#use wml::debian::template title="LTS Security Information" GEN_TIME="yes" #use wml::debian::toc #use wml::debian::recent_list_security #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/releases/info"


Keeping your Debian LTS system secure

In order to receive the latest Debian LTS security advisories, subscribe to the \ debian-lts-announce mailing list.

For more information about security issues in Debian, please refer to the Debian Security Information.

Recent Advisories

These web pages include a condensed archive of security advisories posted to the \ debian-lts-announce list.

<:= get_recent_security_list( '1m', '6', '.', '$(ENGLISHDIR)/lts/security' ) :>

{#rss#: :#rss#}

The latest Debian LTS security advisories are also available in RDF format. We also offer a second file that includes the first paragraph of the corresponding advisory so you can see in it what the advisory is about.

#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/lts/security/index.include"

Older security advisories are also available: <:= get_past_sec_list(); :>

Debian distributions are not vulnerable to all security problems. The Debian Security Tracker collects all information about the vulnerability status of Debian packages, and can be searched by CVE name or by package.

Contact Information

Please read the Debian LTS FAQ before contacting us, your question may well be answered there already!

The contact information is in the FAQ as well.