Originally cloned from git://git.drupal.org/project/htpasswdsync.git Hosted at https://git.faster-it.com/drupal_htpasswdsync Mirrored at https://github.com/fasterit/drupal_htpasswdsync This is the Faster IT version of the htpasswdsync module for Drupal 7. We have applied patches and improved over the module hosted on drupal.org. This version supports secure (salted) SHA-256-crypt and SHA-512-crypt password storage. Please be aware that SHA-512-crypt hashes are larger than the 64 bytes the original authors of this module specified. So if you are upgrading from a previous version and not (re-)installing the module, please execute the following in MySQL: use drupal7; # or whatever your Drupal database is alter table htpasswdsync_htpasswd modify passwd varchar(128); For an overview of other changes please review the git log. -- SUMMARY -- The HTPasswd Sync module let you synchronize a htpasswd and a htgroup file with the user database. For a full description of the module, visit the project page: http://drupal.org/project/htpasswdsync To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes: http://drupal.org/project/issues/htpasswdsync -- REQUIREMENTS -- The synchronization only happen on password change. Hence, this module shall be installed before any user creation. You need to run the cron.php job on a regular basis to ensure old users are properly cleaned up. -- INSTALLATION -- * Install as usual, see http://drupal.org/node/70151 for further information. -- CONFIGURATION -- * Configure synchronized files in Administer >> User management >> HTPasswd Sync >> htpasswdsync module: - htpasswd file The file that will contain users and password, password are crypted, using the standard (insecure) crypt function, with a random two characters seed, or - specific to this version of the module - with SHA-256 or SHA-512 salted hashes that are compatible with more modern Linux crypt implementations. - htgroup file The file that will synchronize the roles. - password hashing algorithm Let you choose how the password is encrypted/hashed. There are four options crypt and SHA-1 (insecure), SHA-256-crypt (good) and SHA-512-crypt (secure). Crypt works only on Un*x platforms. SHA-1 shall work on both Windows based systems and Un*xes. The SHA-256/512-crypt versions should work on any PHP >= v5.5. WARNING: changing this value only changes the way new or updated passwords are hashed. You will need to request your users to all change their password if you want to migrate from one hash to another. - roles The roles you want to export in the htgroup file. - overwrite Activate if you want to overwrite your htpasswd file. I left inactive htpasswdsync will try its best to keep old entries, but will only try. -- CUSTOMIZATION -- None. -- TROUBLESHOOTING -- -- FAQ -- -- CONTACT -- Current maintainers: * Marc Furrer (m.fu) - http://drupal.org/user/310415 * Stefan Wilhelm (7.x-xx) - http://drupal.org/user/1344522 * Faster IT GmbH - https://www.faster-it.com