#!/usr/bin/perl # # parse-advisory.pl # # this script parses files in # security.debian.org:/org/security.debian.org/advisories/DSA/ # and makes wmls out of them # # Copyright (C) 2001 Josip Rodin # Copyright (c) 2002,3 Josip Rodin, Martin Schulze # Licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2. use WWW::Mechanize; use File::Path qw(remove_tree make_path); my $debug = 0; my $adv = $ARGV[0]; if ($adv eq "-d") { $debug = 1; $adv = $ARGV[1]; } $adv || die "you must specify a parameter (original advisory file)!\n"; die "that advisory file either ain't there or doesn't have anything in it!\n" unless -s $adv; # i'm lame, so shoot me my %longmoy = ( en => [ 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December' ] ); my %shortmoy = ( en => [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ] ); my $curyear = (localtime())[5] + 1900; my %arch = ( 'alpha' => 'Alpha', 'amd64' => 'AMD64', 'hppa' => 'HP Precision', 'i386' => 'Intel IA-32', 'ia64' => 'Intel IA-64', 'm68k' => 'Motorola 680x0', 'mips' => 'Big-endian MIPS', 'mipsel' => 'Little-endian MIPS', 's390' => 'IBM S/390', 'sparc' => 'Sun Sparc', 'powerpc' => 'PowerPC', 'arm' => 'ARM', 'armel' => 'ARM EABI', ); open ADV, $adv; foreach $l () { if ($l =~ /^Debian Security Advisory (DSA[- ]\d+-\d+)/) { $dsa = $1; } if ($l =~ /^(\w+)\s+(\d+)(\D\D)?, (\d+)/) { $month = $1; $day = $2; $year = $4; while ($i < 12) { if ($month eq $longmoy{en}[$i]) { $month = $i + 1; $date = "$year-$month-$day"; $i = 12; } elsif ($month eq $shortmoy{en}[$i]) { $month = $i + 1; $date = "$year-$month-$day"; $i = 12; } $i++ } } if ($l =~ /^Package(?:s)*\s*: (.+)\s*/) { $package = $1; } if ($l =~ /^(Vulnerability)\s*: (.+)\s*/) { $desc = $2; $desc .= ' vulnerabilities' if $desc =~ /(several|multiple)\s*$/; } if ($desc eq "") { $desc = "security update"; } if ($l =~ /^(Debian Bug\(?s?\)?)\s*: (.+)/i) { for $id (split (/,? /, $2)) { push @dbids, "Bug#".$id if ($id ne "none"); } } if ($l =~ /^(CVE (names?|id\(?s?\)?|references?)?|CERT advisor(y|ies))\s*: (.+)/i) { push @dbids, join (" ", split (/,? /, $4)); } if ($l =~ /^\s+((?:CVE-\d+-\d+[ ]*)+)$/i) { push @dbids, join (" ", split (/,? /, $1)); } if ($l =~ /^\s+((?:VU#\d+[ ]*)+)$/i) { push @dbids, join (" ", split (/,? /, $1)); } if ($l =~ /^Bugtraq Ids?\s*: (.+)/i) { for $id (split (/,? /, $1)) { push @dbids, "BID".$id; } } last if ($l =~ /Further information about Debian Security Advisories.*$/i); last if ($l =~ /Thanks to.+for proof read/i); $mi = 0 if ($l =~ /^(wget url|Obtaining updates|Upgrade Instructions)/i); $moreinfo .= "

" if ($mi && $nl); $nl = 0; $nl = 1 if ($mi && ($l eq "\n") && $moreinfo); if ($mi) { if ($mi > 1) { $moreinfo .= $l; } else { $moreinfo .= "\n

".$l; $mi++; } } $headersnearingend++ if ($l =~ /^Package :/); if ($headersnearingend && $l =~ /^\s*$/) { $mi++; $headersnearingend = 0; } $f++ if ($l =~ /^Debian (GNU\/Linux.*alias|.*\(.*\)).*/); $f = 0 if ($l =~ /^((- )?-- |( )?These (files|packages) will (probably )?be moved)/); $files .= $l if ($f); } close ADV; $moreinfo =~ s/(- )?-+\n//g; $moreinfo =~ s/\n\n$/\n/s; $moreinfo =~ s/\n

\n$//; $moreinfo =~ s/\n


Note<\/b>:/ig; $moreinfo =~ s/(\s)"(\w[\w\.,'\(\)\s]*?\w)"([\:\.',\(\)\s])/$1$2<\/q>$3/g; $moreinfo =~ s/(\s)'(\w[\w\.,\(\)\s]*?\w)'([\:\.,\(\)\s])/$1$2<\/q>$3/g; $moreinfo =~ s|\n+(

(CAN\|CVE)-\d+-\d+[\:]*)\s?(\s*)(\S+)|\n\n$1\n$3$4|g; $moreinfo =~ s/\n\n/<\/p>\n\n/sg; $moreinfo =~ s|\n


  • $1\n|g; $moreinfo =~ s|\n


  • $1\n

    \n|g; $moreinfo =~ s|((CAN\|CVE)-\d+-\d+)|$1|g; $moreinfo =~ s|



    (\w* \w* stable)|

  • \n\n\n\n

    $1|; $moreinfo =~ s|


    |g; $moreinfo =~ s|


    |g; $moreinfo =~ s|

  • |

  • \n\n
  • |g; $moreinfo =~ s|
  • \n\n
  • |\n\n
    • |; $moreinfo =~ s|(\s+)(https?://[^\s<>{}\\^\[\]\"\'\`]+)|$1$2|g; # matrix creation start # in matrix lines, each item cannot have space charecter sequence in it # space charecter sequence (>=2) is treated as a delimiter # $matrix_h is used as header and $matrix_f is used as footer my $matrix_h = qq|
      \n \n|; my $matrix_f = "
      \n"; $moreinfo =~ s{(

      The following matrix[\s\S]+?



      }{$1\n  $2\n}g; $moreinfo =~ m|\n([\s\S]+?)|; my $matrix = $1; $matrix =~ s/\n\s+/\n/g; my @matrixl = split(/\n/,$matrix); for my $i(0 .. $#matrixl){ $matrixl[$i] = " \n " . join("\n ", split(/\s{2,}/,$matrixl[$i])) . "\n \n"; # 1st line, use $matrixl[$i] =~ s/td>/th>/g if($i<1); } $matrix = join("", @matrixl); $moreinfo =~ s|\n([\s\S]+?)|$matrix_h$matrix$matrix_f|; # matrix end if (($moreinfo =~ /
      • /) && ($moreinfo !~ /<\/li>\n\n<\/ul>/)){ $moreinfo =~ s{


        ((\w+ \w+ \w* ?(old ?stable|stable|testing))|Th[eo]se)}{

      • \n\n

      $1}; } chomp ($moreinfo); $files =~ s/(- )?-+\n//g; $files =~ s/\n\n$/\n/s; $files =~ s/.+ updates are available for .+\n//g; $files =~ s/( )? (Size\/)?MD5 checksum: (\s*\d+ )?\w{32}\n//sg; $files =~ s/( )?Source archives:/

      /sg; $files =~ s/( )?Architecture.independent \w+:\n/
      \n/sg; $files =~ s/HP Precision architecture/HPPA architecture/gi; $files =~ s/(?: )?(\w+) architecture \(([\w -()\/]+)\)/
      $arch{$1}:/sg; $files =~ s/(?: )?([\w -\/]+) architecture:/
      $1:/sg; $files =~ s/(?: )? (http:\S+)/
      /sg; $files =~ s,[\n]?Debian (GNU/Linux )?(\S+) (alias |\()([a-z]+)\)?,\n\n

      Debian $2 ($4)

      ,sg; my @f = (); my $ign = 0; foreach $_ (split (/\n/, $files)) { if (!$ign && /was released/) { $ign = 1; } elsif ($ign && /^$/) { $ign = 0; } elsif (!$ign) { push (@f, $_); } } $files = join ("\n", @f); if (defined($package) && $dsa =~ /DSA[- ](\d+)-(\d+)/ ) { $dsa_number=$1; $dsa_revision=$2; $wml = "$curyear/dsa-$dsa_number.wml"; $data = "$curyear/dsa-$dsa_number.data"; $pagetitle = "DSA-$dsa_number-$dsa_revision $package"; } else { die ("Could not parse advisory filename '$adv'. Must contain Package and DSA number information"); } $data = $wml = "-" if ($debug); if (!(-d $curyear)){ print "directory $curyear does not exist! Creating $curyear\n"; make_path($curyear,{ verbose => 0, mode => 0755 }) or print "Could not create $curyear: $!\n"; } &make_data; &make_wml; print "double check the content of $wml and $data, and eventually fix it before commit them.\n"; &make_index; &make_makefile; sub make_data{ if (-f $data){ print "$data already exists!\n"; return; } $files =~ s,^
      \n\n,,; open DATA, ">", "$data"; print DATA "$pagetitle\n"; print DATA "$date\n"; print DATA "@dbids\n" if @dbids; print DATA "$package\n"; print DATA "yes\n"; print DATA "yes\n"; print DATA "no\n"; # Kaare, 2011-01-24: Line added because the "fixed in" section is no longer available print DATA "\n#use wml::debian::security\n\n"; print DATA "$files\n\n\n"; close DATA; } sub make_wml{ if (-f $wml){ print "$wml already exists!\n"; return; } open WML, ">", "$wml"; print WML "$desc\n"; print WML "$moreinfo

      \n"; print WML "\n# do not modify the following line\n"; print WML "#include \"\$(ENGLISHDIR)/security/$data\"\n"; printf WML "# %sId: \$\n", "\$"; close WML; } sub make_index{ return if (-f "$curyear/index.wml"); print "$curyear/index.wml does not exist! Creating..."; my $ldo = 'Security Advisories from $curyear\n"; $index .= qq|#use wml::debian::template title="" GEN_TIME="yes"\n|; $index .= qq|#use wml::debian::recent_list\n\n|; $index .= qq|<:= get_recent_list ('.', '0', '\$(ENGLISHDIR)/security/$curyear', '', 'dsa-\\d+' ) :>\n\n|; $index .= qq|

      You can get the latest Debian security advisories by subscribing to our\n|; $index .= qq|$ldo$dsan/">\\\n|; $index .= qq|$dsan mailing list.\n|; $index .= qq|You can also $ldo$dsan/$dsan-2013/">\\\n|; $index .= qq|browse the archives for the list.

      \n|; open INDEX, ">", "$curyear/index.wml"; print INDEX $index; close INDEX; print "done\n"; print "Do not forget to commit index.wml.\n"; } sub make_makefile{ return if (-f "$curyear/Makefile"); print "$curyear/Makefile does not exist! Creating..."; my $makefile = qq|# If this makefile is not generic enough to support a translation,\n|; $makefile .= qq|# please contact debian-www.\n\n|; $makefile .= qq|WMLBASE=../..\n|; $makefile .= qq|CUR_DIR=security/2013\n|; $makefile .= qq|SUBS=\n\n|; $makefile .= qq|GETTEXTFILES += security.mo\n\n|; $makefile .= qq|NOGENERICDEP := true\n|; $makefile .= qq|include \$(WMLBASE)/Make.lang\n\n\n|; $makefile .= qq|# The "\| $(VCSREVCACHE)" here is an order-only prerequisite - always|; $makefile .= qq|# check that the prerequisite exists and is up to date, but don't|; $makefile .= qq|# rebuild everything whenever it's updated - see|; $makefile .= qq|# https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Prerequisite-Types.html|; $makefile .= qq|\%.\$(LANGUAGE).html: \%.wml \$(TEMPLDIR)/security.wml \\\n|; $makefile .= qq| \$(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/\$(CUR_DIR)/\%.data \$(GETTEXTDEP) \| \$(VCSREVCACHE)\n|; $makefile .= qq|\t\$(WML) \$(", "$curyear/Makefile"; print MAKEFILE $makefile; close MAKEFILE; print "done\n"; print "Do not forget to commit Makefile.\n"; }