# list of architectures, ordered by Popularity Contest on 2014-04-26. @arches = ( amd64, i386, armel, # powerpc, armhf, # sparc, # 'kfreebsd-amd64', # mipsel, # 'kfreebsd-i386', # arm, # ia64, # 'hurd-i386', # hppa, # s390, # alpha, # sh4, # m68k, # sh4, # mips, # s390x, # arm64, # ppc64el, # ppc64, ); # list of languages install manual is translated to %langsinstall = ( english => "en", # catalan => "ca", czech => "cs", # danish => "da", german => "de", greek => "el", spanish => "es", # basque => "eu, # finnish => "fi", french => "fr", # hungarian => "hu", italian => "it", japanese => "ja", korean => "ko", # dutch => "nl", # norwegian_nynorsk => "nn", portuguese => "pt", # portuguese_br => "pt-br", # romanian => "ro", russian => "ru", swedish => "sv", # tagalog => "tl", vietnamese => "vi", chinese_cn => "zh-cn", # chinese => "zh-tw", ); # list of languages release notes are translated to %langsrelnotes = ( english => "en", belarusian => "be", # catalan => "ca", czech => "cs", danish => "da", german => "de", spanish => "es", # finnish => "fi", french => "fr", italian => "it", japanese => "ja", lithuanian => "lt", malayalam => "ml", norwegian_bokmal => "nb", dutch => "nl", polish => "pl", portuguese => "pt", portuguese_br => "pt-br", romanian => "ro", russian => "ru", slovak => "sk", swedish => "sv", vietnamese => "vi", chinese_cn => "zh-cn", chinese => "zh-tw", ); ### While jessie is stable, we can reuse the tags defined in #### templates/debian/release_images.wml. #### When the website gets prepared for the next stable release, #### the tags should be defined here instead (see previous releases #### for examples). #### Note that images for the new oldstable release will be moved to #### cdimage/archive at the time of the release! # ### Next line should be changed to 'wml::debian::installer' when ### preparing for next stable release; don't forget the Makefile! #use wml::debian::installer https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/archive/8.11.1 8.11.1 https://cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/archive/8.11.0 8.11.0 " "source" />" /> " />" /> " "source" />" /> " />" /> http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/jessie/main/installer-@ARCH@/current/images/ " "source" />" />