#use wml::debian::events_common #use wml::debian::basic title="" #use wml::debian::languages {#check_trans#}

# the URL on the following line is intentionally not marked up so we don't # have to worry about it becoming stale <: if (length ("")) { :> :
<: } :>

<: if (qq{} ne 'none') { :>

: <: } :> # there are no files named project-* in events/*/ directories... huh? # ## hmm # # <:= get_event_stuff ( '', '0', '$(ENGLISHDIR)/events/', 'project-\w+' ) :> #
# # # there are no files named news-* in events/*/ directories... huh? #

# #<:= get_event_stuff ( '', '0', '$(ENGLISHDIR)/events/', 'news-\d+\w*' ) :> # # <: if (open (PAGE, "$WML_SRC_FILENAME")) { $go = 0; $use = 0; while () { next until ($use || /^#use wml::debian::past_event/); $use = 1; next if (/^#/ || /^\s*$/); $go =1; } close (PAGE); } else { $go = 1; } if ($go) { :> %body

{#mainbody#} <: } :> {#pre_footer#: <:= languages_footer() :> :#pre_footer#} {#mainbody#: