* Ben McRedmond https://github.com/benofsky (Original author of Stikked) * Claude Hohl https://github.com/claudehohl (Fixed some bugs, added some features; revived the project) * Daniel https://github.com/lightswitch05 (Added LDAP authentication) * Jens Willmer https://github.com/jwillmer (Bugfixing) * Florian Bruhin http://www.the-compiler.org/ (Maintaining Arch Package: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=60575, small contributions and testing) * Alexander https://github.com/sanek (Adding JSON-API) * abma https://github.com/abma (.htaccess improvement) * Chris https://github.com/ch0wnag3 (favicon URL improvement) * Gabriel Wanzek https://github.com/GabrielWanzek (gabdark & gabdark3 themes) * Luc https://github.com/ltribolet (Bootstrap theme) * Stephan Bergemann https://github.com/oberling (German translation, Bootstrap multilang support + making bootstrap theme HTML5 valid) * linuxman https://github.com/linuxman (Spanish translation) * svartbergtroll https://github.com/svartbergtroll (French translation) * ch0wnag3 https://github.com/ch0wnag3 (Improvement for .htaccess) * Eric Renfro https://github.com/erenfro and Jhermans https://github.com/jhermans76 (Adjusted pastes for trending updates to be more database agnostic) * ghost https://github.com/ghost (Turkish translation) * PSantos10 https://github.com/PSantos10 (Portuguese translation) * esplor https://github.com/esplor (Norwegian translation and support for table prefixes) * RamadhanAmizudin https://github.com/RamadhanAmizudin (Fix local file inclusion vulnerability) * Felix Wong https://github.com/fawong (created default stikked.php config) * Jordy http://snowkat.nl/ (Snowkat theme) * Jon Randoem https://github.com/jonrandoem (Stikkedizr theme, webfont support for themes, added QR codes in pastes) * Team BlueRidge https://teamblueridge.org (Android app, fix for trending/recent api bugs) * Toda Hiroshi https://github.com/hiroshitoda (Japanese translation) * John Maguire https://github.com/JohnMaguire and Michael Lustfield https://github.com/MTecknology (increased security for Nginx) * MrC0mmand https://github.com/MrC0mmand (Added correct PostgreSQL queries, maintaining PostgreSQL implementation) * Petr Bena https://github.com/benapetr (stikkit - a command line tool for Stikked) * Xiaoxing Ye https://github.com/Yexiaoxing (Chinese-Simplified translations) * Elan Ruusamäe https://github.com/glensc (robots.txt and making valuable suggestions) * BalzySte https://github.com/BalzySte (Beautified language name in bootstrap theme tables) * Kondra007 https://github.com/Kondra007 (Russian translation) * kiang https://github.com/kiang (Chinese-Traditional translation) * Abbas A. Elmas https://github.com/abbaselmas (Intense testing and making valuable suggestions) * Sebastian Korotkiewicz http://git.itunix.eu/git/cleanwhite.git/ (CleanWhite theme, Polish translation, support for dynamic language setting, new ReCaptcha API) * Franklyn Tackitt https://github.com/kageurufu (Fixed bug with db_prefix config value) * Aleksandar Puharic https://github.com/xZero707/ (New URL shortening API-s Goo.gl and Bit.ly, several fixes) * Benjamin Townsend https://github.com/benjaminarthurt (submitted pull request to casimir/gw.gd which fixes a bug) * Pawel Janisio https://github.com/PJanisio (Several fixes; QR code, hardcoded paths etc., geshi update) * Mingyee Zhao https://github.com/HyperHCl (Translation updates) * Mikael Kjaer https://github.com/mkjaer (Danish translation) * Kyle Laker https://github.com/kalaker (Fixing recent + trending bugs, new ReCaptcha API) * Rohan Mathur https://github.com/mathur (Added back Android logcat syntax highlighting support) * Benjamin Townsend https://github.com/benjaminarthurt (fixed responsive issues for bootstrap theme) * akmc https://github.com/akmc (Lithuanian translation) * Jason Lee https://github.com/allyunion (small bugfix) * David Ibarra https://github.com/dtibarra (Fixed issue with RAM consumption during expiry maintenance) * tivyhosting https://github.com/tivyhosting (Fixed "Can't use method return value in write context Filename") * Nils Brinkmann https://github.com/monsdar (Corrected the filename) * Patrício dos Santos https://github.com/psantos10 (Fixed 404 when selecting page in paste replies, improved portuguese translation) * iem@kug https://github.com/iem-projects, umläute https://github.com/umlaeute (Footer fix) * Ridho Muhammad https://github.com/rydhoms (Update geshi.php with php7 fix, indonesian translation) * azdrax https://github.com/azdrax, Zacharias Sdregas https://github.com/zsdregas (Added greek translation) * John Walker https://github.com/techjwalker (YOURLS support and several improvements) * Christian (BBCode support) * Shen-Ta Hsiea https://github.com/ibmibmibm (updated traditional chinese translation) * haliphax https://github.com/haliphax (Fixed cssmin library) * YangJun https://github.com/yangjun1994 (Fix language.php small mistakes of chinese-simplified) * Justin Massey https://github.com/Th3R3p0 (LDAP improvements, xss security fixes, Dockerfiles, captcha-issue fixed) * Nilpferd (Shorturl is now shown for 'burn' pastes after creation) * Pascal Briehl (add support for polr url shortener) * Simon Sickle https://github.com/SimonSickle (Protect the langs api call with the apiKey) * John Walker https://github.com/techjwalker (some minor additions) * Deni https://github.com/b4d (Letsencrypt support) * Rob Thomas https://github.com/xrobau (Docker-setup improvements, Spamadmin fixes) * Razvan Rosca https://github.com/Razva (Fix Geshi for PHP7.2+) * Tim White https://github.com/timwhite (Fix docker bug when setting DB_PASSWORD) * Vasya Pupkin https://github.com/shadowlmd (Lighttpd improvements) * John Poole https://github.com/jlpoolen (investigating Log.php path issue) * CompuRoot https://github.com/CompuRoot (Better burn on read page)