/* Debian language css file for persian - fa */ /* please do not touch for now! - Jutta Wrage 2005 */ /* quotes */ html[lang=fa] q:before { content: "\00AB"; } html[lang=fa] q:after { content: "\00BB"; } html[lang=fa] blockquote.quote p:first-child:before { content: "\00AB"; } html[lang=fa] blockquote.quote p:after { content: ""; } html[lang=fa] blockquote.quote p.last:after { content: "\00BB"; } /* This part add by Ebraminio and Meisam Khezerloo 2011 */ /* If you find problem in persian css contact debian-l10n-persian mailing list */ html[lang=fa] #header { padding:0 52px 0 10px; } html[lang=fa] #logo { left: auto; right: 0; direction: ltr; } html[lang=fa] #searchbox { left: 0; right: auto; } html[lang=fa] #navbar li { float: right; } html[lang=fa] #content, html[lang=fa] #footer { margin:0 52px 0 10px; } html[lang=fa] #langContainer { direction: ltr; text-align: right; } html[lang=fa] ul#hometoc-cola, html[lang=fa] ul#hometoc-colb, html[lang=fa] ul#hometoc-colc, html[lang=fa] ul#hometoc-cold, html[lang=fa] ul#hometoc-cole { float: right; } html[lang=fa] ul#footermap-cola, html[lang=fa] ul#footermap-colb, html[lang=fa] ul#footermap-colc, html[lang=fa] ul#footermap-cold, html[lang=fa] ul#footermap-cole { float: right; } html[lang=fa] ol, html[lang=fa] ul { padding-right: 1.5em; padding-left: 0; } html[lang=fa] span.download { left: 13px; right: auto; } html[lang=fa] a.rss_logo { float: left; } html[lang=fa] ol { list-style-type: -moz-persian; list-style-type: persian; } html[lang=fa] body { font-family: Tahoma, 'DejaVu Sans', sans-serif; } /* --- */ html[lang=fa] #header, html[lang=fa] #footer, html[lang=fa] #breadcrumbs, html[lang=fa] #second-nav, html[lang=fa] #navbar ul, html[lang=fa] h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { direction: rtl; font-family: Tahoma, 'DejaVu Sans', sans-serif; } /* Change the direction of "Animating Underlines" from LTR to RTL */ html[lang=fa] .styled-href-blue a::after, html[lang=fa] .project-news-content a::after { right: 0; } /* Adjust padding direction of "Project News" section on the home page. */ html[lang=fa] .project-news { margin-left: 0; margin-right: 15%; } html[lang=fa] .project-news-content { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 110px; } html[lang=fa] a:link.rss_logo { float: left; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0.25em; } html[lang=fa] .end-of-list-arrow { -moz-transform: rotate(180deg); left: 0; right: 3.5em; } /* Adjust the slider's direction on the home page. */ html[lang=fa] .slider-wrapper, html[lang=fa] .slider-prev-next-control, html[lang=fa] .slider-dot-control { direction: ltr; }