Building the website with GitLab CI =================================== On every commit, the website will be built. By default, only the following parts will be built: - The english website (always). - If any files were touched under a translation directory, that translation. The built files will be made available as artifacts. These can be browsed through the GitLab webinterface for basic review and validation of any made changes. Note, however, that content negotiation does not work on GitLab, and that internal links will be broken (because they miss the `$language.html` suffix). This is expected. The build can be fine-tuned by setting the list of forced translations. This list can be set in two ways: 1. Add a line starting with `forced translations:` to the commit message, followed by the list; 2. Set the environment variable `WEBWML_FORCED_TRANSLATIONS` to the list of translations wanted. This can be done by going to the "CI/CD" option in the left-hand-side menu of GitLab, then choosing "Pipelines", and "Run Pipeline". There, fill out the name of the variable in "Input variable key" and its value in "Input variable value". You must be logged in and have access to the repository to be able to do so (but you may fork the repository, if you prefer). If the list of translations is set to 'all', then all translations will be built. If the list of translations is set to a space-separated list of languages, then any language in that list will be built. To skip GitLab CI altogether, make sure that either `[skip ci]` or `[ci skip]` occurs in the commit message. The CI jobs use a docker image that is stored in the GitLab container registry. The Dockerfile for this image is stored [in this repository](docker-image/Dockerfile)