path: root/freebsd
diff options
authorDaniel Lange <DLange@git.local>2016-04-11 13:01:07 +0200
committerDaniel Lange <DLange@git.local>2016-04-11 13:01:07 +0200
commitff9409b1737627857eb47f64f536a3f66b6a09a4 (patch)
tree61b631ba551e68a4f656b8b76ff7bd0d9955fc64 /freebsd
parentf75ab6d2c11e8a8e18191b087564aedebbeb96c5 (diff)
Imported Upstream version 2.0.0upstream/2.0.0
Diffstat (limited to 'freebsd')
10 files changed, 1142 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/freebsd/Battery.c b/freebsd/Battery.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab63aa1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/Battery.c
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+htop - freebsd/Battery.c
+(C) 2015 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+#include "BatteryMeter.h"
+void Battery_getData(double* level, ACPresence* isOnAC) {
+ // TODO
+ *level = -1;
+ *isOnAC = AC_ERROR;
diff --git a/freebsd/Battery.h b/freebsd/Battery.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2b4a9a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/Battery.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically generated. */
+#ifndef HEADER_Battery
+#define HEADER_Battery
+htop - freebsd/Battery.h
+(C) 2015 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+void Battery_getData(double* level, ACPresence* isOnAC);
diff --git a/freebsd/FreeBSDCRT.c b/freebsd/FreeBSDCRT.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c3a9de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/FreeBSDCRT.c
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+htop - UnsupportedCRT.c
+(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+#include "config.h"
+#include "CRT.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+void CRT_handleSIGSEGV(int sgn) {
+ (void) sgn;
+ CRT_done();
+ fprintf(stderr, "\n\nhtop " VERSION " aborting.\n");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nUnfortunately, you seem to be using an unsupported platform!");
+ fprintf(stderr, "\nPlease contact your platform package maintainer!\n\n");
+ abort();
diff --git a/freebsd/FreeBSDCRT.h b/freebsd/FreeBSDCRT.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb1091a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/FreeBSDCRT.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically generated. */
+#ifndef HEADER_FreeBSDCRT
+#define HEADER_FreeBSDCRT
+htop - UnsupportedCRT.h
+(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+void CRT_handleSIGSEGV(int sgn);
diff --git a/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.c b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..70cfb95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.c
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+htop - FreeBSDProcess.c
+(C) 2015 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+#include "Process.h"
+#include "ProcessList.h"
+#include "FreeBSDProcess.h"
+#include "Platform.h"
+#include "CRT.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+typedef enum FreeBSDProcessFields {
+ // Add platform-specific fields here, with ids >= 100
+ JID = 100,
+ JAIL = 101,
+} FreeBSDProcessField;
+typedef struct FreeBSDProcess_ {
+ Process super;
+ int kernel;
+ int jid;
+ char* jname;
+} FreeBSDProcess;
+#ifndef Process_isKernelThread
+#define Process_isKernelThread(_process) (_process->kernel == 1)
+#ifndef Process_isUserlandThread
+#define Process_isUserlandThread(_process) (_process->pid != _process->tgid)
+ProcessClass FreeBSDProcess_class = {
+ .super = {
+ .extends = Class(Process),
+ .display = Process_display,
+ .delete = Process_delete,
+ .compare = FreeBSDProcess_compare
+ },
+ .writeField = (Process_WriteField) FreeBSDProcess_writeField,
+ProcessFieldData Process_fields[] = {
+ [0] = { .name = "", .title = NULL, .description = NULL, .flags = 0, },
+ [PID] = { .name = "PID", .title = " PID ", .description = "Process/thread ID", .flags = 0, },
+ [COMM] = { .name = "Command", .title = "Command ", .description = "Command line", .flags = 0, },
+ [STATE] = { .name = "STATE", .title = "S ", .description = "Process state (S sleeping, R running, D disk, Z zombie, T traced, W paging)", .flags = 0, },
+ [PPID] = { .name = "PPID", .title = " PPID ", .description = "Parent process ID", .flags = 0, },
+ [PGRP] = { .name = "PGRP", .title = " PGRP ", .description = "Process group ID", .flags = 0, },
+ [SESSION] = { .name = "SESSION", .title = " SESN ", .description = "Process's session ID", .flags = 0, },
+ [TTY_NR] = { .name = "TTY_NR", .title = " TTY ", .description = "Controlling terminal", .flags = 0, },
+ [TPGID] = { .name = "TPGID", .title = " TPGID ", .description = "Process ID of the fg process group of the controlling terminal", .flags = 0, },
+ [MINFLT] = { .name = "MINFLT", .title = " MINFLT ", .description = "Number of minor faults which have not required loading a memory page from disk", .flags = 0, },
+ [MAJFLT] = { .name = "MAJFLT", .title = " MAJFLT ", .description = "Number of major faults which have required loading a memory page from disk", .flags = 0, },
+ [PRIORITY] = { .name = "PRIORITY", .title = "PRI ", .description = "Kernel's internal priority for the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [NICE] = { .name = "NICE", .title = " NI ", .description = "Nice value (the higher the value, the more it lets other processes take priority)", .flags = 0, },
+ [STARTTIME] = { .name = "STARTTIME", .title = "START ", .description = "Time the process was started", .flags = 0, },
+ [PROCESSOR] = { .name = "PROCESSOR", .title = "CPU ", .description = "Id of the CPU the process last executed on", .flags = 0, },
+ [M_SIZE] = { .name = "M_SIZE", .title = " VIRT ", .description = "Total program size in virtual memory", .flags = 0, },
+ [M_RESIDENT] = { .name = "M_RESIDENT", .title = " RES ", .description = "Resident set size, size of the text and data sections, plus stack usage", .flags = 0, },
+ [ST_UID] = { .name = "ST_UID", .title = " UID ", .description = "User ID of the process owner", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_CPU] = { .name = "PERCENT_CPU", .title = "CPU% ", .description = "Percentage of the CPU time the process used in the last sampling", .flags = 0, },
+ [PERCENT_MEM] = { .name = "PERCENT_MEM", .title = "MEM% ", .description = "Percentage of the memory the process is using, based on resident memory size", .flags = 0, },
+ [USER] = { .name = "USER", .title = "USER ", .description = "Username of the process owner (or user ID if name cannot be determined)", .flags = 0, },
+ [TIME] = { .name = "TIME", .title = " TIME+ ", .description = "Total time the process has spent in user and system time", .flags = 0, },
+ [NLWP] = { .name = "NLWP", .title = "NLWP ", .description = "Number of threads in the process", .flags = 0, },
+ [TGID] = { .name = "TGID", .title = " TGID ", .description = "Thread group ID (i.e. process ID)", .flags = 0, },
+ [JID] = { .name = "JID", .title = " JID ", .description = "Jail prison ID", .flags = 0, },
+ [JAIL] = { .name = "JAIL", .title = "JAIL ", .description = "Jail prison name", .flags = 0, },
+ [LAST_PROCESSFIELD] = { .name = "*** report bug! ***", .title = NULL, .description = NULL, .flags = 0, },
+ProcessPidColumn Process_pidColumns[] = {
+ { .id = JID, .label = "JID" },
+ { .id = PID, .label = "PID" },
+ { .id = PPID, .label = "PPID" },
+ { .id = TPGID, .label = "TPGID" },
+ { .id = TGID, .label = "TGID" },
+ { .id = PGRP, .label = "PGRP" },
+ { .id = SESSION, .label = "SESN" },
+ { .id = 0, .label = NULL },
+FreeBSDProcess* FreeBSDProcess_new(Settings* settings) {
+ FreeBSDProcess* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(FreeBSDProcess));
+ Object_setClass(this, Class(FreeBSDProcess));
+ Process_init(&this->super, settings);
+ return this;
+void Process_delete(Object* cast) {
+ FreeBSDProcess* this = (FreeBSDProcess*) cast;
+ Process_done((Process*)cast);
+ free(this->jname);
+ free(this);
+void FreeBSDProcess_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field) {
+ FreeBSDProcess* fp = (FreeBSDProcess*) this;
+ char buffer[256]; buffer[255] = '\0';
+ int attr = CRT_colors[DEFAULT_COLOR];
+ int n = sizeof(buffer) - 1;
+ switch (field) {
+ // add FreeBSD-specific fields here
+ case JID: snprintf(buffer, n, Process_pidFormat, fp->jid); break;
+ case JAIL:{
+ snprintf(buffer, n, "%-11s ", fp->jname); break;
+ if (buffer[11] != '\0') {
+ buffer[11] = ' ';
+ buffer[12] = '\0';
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ Process_writeField(this, str, field);
+ return;
+ }
+ RichString_append(str, attr, buffer);
+long FreeBSDProcess_compare(const void* v1, const void* v2) {
+ FreeBSDProcess *p1, *p2;
+ Settings *settings = ((Process*)v1)->settings;
+ if (settings->direction == 1) {
+ p1 = (FreeBSDProcess*)v1;
+ p2 = (FreeBSDProcess*)v2;
+ } else {
+ p2 = (FreeBSDProcess*)v1;
+ p1 = (FreeBSDProcess*)v2;
+ }
+ switch (settings->sortKey) {
+ // add FreeBSD-specific fields here
+ case JID:
+ return (p1->jid - p2->jid);
+ case JAIL:
+ return strcmp(p1->jname ? p1->jname : "", p2->jname ? p2->jname : "");
+ default:
+ return Process_compare(v1, v2);
+ }
+bool Process_isThread(Process* this) {
+ FreeBSDProcess* fp = (FreeBSDProcess*) this;
+ if (fp->kernel == 1 )
+ return 1;
+ else
+ return (Process_isUserlandThread(this));
diff --git a/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.h b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..23d298a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcess.h
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically generated. */
+#ifndef HEADER_FreeBSDProcess
+#define HEADER_FreeBSDProcess
+htop - FreeBSDProcess.h
+(C) 2015 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+typedef enum FreeBSDProcessFields {
+ // Add platform-specific fields here, with ids >= 100
+ JID = 100,
+ JAIL = 101,
+} FreeBSDProcessField;
+typedef struct FreeBSDProcess_ {
+ Process super;
+ int kernel;
+ int jid;
+ char* jname;
+} FreeBSDProcess;
+#ifndef Process_isKernelThread
+#define Process_isKernelThread(_process) (_process->kernel == 1)
+#ifndef Process_isUserlandThread
+#define Process_isUserlandThread(_process) (_process->pid != _process->tgid)
+extern ProcessClass FreeBSDProcess_class;
+extern ProcessFieldData Process_fields[];
+extern ProcessPidColumn Process_pidColumns[];
+FreeBSDProcess* FreeBSDProcess_new(Settings* settings);
+void Process_delete(Object* cast);
+void FreeBSDProcess_writeField(Process* this, RichString* str, ProcessField field);
+long FreeBSDProcess_compare(const void* v1, const void* v2);
+bool Process_isThread(Process* this);
diff --git a/freebsd/FreeBSDProcessList.c b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcessList.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c4a6db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcessList.c
@@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
+htop - FreeBSDProcessList.c
+(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+#include "ProcessList.h"
+#include "FreeBSDProcessList.h"
+#include "FreeBSDProcess.h"
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/user.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <kvm.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/jail.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#define JAIL_ERRMSGLEN 1024
+char jail_errmsg[JAIL_ERRMSGLEN];
+typedef struct CPUData_ {
+ double userPercent;
+ double nicePercent;
+ double systemPercent;
+ double irqPercent;
+ double idlePercent;
+ double systemAllPercent;
+} CPUData;
+typedef struct FreeBSDProcessList_ {
+ ProcessList super;
+ kvm_t* kd;
+ int zfsArcEnabled;
+ unsigned long long int memWire;
+ unsigned long long int memActive;
+ unsigned long long int memInactive;
+ unsigned long long int memFree;
+ unsigned long long int memZfsArc;
+ CPUData* cpus;
+ unsigned long *cp_time_o;
+ unsigned long *cp_time_n;
+ unsigned long *cp_times_o;
+ unsigned long *cp_times_n;
+} FreeBSDProcessList;
+static int MIB_hw_physmem[2];
+static int MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_page_count[4];
+static int pageSize;
+static int pageSizeKb;
+static int MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_wire_count[4];
+static int MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_active_count[4];
+static int MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_cache_count[4];
+static int MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_inactive_count[4];
+static int MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_free_count[4];
+static int MIB_vfs_bufspace[2];
+static int MIB_kstat_zfs_misc_arcstats_size[5];
+static int MIB_kern_cp_time[2];
+static int MIB_kern_cp_times[2];
+static int kernelFScale;
+ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable, Hashtable* pidWhiteList, uid_t userId) {
+ FreeBSDProcessList* fpl = xCalloc(1, sizeof(FreeBSDProcessList));
+ ProcessList* pl = (ProcessList*) fpl;
+ ProcessList_init(pl, Class(FreeBSDProcess), usersTable, pidWhiteList, userId);
+ size_t len;
+ // physical memory in system: hw.physmem
+ // physical page size: hw.pagesize
+ // usable pagesize : vm.stats.vm.v_page_size
+ len = 2; sysctlnametomib("hw.physmem", MIB_hw_physmem, &len);
+ len = sizeof(pageSize);
+ if (sysctlbyname("vm.stats.vm.v_page_size", &pageSize, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) {
+ pageSize = PAGE_SIZE;
+ pageSizeKb = PAGE_SIZE_KB;
+ } else {
+ pageSizeKb = pageSize / ONE_K;
+ }
+ // usable page count vm.stats.vm.v_page_count
+ // actually usable memory : vm.stats.vm.v_page_count * vm.stats.vm.v_page_size
+ len = 4; sysctlnametomib("vm.stats.vm.v_page_count", MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_page_count, &len);
+ len = 4; sysctlnametomib("vm.stats.vm.v_wire_count", MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_wire_count, &len);
+ len = 4; sysctlnametomib("vm.stats.vm.v_active_count", MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_active_count, &len);
+ len = 4; sysctlnametomib("vm.stats.vm.v_cache_count", MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_cache_count, &len);
+ len = 4; sysctlnametomib("vm.stats.vm.v_inactive_count", MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_inactive_count, &len);
+ len = 4; sysctlnametomib("vm.stats.vm.v_free_count", MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_free_count, &len);
+ len = 2; sysctlnametomib("vfs.bufspace", MIB_vfs_bufspace, &len);
+ len = sizeof(fpl->memZfsArc);
+ if (sysctlbyname("kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.size", &fpl->memZfsArc, &len,
+ NULL, 0) == 0 && fpl->memZfsArc != 0) {
+ sysctlnametomib("kstat.zfs.misc.arcstats.size", MIB_kstat_zfs_misc_arcstats_size, &len);
+ fpl->zfsArcEnabled = 1;
+ } else {
+ fpl->zfsArcEnabled = 0;
+ }
+ int smp = 0;
+ len = sizeof(smp);
+ if (sysctlbyname("kern.smp.active", &smp, &len, NULL, 0) != 0 || len != sizeof(smp)) {
+ smp = 0;
+ }
+ int cpus = 1;
+ len = sizeof(cpus);
+ if (smp) {
+ int err = sysctlbyname("kern.smp.cpus", &cpus, &len, NULL, 0);
+ if (err) cpus = 1;
+ } else {
+ cpus = 1;
+ }
+ size_t sizeof_cp_time_array = sizeof(unsigned long) * CPUSTATES;
+ len = 2; sysctlnametomib("kern.cp_time", MIB_kern_cp_time, &len);
+ fpl->cp_time_o = xCalloc(cpus, sizeof_cp_time_array);
+ fpl->cp_time_n = xCalloc(cpus, sizeof_cp_time_array);
+ len = sizeof_cp_time_array;
+ // fetch intial single (or average) CPU clicks from kernel
+ sysctl(MIB_kern_cp_time, 2, fpl->cp_time_o, &len, NULL, 0);
+ // on smp box, fetch rest of intial CPU's clicks
+ if (cpus > 1) {
+ len = 2; sysctlnametomib("kern.cp_times", MIB_kern_cp_times, &len);
+ fpl->cp_times_o = xCalloc(cpus, sizeof_cp_time_array);
+ fpl->cp_times_n = xCalloc(cpus, sizeof_cp_time_array);
+ len = cpus * sizeof_cp_time_array;
+ sysctl(MIB_kern_cp_times, 2, fpl->cp_times_o, &len, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ pl->cpuCount = MAX(cpus, 1);
+ if (cpus == 1 ) {
+ fpl->cpus = xRealloc(fpl->cpus, sizeof(CPUData));
+ } else {
+ // on smp we need CPUs + 1 to store averages too (as kernel kindly provides that as well)
+ fpl->cpus = xRealloc(fpl->cpus, (pl->cpuCount + 1) * sizeof(CPUData));
+ }
+ len = sizeof(kernelFScale);
+ if (sysctlbyname("kern.fscale", &kernelFScale, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) {
+ //sane default for kernel provded CPU precentage scaling, at least on x86 machines, in case this sysctl call failed
+ kernelFScale = 2048;
+ }
+ fpl->kd = kvm_open(NULL, "/dev/null", NULL, 0, NULL);
+ assert(fpl->kd);
+ return pl;
+void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* this) {
+ const FreeBSDProcessList* fpl = (FreeBSDProcessList*) this;
+ if (fpl->kd) kvm_close(fpl->kd);
+ free(fpl->cp_time_o);
+ free(fpl->cp_time_n);
+ free(fpl->cp_times_o);
+ free(fpl->cp_times_n);
+ free(fpl->cpus);
+ ProcessList_done(this);
+ free(this);
+static inline void FreeBSDProcessList_scanCPUTime(ProcessList* pl) {
+ const FreeBSDProcessList* fpl = (FreeBSDProcessList*) pl;
+ int cpus = pl->cpuCount; // actual CPU count
+ int maxcpu = cpus; // max iteration (in case we have average + smp)
+ int cp_times_offset;
+ assert(cpus > 0);
+ size_t sizeof_cp_time_array;
+ unsigned long *cp_time_n; // old clicks state
+ unsigned long *cp_time_o; // current clicks state
+ unsigned long long total_o = 0;
+ unsigned long long total_n = 0;
+ unsigned long long total_d = 0;
+ unsigned long cp_time_d[CPUSTATES];
+ double cp_time_p[CPUSTATES];
+ // get averages or single CPU clicks
+ sizeof_cp_time_array = sizeof(unsigned long) * CPUSTATES;
+ sysctl(MIB_kern_cp_time, 2, fpl->cp_time_n, &sizeof_cp_time_array, NULL, 0);
+ // get rest of CPUs
+ if (cpus > 1) {
+ // on smp systems FreeBSD kernel concats all CPU states into one long array in
+ // kern.cp_times sysctl OID
+ // we store averages in fpl->cpus[0], and actual cores after that
+ maxcpu = cpus + 1;
+ sizeof_cp_time_array = cpus * sizeof(unsigned long) * CPUSTATES;
+ sysctl(MIB_kern_cp_times, 2, fpl->cp_times_n, &sizeof_cp_time_array, NULL, 0);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < maxcpu; i++) {
+ if (cpus == 1) {
+ // single CPU box
+ cp_time_n = fpl->cp_time_n;
+ cp_time_o = fpl->cp_time_o;
+ } else {
+ if (i == 0 ) {
+ // average
+ cp_time_n = fpl->cp_time_n;
+ cp_time_o = fpl->cp_time_o;
+ } else {
+ // specific smp cores
+ cp_times_offset = i - 1;
+ cp_time_n = fpl->cp_times_n + (cp_times_offset * CPUSTATES);
+ cp_time_o = fpl->cp_times_o + (cp_times_offset * CPUSTATES);
+ }
+ }
+ // diff old vs new
+ for (int s = 0; s < CPUSTATES; s++) {
+ cp_time_d[s] = cp_time_n[s] - cp_time_o[s];
+ total_o += cp_time_o[s];
+ total_n += cp_time_n[s];
+ }
+ // totals
+ total_d = total_n - total_o;
+ if (total_d < 1 ) total_d = 1;
+ // save current state as old and calc percentages
+ for (int s = 0; s < CPUSTATES; ++s) {
+ cp_time_o[s] = cp_time_n[s];
+ cp_time_p[s] = ((double)cp_time_d[s]) / ((double)total_d) * 100;
+ }
+ CPUData* cpuData = &(fpl->cpus[i]);
+ cpuData->userPercent = cp_time_p[CP_USER];
+ cpuData->nicePercent = cp_time_p[CP_NICE];
+ cpuData->systemPercent = cp_time_p[CP_SYS];
+ cpuData->irqPercent = cp_time_p[CP_INTR];
+ cpuData->systemAllPercent = cp_time_p[CP_SYS] + cp_time_p[CP_INTR];
+ // this one is not really used, but we store it anyway
+ cpuData->idlePercent = cp_time_p[CP_IDLE];
+ }
+static inline void FreeBSDProcessList_scanMemoryInfo(ProcessList* pl) {
+ FreeBSDProcessList* fpl = (FreeBSDProcessList*) pl;
+ // @etosan:
+ // memory counter relationships seem to be these:
+ // total = active + wired + inactive + cache + free
+ // htop_used (unavail to anybody) = active + wired
+ // htop_cache (for cache meter) = buffers + cache
+ // user_free (avail to procs) = buffers + inactive + cache + free
+ //
+ // with ZFS ARC situation becomes bit muddled, as ARC behaves like "user_free"
+ // and belongs into cache, but is reported as wired by kernel
+ //
+ // htop_used = active + (wired - arc)
+ // htop_cache = buffers + cache + arc
+ size_t len = sizeof(pl->totalMem);
+ //disabled for now, as it is always smaller than phycal amount of memory...
+ //...to avoid "where is my memory?" questions
+ //sysctl(MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_page_count, 4, &(pl->totalMem), &len, NULL, 0);
+ //pl->totalMem *= pageSizeKb;
+ sysctl(MIB_hw_physmem, 2, &(pl->totalMem), &len, NULL, 0);
+ pl->totalMem /= 1024;
+ sysctl(MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_active_count, 4, &(fpl->memActive), &len, NULL, 0);
+ fpl->memActive *= pageSizeKb;
+ sysctl(MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_wire_count, 4, &(fpl->memWire), &len, NULL, 0);
+ fpl->memWire *= pageSizeKb;
+ sysctl(MIB_vfs_bufspace, 2, &(pl->buffersMem), &len, NULL, 0);
+ pl->buffersMem /= 1024;
+ sysctl(MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_cache_count, 4, &(pl->cachedMem), &len, NULL, 0);
+ pl->cachedMem *= pageSizeKb;
+ if (fpl->zfsArcEnabled) {
+ len = sizeof(fpl->memZfsArc);
+ sysctl(MIB_kstat_zfs_misc_arcstats_size, 5, &(fpl->memZfsArc), &len , NULL, 0);
+ fpl->memZfsArc /= 1024;
+ fpl->memWire -= fpl->memZfsArc;
+ pl->cachedMem += fpl->memZfsArc;
+ // maybe when we learn how to make custom memory meter
+ // we could do custom arc breakdown?
+ }
+ pl->usedMem = fpl->memActive + fpl->memWire;
+ //currently unused, same as with arc, custom meter perhaps
+ //sysctl(MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_inactive_count, 4, &(fpl->memInactive), &len, NULL, 0);
+ //sysctl(MIB_vm_stats_vm_v_free_count, 4, &(fpl->memFree), &len, NULL, 0);
+ //pl->freeMem = fpl->memInactive + fpl->memFree;
+ //pl->freeMem *= pageSizeKb;
+ struct kvm_swap swap[16];
+ int nswap = kvm_getswapinfo(fpl->kd, swap, sizeof(swap)/sizeof(swap[0]), 0);
+ pl->totalSwap = 0;
+ pl->usedSwap = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < nswap; i++) {
+ pl->totalSwap += swap[i].ksw_total;
+ pl->usedSwap += swap[i].ksw_used;
+ }
+ pl->totalSwap *= pageSizeKb;
+ pl->usedSwap *= pageSizeKb;
+ pl->sharedMem = 0; // currently unused
+char* FreeBSDProcessList_readProcessName(kvm_t* kd, struct kinfo_proc* kproc, int* basenameEnd) {
+ char** argv = kvm_getargv(kd, kproc, 0);
+ if (!argv) {
+ return xStrdup(kproc->ki_comm);
+ }
+ int len = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; argv[i]; i++) {
+ len += strlen(argv[i]) + 1;
+ }
+ char* comm = xMalloc(len);
+ char* at = comm;
+ *basenameEnd = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; argv[i]; i++) {
+ at = stpcpy(at, argv[i]);
+ if (!*basenameEnd) {
+ *basenameEnd = at - comm;
+ }
+ *at = ' ';
+ at++;
+ }
+ at--;
+ *at = '\0';
+ return comm;
+char* FreeBSDProcessList_readJailName(struct kinfo_proc* kproc) {
+ int jid;
+ struct iovec jiov[6];
+ char* jname;
+ char jnamebuf[MAXHOSTNAMELEN];
+ if (kproc->ki_jid != 0 ){
+ memset(jnamebuf, 0, sizeof(jnamebuf));
+ *(const void **)&jiov[0].iov_base = "jid";
+ jiov[0].iov_len = sizeof("jid");
+ jiov[1].iov_base = &kproc->ki_jid;
+ jiov[1].iov_len = sizeof(kproc->ki_jid);
+ *(const void **)&jiov[2].iov_base = "name";
+ jiov[2].iov_len = sizeof("name");
+ jiov[3].iov_base = jnamebuf;
+ jiov[3].iov_len = sizeof(jnamebuf);
+ *(const void **)&jiov[4].iov_base = "errmsg";
+ jiov[4].iov_len = sizeof("errmsg");
+ jiov[5].iov_base = jail_errmsg;
+ jiov[5].iov_len = JAIL_ERRMSGLEN;
+ jail_errmsg[0] = 0;
+ jid = jail_get(jiov, 6, 0);
+ if (jid < 0) {
+ if (!jail_errmsg[0])
+ snprintf(jail_errmsg, JAIL_ERRMSGLEN, "jail_get: %s", strerror(errno));
+ return NULL;
+ } else if (jid == kproc->ki_jid) {
+ jname = xStrdup(jnamebuf);
+ if (jname == NULL)
+ strerror_r(errno, jail_errmsg, JAIL_ERRMSGLEN);
+ return jname;
+ } else {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ } else {
+ jnamebuf[0]='-';
+ jnamebuf[1]='\0';
+ jname = xStrdup(jnamebuf);
+ }
+ return jname;
+void ProcessList_goThroughEntries(ProcessList* this) {
+ FreeBSDProcessList* fpl = (FreeBSDProcessList*) this;
+ Settings* settings = this->settings;
+ bool hideKernelThreads = settings->hideKernelThreads;
+ bool hideUserlandThreads = settings->hideUserlandThreads;
+ FreeBSDProcessList_scanMemoryInfo(this);
+ FreeBSDProcessList_scanCPUTime(this);
+ int cpus = this->cpuCount;
+ int count = 0;
+ struct kinfo_proc* kprocs = kvm_getprocs(fpl->kd, KERN_PROC_ALL, 0, &count);
+ for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
+ struct kinfo_proc* kproc = &kprocs[i];
+ bool preExisting = false;
+ bool isIdleProcess = false;
+ Process* proc = ProcessList_getProcess(this, kproc->ki_pid, &preExisting, (Process_New) FreeBSDProcess_new);
+ FreeBSDProcess* fp = (FreeBSDProcess*) proc;
+ proc->show = ! ((hideKernelThreads && Process_isKernelThread(fp)) || (hideUserlandThreads && Process_isUserlandThread(proc)));
+ if (!preExisting) {
+ fp->jid = kproc->ki_jid;
+ proc->pid = kproc->ki_pid;
+ if ( ! ((kproc->ki_pid == 0) || (kproc->ki_pid == 1) ) && kproc->ki_flag & P_SYSTEM)
+ fp->kernel = 1;
+ else
+ fp->kernel = 0;
+ proc->ppid = kproc->ki_ppid;
+ proc->tpgid = kproc->ki_tpgid;
+ proc->tgid = kproc->ki_pid;
+ proc->session = kproc->ki_sid;
+ proc->tty_nr = kproc->ki_tdev;
+ proc->pgrp = kproc->ki_pgid;
+ proc->st_uid = kproc->ki_uid;
+ proc->starttime_ctime = kproc->ki_start.tv_sec;
+ proc->user = UsersTable_getRef(this->usersTable, proc->st_uid);
+ ProcessList_add((ProcessList*)this, proc);
+ proc->comm = FreeBSDProcessList_readProcessName(fpl->kd, kproc, &proc->basenameOffset);
+ fp->jname = FreeBSDProcessList_readJailName(kproc);
+ } else {
+ if(fp->jid != kproc->ki_jid) {
+ // proces can enter jail anytime
+ fp->jid = kproc->ki_jid;
+ free(fp->jname);
+ fp->jname = FreeBSDProcessList_readJailName(kproc);
+ }
+ if (proc->ppid != kproc->ki_ppid) {
+ // if there are reapers in the system, proces can get reparented anytime
+ proc->ppid = kproc->ki_ppid;
+ }
+ if(proc->st_uid != kproc->ki_uid) {
+ // some proceses change users (eg. to lower privs)
+ proc->st_uid = kproc->ki_uid;
+ proc->user = UsersTable_getRef(this->usersTable, proc->st_uid);
+ }
+ if (settings->updateProcessNames) {
+ free(proc->comm);
+ proc->comm = FreeBSDProcessList_readProcessName(fpl->kd, kproc, &proc->basenameOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ // from FreeBSD source /src/usr.bin/top/machine.c
+ proc->m_size = kproc->ki_size / 1024;
+ proc->m_resident = kproc->ki_rssize * pageSizeKb;
+ proc->nlwp = kproc->ki_numthreads;
+ proc->time = (kproc->ki_runtime + 5000) / 10000;
+ proc->percent_cpu = 100.0 * ((double)kproc->ki_pctcpu / (double)kernelFScale);
+ if (proc->percent_cpu > 0.1) {
+ // system idle process should own all CPU time left regardless of CPU count
+ if ( strcmp("idle", kproc->ki_comm) == 0 ) {
+ isIdleProcess = true;
+ } else {
+ if (cpus > 1)
+ proc->percent_cpu = proc->percent_cpu / (double) cpus;
+ }
+ }
+ if (isIdleProcess == false && proc->percent_cpu >= 99.8) {
+ // don't break formatting
+ proc->percent_cpu = 99.8;
+ }
+ proc->priority = kproc->ki_pri.pri_level - PZERO;
+ if (strcmp("intr", kproc->ki_comm) == 0 && kproc->ki_flag & P_SYSTEM) {
+ proc->nice = 0; //@etosan: intr kernel process (not thread) has weird nice value
+ } else if (kproc->ki_pri.pri_class == PRI_TIMESHARE) {
+ proc->nice = kproc->ki_nice - NZERO;
+ } else if (PRI_IS_REALTIME(kproc->ki_pri.pri_class)) {
+ proc->nice = PRIO_MIN - 1 - (PRI_MAX_REALTIME - kproc->ki_pri.pri_level);
+ } else {
+ proc->nice = PRIO_MAX + 1 + kproc->ki_pri.pri_level - PRI_MIN_IDLE;
+ }
+ switch (kproc->ki_stat) {
+ case SIDL: proc->state = 'I'; break;
+ case SRUN: proc->state = 'R'; break;
+ case SSLEEP: proc->state = 'S'; break;
+ case SSTOP: proc->state = 'T'; break;
+ case SZOMB: proc->state = 'Z'; break;
+ case SWAIT: proc->state = 'D'; break;
+ case SLOCK: proc->state = 'L'; break;
+ default: proc->state = '?';
+ }
+ if (Process_isKernelThread(fp)) {
+ this->kernelThreads++;
+ }
+ this->totalTasks++;
+ if (proc->state == 'R')
+ this->runningTasks++;
+ proc->updated = true;
+ }
diff --git a/freebsd/FreeBSDProcessList.h b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcessList.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2267379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/FreeBSDProcessList.h
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically generated. */
+#ifndef HEADER_FreeBSDProcessList
+#define HEADER_FreeBSDProcessList
+htop - FreeBSDProcessList.h
+(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+#include <kvm.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/jail.h>
+#include <sys/uio.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#define JAIL_ERRMSGLEN 1024
+char jail_errmsg[JAIL_ERRMSGLEN];
+typedef struct CPUData_ {
+ double userPercent;
+ double nicePercent;
+ double systemPercent;
+ double irqPercent;
+ double idlePercent;
+ double systemAllPercent;
+} CPUData;
+typedef struct FreeBSDProcessList_ {
+ ProcessList super;
+ kvm_t* kd;
+ int zfsArcEnabled;
+ unsigned long long int memWire;
+ unsigned long long int memActive;
+ unsigned long long int memInactive;
+ unsigned long long int memFree;
+ unsigned long long int memZfsArc;
+ CPUData* cpus;
+ unsigned long *cp_time_o;
+ unsigned long *cp_time_n;
+ unsigned long *cp_times_o;
+ unsigned long *cp_times_n;
+} FreeBSDProcessList;
+ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable, Hashtable* pidWhiteList, uid_t userId);
+void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* this);
+char* FreeBSDProcessList_readProcessName(kvm_t* kd, struct kinfo_proc* kproc, int* basenameEnd);
+char* FreeBSDProcessList_readJailName(struct kinfo_proc* kproc);
+void ProcessList_goThroughEntries(ProcessList* this);
diff --git a/freebsd/Platform.c b/freebsd/Platform.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9e0c25b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/Platform.c
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+htop - freebsd/Platform.c
+(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+#include "Platform.h"
+#include "Meter.h"
+#include "CPUMeter.h"
+#include "MemoryMeter.h"
+#include "SwapMeter.h"
+#include "TasksMeter.h"
+#include "LoadAverageMeter.h"
+#include "UptimeMeter.h"
+#include "ClockMeter.h"
+#include "HostnameMeter.h"
+#include "FreeBSDProcess.h"
+#include "FreeBSDProcessList.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/sysctl.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <vm/vm_param.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#include "Action.h"
+#include "BatteryMeter.h"
+#include "SignalsPanel.h"
+extern ProcessFieldData Process_fields[];
+#ifndef CLAMP
+#define CLAMP(x,low,high) (((x)>(high))?(high):(((x)<(low))?(low):(x)))
+int Platform_numberOfFields = LAST_PROCESSFIELD;
+SignalItem Platform_signals[] = {
+ { .name = " 0 Cancel", .number = 0 },
+ { .name = " 1 SIGHUP", .number = 1 },
+ { .name = " 2 SIGINT", .number = 2 },
+ { .name = " 3 SIGQUIT", .number = 3 },
+ { .name = " 4 SIGILL", .number = 4 },
+ { .name = " 5 SIGTRAP", .number = 5 },
+ { .name = " 6 SIGABRT", .number = 6 },
+ { .name = " 7 SIGEMT", .number = 7 },
+ { .name = " 8 SIGFPE", .number = 8 },
+ { .name = " 9 SIGKILL", .number = 9 },
+ { .name = "10 SIGBUS", .number = 10 },
+ { .name = "11 SIGSEGV", .number = 11 },
+ { .name = "12 SIGSYS", .number = 12 },
+ { .name = "13 SIGPIPE", .number = 13 },
+ { .name = "14 SIGALRM", .number = 14 },
+ { .name = "15 SIGTERM", .number = 15 },
+ { .name = "16 SIGURG", .number = 16 },
+ { .name = "17 SIGSTOP", .number = 17 },
+ { .name = "18 SIGTSTP", .number = 18 },
+ { .name = "19 SIGCONT", .number = 19 },
+ { .name = "20 SIGCHLD", .number = 20 },
+ { .name = "21 SIGTTIN", .number = 21 },
+ { .name = "22 SIGTTOU", .number = 22 },
+ { .name = "23 SIGIO", .number = 23 },
+ { .name = "24 SIGXCPU", .number = 24 },
+ { .name = "25 SIGXFSZ", .number = 25 },
+ { .name = "26 SIGVTALRM", .number = 26 },
+ { .name = "27 SIGPROF", .number = 27 },
+ { .name = "28 SIGWINCH", .number = 28 },
+ { .name = "29 SIGINFO", .number = 29 },
+ { .name = "30 SIGUSR1", .number = 30 },
+ { .name = "31 SIGUSR2", .number = 31 },
+ { .name = "32 SIGTHR", .number = 32 },
+ { .name = "33 SIGLIBRT", .number = 33 },
+unsigned int Platform_numberOfSignals = sizeof(Platform_signals)/sizeof(SignalItem);
+void Platform_setBindings(Htop_Action* keys) {
+ (void) keys;
+MeterClass* Platform_meterTypes[] = {
+ &CPUMeter_class,
+ &ClockMeter_class,
+ &LoadAverageMeter_class,
+ &LoadMeter_class,
+ &MemoryMeter_class,
+ &SwapMeter_class,
+ &TasksMeter_class,
+ &UptimeMeter_class,
+ &BatteryMeter_class,
+ &HostnameMeter_class,
+ &AllCPUsMeter_class,
+ &AllCPUs2Meter_class,
+ &LeftCPUsMeter_class,
+ &RightCPUsMeter_class,
+ &LeftCPUs2Meter_class,
+ &RightCPUs2Meter_class,
+ &BlankMeter_class,
+int Platform_getUptime() {
+ struct timeval bootTime, currTime;
+ int mib[2] = { CTL_KERN, KERN_BOOTTIME };
+ size_t size = sizeof(bootTime);
+ int err = sysctl(mib, 2, &bootTime, &size, NULL, 0);
+ if (err) {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ gettimeofday(&currTime, NULL);
+ return (int) difftime(currTime.tv_sec, bootTime.tv_sec);
+void Platform_getLoadAverage(double* one, double* five, double* fifteen) {
+ struct loadavg loadAverage;
+ int mib[2] = { CTL_VM, VM_LOADAVG };
+ size_t size = sizeof(loadAverage);
+ int err = sysctl(mib, 2, &loadAverage, &size, NULL, 0);
+ if (err) {
+ *one = 0;
+ *five = 0;
+ *fifteen = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ *one = (double) loadAverage.ldavg[0] / loadAverage.fscale;
+ *five = (double) loadAverage.ldavg[1] / loadAverage.fscale;
+ *fifteen = (double) loadAverage.ldavg[2] / loadAverage.fscale;
+int Platform_getMaxPid() {
+ int maxPid;
+ size_t size = sizeof(maxPid);
+ int err = sysctlbyname("kern.pid_max", &maxPid, &size, NULL, 0);
+ if (err) {
+ return 99999;
+ }
+ return maxPid;
+double Platform_setCPUValues(Meter* this, int cpu) {
+ FreeBSDProcessList* fpl = (FreeBSDProcessList*) this->pl;
+ int cpus = this->pl->cpuCount;
+ CPUData* cpuData;
+ if (cpus == 1) {
+ // single CPU box has everything in fpl->cpus[0]
+ cpuData = &(fpl->cpus[0]);
+ } else {
+ cpuData = &(fpl->cpus[cpu]);
+ }
+ double percent;
+ double* v = this->values;
+ v[CPU_METER_NICE] = cpuData->nicePercent;
+ v[CPU_METER_NORMAL] = cpuData->userPercent;
+ if (this->pl->settings->detailedCPUTime) {
+ v[CPU_METER_KERNEL] = cpuData->systemPercent;
+ v[CPU_METER_IRQ] = cpuData->irqPercent;
+ Meter_setItems(this, 4);
+ percent = v[0]+v[1]+v[2]+v[3];
+ } else {
+ v[2] = cpuData->systemAllPercent;
+ Meter_setItems(this, 3);
+ percent = v[0]+v[1]+v[2];
+ }
+ percent = CLAMP(percent, 0.0, 100.0);
+ if (isnan(percent)) percent = 0.0;
+ return percent;
+void Platform_setMemoryValues(Meter* this) {
+ // TODO
+ ProcessList* pl = (ProcessList*) this->pl;
+ this->total = pl->totalMem;
+ this->values[0] = pl->usedMem;
+ this->values[1] = pl->buffersMem;
+ this->values[2] = pl->cachedMem;
+void Platform_setSwapValues(Meter* this) {
+ ProcessList* pl = (ProcessList*) this->pl;
+ this->total = pl->totalSwap;
+ this->values[0] = pl->usedSwap;
+void Platform_setTasksValues(Meter* this) {
+ // TODO
+char* Platform_getProcessEnv(pid_t pid) {
+ // TODO
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/freebsd/Platform.h b/freebsd/Platform.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ecc0dcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/freebsd/Platform.h
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+/* Do not edit this file. It was automatically generated. */
+#ifndef HEADER_Platform
+#define HEADER_Platform
+htop - freebsd/Platform.h
+(C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad
+Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file
+in the source distribution for its full text.
+#include "Action.h"
+#include "BatteryMeter.h"
+#include "SignalsPanel.h"
+extern ProcessFieldData Process_fields[];
+#ifndef CLAMP
+#define CLAMP(x,low,high) (((x)>(high))?(high):(((x)<(low))?(low):(x)))
+extern ProcessField Platform_defaultFields[];
+extern int Platform_numberOfFields;
+extern SignalItem Platform_signals[];
+extern unsigned int Platform_numberOfSignals;
+void Platform_setBindings(Htop_Action* keys);
+extern MeterClass* Platform_meterTypes[];
+int Platform_getUptime();
+void Platform_getLoadAverage(double* one, double* five, double* fifteen);
+int Platform_getMaxPid();
+double Platform_setCPUValues(Meter* this, int cpu);
+void Platform_setMemoryValues(Meter* this);
+void Platform_setSwapValues(Meter* this);
+void Platform_setTasksValues(Meter* this);
+char* Platform_getProcessEnv(pid_t pid);

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