemt tekstlinie osv. PHP-baseret.</p>
-<p>Licens: LGPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm">DocSearcher</a></h3>
-<p>DocSearcher er et søgeværktøj til indeksering og søgning i filer på en
-personlig computer. Det anvender API'er for at levere søgefunktionalitet til
-almindelige dokumentformater (pt. Word, Excel, PDF, Open / Star Office, rtf,
-tekst og HTML).</p>
-<p>Licens: Apache</p>
-<h3><a href="http://www.ilaw.com.au/lawyers/">DocManage</a></h3>
-<p>DocManage er et unikt CGI-baseret system der gør det muligt at hente
-oplysninger fra juridiske indlæg. Indlæggene kan præsenteres og der kan
-genereres rapporter og søgninger fra dem på et utal af nyttige måder.</p>
-<p>Licens: GPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/legalindex/">The Legal Index Project</a></h3>
-<p>De fleste føderale og mange staters retter, poster retternes holdninger på
-deres respektive websteder. Formålet med dette projekt er at opbygge et system
-der automatisk kan hente og katalogisere disse oplysninger i et central
-<p>Licens: LGPL</p>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberdiritto/">Cyberdiritto</a></h3>
-<p>Cyberdiritto er den første juridiske webportal baseret på det berømte
-Open Source-portalsystem Php-Nuke. På Cyberdiritto kan man finde: Arikler,
-undersøgelser og nyheder om den juridiske verden.</p>
-<p>Licens: Ukendt</p>
-<h2><a id="server" name="server">Server på juridisk kontor</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/postgresql">PostgreSQL</a></h3>
-<p>PostgreSQL er objekt-relationsdatabase, der understøtter en stor del af
-SQL-92. Den er under løbende udvikling og hver udgave implementerer mere af
-SQL-standarden, så vidt at den nu lever bedre op til kravene end mange
-kommercielle databaser. Den understøtter også nogle objekt-orienterede
-<p>Licens: BSD</p>
-<h2><a id="other" name="other">Andre</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://www.openevidence.org/">OpenEvidence</a></h3>
-<p>OpenEvidence producerer teknologi til oprettelse og validering af beviser,
-i en kontekst omfattende elektroniske eller dematerialiserede dokumenter og
-aktiviteter, baseret på nuværende og kommende teknologier til digitale
-signaturer, nøglehåndtering, tidsstempling, arkiverings- og noteringsystemer
-og standardiserede dokumentformater.</p>
-<p>Licens: BSD-like</p>
diff --git a/english/devel/Makefile b/english/devel/Makefile
index e3911c704fe..9a5bebb22ed 100644
--- a/english/devel/Makefile
+++ b/english/devel/Makefile
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
SUBS=website join misc wnpp \
- debian-jr debian-med debian-desktop debian-lex \
+ debian-jr debian-med debian-desktop \
debian-installer debian-accessibility buildd \
diff --git a/english/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/english/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 98d987966b4..00000000000
--- a/english/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-# If this makefile is not generic enough to support a translation,
-# please contact debian-www.
-include $(WMLBASE)/Make.lang
-index.$(LANGUAGE).html: index.wml $(TEMPLDIR)/template.wml \
- $(TEMPLDIR)/recent_list.wml
diff --git a/english/devel/debian-lex/debian-lex.png b/english/devel/debian-lex/debian-lex.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9807653fc9f..00000000000
--- a/english/devel/debian-lex/debian-lex.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/english/devel/debian-lex/debian-lex.xcf b/english/devel/debian-lex/debian-lex.xcf
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e2721263b..00000000000
--- a/english/devel/debian-lex/debian-lex.xcf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/english/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/english/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index eea7cfd387d..00000000000
--- a/english/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,113 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-<h2>Project description</h2>
-<p>Debian-Lex is an internal project to develop Debian into an operating
- system that is particularly well fit for the requirements for legal
- offices.
- The goal of Debian-Lex is a complete system for all
- tasks in legal practice which is built completely on free software.
-<p>The general idea for this kind of project was adopted from the
- <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian Junior</a> and
- <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a> projects,
- with the majority of the content of this Web site shamelessly pilfered
- from the latter.
-<p>Debian-Lex will contain a set of meta packages that declare dependencies on
- other Debian packages, and that way the complete system is prepared for
- solving particular tasks. We hope that there will soon be a framework for
- <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2003/debian-vote-200303/msg00014.html">
- flavours of Debian</a> on which Debian-Lex will be based.
-<p>We also envisage that Debian-Lex will add value to existing packages by
- providing customised templates for lawyers. For example, templates would
- be provided for OpenOffice.org, SQL-Ledger and a sample database schema
- for PostgreSQL.
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">News</a></h2>
-<p><tt>[23 August 2005]</tt> <strong>Debian Lex is looking for a new co-ordinator.</strong><br>
-<tt>[11 August 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">Our CVS server is up with initial versions of Debian-Lex packages</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[2 May 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">Press: <em>Aussie leads development of open source O-S for lawyers</em></a></strong><br>
-<tt>[23 Apr 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">Debian-Lex makes DWN!</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[19 Apr 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2003/debian-project-200304/msg00067.html">Initial proposal to developers</a></strong>
-<!--<p>For older news items see the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-lex/News/">Debian-Lex News Page</a>.</p>-->
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Email List</a></h2>
-<p>The Debian-Lex mailing list is now available. You can subscribe to and
-unsubscribe from it using
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">the list web page</a>,
-and also read the
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">list archives</a>.</p>
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Software projects to include</a></h2>
-<p>The first attempt to put the projects into categories might be not
- the best. Send any suggestions for improvements to the mailing list.
- <li><a href="software#administration">Legal office administration</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Court administration</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Legal desktop</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#research">Legal research</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Legal office server</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Other</a></li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals">Project goals</a></h2>
- <li>Build a solid software base for legal practice with emphasis on easy
- installation, easy maintenance and security.</li>
- <li>Bring authors of different projects with similar goals together.</li>
- <li>Test suite for easy evaluation of the quality of legal software.</li>
- <li>Provide information and documentation of legal software.</li>
- <li>Help upstream authors to get their products packaged for
- Debian.</li>
- <li>Show commercial software companies the strengths of a solid base
- system and make them consider to port their software to Linux or
- even to switch to Open Source.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Talks about Debian-Lex</a></h2>
-We will add any talks about Debian-Lex here as source and preformatted
-slides. It might be a good idea to check these pages to get some interesting
-information about the project.
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">What can I do to help?</a></h2>
- <li>Work on enhancing and translating these web pages.</li>
- <li>Create a logo (here is an <a href="debian-lex.png">example</a>,
- also in <a href="debian-lex.xcf">GIMP format</a>, and here is
- the <a href="legaltux.png">legal TuX</a> on which it is based).</li>
- <li>Packaging the above-mentioned software projects for Debian.</li>
- <li>Building meta packages for different tasks.</li>
- <li>Documentation and translation.</li>
- <li>Internationalization (which is more than just translating
- because of the different legal systems).</li>
- <li>Building a live CD (perhaps based on <a
- href="http://www.knoppix.de">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Marketing &amp; PR</a></h2>
-<p>Once we have something to show for this project, and indeed even in
- the formative stages of this project, we are being watched by the
- eyes of the world. We will necessarily want to work with
- press@debian.org to get the word out and to help give Debian and
- this project the kind of exposure we want. For this purpose we will
- build a collection of slides of talks about Debian-Lex.
diff --git a/english/devel/debian-lex/legaltux.png b/english/devel/debian-lex/legaltux.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 2931078c4a1..00000000000
--- a/english/devel/debian-lex/legaltux.png
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/english/devel/debian-lex/software.wml b/english/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 961d85afa47..00000000000
--- a/english/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex - Legal Software"
-<h2><a id="administration" name="administration">Legal office administration</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://lcm.ngo-bg.org/">Legal Case Management System</a></h3>
- The legal case management system is aimed for use by not-for-profit legal
- advice centres in order to make better follow-ups of their cases, including
- client consultations and court events, reporting, etc.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/elawmanager/">eLawOffice</a></h3>
- eLawOffice is a full crossplatform and language-extensible java suite, for
- workflow and data management of Law Firms (plus data sharing with customers).
- It works in a intranet/extranet environment, with a client-server and
- servlet+jsp application.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualaw/">VirtuaLaw</a></h3>
- VirtuaLaw is a flexible open-source legal case management system for KDE,
- currently under development.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/etude/">Etude</a></h3>
- Etude exists to help lawyers (or other self employed persons) to manage their
- clients, timesheet, cash flow, etc. It provides a time-sheet system, and offers
- the ability to make facturation and register payments. The program is in
- French and uses PHP.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.sql-ledger.org">SQL Ledger</a></h3>
- SQL Ledger is a professional quality Web-based double-entry bookkeeping
- system. Features include automatic invoicing (including PDF format bills to
- send by email), and completely customisable templates and reports.
- Licence: GPL
-<h2><a id="desktop" name="desktop">Legal desktop</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://jinterview.sourceforge.net/default.htm">JInterView</a></h3>
- JInterView is a client (swing) as well as a servlet (web based) application
- for document assembly.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://conflictfinder.sourceforge.net/">Conflict Finder</a></h3>
- ConflictFinder is an open source tool, under development, for helping legal
- professionals to avoid conflicts of interest.
- Licence: Artistic
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/chancery/">Chancery</a></h3>
- Chancery will become a software suite for tax counselors and attorneys.
- The software will be mainly adapted for European tax laws.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/editors/openoffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a></h3>
- OpenOffice.org 1.0 is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides
- a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. Users report that little
- or no training is required for people migrating from other office suites -
- everything works the way people expect.
- Licence: GPL/LGPL or Sun Industry Standards Source License
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/evolution">Evolution</a></h3>
- Evolution is the integrated mail, calendar and address book distributed suite from Ximian, Inc.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://gttr.sourceforge.net">GnoTime</a></h3>
- GnoTime is the GNOME Time Tracker, a program which allows you to track the
- time you spend on any number of tasks and projects. GnoTime also allows you
- to generate customised reports and annotated logs of these times.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.dcjent.com/casereporter/">Case Reporter</a></h3>
- Case Reporter is a PHP-based information management system for law firms.
- The primary focus of this project is to provide a comprehensive yet
- functional information management information system with an emphasis
- on the client-case model.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.enterpriseheart.com/site/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2">Enterprise Timesheet</a></h3>
- Enterprise Timesheet is a PHP-based timesheet recording system for small
- to medium size enterprises.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://mozart.sourceforge.net">Mozart</a></h3>
- Mozart is a contact, calendar and case/project management system. Each user
- can have his/her own address book, calendar and any number of cases/projects.
- You can also track multiple cases/projects for each contact. Additionally,
- by viewing a case/project, you can see every contact associated with that
- case.
- Licence: GPL
-<h2><a id="court" name="court">Court administration</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://openefm.sourceforge.net/">OpenEFM</a></h3>
- OpenEFM is an open source Filing Manager designed to process LegalXML filings.
- Licence: MPL 1.1
-<h2><a id="research" name="research">Legal research</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lawoffice/">Law Office</a></h3>
- Law Office is a "Concordance" killer. Concordance is client software designed
- for legal staff. With it, you can upload transcripts from court hearings and
- depositions, perform full-text searches, enter notes on transcripts for a
- certain line of text, etc. PHP-based.
- Licence: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm">DocSearcher</a></h3>
- DocSearcher is a search tool for indexing and searching files on a personal
- computer. It uses API's to provide search functionality
- for common document formats (currently Word, Excel, PDF, Open / Star Office,
- rtf, text, and HTML).
- Licence: Apache
-<h3><a href="http://www.ilaw.com.au/lawyers/">DocManage</a></h3>
- DocManage is a unique CGI-based system which enables you to extract
- information from legal pleadings. You can present the pleadings and generate
- reports and searches from them in a myriad of useful ways.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/legalindex/">The Legal Index Project</a></h3>
- Most federal and many state courts post their court opinions on their
- respective web sites. The purpose of this project is to build a system which
- will automatically download and catalog this information into one central
- system.
- Licence: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberdiritto/">Cyberdiritto</a></h3>
- Cyberdiritto is the first Web Legal Portal based on the famous Open Source
- Php-Nuke web portal system. On Cyberdiritto we can find: articles, surveys,
- news on the legal world.
- Licence: Unknown
-<h2><a id="server" name="server">Legal office server</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/postgresql">PostgreSQL</a></h3>
- PostgreSQL is an object-relational database, which supports a large part
- of SQL-92. It is under continuous development and each release implements
- more of the SQL standard, to the extent that it is now probably more compliant
- than many commercial databases. It also supports some object-oriented
- features.
- Licence: BSD
-<h2><a id="other" name="other">Other</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://www.openevidence.org/">OpenEvidence</a></h3>
- OpenEvidence produces technology for evidence creation and evidence validation
- in a context of electronic or dematerialised documents and activities, based
- on current and emerging technologies for digital signatures, key management,
- time stamping, archiving and notary systems and standardised document formats.
- Licence: BSD-like
diff --git a/english/sitemap.wml b/english/sitemap.wml
index 956f094f7ab..8c6e4d0f687 100644
--- a/english/sitemap.wml
+++ b/english/sitemap.wml
@@ -272,7 +272,6 @@ sub title_of {
<li><linkto "devel/debian-med/">
<li><linkto "https://wiki.debian.org/DebianEdu">
<li><linkto "devel/debian-desktop/">
- <li><linkto "devel/debian-lex/">
<li><linkto "devel/debian-accessibility/">
diff --git a/french/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/french/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index ea01966a131..00000000000
--- a/french/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/french,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/french/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/french/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 88b212321c9..00000000000
--- a/french/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,155 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="24c44bd7384aec0bfadf3f41ae88f41afeb722fc" maintainer="Nicolas Bertolissio"
-<h2>Description du projet</h2>
-Debian-Lex est un projet interne pour développer Debian en un système
-d'exploitation qui corresponde particulièrement bien aux besoins d'un cabinet
-juridique. L'objectif de Debian-Lex est d'obtenir un système complet pour
-toutes les tâches d'un cabinet juridique et qui soit construit totalement sur
-des logiciels libres.
-L'idée générale pour ce genre de projet a été reprise des projets <a
-href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian Junior</a> et <a
-href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a>, et une grande partie du
-contenu de ce site est éhontément piquée des précédents.
-Debian-Lex contiendra un ensemble de paquets additionnels déclarant des
-dépendances sur d'autres paquets Debian, et de cette façon le système complet
-sera préparé pour résoudre des tâches particulières. Nous espérons qu'il y aura
-bientôt un cadre de travail pour <a
-senteurs de Debian</a> sur lequel Debian-Lex sera basé.
-Nous envisageons également que Debian-Lex ajoute de la valeur aux paquets
-existants en fournissant des questionnaires personnalisés pour les avocats. Par
-exemple, des questionnaires seraient fournis pour OpenOffice.org, SQL-Ledger et
-un exemple de schéma de base de données pour PostgreSQL.
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">Nouvelles</a></h2>
-<strong>Debian Lex cherche un nouveau coordinateur</strong><br/>
-<strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">Notre serveur CVS
- fonctionne avec les versions initiales des paquets de
- Debian-Lex</a></strong><br/>
-<strong><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">\
- Presse&nbsp;: <em>Les australiens conduisent le développement d'un
- système d'exploitation à source ouvert pour les
- avocats</em></a></strong><br/>
-<strong><a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">Debian-Lex dans les Nouvelles
- hebdomadaires de Debian&nbsp;!</a></strong><br/>
- href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2003/debian-project-200304/msg00067.html">\
- Proposition initiale aux développeurs</a></strong>
-Pour des nouvelles plus anciennes, veuillez vous reporter aux <a
-href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-lex/News/">pages des nouvelles de Debian-Lex</a>.
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Liste de diffusion</a></h2>
-La liste de diffusion de Debian-Lex est désormais disponible. Vous pouvez vous
-y abonner et vous en désabonner en utilisant la <a
-href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">pages des listes</a>, et aussi lire
-les <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">archives de la liste</a>.
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Projets logiciels à inclure</a></h2>
-Cette première tentative de classer les logiciels en catégories n'est peut-être
-pas la meilleure. Veuillez envoyer toute suggestion d'amélioration (N.D.T. en
-anglais) sur la liste de diffusion.
- <li><a href="software#administration">Administration de cabinet juridique</a>&nbsp;;</li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Administration de tribunal</a>&nbsp;;</li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Bureautique juridique</a>&nbsp;;</li>
- <li><a href="software#research">Recherche juridique</a>&nbsp;;</li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Serveur pour cabinet juridique</a>&nbsp;;</li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Autre</a>&nbsp;;</li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals">Objectifs du projet</a></h2>
- <li>Construire une base logicielle solide pour les cabinets juridiques en
- mettant l'accent sur la facilité d'installation, de maintenance et sur la
- sécurité&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Rassembler les auteurs de différents projets vers un but
- similaire&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Créer un ensemble de tests pour évaluer facilement la qualité des
- logiciels juridiques&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Fournir des informations et de la documentation pour les logiciels
- juridiques&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Aider des auteurs originels à faire empaqueter leurs produits dans
- Debian&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Montrer aux entreprises de logiciels commerciaux la force d'un système de
- base solide et leur faire réfléchir au portage de leurs logiciels à Linux
- voire au passage au logiciel à source ouvert.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Exposés sur Debian-Lex</a></h2>
-Nous ajouterons tout exposé sur Debian-Lex ici, sous forme de source et de
-diapositives préformatées. Il pourrait être utile de vérifier ces pages pour
-obtenir des informations intéressantes sur le projet.
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">Que puis-je faire pour aider&nbsp;?</a></h2>
- <li>Travailler à l'amélioration et à la traduction de ces pages&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Créer un logo (voici un <a href="debian-lex.png">exemple</a>, également
- au <a href="debian-lex.xcf">format du GIMP</a>, et le
- <a href="legaltux.png">TuX judiciaire</a> sur lequel il est
- basé)&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Empaqueter les logiciels susmentionnés pour Debian&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Construire des paquets additionnels pour les différentes
- tâches&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Écrire de la documentation et des traductions&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Faire de l'internationalisation (ce qui est bien plus que simplement
- traduire à cause des différents systèmes juridiques)&nbsp;;</li>
- <li>Construire un CD direct (peut-être basé sur <a
- href="http://www.knoppix.de">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Commercialisation et relations publiques</a></h2>
-Une fois que nous aurons quelque chose à montrer pour ce projet, et d'ailleurs
-même dans les étapes d'apprentissage de ce projet, nous serons surveillés de
-tout autour du monde. De voudrons forcément travailler avec press@debian.org
-pour éditer des articles et donner à Debian et à ce projet toute la
-reconnaissance que nous voulons. Pour cela nous construirons un ensemble de
-diapositives d'exposés sur Debian-Lex.
diff --git a/french/devel/debian-lex/software.wml b/french/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index fb699e7ab2c..00000000000
--- a/french/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,251 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex - Logiciels juridiques"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="be191e77facf8c0d489cfd320232517e5233a3e2" maintainer="Nicolas Bertolissio"
-<h2><a id="administration" name="administration">Administration de cabinet juridique</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://lcm.ngo-bg.org/">Système de gestion d'affaires juridiques</a></h3>
-Le système de gestion d'affaires juridiques est prévu pour être utilisé par des
-centres de conseil juridique non lucratifs afin de mieux suivre leurs affaires,
-y compris les consultations des clients et les audiences, les comptes-rendus,
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/elawmanager/">eLawOffice</a></h3>
-eLawOffice est un ensemble java fonctionnant sur toute plate-forme et
-extensible, il permet de gérer le travail et les données de cabinets juridiques
-(ainsi que le partage de données avec les clients). Il fonctionne dans un
-environnement intranet/extranet, avec une application client-serveur et
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualaw/">VirtuaLaw</a></h3>
-VirtuaLaw est un système de gestion de dossiers juridiques à source ouvert et
-flexible pour KDE, actuellement en cours de développement.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/etude/">Etude</a></h3>
-Etude permet aux avocats (ou aux autres professions libérales) de gérer leurs
-clients, leur emploi du temps, leur comptes, etc. Il fournit un système
-d'agenda, et offre la possibilité de faire de la facturation et d'enregistrer
-des payements. Ce programme est en Français et utilise PHP.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.sql-ledger.org">SQL Ledger</a></h3>
-SQL Ledger est un système de comptabilité à double entrée de qualité
-professionnelle et basé sur le web. Ces possibilités comprennent la facturation
-automatique (y compris l'envoi par courriel de factures au format PDF), et des
-modèles et des rapports totalement personnalisables.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h2><a id="desktop" name="desktop">Bureautique juridique</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://jinterview.sourceforge.net/default.htm">JInterView</a></h3>
-JInterView est un client (swing) ainsi qu'une application (basée sur le web)
-servlet pour l'assemblage de documents.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://conflictfinder.sourceforge.net/">Conflict Finder</a></h3>
-ConflictFinder est un outil à source ouvert, en développement, pour aider les
-professionnels du droit à éviter les conflits d'intérêt.
-Licence&nbsp;: Artistic
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/chancery/">Chancery</a></h3>
-Chancery deviendra un ensemble de logiciels pour les conseillers fiscaux et les
-avocats. Ce logiciel sera principalement adapté aux lois fiscales européennes.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/editors/openoffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a></h3>
-OpenOffice.org&nbsp;1.0 est un ensemble bureautique de productivité complète
-qui fournit un remplaçant quasi identique à Microsoft(R) Office. Les
-utilisateurs rapportent que la migration à partir d'autres suites ne nécessite
-aucun ou très peu d'entraînement &mdash;&nbsp;tout fonctionne comme on s'y
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL/LGPL ou Sun Industry Standards Source
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/evolution">Evolution</a></h3>
-Evolution est le client de courriel, calendrier et carnet d'adresses intégré de
-Ximian, Inc.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://gttr.sourceforge.net">GnoTime</a></h3>
-GnoTime est le traqueur de temps de GNOME, un programme qui vous permet de
-garder trace du temps que vous passez sur un nombre quelconque de tâches et
-projets. GnoTime vous permet également de générer des rapports personnalisés et
-des journaux annotés de ces durées.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.dcjent.com/casereporter/">Case Reporter</a></h3>
-Case Reporter est un système de gestion d'informations basé sur PHP pour les
-entreprises qui travaillent sur le droit. Le but principal de ce projet est de
-fournir un système de gestion d'informations complet et fonctionnel tourné vers
-la partie cliente.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.enterpriseheart.com/site/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2">Enterprise Timesheet</a></h3>
-Enterprise Timesheet est un système d'enregistrement de feuille de présence
-basé sur PHP pour les entreprises de taille moyenne.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://mozart.sourceforge.net">Mozart</a></h3>
-Mozart est un système de gestion de contacts, de projets ou de dossiers et un
-calendrier. Chaque utilisateur peut avoir son propre carnet d'adresses, son
-calendrier et un nombre quelconque de projets et de dossiers. Vous pouvez aussi
-suivre plusieurs dossiers ou projets pour chaque contact. De plus, en regardant
-un projet ou un dossier, vous pouvez voir tous les contacts associés avec ce
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h2><a id="court" name="court">Administration de tribunal</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://openefm.sourceforge.net/">OpenEFM</a></h3>
-OpenEFM est un gestionnaire d'enregistrements à source ouvert conçu pour
-traiter les enregistrements au format LegalXML.
-Licence&nbsp;: MPL 1.1
-<h2><a id="research" name="research">Recherche juridique</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lawoffice/">Law Office</a></h3>
-Law Office est un remplaçant de «&nbsp;Concordance&nbsp;». Concordance est un
-logiciel client conçu pour le personnel juridique. Avec, vous pouvez
-télécharger des transcriptions d'audience et des dépositions, effectuer des
-recherches sur la totalité du texte, ajouter des notes aux transcriptions à des
-lignes précises, etc. Il est basé sur PHP.
-Licence&nbsp;: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm">DocSearcher</a></h3>
-DocSearcher est un outil de recherche pour indexer et chercher des fichiers sur
-un ordinateur personnel. Il utilise des interfaces de programmation
-d'application pour fournir des fonctionnalités de recherche pour les formats de
-documents courants (actuellement Word, Excel, PDF, Open / Star Office, rtf,
-texte, et HTML).
-Licence&nbsp;: Apache
-<h3><a href="http://www.ilaw.com.au/lawyers/">DocManage</a></h3>
-DocManage est un système basé sur CGI unique qui vous permet d'extraire des
-informations de plaidoiries. Vous pouvez présenter les plaidoiries et générer
-des comptes-rendus et faire des recherches d'un grand nombre de façons utiles.
-Licence&nbsp;: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/legalindex/">Le projet d'index juridique</a></h3>
-La plupart des cours d'État et des cours fédérales postent leurs avis sur leurs
-sites respectifs. Le but de ce projet est de construire un système qui
-téléchargera et cataloguera ces informations dans un système central.
-Licence&nbsp;: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberdiritto/">Cyberdiritto</a></h3>
-Cyberdiritto est le premier portail juridique basé sur le très connu système
-de portails à) source ouvert PHP-Nuke. Sur Cyberdiritto vous pouvez
-trouver&nbsp;: des articles, des enquêtes, des nouvelles sur le monde
-Licence&nbsp;: inconnue
-<h2><a id="server" name="server">Serveur pour cabinet juridique</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/postgresql">PostgreSQL</a></h3>
-PostgreSQL est un système de base de données relationnel objet, qui supporte la
-plupart de SQL-92. Il est en développement incessant et chaque édition met en
-&oelig;uvre une plus grande partie du standard SQL, si bien qu'il est
-probablement maintenant plus conforme que beaucoup des bases de données
-commerciales. Il support également certaines fonctionnalités orientées objet.
-Licence&nbsp;: BSD
-<h2><a id="other" name="other">Autre</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://www.openevidence.org/">OpenEvidence</a></h3>
-OpenEvidence produit une technologie de création de preuve et de validation de
-preuve dans un contexte de documents et d'activités électroniques ou
-dématérialisées, basé sur les technologies émergentes actuelles des signatures
-numériques, de la gestion de clés, des cachets à date, des archives et des
-systèmes notariés, il utilise des formats de documents standardisés.
-Licence&nbsp;: de type BSD
diff --git a/german/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/german/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index e8967cffb08..00000000000
--- a/german/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/german,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/german/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/german/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index bac5ab44380..00000000000
--- a/german/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="24c44bd7384aec0bfadf3f41ae88f41afeb722fc"
-# $Id$
-# Translator: Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>, 2003-05-18
-# (große Teile aus der Übersetzung von debian-med/index.html
-# von Andreas Tille übernommen)
-<p>Debian Lex ist ein internes Projekt, um Debian zu
-einem Betriebssystem zu entwickeln, das die Anforderungen von
-Rechtsanwaltskanzleien erfüllt. Das Ziel von Debian Lex ist ein
-komplettes System für alle Aufgaben in der praktischen Arbeit, das
-vollständig aus freier Software besteht.</p>
-<p>Die generelle Idee für diese Art von Projekt wurde von den
-<a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian-Junior</a>- und
-<a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a>-Projekten
-übernommen, ein großer Teil des Inhalts dieser Webseite wurde schamlos
-von letzterem Projekt stibitzt.</p>
-<p>Debian Lex wird eine Menge von Meta-Paketen enthalten, die
-Abhängigkeiten mit anderen Debian-Paketen deklarieren und auf diesem
-Weg das komplette System zur Lösung bestimmter Aufgaben vorbereiten. Wir
-hoffen, dass es bald ein Framework für
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2003/debian-vote-200303/msg00014.html">\
-Flavours von Debian</a> geben wird, auf dem Debian Lex dann basieren wird.</p>
-<p>Wir stellen uns auch vor, dass Debian Lex existierende Pakete durch
-angepasste Vorlagen für Rechtsanwälte geeigneter machen könnte. Zum
-Beispiel sollten Vorlagen für Openoffice.org, SQL-Ledger
-bereitgestellt werden und ein Beispiel-Datenbank-Schema für PostgreSQL.</p>
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">Neuigkeiten</a></h2>
-<tt>[23. August 2005]</tt> <strong>Debian Lex sucht einen neuen Koordinator.</strong><br />
-<tt>[11. August 2003]</tt>
-<strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">Unser
-CVS-Server mit den anfänglichen Versionen der Debian-Lex-Pakete
-<tt>[2. Mai 2003]</tt>
-<strong><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">\
-Presse: <em>Aussie leads development of open source O-S for
-<tt>[23. April 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">\
-Debian Lex in den DWN!</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[19. April 2003]</tt>
-<strong><a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2003/debian-project-200304/msg00067.html">\
-Erster Vorschlag an die Entwickler</a></strong>
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Mailingliste</a></h2>
-<p>Die Debian-Lex-Mailingliste ist nun verfügbar. Sie können sie
-auf der <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">Webseite der
-Liste</a> abonnieren und abbestellen oder das
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">Listenarchiv</a>
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Software-Projekte</a></h2>
-<p>Der erste Versuch, die Projekt in Kategorien einzuteilen, mag nicht
-der Beste sein. Verbesserungsvorschläge können an die Mailingliste
-gesendet werden.</p>
- <li><a href="software#administration">Anwaltskanzlei-Verwaltung</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Gerichtsverwaltung</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Desktop</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#research">rechtliche Recherche</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Kanzlei-Server</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Andere</a></li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals">Projektziele</a></h2>
- <li>Aufbau einer soliden Softwarebasis für die rechtliche Praxis
- mit den besonderen Schwerpunkten: einfache
- Installation, einfache Systempflege und Sicherheit.</li>
- <li>Ermunterung zur Zusammenarbeit von Autoren verschiedener
- Software Projekte mit ähnlichen Zielen.</li>
- <li>Testumgebung zur Vereinfachung der Beurteilung der Qualität von
- rechtlicher Software.</li>
- <li>Bereitstellung von Informationen über und Dokumentation zu
- rechtlicher Software.</li>
- <li>Unterstützung der Autoren freier Software beim Paketieren ihrer
- Produkte als Debian-Pakete.</li>
- <li>Demonstration der Stärken eines stabilen Basissystems für
- kommerzielle Softwarefirmen, um sie zur Portierung ihrer
- Software nach Linux zu bewegen oder sie zur Freigabe ihrer
- Software anzuregen.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Vorträge über Debian Lex</a></h2>
-<p>Wir werden hier Vorträge über Debian Lex als Quelle und vorformatierte
-Folien verfügbar machen. Es ist eine gute Idee diese Seiten zu
-besuchen, um einige interessante Informationen über das Projekt zu
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">Wie kann ich helfen?</a></h2>
- <li>Aktualisierung und Übersetzung dieser Webseiten.</li>
- <li>Entwurf eines Logos (hier ist ein <a href="debian-lex.png">Beispiel</a>,
- ebenfalls im <a href="debian-lex.xcf">GIMP-Format</a>, und hier gibt es
- den <a href="legaltux.png">Legal-TuX</a>, auf dem es basiert).</li>
- <li>Bauen von Debian-Paketen der oben genannten Software-Projekte.</li>
- <li>Bauen von Meta-Paketen für die verschiedenen Anwendungsgebiete.</lI>
- <li>Dokumentation und Übersetzung.</li>
- <li>Internationalisierung (im Unterschied zur Übersetzung ist
- hierunter die Anpassung an die verschiedenen Rechtssysteme zu
- verstehen).</li>
- <li>Erstellen einer Live-CD (z.B auf der Basis von
- <a href="http://www.knoppix.de">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Vermarktung &amp;
-<p>Sobald wir erste Ergebnisse vorzuweisen haben und sogar im
-Anfangsstadium wird das Projekt mit Interesse aus aller Welt
-beobachtet. Daraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit der engen
-Zusammenarbeit mit press@debian.org, um das Projekt und Debian entsprechend
-bekannt zu machen. Um das zu unterstützen wird eine Sammlung von
-Präsentationen über Debian Lex angelegt werden.</p>
diff --git a/german/devel/debian-lex/software.wml b/german/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3256db6eb..00000000000
--- a/german/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,261 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex - Juristische Software"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="be191e77facf8c0d489cfd320232517e5233a3e2"
-# $Id$
-# Translator: Frank Lichtenheld <frank@lichtenheld.de>, 2003-05-24
-<h2><a id="administration" name="administration">Kanzleiverwaltung</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://lcm.ngo-bg.org/">Legal Case Management System</a></h3>
-<p>Das <q>legal case management system</q> ist auf Verwendung durch
-nichtkommerzielle juristische Beratungszentren ausgerichtet, um bessere
-Fallverfolgung, inklusive von Kundenberatungen und Gerichtsereignissen,
--berichten, etc. zu ermöglichen.</p>
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/elawmanager/">eLawOffice</a></h3>
-<p>eLawOffice ist eine komplette plattformübergreifende und durch Sprachen
-erweiterbare Java-Suite für Arbeitsablauf- und Datenverwaltung von
-Anwaltskanzleien (sowie Datenteilung mit Kunden). Es arbeitet in einer
-Intranet/Extranet-Umgebung, mit einer Client-Server- und
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualaw/">VirtuaLaw</a></h3>
-<p>VirtuaLaw ist ein flexibles Open-Source juristisches
-Fall-Management-System für KDE, das sich im Moment in der Entwicklung
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/etude/">Etude</a></h3>
-<p>Etude soll Anwälten (und anderen Selbstständigen) helfen, ihre
-Klienten, Terminpläne, Finanzen usw. zu verwalten. Es stellt einen
-Terminplaner bereit und Möglichkeiten für Fakturierung und
-Zahlungserfassung. Das Programm ist auf Französisch und benutzt PHP.</p>
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.sql-ledger.org">SQL Ledger</a></h3>
-<p>SQL Ledger ist ein professionelles Web-basiertes System für
-doppelte Buchführung. Es unterstützt automatische Rechnungsstellung
-(inklusive PDF-Rechnungen zur Versendung per E-Mail) und komplett
-anpassbare Vorlagen und Berichte.</p>
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h2><a id="desktop" name="desktop">Desktop</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://jinterview.sourceforge.net/default.htm">JInterView</a></h3>
- JInterView ist sowohl eine Client- (Swing) als auch eine (webbasierte)
- Servlet-Applikation zur Zusammenstellung von Dokumenten.
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://conflictfinder.sourceforge.net/">Conflict Finder</a></h3>
-<p>ConflictFinder ist ein in der Entwicklung befindliches
-Open-Source-Werkzeug, das im Rechtswesen tätigen Personen helfen
-soll, Interessenkonflikte zu vermeiden.</p>
- Lizenz: Artistic
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/chancery/">Chancery</a></h3>
-<p>Chancery wird eine Software-Suite für Steuerberater und -anwälte
-werden. Die Software wird hauptsächlich auf die europäischen
-Steuergesetze ausgerichtet sein.</p>
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/editors/openoffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a></h3>
-<p>OpenOffice.org 1.0 ist eine komplette Office-Suite, die fast sofort
-als Ersatz für Microsoft(R) Office dienen kann. Benutzer berichten,
-dass wenig oder keine Ausbildung erforderlich ist, um Leute von
-anderen Office-Suiten umzustellen - alles arbeitet, wie man es erwartet.</p>
- Lizenz: GPL/LGPL oder Sun Industry Standards Source License
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/evolution">Evolution</a></h3>
-<p>Evolution ist eine integrierte Mail-, Kalender- und
-Adressbuch-Suite von Ximian, Inc.</p>
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://gttr.sourceforge.net">GnoTime</a></h3>
-<p>GnoTime ist der GNOME-Zeitplaner, ein Programm, das es Ihnen
-erlaubt, die Zeit aufzuzeichnen, die sie für eine beliebige Anzahl von
-Aufgaben und Projekten aufwenden. GnoTime erlaubt es Ihnen auch,
-angepasste Berichte und kommentierte Protokolle dieser Zeiten zu
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.dcjent.com/casereporter/">Case Reporter</a></h3>
- Case Reporter ist ein PHP-basiertes Informationsmanagementsystem für
- Kanzleien. Das Hauptziel dieses Projekts ist es, ein umfassendes
- und doch funktionelles Informationsmanagementsystem mit dem
- Klienten-Fall-Modell als Schwerpunkt zur Verfügung zu stellen.
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.enterpriseheart.com/site/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2">\
-Enterprise Timesheet</a></h3>
- Enterprise Timesheet ist ein PHP-basiertes Zeiterfassungssystem für
- kleine bis mittelgroße Unternehmen.
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://mozart.sourceforge.net">Mozart</a></h3>
-<p>Mozart ist ein Kontakt-, Kalender- und
-Fall/Projekt-Management-System. Jeder Benutzer kann sein eigenes
-Adressbuch, seinen eigenen Kalender und eine beliebige Anzahl von
-Fällen/Projekten haben. Sie können auch mehrere Fälle/Projekte pro
-Kontakt verwalten. Zusätzlich können Sie mehrere Kontakte einem
-Fall/Projekt zuordnen.</p>
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h2><a id="court" name="court">Gerichtsverwaltung</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://openefm.sourceforge.net/">OpenEFM</a></h3>
-<p>OpenEFM ist ein Open-Source Aktenmanager, entworfen um
-LegalXML-Dateien zu verwalten.</p>
- Lizenz: MPL 1.1
-<h2><a id="research" name="research">rechtliche Recherche</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lawoffice/">Law Office</a></h3>
-<p>Law Office ist ein "Concordance"-Ersatz. Concordance ist eine
-Client-Software, designt für juristische Mitarbeiter. Mit Ihr kann man
-Niederschriften von Gerichtsverhandlungen und Aussagen hochladen,
-Volltext-Suchen durchführen, Notizen zu bestimmten Stellen von
-Niederschriften machen, usw. PHP-basiert.</p>
- Lizenz: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm">DocSearcher</a></h3>
-<p>DocSearcher ist ein Suchwerkzeug zum Indizieren und Durchsuchen von
-Dateien auf einem Arbeitsplatzrechner. Es nutzt APIs, um
-Suchfunktionalität für verbreitete Dokumentenformate bereitzustellen
-(derzeit Word, Excel, PDF, Open / Star Office, rtf, Text und HTML).</p>
- Lizenz: Apache
-<h3><a href="http://www.ilaw.com.au/lawyers/">DocManage</a></h3>
-<p>DocManage ist ein einzigartiges, CGI-basiertes System, das es Ihnen
-ermöglicht, Informationen aus Plädoyers zu extrahieren. Sie können
-die Plädoyers präsentieren und Berichte und Suchen aus Ihnen in
-Myriaden von nützlichen Wegen erstellen.</p>
- Lizenz: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/legalindex/">The Legal Index Project</a></h3>
-<p>Die meisten Bundes- und Landesgerichte stellen ihre
-Urteilsbegründungen auf ihren jeweiligen Webseiten zur Verfügung. Der
-Zweck dieses Projekts ist es, ein System zu erstellen, das diese
-Informationen automatisch in ein zentrales Archiv herunterlädt und
- Lizenz: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberdiritto/">Cyberdiritto</a></h3>
-<p>Cyberdiritto ist das erste Rechtswebportal, basierend auf dem
-bekannten Php-Nuke Webportalsystem. Auf Cyberdiritto kann man Artikel,
-Umfragen und News aus der Rechtswelt finden.</p>
- Lizenz: Unbekannt
-<h2><a id="server" name="server">Kanzlei-Server</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/postgresql">PostgreSQL</a></h3>
-<p>PostgreSQL ist eine Objekt-relationale Datenbank, die einen großen
-Teil von SQL-92 unterstützt. Sie wird ständig weiterentwickelt und
-jedes neue Release implementiert mehr Teile des SQL-Standards, so dass
-sie mittlerweile wahrscheinlich mehr davon unterstützt als viele
-kommerzielle Datenbanken. Sie unterstützt auch einige
-Objekt-orientierte Features.</p>
- Lizenz: BSD
-<h2><a id="other" name="other">Andere</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://www.openevidence.org/">OpenEvidence</a></h3>
-<p>OpenEvidence produziert Technologien für die Beweisaufnahme und
-Beweisüberprüfung in einem Kontext von elektronischen Dokumenten und
-Aktivitäten, basierend auf aktuellen und aufkommenden Technologien
-für digitale Signaturen, Schlüssel-Management, Zeitstempel,
-Archivierung, notarielle Systeme und standardisierte Dokumentenformate.</p>
- Lizenz: BSD-artig
diff --git a/greek/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/greek/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index c26323c0c92..00000000000
--- a/greek/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/greek,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/greek/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/greek/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 19638315764..00000000000
--- a/greek/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="24c44bd7384aec0bfadf3f41ae88f41afeb722fc" maintainer="galaxico"
-<h2>Project description</h2>
-<p>Debian-Lex is an internal project to develop Debian into an operating
- system that is particularly well fit for the requirements for legal
- offices.
- The goal of Debian-Lex is a complete system for all
- tasks in legal practice which is built completely on free software.
-<p>The general idea for this kind of project was adopted from the
- <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian Junior</a> and
- <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a> projects,
- with the majority of the content of this Web site shamelessly pilfered
- from the latter.
-<p>Debian-Lex will contain a set of meta packages that declare dependencies on
- other Debian packages, and that way the complete system is prepared for
- solving particular tasks. We hope that there will soon be a framework for
- <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2003/debian-vote-200303/msg00014.html">
- flavours of Debian</a> on which Debian-Lex will be based.
-<p>We also envisage that Debian-Lex will add value to existing packages by
- providing customised templates for lawyers. For example, templates would
- be provided for OpenOffice.org, SQL-Ledger and a sample database schema
- for PostgreSQL.
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">News</a></h2>
-<p><tt>[23 August 2005]</tt> <strong>Debian Lex is looking for a new co-ordinator.</strong><br>
-<tt>[11 August 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">Our CVS server is up with initial versions of Debian-Lex packages</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[2 May 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">Press: <em>Aussie leads development of open source O-S for lawyers</em></a></strong><br>
-<tt>[23 Apr 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">Debian-Lex makes DWN!</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[19 Apr 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2003/debian-project-200304/msg00067.html">Initial proposal to developers</a></strong>
-<!--<p>For older news items see the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-lex/News/">Debian-Lex News Page</a>.</p>-->
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Email List</a></h2>
-<p>The Debian-Lex mailing list is now available. You can subscribe to and
-unsubscribe from it using
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">the list web page</a>,
-and also read the
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">list archives</a>.</p>
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Software projects to include</a></h2>
-<p>The first attempt to put the projects into categories might be not
- the best. Send any suggestions for improvements to the mailing list.
- <li><a href="software#administration">Legal office administration</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Court administration</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Legal desktop</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#research">Legal research</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Legal office server</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Other</a></li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals">Project goals</a></h2>
- <li>Build a solid software base for legal practice with emphasis on easy
- installation, easy maintenance and security.</li>
- <li>Bring authors of different projects with similar goals together.</li>
- <li>Test suite for easy evaluation of the quality of legal software.</li>
- <li>Provide information and documentation of legal software.</li>
- <li>Help upstream authors to get their products packaged for
- Debian.</li>
- <li>Show commercial software companies the strengths of a solid base
- system and make them consider to port their software to Linux or
- even to switch to Open Source.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Talks about Debian-Lex</a></h2>
-We will add any talks about Debian-Lex here as source and preformatted
-slides. It might be a good idea to check these pages to get some interesting
-information about the project.
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">What can I do to help?</a></h2>
- <li>Work on enhancing and translating these web pages.</li>
- <li>Create a logo (here is an <a href="debian-lex.png">example</a>,
- also in <a href="debian-lex.xcf">GIMP format</a>, and here is
- the <a href="legaltux.png">legal TuX</a> on which it is based).</li>
- <li>Packaging the above-mentioned software projects for Debian.</li>
- <li>Building meta packages for different tasks.</li>
- <li>Documentation and translation.</li>
- <li>Internationalization (which is more than just translating
- because of the different legal systems).</li>
- <li>Building a live CD (perhaps based on <a
- href="http://www.knoppix.de">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Marketing &amp; PR</a></h2>
-<p>Once we have something to show for this project, and indeed even in
- the formative stages of this project, we are being watched by the
- eyes of the world. We will necessarily want to work with
- press@debian.org to get the word out and to help give Debian and
- this project the kind of exposure we want. For this purpose we will
- build a collection of slides of talks about Debian-Lex.
diff --git a/greek/devel/debian-lex/software.wml b/greek/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index c43d106f137..00000000000
--- a/greek/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex - Legal Software"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="be191e77facf8c0d489cfd320232517e5233a3e2" maintainer="galaxico"
-<h2><a id="administration" name="administration">Legal office administration</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://lcm.ngo-bg.org/">Legal Case Management System</a></h3>
- The legal case management system is aimed for use by not-for-profit legal
- advice centres in order to make better follow-ups of their cases, including
- client consultations and court events, reporting, etc.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/elawmanager/">eLawOffice</a></h3>
- eLawOffice is a full crossplatform and language-extensible java suite, for
- workflow and data management of Law Firms (plus data sharing with customers).
- It works in a intranet/extranet environment, with a client-server and
- servlet+jsp application.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualaw/">VirtuaLaw</a></h3>
- VirtuaLaw is a flexible open-source legal case management system for KDE,
- currently under development.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/etude/">Etude</a></h3>
- Etude exists to help lawyers (or other self employed persons) to manage their
- clients, timesheet, cash flow, etc. It provides a time-sheet system, and offers
- the ability to make facturation and register payments. The program is in
- French and uses PHP.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.sql-ledger.org">SQL Ledger</a></h3>
- SQL Ledger is a professional quality Web-based double-entry bookkeeping
- system. Features include automatic invoicing (including PDF format bills to
- send by email), and completely customisable templates and reports.
- Licence: GPL
-<h2><a id="desktop" name="desktop">Legal desktop</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://jinterview.sourceforge.net/default.htm">JInterView</a></h3>
- JInterView is a client (swing) as well as a servlet (web based) application
- for document assembly.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://conflictfinder.sourceforge.net/">Conflict Finder</a></h3>
- ConflictFinder is an open source tool, under development, for helping legal
- professionals to avoid conflicts of interest.
- Licence: Artistic
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/chancery/">Chancery</a></h3>
- Chancery will become a software suite for tax counselors and attorneys.
- The software will be mainly adapted for European tax laws.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/editors/openoffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a></h3>
- OpenOffice.org 1.0 is a full-featured office productivity suite that provides
- a near drop-in replacement for Microsoft(R) Office. Users report that little
- or no training is required for people migrating from other office suites -
- everything works the way people expect.
- Licence: GPL/LGPL or Sun Industry Standards Source License
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/evolution">Evolution</a></h3>
- Evolution is the integrated mail, calendar and address book distributed suite from Ximian, Inc.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://gttr.sourceforge.net">GnoTime</a></h3>
- GnoTime is the GNOME Time Tracker, a program which allows you to track the
- time you spend on any number of tasks and projects. GnoTime also allows you
- to generate customised reports and annotated logs of these times.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.dcjent.com/casereporter/">Case Reporter</a></h3>
- Case Reporter is a PHP-based information management system for law firms.
- The primary focus of this project is to provide a comprehensive yet
- functional information management information system with an emphasis
- on the client-case model.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.enterpriseheart.com/site/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2">Enterprise Timesheet</a></h3>
- Enterprise Timesheet is a PHP-based timesheet recording system for small
- to medium size enterprises.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://mozart.sourceforge.net">Mozart</a></h3>
- Mozart is a contact, calendar and case/project management system. Each user
- can have his/her own address book, calendar and any number of cases/projects.
- You can also track multiple cases/projects for each contact. Additionally,
- by viewing a case/project, you can see every contact associated with that
- case.
- Licence: GPL
-<h2><a id="court" name="court">Court administration</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://openefm.sourceforge.net/">OpenEFM</a></h3>
- OpenEFM is an open source Filing Manager designed to process LegalXML filings.
- Licence: MPL 1.1
-<h2><a id="research" name="research">Legal research</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lawoffice/">Law Office</a></h3>
- Law Office is a "Concordance" killer. Concordance is client software designed
- for legal staff. With it, you can upload transcripts from court hearings and
- depositions, perform full-text searches, enter notes on transcripts for a
- certain line of text, etc. PHP-based.
- Licence: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm">DocSearcher</a></h3>
- DocSearcher is a search tool for indexing and searching files on a personal
- computer. It uses API's to provide search functionality
- for common document formats (currently Word, Excel, PDF, Open / Star Office,
- rtf, text, and HTML).
- Licence: Apache
-<h3><a href="http://www.ilaw.com.au/lawyers/">DocManage</a></h3>
- DocManage is a unique CGI-based system which enables you to extract
- information from legal pleadings. You can present the pleadings and generate
- reports and searches from them in a myriad of useful ways.
- Licence: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/legalindex/">The Legal Index Project</a></h3>
- Most federal and many state courts post their court opinions on their
- respective web sites. The purpose of this project is to build a system which
- will automatically download and catalog this information into one central
- system.
- Licence: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberdiritto/">Cyberdiritto</a></h3>
- Cyberdiritto is the first Web Legal Portal based on the famous Open Source
- Php-Nuke web portal system. On Cyberdiritto we can find: articles, surveys,
- news on the legal world.
- Licence: Unknown
-<h2><a id="server" name="server">Legal office server</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/postgresql">PostgreSQL</a></h3>
- PostgreSQL is an object-relational database, which supports a large part
- of SQL-92. It is under continuous development and each release implements
- more of the SQL standard, to the extent that it is now probably more compliant
- than many commercial databases. It also supports some object-oriented
- features.
- Licence: BSD
-<h2><a id="other" name="other">Other</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://www.openevidence.org/">OpenEvidence</a></h3>
- OpenEvidence produces technology for evidence creation and evidence validation
- in a context of electronic or dematerialised documents and activities, based
- on current and emerging technologies for digital signatures, key management,
- time stamping, archiving and notary systems and standardised document formats.
- Licence: BSD-like
diff --git a/italian/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/italian/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 03de1f8c0f7..00000000000
--- a/italian/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/italian,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/italian/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/italian/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 12d1d374f69..00000000000
--- a/italian/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="24c44bd7384aec0bfadf3f41ae88f41afeb722fc" maintainer="Johan Haggi"
-<h2>Descrizione del progetto</h2>
-<p>Debian-Lex &egrave; un progetto che ha l'ambizione di creare con
- Debian un sistema operativo appositamente pensato per soddisfare le
- esigenze di studi legali.
- L'obiettivo di Debian-Lex &egrave; un sistema completo ed interamente composto
- da software libero che copra tutte le esigenze di uno studio legale.
-<p>L'idea di questo progetto &egrave; venuta dall'esempio dei
-progetti&nbsp; <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian
-Junior</a> e <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a>,
-e la maggior parte dei contenuti di questo sito &egrave; stato
-vergognosamente rubacchiato dall'ultimo citato.&nbsp;<br>
-<p>Debian-Lex conterr&agrave; una serie di meta-pacchetti dipendenti da
-altri pacchetti Debian e in questo modo si appronter&agrave; un
-sistema adatto a risolvere compiti specifici. Speriamo che diventi
-presto uno dei rami principali dei <a
- href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2003/debian-vote-200303/msg00014.html">flavours
-of Debian</a> su cui, appunto, Debian-Lex si basa.</p>
-<p>Prevediamo anche che Debian-Lex valorizzer&agrave; i pacchetti
- esistenti fornendo dei templates fatti su misura per giuristi. Ad esempio
- potranno essere forniti dei templates per OpenOffice.org, SQL-Ledger e un semplice
- schema di database per PostgreSQL.
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">News</a></h2>
-<p><tt>[23 agosto 2005]</tt> <strong>Debian Lex ricerca un nuovo cordinatore.</strong><br>
-<tt>[11 agosto 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">Viene aperto il nostro server CVS con versioni iniziali dei pacchetti Debian-Lex</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[2 maggio 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">Stampa: <em>Aussie leads development of open source O-S for lawyers</em></a></strong><br>
-<tt>[23 aprile 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">Debian-Lex makes DWN!</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[19 Aprile 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2003/debian-project-200304/msg00067.html">Proposta iniziale agli sviluppatori</a></strong>
-<!--<p>For older news items see the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-lex/News/">Debian-Lex News Page</a>.</p>-->
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Email List</a></h2>
-<p>È ora disponibile la mailing list Debian-Lex. Ci si può iscrivere e
-cancellare usando
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">la pagina web della lista</a>
-e si possono leggere gli
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">archivi della lista</a>.</p>
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Progetti software da includere</a></h2>
-<p>Il primo tentativo di catalogare i vari progetti potrebbe non essere
- il migliore ottenibile. Inviare ogni commento utile al miglioramento alla mailing list.
- <li><a href="software#administration">Amministrazione di studi legali</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Court administration</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Legal desktop</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#research">Legal research</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Legal office server</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Altro</a></li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals"></a>Finalit&agrave; del progetto</h2>
- <li>Costruire una solida base di software per gli studi legali con
-un'attenzione particolare alla semplicit&agrave; di installazione, di
-manutenzione ed alla sicurezza.</li>
- <li>Riunire tutti gli autori dei differenti progetti che abbiano
-medesime finalit&agrave;.</li>
- <li>Fare test per valutare la qualit&agrave; del software per legali.</li>
- <li>Fornire informazioni e documentazione sul software per legali.</li>
- <li>Aiutare gli autori dei software a crearne dei pacchetti Debian.</li>
- <li>Dimostrare alle aziende che producono software i vantaggi di
-avere alla base di tutto un sistema operativo solido e fargli prendere
-in considerazione la eventualit&agrave; di ports per Linux o
-addiritture di passare all'Open Source.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Discussioni su Debian-Lex</a></h2>
-Forniremo qui dei documenti su Debian-Lex sotto forma di sorgenti o di
-slides gi&agrave; pronte. Sarebbe una buona idea controllare queste
-pagine per ottenere delle informazioni preziose sul progetto.
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">Com'è possibile aiutare?</a></h2>
- <li>Lavorando al miglioramento ed alla traduzione di queste pagine.</li>
- <li>Creando un logo. (qui c'e` un <a href="debian-lex.png">esempio</a>,
- disponibile anche in <a href="debian-lex.xcf">formato GIMP</a> e qui c'è
- <a href="legaltux.png">legal TuX</a> sul quale esso è basato).</li>
- <li>Creando pacchetti Debian dei software sovramenzionati.</li>
- <li>Costruendo dei pacchetti per la soluzione a problemi pratici.</li>
- <li>Con Documentazione e traduzione della medesima.</li>
- <li>Internazionalizzando il progetto (che &egrave; qualcosa di
-diverso dalla semplice traduzione, viste le differenze tra i vari
-ordinamenti giuridici).</li>
- <li>Creando un live CD (magari basato su <a
- href="http://www.knoppix.de/">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Marketing &amp; PR</a></h2>
-<p>Una volta che avremo qualcosa di pronto da mostrare per questo
-progetto, anche se sia in fase di sviluppo, saremo osservati da tutte
-le parti del globo! Dovremo necessariamente lavorare con
-press@debian.org per farci conoscere e aiutare Debian e questo progetto
-ad avere l'evidenza che vogliamo. A questo proposito prepareremo tutta
-una serie di slides dei discorsi su Debian-Lex. </p>
diff --git a/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e2b61fc353..00000000000
--- a/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/portuguese,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index d6cdaf33177..00000000000
--- a/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="24c44bd7384aec0bfadf3f41ae88f41afeb722fc"
-<h2>Descrição do projeto</h2>
-<p>O Debian-Lex é um projeto interno para fazer com que o Debian seja
- um sistema operacional particularmente indicado para as necessidades
- de escritórios jurídicos. O objetivo do Debian-Lex é um sistema completo
- para todas as tarefas das práticas legais, construído completamente
- com software livre.
-<p>A ideia geral desse tipo de projeto foi adotada a partir dos projetos
- <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian Junior</a> e
- <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a>, com a maioria do
- conteúdo deste site vergonhosamente copiado deste último.
-<p>O Debian-Lex conterá um conjunto de meta pacotes que declarará dependência
- de outros pacotes Debian e, dessa forma, estará preparado para resolver
- tarefas particulares. Nós esperamos que haja em breve uma infra-estrutura
- específica para
- <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2003/debian-vote-200303/msg00014.html">
- os projetos internos do Debian</a> na qual o Debian-Lex será baseado.
-<p>Nós também esperamos que o Debian-Lex adicione valor a pacotes existentes
- fornecendo modelos adaptados para advogados. Por exemplo, modelos serão
- adicionados ao OpenOffice.org, SQL-Ledger e um exemplo de esquemas de
- base de dados ao PostgreSQL.
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">Novidades</a></h2>
-<p><tt>[23 de Agosto de 2005]</tt> <strong>O Debian Lex está procurando um novo coordenador.</strong><br>
-<p><tt>[11 de Agosto de 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">Nosso servidor CVS está rodando com versões iniciais dos pacotes do Debian-Lex.</a></strong><br>
-<p><tt>[02 de Maio de 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">Na imprensa: <em>Aussie lidera o desenvolvimento
-de sistema operacional de código aberto para advogados</em></a></strong><br>
-<tt>[23 de Abril de 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">Debian-Lex na DWN!</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[19 de Abril de 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2003/debian-project-200304/msg00067.html">Proposta inicial aos(as) desenvolvedores(as)</a></strong>
-<!--<p>For older news items see the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-lex/News/">Debian-Lex News Page</a>.</p>-->
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Lista de discussão</a></h2>
-<p>A lista de discussão Debian-Lex já está disponível. Você pode se inscrever
-e desinscrever nela usando a <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">\
-página da lista</a>, e também ler o <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">\
-arquivo da lista</a>.</p>
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Projetos de software a serem incluídos</a></h2>
-<p>A tentativa inicial de colocar os projetos em categorias pode não ser a
- melhor. Envie qualquer sugestão de implementação para a lista de discussão.
- <li><a href="software#administration">Administração de escritórios
- jurídicos</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Administração de corte judicial</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Desktop legal</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#research">Pesquisa legal</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Servidor para escritório legal</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Outros</a></li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals">Objetivos do projeto</a></h2>
- <li>Construir uma base sólida de softwares para a prática legal com
- ênfase na fácil instalação, manutenção e segurança.</li>
- <li>Unir autores de projetos diferentes com objetivos semelhantes.</li>
- <li>Testar uma suíte de fácil avaliação da qualidade de software legal.</li>
- <li>Prover informação e documentação sobre software legal.</li>
- <li>Ajudar autores a ter seus produtos empacotados para o Debian.</li>
- <li>Mostrar a companhias de software comercial a força de um sistema base
- sólido e fazer com que eles considerem portar seus softwares para Linux ou
- até mesmo optar pelo Código Aberto.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Palestras sobre o Debian-Lex</a></h2>
-Nós iremos adicionar algumas palestras sobre Debian-Lex aqui como fonte
-ou slides pré-formatados. Pode ser uma boa ideia checar essas páginas para
-obter informações interessantes sobre o projeto.
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">Como eu posso ajudar?</a></h2>
- <li>Trabalhar ou melhorar e traduzir estas páginas.</li>
- <li>Criar um logo (aqui há um <a href="debian-lex.png">exemplo</a>,
- também em <a href="debian-lex.xcf">formato GIMP</a>, e aqui está
- o <a href="legaltux.png">TuX legal</a> no qual ele se baseia).</li>
- <li>Empacotar os softwares acima mencionados para o Debian.</li>
- <li>Construir meta pacotes para tarefas diferentes.</li>
- <li>Documentação e tradução.</li>
- <li>Internacionalização (que é mais do que apenas traduzir devido aos
- diferentes sistemas legais).</li>
- <li>Construir um "live CD" (talvez baseado no <a
- href="http://www.knoppix.de">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Marketing &amp; RP</a></h2>
-<p>Assim que tenhamos alguma coisa para mostrar, na verdade mesmo enquanto
- estamos nos estágios de formação do projeto, somos observados pelos olhos do
- mundo. Devemos procurar trabalhar com o press@debian.org para ajudar a dar
- ao Debian e seus projetos o tipo de exposição que queremos. Por isso, nós
- iremos criar um conjunto de slides de palestras sobre o Debian-Lex.
diff --git a/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/software.wml b/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 9699d0cecbc..00000000000
--- a/portuguese/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex - software jurídico"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="be191e77facf8c0d489cfd320232517e5233a3e2"
-<h2><a id="administration" name="administration">Administração de escritório jurídico</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://lcm.ngo-bg.org/">Legal Case Management System</a></h3>
- O legal case management system é voltado para o uso por centros de
- aconselhamento jurídico sem fins lucrativos, de modo a se obter melhores
- encaminhamentos dos casos, incluindo consulta a clientes e audiências,
- relatórios, etc.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/elawmanager/">eLawOffice</a></h3>
- eLawOffice é uma suíte java extensível e completamente interplataforma, para
- administração de fluxo de trabalho e de dados por escritórios jurídicos (mais
- compartilhamento de dados com clientes). Ele funciona em um ambiente
- intranet/extranet, com um cliente-servidor e aplicação servlet+jsp.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualaw/">VirtuaLaw</a></h3>
- VirtuaLaw é um sistema de administração de casos jurídicos, de código aberto e
- para KDE, atualmente em desenvolvimento.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/etude/">Etude</a></h3>
- Etude existe para ajudar advogados(as) (ou outras pessoas que trabalham por
- conta própria) a administrar seus(suas) clientes, registro de horas
- trabalhadas, fluxo de caixa, etc. Ele fornece um sistema de programação e
- oferece a capacidade de faturamento e registro de pagamentos. O programa
- está em francês e usa PHP.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.sql-ledger.org">SQL Ledger</a></h3>
- SQL Ledger é um sistema de contabilidade de dupla entrada, profissional,
- de qualidade e baseado na web. Funcionalidades incluem faturamento (incluindo
- contas em formato PDF para enviar por e-mail), e modelos e relatórios
- completamente personalizáveis.
- Licença: GPL
-<h2><a id="desktop" name="desktop">Desktop jurídico</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://jinterview.sourceforge.net/default.htm">JInterView</a></h3>
- JInterView é um aplicativo cliente (swing) e também um servlet (baseado em web)
- para montagem de documentos.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://conflictfinder.sourceforge.net/">Conflict Finder</a></h3>
- ConflictFinder é uma ferramenta de código aberto, em desenvolvimento, para
- ajudar profissionais do direito a evitar conflitos de interesse.
- Licença: Artistic
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/chancery/">Chancery</a></h3>
- Chancery se tornará uma suíte de software para conselheiros(as) fiscais e
- advogados(as). O software será adaptado principalmente para as leis fiscais
- europeias.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/editors/openoffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a></h3>
- OpenOffice.org 1.0 é uma suíte completa de produtividade de escritório que
- fornece um substituto quase que completo ao Microsoft(R) Office. Usuários(as)
- relatam que pouco ou nenhum treinamento é necessário para as pessoas migrarem
- de outras suítes de escritório - tudo funciona do jeito que as pessoas
- esperam.
- Licença: GPL/LGPL ou Sun Industry Standards Source License
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/evolution">Evolution</a></h3>
- Evolution é uma suíte distribuída e integrada de e-mail, calendário e lista
- de endereços da Ximian, Inc.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://gttr.sourceforge.net">GnoTime</a></h3>
- GnoTime é o monitor de tempo da GNOME, um programa que permite que você
- acompanhe o tempo gasto em qualquer quantidade de tarefas e projetos. O
- GnoTime também permite que você gere relatórios personalizados e logs
- anotados desses períodos.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.dcjent.com/casereporter/">Case Reporter</a></h3>
- Case Reporter é um sistema de administração de informações baseado em PHP
- para escritórios jurídicos. O foco primário deste projeto é fornecer um
- sistema de gerenciamento de informações compreensivo, ainda que funcional,
- com ênfase no modelo caso-cliente.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.enterpriseheart.com/site/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2">Enterprise Timesheet</a></h3>
- Enterprise Timesheet é um sistema de registro de tempo de trabalho para
- pequenas a médias empresas baseado em PHP.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://mozart.sourceforge.net">Mozart</a></h3>
- Mozart é um sistema de administração de contatos, calendário e caso/projeto.
- Cada usuário(a) pode ter uma lista de endereços própria, calendário e qualquer
- número de casos/projetos. Você também pode acompanhar múltiplos casos/projetos
- para cada contato. Adicionalmente, ao ver um caso/projeto, você pode ver
- cada contato associado com aquele caso.
- Licença: GPL
-<h2><a id="court" name="court">Administração de audiências</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://openefm.sourceforge.net/">OpenEFM</a></h3>
- OpenEFM é um administrador de preenchimento de formulários de código aberto
- desenhado para processar formulários LegalXML.
- Licença: MPL 1.1
-<h2><a id="research" name="research">Pesquisa jurídica</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lawoffice/">Law Office</a></h3>
- Law Office é o carrasco do "Concordance". O Concordance é um software cliente
- desenhado para equipes jurídicas. Com ele, você pode fazer o upload de
- transcrições de audiências e depoimentos, realizar pesquisas de texto completo,
- entrar notas em transcrições para uma certa linha de texto, etc. Baseado em
- PHP.
- Licença: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm">DocSearcher</a></h3>
- DocSearcher é uma ferramenta de pesquisa para indexar e buscar arquivos em
- um computador pessoal. Ele usa APIs para fornecer a funcionalidade de
- pesquisa para formatos de documento comuns (atualmente Word, Excel, PDF,
- Open/Star Office, rtf, texto e HTML).
- Licença: Apache
-<h3><a href="http://www.ilaw.com.au/lawyers/">DocManage</a></h3>
- DocManage é um sistema único baseado em CGI que habilita você a extrair
- informações de alegações jurídicas. Você pode apresentar as alegações e gerar
- relatórios e buscas para elas em uma miríade de maneiras úteis.
- Licença: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/legalindex/">The Legal Index Project</a></h3>
- A maioria dos tribunais federais e muitos estaduais colocam suas opiniões
- jurídicas em seus respectivos sites web. O propósito deste projeto é
- construir um sistema que automaticamente faz o download e cataloga esta
- informação em um sistema central.
- Licença: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberdiritto/">Cyberdiritto</a></h3>
- Cyberdiritto o primeiro portal web jurídico baseado no famoso sistema de
- portal web de código aberto Php-Nuke. No Cyberdiritto podemos encontrar:
- artigos, pesquisas e notícias do mundo jurídico.
- Licença: desconhecida
-<h2><a id="server" name="server">Servidor de escritório jurídico</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/postgresql">PostgreSQL</a></h3>
- PostgreSQL é um banco de dados objeto-relacional que suporta uma grande
- parte de SQL-92. Ele está em desenvolvimento contínuo e cada lançamento
- implementa mais padrões SQL, ao ponto que provavelmente ele agora está em
- maior conformidade do que muitos bancos de dados comerciais. Ele também
- suporta algumas funcionalidades orientadas a objeto.
- Licença: BSD
-<h2><a id="other" name="other">Outros</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://www.openevidence.org/">OpenEvidence</a></h3>
- OpenEvidence produz tecnologia para criação e validação de provas em um
- contexto de documentos e atividades eletrônicas ou desmaterializadas, baseado
- em atuais e emergentes tecnologias para assinaturas digitais, administração
- de chaves, registro de tempo, arquivamento e sistemas notariais, e formatos
- padronizados de documentos.
- Licença: análoga à BSD
diff --git a/russian/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/russian/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 10484184c17..00000000000
--- a/russian/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/russian,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/russian/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/russian/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index c3d12254127..00000000000
--- a/russian/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="24c44bd7384aec0bfadf3f41ae88f41afeb722fc" maintainer="Lev Lamberov"
-<h2>Описание проекта</h2>
-<p>Debian-Lex является внутренним проектом по превращению Debian в
- операционную систему, которая предназначена для использования в юридических
- службах.
- Цель Debian-Lex &mdash; полная система для выполнения
- всех задач юридической практики, построенная целиком на Свободном ПО.
-<p>Общая идея проекта такого вида была заимствована из проектов
- <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian Junior</a> и
- <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a>,
- а большая часть содержания настоящего веб-сайта была бесстыдно скопирована
- с сайта Debian-Med.
-<p>Debian-Lex будет содержать набор метапакетов, объявляющих зависимости от
- других пакетов Debian; таким образом будет подготовлена полная система для
- решения конкретных задач. Мы надеемся, что позже будет создана единая инфраструктура для различных
- <a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-vote/2003/debian-vote-200303/msg00014.html">
- разновидностей Debian</a>, на которой будет основываться Debian-Lex.
-<p>Мы также предполагаем, что работа над Debian-Lex приведёт к увеличению ценности существующих пакетов
- благодаря тому, что для юристов будут предоставлены переработанные шаблоны. Например, могут быть
- предоставлены шаблоны для OpenOffice.org, SQL-Ledger и простая схема базы данных
- для PostgreSQL.
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">Новости</a></h2>
-<p><tt>[23 августа 2005]</tt> <strong>Debian Lex нуждается в новом координаторе.</strong><br>
-<tt>[11 августа 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">Работает наш сервер CVS с изначальными версиями пакетов Debian-Lex</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[2 мая 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="http://www.theage.com.au/articles/2003/05/02/1051382077620.html">Пресса: <em>Австралийцы ведут разработку O-S с открытым исходным кодом для юристов</em></a></strong><br>
-<tt>[23 апреля 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">Debian-Lex делает DWN!</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[19 апреля 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-project/2003/debian-project-200304/msg00067.html">Изначальное предложение разработчикам</a></strong>
-<!--<p>For older news items see the <a href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-lex/News/">Debian-Lex News Page</a>.</p>-->
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Список рассылки</a></h2>
-<p>В настоящее время доступен список рассылки Debian-Lex. Вы можете подписаться и
-отписаться от него, используя
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">страницу списка рассылки</a>,
-а также прочитать
-<a href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">архивы списка</a>.</p>
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Проекты программного обеспечения, которые будут включены</a></h2>
-<p>Первая попытка разместить проекты по категориям может
- оказаться не самой лучшей. Присылайте ваши предложения по улучшению категоризации в список рассылки.
- <li><a href="software#administration">Администрирование юридической службы</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Администрирование суда</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Рабочее место в области права</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#research">Исследования в области права</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Сервер для юридического офиса</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Другое</a></li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals">Цели проекта</a></h2>
- <li>Собрать цельную систему для юридической практики с упором на простоту
- установки, сопровождения и обеспечения безопасности.</li>
- <li>Собрать вместе авторов различных проектов со схожими целями.</li>
- <li>Наборы тестов для простой оценки качества юридического ПО.</li>
- <li>Предоставить информацию и документацию по юридическому ПО.</li>
- <li>Помочь авторам основной ветки разработки в добавлении их продуктов в
- Debian.</li>
- <li>Продемонстрировать коммерческим компаниям сильные стороны цельной базовой
- системы и заинтересовать в переносе их ПО на Linux или даже
- в переходе на принципы открытого исходного кода.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Выступления о Debian-Lex</a></h2>
-Мы будем добавлять здесь любые выступления о Debian-Lex в виде источника и отформатированных
-слайдов. Чтобы получить некоторую интересную информацию о проекте, полезно
-обратиться к этим страницам.
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">Как я могу помочь?</a></h2>
- <li>Работать над улучшением и переводом веб-страниц проекта.</li>
- <li>Создать логотип (вот <a href="debian-lex.png">пример</a>,
- также в <a href="debian-lex.xcf">формате GIMP</a>, а здесь
- <a href="legaltux.png">TuX-юрист</a>, на котором основан наш пример).</li>
- <li>Создавать пакеты для Debian с указанными выше проектами ПО.</li>
- <li>Создавать метапакеты для различных задач.</li>
- <li>Документация и перевод.</li>
- <li>Интернационализация (которая является более, чем просто переводом
- из-за различия систем права).</li>
- <li>Создавать живой CD (возможно, основанный на <a
- href="http://www.knoppix.de">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Маркетинг и PR</a></h2>
-<p>Когда у нас будет что показать, и даже на начальных этапах развития проекта,
- мы будем находиться под пристальным взглядом
- всего мира. Нам необходимо работать с press@debian.org, чтобы
- заставить говорить о себе и помочь Debian и этому проекту, предоставляя
- такую информацию, которую мы хотим сообщить. Для этой цели мы
- создадим коллекцию слайдов и выступлений по поводу Debian-Lex.
diff --git a/russian/devel/debian-lex/software.wml b/russian/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0717d259df4..00000000000
--- a/russian/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,210 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex - Юридическое ПО"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="be191e77facf8c0d489cfd320232517e5233a3e2" maintainer="Lev Lamberov"
-<h2><a id="administration" name="administration">Администрирование офиса юридической организации</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://lcm.ngo-bg.org/">Legal Case Management System</a></h3>
- Система управления делами юридической фирмы предназначена для использования некоммерческими юридическими
- консультационными центрами, она позволяет лучше отслеживать дела, включая
- консультирование клиентов и судебные события, отчётность и т.д.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/elawmanager/">eLawOffice</a></h3>
- eLawOffice &mdash; полностью кросс-платформенный и расширяемый набор программ, предназначенный для
- организации рабочего процесса и управления данными юридических фирм (плюс для предоставления доступа покупателям).
- Он работает в окружении интранет/экстранет как клиент-серверное приложение и
- как приложение сервлет+jsp.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualaw/">VirtuaLaw</a></h3>
- VirtuaLaw &mdash; гибкая открытая система управления делами для KDE,
- в настоящее время находится на этапе разработки.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/etude/">Etude</a></h3>
- Etude предназначена для помощи адвокатам (либо просто тем, кто работает на себя), с её помощью можно
- управлять клиентами, расписанием, денежным потоком и т.д. Она предоставляет систему планирования и предлагает
- возможность выписки счетов и регистрации платежей. Эта программа на французском языке,
- она использует PHP.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.sql-ledger.org">SQL Ledger</a></h3>
- SQL Ledger &mdash; система бухгалтерского учёта профессионального качества с двойной бухгалтерией, работающая
- в веб. Её возможности включают автоматическое выставление счёта (включая счета в формате PDF для отправки
- по электронной почте), а также полностью настраиваемые шаблоны и отчёты.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h2><a id="desktop" name="desktop">Рабочая станция юридической организации</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://jinterview.sourceforge.net/default.htm">JInterView</a></h3>
- JInterView &mdash; клиент (swing), а также сервлет (для веб) для
- сборки документов.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://conflictfinder.sourceforge.net/">Conflict Finder</a></h3>
- ConflictFinder &mdash; инструмент с открытым исходным кодом, находится в процессе разработки, предназначен для того, чтобы помочь
- юристам-профессионалам избежать конфликтов интересов.
- Лицензия: Artistic
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/chancery/">Chancery</a></h3>
- Chancery станет пакетом ПО для консультантов в области налогов и права.
- ПО будет по большей части использоваться для работы с европейскими налоговыми кодексами.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/editors/openoffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a></h3>
- OpenOffice.org 1.0 &mdash; полнофункциональный офисный пакет, предоставляющий
- практически полноценную замену для Microsoft(R) Office. Пользователи отмечают, что для перехода
- с других офисных пакетов требуется лишь небольшое обучение (иногда оно не требуется вообще) &mdash;
- всё работает так, как ожидаешь.
- Лицензия: GPL/LGPL или Sun Industry Standards Source License
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/evolution">Evolution</a></h3>
- Evolution &mdash; интегрированный пакет с поддержкой почты, календаря и адресной книги от Ximian, Inc.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://gttr.sourceforge.net">GnoTime</a></h3>
- GnoTime &mdash; GNOME Time Tracker, программа, которая позволяет вам следить за временем,
- которое вы тратите на ряд задач и проектов. GnoTime также позволяет вам
- создавать изменяемые отчёты и аннотированные журналы этого времени.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.dcjent.com/casereporter/">Case Reporter</a></h3>
- Case Reporter &mdash; основанная на PHP система управления информацией для юридических фирм.
- В первую очередь этот проект направлен на то, чтобы предоставить комплексную и
- функциональную систему управления информацией с акцентом на
- модель клиент-дело.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.enterpriseheart.com/site/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2">Enterprise Timesheet</a></h3>
- Enterprise Timesheet &mdash; основанная на PHP система планирования для небольших
- и средних компаний.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://mozart.sourceforge.net">Mozart</a></h3>
- Mozart &mdash; адресная книга, календарь и система управления делами/проектами. Каждый пользователь
- может иметь собственную адресную книгу, календарь и любое число дел/проектов.
- Вы также можете отслеживать несколько дел/проектов для каждого контакта. Кроме того,
- просматривая дело/проект, вы можете видеть каждый контакт, ассоциированный с этим
- делом.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h2><a id="court" name="court">Администрирование суда</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://openefm.sourceforge.net/">OpenEFM</a></h3>
- OpenEFM &mdash; менеджер заявок с открытым исходным кодом, разработанный для обработки заявок в формате LegalXML.
- Лицензия: MPL 1.1
-<h2><a id="research" name="research">Юридические исследования</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lawoffice/">Law Office</a></h3>
- Law Office &mdash; убийца «Concordance». Concordance является клиентским ПО, разработанным
- для сотрудников юридических организаций. С ним вы можете загружать расшифровки с судебных слушаний и
- предварительных слушаний, выполнять полнотекстовый поиск, вводить заметки для
- конкретной строки текста и т.д. Основан на PHP.
- Лицензия: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm">DocSearcher</a></h3>
- DocSearcher &mdash; инструмент индексации и поиска файлов на персональном
- компьютере. Он использует API для предоставления возможностей поиска
- для распространённых форматов документов (в настоящее время это Word, Excel, PDF, Open / Star Office,
- rtf, text и HTML).
- Лицензия: Apache
-<h3><a href="http://www.ilaw.com.au/lawyers/">DocManage</a></h3>
- DocManage &mdash; уникальная система, основанная на CGI, которая позволяет вам извлекать
- информацию из юридических ходатайств. Вы можете представить ходатайства и создать
- отчёты и осуществлять поиск из них огромным количеством различных полезных способов.
- Лицензия: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/legalindex/">The Legal Index Project</a></h3>
- Большинство федеральных и государственных судов публикуют свои решения на
- соответствующих веб-сайтах. Цель этого проекта состоит в том, чтобы создать систему, которая
- будет автоматически загружать и каталогизировать эту информацию на одной центральной
- системе.
- Лицензия: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberdiritto/">Cyberdiritto</a></h3>
- Cyberdiritto &mdash; первый юридический веб-портал, основанный на знаменитой системе веб-портала Open Source
- Php-Nuke. На Cyberdiritto мы может найти: статьи, исследования,
- новости о юридическом мире.
- Лицензия: неизвестно
-<h2><a id="server" name="server">Офисный сервер юридической организации</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/postgresql">PostgreSQL</a></h3>
- PostgreSQL &mdash; объектно-реляционная база данных, поддерживающая большую часть
- SQL-92. Она находится на стадии продолжающейся разработки, каждый выпуск является реализацией
- большей части стандарта SQL, в некоторой мере, в настоящее время она, вероятно, более совместима с другими программами, чем
- многие коммерческие базы данных. Она также поддерживает некоторые объектно-ориентированные
- возможности.
- Лицензия: BSD
-<h2><a id="other" name="other">Другое</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://www.openevidence.org/">OpenEvidence</a></h3>
- OpenEvidence производит технологии для создания доказательств и проверки доказательств
- в контексте электронных или нематериальных документов и деятельности, основано
- на текущих и только возникающих технологиях цифровых подписей, управления ключами,
- отметок времени, архивирующих и нотариальных систем, стандартизированных форматов документов.
- Лицензия: схожая с BSD
diff --git a/spanish/devel/debian-lex/Makefile b/spanish/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index d2730189037..00000000000
--- a/spanish/devel/debian-lex/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-include $(subst webwml/spanish,webwml/english,$(CURDIR))/Makefile
diff --git a/spanish/devel/debian-lex/index.wml b/spanish/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fc69854f0e..00000000000
--- a/spanish/devel/debian-lex/index.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex"
-#use wml::debian::recent_list
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="24c44bd7384aec0bfadf3f41ae88f41afeb722fc"
-<h2>Descripción del proyecto</h2>
-<p>Debian-Lex es un proyecto para convertir Debian en un sistema
-operativo especialmente adecuado para despachos de abogados. La
-finalidad de Debian-Lex es desarrollar, mediante software libre, un
-sistema completo para todas las tareas necesarias en el ejercicio de
-la abogacía.</p>
-<p>La idea general para este tipo de proyecto proviene de<a
-href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-jr/">Debian Junior</a> y de <a
-href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-med/">Debian-Med</a>, proyectos ya
-existentes. La mayor parte del contenido de la páginas web de
-Debian-Lex está descaradamente copiado de Debian-Med.</p>
-<p>Debian-Lex contendrá una serie de meta paquetes que declararán las
-dependencias de otros paquetes Debian. De esta manera, el sistema
-quedará preparado para resolver tareas específicas. Esperamos que
-pronto existirá un marco <a
-para derivados de Debian</a> en el que se fundamentará el
-<p>Asimismo, consideramos que Debian-Lex añadirá valor a los paquetes
-existentes al añadir plantillas para abogados. Así, las plantillas
-serán ofrecidas para OpenOffice.org y SQL-Ledger. Se ofrecerá también
-un ejemplo de esquema de base de datos para PostgreSQL.</p>
-<h2><a id="news" name="news">Noticias</a></h2>
-<p><tt>[23 de agosto de 2005]</tt> <strong>Debian Lex está buscando un coordinador nuevo.</strong><br>
-<tt>[11 de agosto de 2003]</tt> <strong><a href="https://alioth.debian.org/projects/debian-lex">Instalación de nuestro servidor CVS con los paquetes iniciales de Debian-Lex.</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[2 de mayo de 2003]</tt> <strong><a
-<em>Un australiano lidera el desarrollo de un sistema operativo en
-código abierto para abogados</em> (en inglés)</a></strong><br>
-<tt>[23 de abril de 2003]</tt> <strong><a
-href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/2003/16/">Debian-Lex en las
-<tt>[19 de abril de 2003]</tt> <strong><a
-inicial para desarrolladores.</a></strong></p>
-<!--<p>Para noticias más antiguas, ver <a
-href="$(HOME)/devel/debian-lex/News/">Debian-Lex News Page</a>.</p>-->
-<h2><a id="email-list" name="email-list">Lista de correo</a></h2>
-<p>La lista de correo de Debian-Lex ya es accesible. Puede
-suscribirse, cancelar su suscripción y leer los mensajes existentes en la <a
-href="https://lists.debian.org/debian-lex/">lista de correo</a>.
-<h2><a id="projects" name="projects">Proyectos de software incluidos</a></h2>
-<p>El primer intento de dividir los proyectos en categorías pudiera no
-ser el mejor. Envíe cualquier sugerencia de mejora a la lista de correo.
- <li><a href="software#administration">Administración de un despacho de abogados</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#court">Administración de un Juzgado</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#desktop">Escritorio</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#research">Investigación legal</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#server">Servidor de un despacho de abogados</a></li>
- <li><a href="software#other">Otros</a></li>
-<h2><a id="goals" name="goals">Finalidad del proyecto</a></h2>
- <li>La construcción de un software sólido adecuado para el ejercicio
-de la abogacía, enfatizando en la facilidad de instalación,
-mantenimiento y seguridad.</li>
- <li>Reunir a desarrolladores de diferentes proyectos que tengan intereses comunes.</li>
- <li>Probar las aplicaciones para comprobar la calidad del software
- <li>Ofrecer información y documentación sobre software destinado a
-usos jurídicos.</li>
- <li>Ayudar a los autores de los programas para empaquetar los mismos
-en paquetes debian.</li>
- <li>Mostrar a las empresas de software con ánimo de lucro la
-potencia de un sistema sólido y hacerles considerar la posibilidad de
-portar us software a Linux e, incluso, hacerles cambiar en favor del
-software libre.</li>
-<h2><a id="talks" name="talks">Charlas sobre Debian-Lex</a></h2>
-<p>Añadiremos la fuente de las charlas sobre Debian-Lex, así como
-diapositivas preformateadas. Podría ser una buena idea consultar estas
-páginas para encontrar información interesante sobre el proyecto.</p>
-<h2><a id="help" name="help">¿Qué puedo hacer para ayudar?</a></h2>
- <li>Trabajar en la mejora y traducción de las páginas web.</li>
- <li>Crear un logotipo. Aquí tiene un <a
-href="debian-lex.png">ejemplo</a>, y otro en <a
-href="debian-lex.xcf">formato GIMP</a>. Ambos están inspirados en <a
-href="legaltux">Tux jurídico</a>.</li>
- <li>Desarrollar los paquetes de software para Debian antes mencionados.</li>
- <li>Desarrollar los meta paquetes para las diferentes funciones.</li>
- <li>Elaborar la documentación y las traducciones.</li>
- <li>Internacionalización (lo que supone algo más que la mera
-traducción, debido a los diferentes sistemas jurídicos).</li>
- <li>Desarrollar un «live CD» (quizás basado en <a
- href="http://www.knoppix.de">Knoppix</a>).</li>
-<h2><a id="marketing" name="marketing">Comercialización y relaciones
-<p>Una vez tengamos algo que mostrar sobre este proyecto (incluso en
-las fases iniciales) estaremos siendo observados. Necesariamente
-querremos trabajar con press@debian.org para obtener la notoriedad que
-buscamos. En este sentido, desarrollaremos una colección de
-diapositivas para charlas sobre Debian-Lex.</p>
diff --git a/spanish/devel/debian-lex/software.wml b/spanish/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
deleted file mode 100644
index bae4653d463..00000000000
--- a/spanish/devel/debian-lex/software.wml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
-#use wml::debian::template title="Debian-Lex - Software útil para la abogacía"
-#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="be191e77facf8c0d489cfd320232517e5233a3e2" maintainer="David Moreno Garza"
-<h2><a id="administration" name="administration">Administración de un despacho de abogados</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://lcm.ngo-bg.org/">Sistema de Manejo de Casos Legales</a></h3>
- El sistema de manejo de casos legales tiene como objetivo ser utilizado como
- centro de consejos legales por organizaciones sin ánimos de lucro, para tener
- un mejor seguimiento de sus casos, incluyendo consultorías de clientes
- y eventos en la corte, reportes, etc.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/elawmanager/">eLawOffice</a></h3>
- eLawOffice es una plataforma completa java multiarquitectura y escalable
- en idiomas, para un flujo de trabajo y manejo de datos de Law Firms
- (además del comparimiento de datos con clientes). Trabaja en un ambiente
- intranet/extranet, con una aplicación cliente-servidor y servlet+jsp.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/virtualaw/">VirtuaLaw</a></h3>
- VirtuaLaw es un sistema flexible de gestión de casos legales para KDE.
- Es de código fuente abierto y actualmente está en desarrollo.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/etude/">Etude</a></h3>
- Etude se ha creado para ayudar a abogados (u otros trabajadores autónomos) a gestionar
- sus clientes, agenda, libro de cuentas, etc. Proporciona un sistema de agenda
- y ofrece la posibilidad de crear facturas y registros de pagos. El programa
- está en francés y usa PHP.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.sql-ledger.org">SQL Ledger</a></h3>
- SQL Ledger es un sistema de contabilidad de doble entrada asistido por web de
- calidad profesional. Entre sus características se incluye la capacidad de crear
- facturas automáticamente (incluso en formato PDF para ser enviadas por correo electrónico),
- así como plantillas e informes completamente personalizables.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h2><a id="desktop" name="desktop">Escritorio legal</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://jinterview.sourceforge.net/default.htm">JInterView</a></h3>
- JInterView es una aplicación tanto cliente (swing) como servlet
- (basada en web) para construcción de documentos.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://conflictfinder.sourceforge.net/">Conflict Finder</a></h3>
- ConflictFinder es una utilidad de código abierto, en desarrollo, para
- ayudar a profesionales del derecho a evitar conflictos de intereses.
- Licencia: Artística
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/chancery/">Chancery</a></h3>
- Chancery será una suite de programas para abogados y consultores fiscales.
- Estos programas estarán adaptados principalmente a las leyes fiscales europeas.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/unstable/editors/openoffice.org">OpenOffice.org</a></h3>
- OpenOffice.org 1.0 es una suite completa de programas de oficina que constituye
- un sustituto casi inmediato de Microsoft(R) Office. La experiencia
- de los usuarios muestra que se requiere poco o ningún esfuerzo migrar
- desde otra suite de oficina: todo funciona como uno espera.
- Licencia: GPL/LGPL o Sun Industry Standards Source License
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/mail/evolution">Evolution</a></h3>
- Evolution es la suite distribuida que integra correo electrónico, calendario y
- libreta de direcciones desarrollada por Ximian, Inc.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://gttr.sourceforge.net">GnoTime</a></h3>
- GnoTime es el supervisor de tiempos de GNOME,
- un programa que permite supervisar el tiempo
- invertido en una serie de tareas y proyectos. GnoTime también permite
- generar informes personalizados y facturas basándose en esos tiempos.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.dcjent.com/casereporter/">Case Reporter</a></h3>
- CaseReporter es un sistema de gestión de información para bufetes de
- abogados basado en PHP.
- El enfoque principal de este proyecto es proporcionar un sistema de
- gestión de información de grandes capacidades pero funcional con énfasis
- en el modelo cliente-caso.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://www.enterpriseheart.com/site/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=2">Enterprise Timesheet</a></h3>
- Enterprise Timesheet es un sistema para registro de horarios para
- empresas pequeñas y medianas.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://mozart.sourceforge.net">Mozart</a></h3>
- Mozart es un sistema para gestionar contactos, agenda y proyectos/tareas.
- Cada usuario/a puede tener su propia libreta de direcciones, calendario
- y proyectos. Cada contacto puede tener varios proyectos/tareas asociados.
- Además, para cada proyecto/tarea se pueden visualizar los contactos asociados.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h2><a id="court" name="court">Administración de un juzgado</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://openefm.sourceforge.net/">OpenEFM</a></h3>
- OpenEFM es un gestor de formularios de código abierto diseñado para
- procesar formularios de tipo LegalXML.
- Licencia: MPL 1.1
-<h2><a id="research" name="research">Investigación legal</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/lawoffice/">Law Office</a></h3>
- Law Office es una excelente aplicación de concordancias
- diseñada para personal jurídico. Con él, se pueden descargar transcripciones
- de vistas orales y declaraciones en juzgados, realizar búsquedas en el texto completo,
- realizar anotaciones en ciertos puntos del texto, etc. Está basado en PHP.
- Licencia: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http:://www.brownsite.net/docsearch.htm">DocSearcher</a></h3>
- DocSearcher es una herramienta de búsqueda e indexación de los ficheros de
- un ordenador personal. Usa un conjunto de APIs para permitir la búsqueda
- en formatos usados comúnmente (actualmente Word, Excel, PDF, Open / Star
- Office, rtf, texto y HTML).
- Licencia: Apache
-<h3><a href="http://www.ilaw.com.au/lawyers/">DocManage</a></h3>
- DocManage es un sistema único basado en CGI que permite extraer información
- de los recursos presentados en juzgados, de los cuales se pueden generar
- informes y realizar búsquedas de multitud de formas diferentes.
- Licencia: GPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/legalindex/">The Legal Index Project</a></h3>
- La mayoría de de los juzgados federales y muchos de los juzgados estatales
- anuncian sus decisiones en las páginas web respectivas. El propósito de
- este proyecto es construir un sistema que automáticamente descargue, catalogue
- y centralice esta información.
- Licencia: LGPL
-<h3><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/cyberdiritto/">Cyberdiritto</a></h3>
- Cyberdiritto es el primer portal web dedicado a temas de legislación basado
- en el famoso sistema de portal web de código abierto Php-Nuke. En Cyberdiritto
- se pueden encontrar artículos, encuestas y noticias sobre el mundo jurídico.
- Licencia: Desconocida
-<h2><a id="server" name="server">Servidor de un despacho de abogados</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://packages.debian.org/stable/misc/postgresql">PostgreSQL</a></h3>
- PostgreSQL es una base de datos relacional que soporta una buena parte del
- estándar SQL-92. Está en continuo desarrollo y en cada versión implementa mas
- del estándar SQL, hasta el punto que ahora mismo se ajusta más a dichos estándares
- que muchas bases de datos comerciales. También implementa algunas
- características orientadas a objetos.
- Licencia: BSD
-<h2><a id="other" name="other">Otros</a></h2>
-<h3><a href="https://www.openevidence.org/">OpenEvidence</a></h3>
- OpenEvidence establece métodos para crear pruebas y validarlas en el
- contexto de actividades y documentos electrónicos o inmateriales. Está
- basado en las tecnologías emergentes de firmas digitales, gestión de
- claves, marcas temporales, sistemas de almacenamiento y notaría y
- formatos de documentos estándar.
- Licencia: Tipo BSD

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