#use wml::debian::template title="Step 1: Application" NOHEADER="true" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/join/nm-steps.inc"

The information on this page, while public, will primarily be of interest to future Debian Developers.

Step 1: Application

Before applying, prospective Developers should check that they are prepared for all parts of the checks. To make this as easy as possible, the most important prerequisites are listed below:

Once the Applicant has satisfied the above standards, they can submit their New Member Application.

After receiving the application, the Front Desk manages the application. As soon as someone is available (this can take some weeks), it will assign them as the Application Manager (AM) for the Applicant (i.e. you).

All further communication should happen between the Applicant and their Application Manager, but if problems arise, the Front Desk is your primary contact point.

#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/devel/join/nm-steps.inc"