/lts/security/ -- Debian LTS Security Advisories ================================================ This directory contains the status of all Debian LTS related security problems that have been published on the website. Indices are created similarly to the News/ directory. Publishing a new advisory ------------------------- New advisories are sent by the LTS team to the debian-lts-announce list. The template generated by the `gen-DLA` script can be fed in the parse-dla.pl script. That will, in turn, create the corresponding dla-XXX.wml and dla-XXX.data files, from which the advisory web pages are made. Usage: ./parse_dla.pl [ -d ] The option -d enables debug mode, meaning that the output is redirected to standard output (stdout). The script can also parse email files from archives to catchup with previous advisories. Before committing newly generated files to git, please verify the output manually, as it may contain residue from the source or contain invalid HTML code (e.g. closing LI and UL tags placed near the bottom instead of where a bullet list ends). Furthermore, the automatic conversion of CVE numbers into URIs, may inadvertently also convert CVE numbers inside existing URIs, resulting in mangled links in the generated file. Updating an advisory -------------------- When a new revision of an advisory is released, you would normally just edit the .wml and .data files to reflect the changes. In most cases, it might be preferable to publish the errata itself in a separate entry, as a new advisory. Translating an advisory ----------------------- Don't translate the *.data files, only the *.wml files. In addition to translating the text of each advisory, you need to make sure that the translations in the ../po/security.xy.po file are up to date (the strings in the templates).