import re import math import random import string import urllib2 from datetime import datetime, timedelta import supybot.log as log import supybot.conf as conf import as world import supybot.ircutils as ircutils import supybot.registry as registry import globals def registryValue(plugin, name, channel=None, value=True): group = conf.supybot.plugins.get(plugin) names = registry.split(name) for name in names: group = group.get(name) if channel is not None: try: if ircutils.isChannel(channel): group = group.get(channel) else: log.debug('registryValue got channel=%r', channel) except registry.NonExistentRegistryEntry: log.debug('non existent registry entry %r for channel %r', name, channel) pass if value: return group() else: return group def configValue(name, channel=None, repo=None, type=None, module=None): if globals.configOverrides and name.lower() in globals.configOverrides: return globals.configOverrides[name.lower()] if channel == None and name not in ['channel', 'passcode', 'disallowChannelOverride', 'disallowConfigOverride']: channel = return registryValue("Github", name, channel) def addConfigOverride(name, value): if value.lower() == 'false': value = False; elif value.lower() == 'true': value = True; name = name.strip().lower() if name in [ 'passcode', 'disallowConfigOverride', 'allowArbitraryMessages' ]: return globals.configOverrides[name] = value def resetConfigOverrides(): globals.configOverrides = {} def plural(number, s, p): if number != 1: return p return s def parseBrackets(bracketConfig): if " " in bracketConfig: return tuple(bracketConfig.split(' ', 1)) else: # Cut the config in the middle mid = len(bracketConfig)/2 return (bracketConfig[:mid], bracketConfig[mid:]) def maxLen(msg, maxn=400, splitLines=True): """Cut down a string if its longer than `maxn` chars""" if splitLines is True: lines = msg.splitlines() line = lines[0] else: line = msg if len(line) > maxn: ret = "%s..." % (line[0:(maxn-3)]) elif splitLines is True and len(lines) > 1: ret = "%s..." % (line) else: ret = msg return ret def colorAction(action): """Give an action string (e.g. created, edited) and get a nice IRC colouring""" if action in [ "created", "opened", "tagged", "success", "passed", "fixed", "published", "completed" ]: return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "green")) if action in [ "deleted" ,"closed", "re-tagged", "deleted tag", "failed", "errored", "failure", "still failing", "broken" ]: return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "red")) if action in [ "assigned", "merged" ]: return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "light blue")) if action in [ "reopened", "pending" ]: return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action, "blue")) if action in [ "forced the creation of", "forced the deletion of" ]: return ircutils.bold(ircutils.mircColor(action,"brown")) return action def getShortURL(longurl): """ Returns a short URL generated by""" if configValue("hideURL") is True: return None if configValue("shortURL") is False or not getShortURL.github.match(longurl): url = longurl else: data = 'url=%s' % (longurl) # Temporarily disabled url = longurl #req = urllib2.Request("", data) #response = urllib2.urlopen(req) #url ='Location') return ircutils.mircColor(url, "purple") getShortURL.github = re.compile('^([a-z]*\:\/\/)?([^\/]+.)?') def saveMessages(msgs): """ Saves the last messages so that the plugin can be easily tested """ if not world.testing: return globals.messageList = msgs def isYes(string): """Returns True if the string represents a yes, False, if it represents no, and another string if it represents something else""" value = string.strip().lower() if value in ['yes', 'always', 'on', 'true']: return True if value in ['no', 'never', 'off', 'false', 'null']: return False if value in ['changed', 'change', 'on_change', 'diff']: return 'change' def isStatusVisible(repo, status): """Returns whether the build status message should be shown""" config = isYes(configValue('showSuccessfulBuildMessages')) changed = False if status != "passed": changed = True elif type(config) is bool: changed = config elif repo not in globals.travisStatuses or status != globals.travisStatuses[repo]: # Config is 'on_change' changed = True globals.travisStatuses[repo] = status return changed def randomString(length): """Returns a securely generated random string of a specific length""" return ''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice( string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits ) for _ in range(length)) def secureCompare(s1, s2): """Securely compare two strings""" return sum(i != j for i, j in zip(s1, s2)) is 0 def getChannelSecret(channel): """Returns a secret for a channel, or None if that channel has no secret""" if globals.secretDB is None: return None try: record = globals.secretDB.get(channel, 1) return record.secret except KeyError: return None def showIssueName(repoId, issueId): """Returns whether we should show the issue name for a repo issue""" now = if not configValue("preventIssueNameSpam"): globals.shownIssues.clear() return True if not repoId in globals.shownIssues: globals.shownIssues[repoId] = {} # Clean up old issues remove = [k for k in globals.shownIssues[repoId] if now - globals.shownIssues[repoId][k] > timedelta(seconds = 15)] for k in remove: del globals.shownIssues[repoId][k] exists = issueId in globals.shownIssues[repoId] # Add our issue to the list globals.shownIssues[repoId][issueId] = now return not exists def hexToMirc(hash): colors = { 'white': (255, 255, 255), 'black': (0, 0, 0), 'blue': (0, 0, 127), 'green': (0, 147, 0), 'red': (255, 0, 0), 'brown': (127, 0, 0), 'purple': (156, 0, 156), 'orange': (252, 127, 0), 'yellow': (255, 255, 0), 'light green': (0, 252, 0), 'teal': (0, 147, 147), 'light blue': (84, 255, 255), 'dark blue': (84, 84, 255), 'pink': (255, 0, 255), 'dark grey': (127, 127, 127), 'light grey': (230, 230, 230) } rgb = _hex_to_rgb(hash) return min(colors, key = lambda x:_colourDistance(colors[x], rgb)) def _hex_to_rgb(value): value = value.lstrip('#') lv = len(value) return tuple(int(value[i:i + lv // 3], 16) for i in range(0, lv, lv // 3)) def _colourDistance(a, b): # Source: rmean = (a[0] + b[0]) /2 red = a[0] - b[0] green = a[1] - b[1] blue = a[2] - b[2] return math.sqrt((((512+rmean)*red*red)>>8) + 4*green*green + (((767-rmean)*blue*blue)>>8)) # Possible colours: # white, black, (light/dark) blue, (light) green, red, brown, purple, # orange, yellow, teal, pink, light/dark gray/grey