use Encode; # common functions for all recent_list_*.wml sub get_recent_list { my ($time, $number, $rel_path, $english_dir, $files_match, $data_callback, $format_list_callback, $format_item_callback) =@_; #warn "get_recent_list($time, $number, $rel_path, $english_dir, $files_match, $data_callback, $format_list_callback, $format_item_callback)\n"; my $since_date = determine_since_date($time); #warn "since_date=$since_date\n"; my $files = get_matching_filenames_by_time($rel_path, $english_dir, $files_match, $since_date); my $data = get_files_data($files, $english_dir, $data_callback); my $filtered_data = filter_items($data, $since_date, $number); my $str = $format_list_callback->($filtered_data, $format_item_callback); return $str; } sub get_directory_list { my ($rel_path, $eng_dir, $files_match, $data_callback, $format_list_callback, $format_item_callback) = @_; my $files = get_matching_filenames($rel_path, $eng_dir, qr/^d[ls]a-.+.wml$/); my $data = get_files_data($files, $eng_dir, \&get_dsa_data); my $str = $format_list_callback->($data, $format_item_callback); return $str; } sub slurp_file_openrecode { my ($file, $eng_dir) = @_; (my $trans_title = $file) =~ s/\.wml$/\.title/; # read file in my $fh = openrecode($file, $trans_title, "$eng_dir/$file") or die "couldn't open $eng_dir/$file: $!\n"; my $content; { local $/; $content = <$fh>; } close $fh; return $content; } sub slurp_file { my ($file) = @_; open my $fh, '<', $file or die "couldn't open $file: $!\n"; my $content; { local $/; $content = <$fh>; } close $fh; return $content; } sub match_tag { my ($content, $tag) = @_; my $value; $content = Encode::decode_utf8($content); if ($content =~ m|^\s*(.*?)\s*|ms) { $value = Encode::encode_utf8(qq/$1/); } # all return $value; } sub match_tag_first_p { my ($content, $tag) = @_; my $value; if ($content =~ m"^\s*(?:(.*?

)"ms) { $value = qq/$1/; } # all
return $value; } sub determine_since_date { my ($time) = @_; return parse_time($time) if $time; return ''; } sub determine_relevant_years { my ($since_date) = @_; my $year = $(CUR_YEAR); $since_year = $year; if ($since_date){ $since_year = (gmtime($since_date))[5] + 1900; if ($since_year > $year) { warn "since_year > year ($since_year > $year)\n"; } } # djpig: take $since_year-1, perhaps better define an $oldest_year? # djpig: but there should be no more updates to an item after a year # djpig: we're saving time so. return [($since_year-1) .. $year]; } sub get_matching_filenames_by_time { my ($rel_path, $english_dir, $match, $since_date) =@_; my @files; my $years = determine_relevant_years($since_date); for my $act_year (@$years) { my $act_path = $rel_path eq '.' ? $act_year : "$rel_path/$act_year"; my $new_files = get_matching_filenames($act_path, "$english_dir/$act_year", $match); push @files, @$new_files; } return \@files; } sub get_matching_filenames { my ($rel_path, $eng_dir, $match) = @_; #warn "get_match_filesnames( $rel_path, $eng_dir, $match )\n"; opendir my $dir_h, $eng_dir or die "couldn't open dir $eng_dir: $!\n"; my @files = grep { ($_ =~ $match) && -f "$eng_dir/$_" && ($_="$rel_path/$_") } readdir($dir_h); closedir $dir_h; return \@files; } sub get_files_data { my ($files, $eng_dir, $callback) = @_; my %data; foreach my $file (@$files) { $callback->($file, $eng_dir, \%data); } return \%data; } sub filter_items { my ($data, $since_date, $minnumber) = @_; my @dates = sort { $b <=> $a } keys %$data; #warn "since_date: ".scalar gmtime($since_date)." minnum: $minnumber\n"; my $count = 0; my %filtered_data; foreach my $date (@dates) { #warn "date: ".scalar gmtime($date)." ($count >= $minnumber) && ($date < $since_date)\n"; if ($count >= $minnumber) { if((!$since_date && $minnumber) || (($since_date || !$minnum) && ($date lt $since_date)) ) { last; } } $filtered_data{$date} = $data->{$date}; $count += scalar @{$data->{$date}}; } return \%filtered_data; } # parse_time gets as argument a string and returns a unix timestamp # Input: $time_str - String with the following format # $time_str ::= (d|w|m|y) # Output: integer timestamp # # parse_time subtracts days/weeks/months from the actual time and # returns the corresponding timestamp. Years are handled special: 1y means # "since January, 1st of actual year", 2y means "since January, 1st of # last year", etc. sub parse_time { my $time_str = shift; my $year = (gmtime())[5] + 1900; my $time = time(); my $res; for ($time_str) { /\d{4}/ && do { $res = timegm(0,0,0,1,0,$year); last; }; /(\d+)d/ && do { $res = $time - 86400 * $1; last; }; /(\d+)w/ && do { $res = $time - 86400 * 7 * $1; last; }; /(\d+)m/ && do { # All months have 30 days, # all other would be far more complicated $res = $time - 86400 * 30 * $1; last; }; /(\d+)y/ && do { # years are handled special my $ryear = $year - $1 + 1; # the actual year count as a whole one $res = timegm(0,0,0,1,0,$ryear); # 01.01.$ryear 00:00:00 last; }; } return $res; } # iso2stamp converts a date in ISO format (YYYY-MM-DD) to an # unix timestamp for 23:59:59 on the specified day # Input: $time - String with the ISO date # Output: integer timestamp sub iso2stamp { my $time = shift; if ($time =~ /undated/) { return 0; } my ($year, $month, $day) = ($time =~ /(\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2})/); unless ($year && $month && $day) { warn "not an ISO date: $time\n"; } return timegm( 59, 59, 23, $day, $month-1, $year); }