#!/usr/bin/python # A script to recursively update a CVS checkout, skipping directories for # languages you do not know or care about. Useful for translators who only want # a checkout of the directories for English and their own language. # # This special script is needed because: # - "cvs up -d" will check out languages most people usually do not care about # - however plain "cvs up" does not create directories newly created in the # repository # # Copyright 2010 Marcin Owsiany import sys import logging import os import subprocess print("CVS no longer supported") sys.exit(1) logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO) logging.info('Getting list of entries in the repository.') # Set LANG=C as we need to parse command output env = dict(os.environ) env['LANG'] = 'C' lines = subprocess.Popen(['cvs', 'ls', '-l'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=env).communicate()[0] repo_dirs = set() for line in lines.split('\n'): if not line: pass elif line.startswith('-'): pass elif line.startswith('d'): repo_dirs.add(line.split(None, 4)[4]) else: logging.warn('Unexpected line: %s', line) logging.info('Getting list of known languages.') lines = subprocess.Popen(['make', 'list-languages'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] langs = set(lines.split()) logging.info('Getting list of checked-out directories.') local_dirs = set(e for e in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isdir(e)) logging.debug('Dirs in repo: %s', ' '.join(sorted(repo_dirs))) logging.debug('LANGS : %s', ' '.join(sorted(langs))) logging.debug('Dirs in . : %s', ' '.join(sorted(local_dirs))) # We want: # - all currently checked out directories (i.e. ones that exist locally and in # the repository) checked_out = local_dirs.intersection(repo_dirs) # - all directories in repo that are not langs specials = repo_dirs - langs # However we do not want e.g. stale language directories which are being # transitioned to a new name. So we keep a list of known non-language # directories, and we warn (and ignore) if the above encounters anything else. known_specials = set(['Perl', 'po']) mysterious = specials - known_specials to_update = known_specials | checked_out if to_update: logging.info('Updating recursively: %s', ' '.join(to_update)) subprocess.Popen(['cvs', '-q', 'up', '-dP'] + sorted(list(to_update))).wait() else: logging.warn('No directories to update recursively.') logging.info('Updating current directory.') subprocess.Popen(['cvs', '-q', 'up', '-lP']).wait() if mysterious: logging.warn('The following directories exist in repo but are neither ' 'known special dirs nor in LANGUAGES in top Makefile. ' 'Please delete them or add to known_specials in %s: %s', sys.argv[0], ' '.join(mysterious))