# Note about the name of this file: README_CI.gitlab-ci.yml # # Automatic builds of the Debian website via Gitlab CI were setup during # September-October 2018 (see <20180914134901.GC29596@grep.be> # and <20181011191247.GA2733@grep.be> (and the corresponding threads in # debian-www mailing list) for context. # # This file (when named .gitlab-ci.yml) builds the website both for English # and translations, and the result (the html files) can be browsed via # artifacts. # # On November 2018 Salsa (Gitlab) settings for webwml project were set to keep # artifacts 1 week (default was 4 weeks) in order to save space. # Unfortunately the builds use too much resources, affecting salsa's ability # to serve other users. # # So the settings were tweaked again to disable the use of shared runners, # and this file has been renamed from .gitlab-ci.yml to README_CI.gitlab-ci.yml # # If you would like to enable Salsa's (GitLab's) CI builds for some test, # please contact the Debian web team, or you can rename this file # to its original name in your fork, and the CI build will run (occasionally) # in your Salsa account. # stages: - english - translations - merge # english, which we do always english: stage: english image: registry.salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/build:latest script: - make LANGUAGES=english STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS=1 USE_SAMPLE_FILES=1 install after_script: - mkdir -p .public - mv ../www .public/english artifacts: expire_in: 1 week untracked: true when: always paths: - .public # translations .build: &build image: registry.salsa.debian.org/webmaster-team/webwml/build:latest stage: translations retry: 2 script: - if ci/build-me; then make LANGUAGES=${CI_JOB_NAME} STRICT_ERROR_CHECKS=1 USE_SAMPLE_FILES=1 install; else echo "no changes for $CI_JOB_NAME"; fi after_script: - mkdir -p .public - mv ../www .public/${CI_JOB_NAME} artifacts: expire_in: 1 week when: always paths: - .public/$CI_JOB_NAME merge: stage: merge image: debian:stretch before_script: - apt-get update - apt-get -y install rsync script: - mkdir -p public - for i in .public/*; do rsync -a $i/ public/; done artifacts: expire_in: 1 week paths: - public albanian: <<: *build arabic: <<: *build armenian: <<: *build bulgarian: <<: *build catalan: <<: *build chinese: <<: *build croatian: <<: *build czech: <<: *build danish: <<: *build dutch: <<: *build esperanto: <<: *build finnish: <<: *build french: <<: *build galician: <<: *build german: <<: *build greek: <<: *build hebrew: <<: *build hungarian: <<: *build indonesian: <<: *build italian: <<: *build japanese: <<: *build korean: <<: *build lithuanian: <<: *build norwegian: <<: *build persian: <<: *build polish: <<: *build portuguese: <<: *build romanian: <<: *build russian: <<: *build slovak: <<: *build slovene: <<: *build spanish: <<: *build swedish: <<: *build tamil: <<: *build turkish: <<: *build ukrainian: <<: *build vietnamese: <<: *build