path: root/darwin/Platform.c
diff options
authorDaniel Lange <DLange@git.local>2024-01-10 12:40:37 +0100
committerDaniel Lange <DLange@git.local>2024-01-10 12:40:37 +0100
commit7271b076b82785ffca73ee9e4ae84cabb77018ee (patch)
treee8270dd60ec096bee8157dbadf029e15ed584592 /darwin/Platform.c
parentf288666edc9180a2e81e6655951878124f321df6 (diff)
New upstream version 3.3.0upstream/3.3.0upstream
Diffstat (limited to 'darwin/Platform.c')
1 files changed, 194 insertions, 22 deletions
diff --git a/darwin/Platform.c b/darwin/Platform.c
index 332752b..387910e 100644
--- a/darwin/Platform.c
+++ b/darwin/Platform.c
@@ -14,16 +14,30 @@ in the source distribution for its full text.
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <net/if_types.h>
+#include <net/route.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/_types/_mach_port_t.h>
+#include <CoreFoundation/CFBase.h>
+#include <CoreFoundation/CFDictionary.h>
+#include <CoreFoundation/CFNumber.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CFString.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
+#include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
#include <IOKit/ps/IOPowerSources.h>
#include <IOKit/ps/IOPSKeys.h>
+#include <IOKit/storage/IOBlockStorageDriver.h>
#include "ClockMeter.h"
#include "CPUMeter.h"
#include "CRT.h"
#include "DateMeter.h"
#include "DateTimeMeter.h"
+#include "FileDescriptorMeter.h"
#include "HostnameMeter.h"
#include "LoadAverageMeter.h"
#include "Macros.h"
@@ -34,8 +48,9 @@ in the source distribution for its full text.
#include "SysArchMeter.h"
#include "TasksMeter.h"
#include "UptimeMeter.h"
-#include "darwin/DarwinProcessList.h"
+#include "darwin/DarwinMachine.h"
#include "darwin/PlatformHelpers.h"
+#include "generic/fdstat_sysctl.h"
#include "zfs/ZfsArcMeter.h"
#include "zfs/ZfsCompressedArcMeter.h"
@@ -126,6 +141,9 @@ const MeterClass* const Platform_meterTypes[] = {
+ &DiskIOMeter_class,
+ &NetworkIOMeter_class,
+ &FileDescriptorMeter_class,
@@ -134,6 +152,9 @@ static double Platform_nanosecondsPerMachTick = 1.0;
static double Platform_nanosecondsPerSchedulerTick = -1;
+static bool iokit_available = false;
+static mach_port_t iokit_port; // the mach port used to initiate communication with IOKit
bool Platform_init(void) {
Platform_nanosecondsPerMachTick = Platform_calculateNanosecondsPerMachTick();
@@ -148,6 +169,17 @@ bool Platform_init(void) {
const double nanos_per_sec = 1e9;
Platform_nanosecondsPerSchedulerTick = nanos_per_sec / scheduler_ticks_per_sec;
+ // Since macOS 12.0, IOMasterPort is deprecated, and one should use IOMainPort instead
+ if (!IOMainPort(bootstrap_port, &iokit_port)) {
+ iokit_available = true;
+ }
+ if (!IOMasterPort(bootstrap_port, &iokit_port)) {
+ iokit_available = true;
+ }
+ #endif
return true;
@@ -200,19 +232,19 @@ void Platform_getLoadAverage(double* one, double* five, double* fifteen) {
-int Platform_getMaxPid(void) {
+pid_t Platform_getMaxPid(void) {
/* http://opensource.apple.com/source/xnu/xnu-2782.1.97/bsd/sys/proc_internal.hh */
return 99999;
static double Platform_setCPUAverageValues(Meter* mtr) {
- const ProcessList* dpl = mtr->pl;
- unsigned int activeCPUs = dpl->activeCPUs;
+ const Machine* host = mtr->host;
+ unsigned int activeCPUs = host->activeCPUs;
double sumNice = 0.0;
double sumNormal = 0.0;
double sumKernel = 0.0;
double sumPercent = 0.0;
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= dpl->existingCPUs; i++) {
+ for (unsigned int i = 1; i <= host->existingCPUs; i++) {
sumPercent += Platform_setCPUValues(mtr, i);
sumNice += mtr->values[CPU_METER_NICE];
sumNormal += mtr->values[CPU_METER_NORMAL];
@@ -230,9 +262,9 @@ double Platform_setCPUValues(Meter* mtr, unsigned int cpu) {
return Platform_setCPUAverageValues(mtr);
- const DarwinProcessList* dpl = (const DarwinProcessList*)mtr->pl;
- const processor_cpu_load_info_t prev = &dpl->prev_load[cpu - 1];
- const processor_cpu_load_info_t curr = &dpl->curr_load[cpu - 1];
+ const DarwinMachine* dhost = (const DarwinMachine*) mtr->host;
+ const processor_cpu_load_info_t prev = &dhost->prev_load[cpu - 1];
+ const processor_cpu_load_info_t curr = &dhost->curr_load[cpu - 1];
double total = 0;
/* Take the sums */
@@ -259,14 +291,15 @@ double Platform_setCPUValues(Meter* mtr, unsigned int cpu) {
void Platform_setMemoryValues(Meter* mtr) {
- const DarwinProcessList* dpl = (const DarwinProcessList*)mtr->pl;
- const struct vm_statistics* vm = &dpl->vm_stats;
+ const DarwinMachine* dhost = (const DarwinMachine*) mtr->host;
+ const struct vm_statistics* vm = &dhost->vm_stats;
double page_K = (double)vm_page_size / (double)1024;
- mtr->total = dpl->host_info.max_mem / 1024;
+ mtr->total = dhost->host_info.max_mem / 1024;
mtr->values[MEMORY_METER_USED] = (double)(vm->active_count + vm->wire_count) * page_K;
- mtr->values[MEMORY_METER_BUFFERS] = (double)vm->purgeable_count * page_K;
// mtr->values[MEMORY_METER_SHARED] = "shared memory, like tmpfs and shm"
+ // mtr->values[MEMORY_METER_COMPRESSED] = "compressed memory, like zswap on linux"
+ mtr->values[MEMORY_METER_BUFFERS] = (double)vm->purgeable_count * page_K;
mtr->values[MEMORY_METER_CACHE] = (double)vm->inactive_count * page_K;
// mtr->values[MEMORY_METER_AVAILABLE] = "available memory"
@@ -279,18 +312,20 @@ void Platform_setSwapValues(Meter* mtr) {
mtr->total = swapused.xsu_total / 1024;
mtr->values[SWAP_METER_USED] = swapused.xsu_used / 1024;
+ // mtr->values[SWAP_METER_CACHE] = "pages that are both in swap and RAM, like SwapCached on linux"
+ // mtr->values[SWAP_METER_FRONTSWAP] = "pages that are accounted to swap but stored elsewhere, like frontswap on linux"
void Platform_setZfsArcValues(Meter* this) {
- const DarwinProcessList* dpl = (const DarwinProcessList*) this->pl;
+ const DarwinMachine* dhost = (const DarwinMachine*) this->host;
- ZfsArcMeter_readStats(this, &(dpl->zfs));
+ ZfsArcMeter_readStats(this, &dhost->zfs);
void Platform_setZfsCompressedArcValues(Meter* this) {
- const DarwinProcessList* dpl = (const DarwinProcessList*) this->pl;
+ const DarwinMachine* dhost = (const DarwinMachine*) this->host;
- ZfsCompressedArcMeter_readStats(this, &(dpl->zfs));
+ ZfsCompressedArcMeter_readStats(this, &dhost->zfs);
char* Platform_getProcessEnv(pid_t pid) {
@@ -349,16 +384,153 @@ FileLocks_ProcessData* Platform_getProcessLocks(pid_t pid) {
return NULL;
+void Platform_getFileDescriptors(double* used, double* max) {
+ Generic_getFileDescriptors_sysctl(used, max);
bool Platform_getDiskIO(DiskIOData* data) {
- // TODO
- (void)data;
- return false;
+ if (!iokit_available)
+ return false;
+ io_iterator_t drive_list;
+ /* Get the list of all drives */
+ if (IOServiceGetMatchingServices(iokit_port, IOServiceMatching("IOBlockStorageDriver"), &drive_list))
+ return false;
+ unsigned long long int read_sum = 0, write_sum = 0, timeSpend_sum = 0;
+ io_registry_entry_t drive;
+ while ((drive = IOIteratorNext(drive_list)) != 0) {
+ CFMutableDictionaryRef properties_tmp = NULL;
+ /* Get the properties of this drive */
+ if (IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties(drive, &properties_tmp, kCFAllocatorDefault, 0)) {
+ IOObjectRelease(drive);
+ IOObjectRelease(drive_list);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!properties_tmp) {
+ IOObjectRelease(drive);
+ continue;
+ }
+ CFDictionaryRef properties = properties_tmp;
+ /* Get the statistics of this drive */
+ CFDictionaryRef statistics = (CFDictionaryRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(properties, CFSTR(kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsKey));
+ if (!statistics) {
+ CFRelease(properties);
+ IOObjectRelease(drive);
+ continue;
+ }
+ CFNumberRef number;
+ unsigned long long int value;
+ /* Get bytes read */
+ number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(statistics, CFSTR(kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsBytesReadKey));
+ if (number != 0) {
+ CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &value);
+ read_sum += value;
+ }
+ /* Get bytes written */
+ number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(statistics, CFSTR(kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsBytesWrittenKey));
+ if (number != 0) {
+ CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &value);
+ write_sum += value;
+ }
+ /* Get total read time (in ns) */
+ number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(statistics, CFSTR(kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsTotalReadTimeKey));
+ if (number != 0) {
+ CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &value);
+ timeSpend_sum += value;
+ }
+ /* Get total write time (in ns) */
+ number = (CFNumberRef) CFDictionaryGetValue(statistics, CFSTR(kIOBlockStorageDriverStatisticsTotalWriteTimeKey));
+ if (number != 0) {
+ CFNumberGetValue(number, kCFNumberSInt64Type, &value);
+ timeSpend_sum += value;
+ }
+ CFRelease(properties);
+ IOObjectRelease(drive);
+ }
+ data->totalBytesRead = read_sum;
+ data->totalBytesWritten = write_sum;
+ data->totalMsTimeSpend = timeSpend_sum / 1e6; /* Convert from ns to ms */
+ if (drive_list)
+ IOObjectRelease(drive_list);
+ return true;
+/* Caution: Given that interfaces are dynamic, and it is not possible to get statistics on interfaces that no longer exist,
+ if some interface disappears between the time of two samples, the values of the second sample may be lower than those of
+ the first one. */
bool Platform_getNetworkIO(NetworkIOData* data) {
- // TODO
- (void)data;
- return false;
+ int mib[6] = {CTL_NET,
+ PF_ROUTE, /* routing messages */
+ 0, /* protocal number, currently always 0 */
+ 0, /* select all address families */
+ NET_RT_IFLIST2, /* interface list with addresses */
+ 0};
+ for (size_t retry = 0; retry < 4; retry++) {
+ size_t len = 0;
+ /* Determine len */
+ if (sysctl(mib, ARRAYSIZE(mib), NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0 || len == 0)
+ return false;
+ len += 16 * retry * retry * sizeof(struct if_msghdr2);
+ char *buf = xMalloc(len);
+ if (sysctl(mib, ARRAYSIZE(mib), buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
+ free(buf);
+ if (errno == ENOMEM && retry < 3)
+ continue;
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint64_t bytesReceived_sum = 0, packetsReceived_sum = 0, bytesTransmitted_sum = 0, packetsTransmitted_sum = 0;
+ for (char *next = buf; next < buf + len;) {
+ void *tmp = (void*) next;
+ struct if_msghdr *ifm = (struct if_msghdr*) tmp;
+ next += ifm->ifm_msglen;
+ if (ifm->ifm_type != RTM_IFINFO2)
+ continue;
+ struct if_msghdr2 *ifm2 = (struct if_msghdr2*) ifm;
+ if (ifm2->ifm_data.ifi_type != IFT_LOOP) { /* do not count loopback traffic */
+ bytesReceived_sum += ifm2->ifm_data.ifi_ibytes;
+ packetsReceived_sum += ifm2->ifm_data.ifi_ipackets;
+ bytesTransmitted_sum += ifm2->ifm_data.ifi_obytes;
+ packetsTransmitted_sum += ifm2->ifm_data.ifi_opackets;
+ }
+ }
+ data->bytesReceived = bytesReceived_sum;
+ data->packetsReceived = packetsReceived_sum;
+ data->bytesTransmitted = bytesTransmitted_sum;
+ data->packetsTransmitted = packetsTransmitted_sum;
+ free(buf);
+ }
+ return true;
void Platform_getBattery(double* percent, ACPresence* isOnAC) {

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