A DSA is needed for the following source packages in old/stable. The specific CVE IDs do not need to be listed, they can be gathered in an up-to-date manner from https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/SOURCEPACKAGE when working on an update. Some packages are not tracked here: - Linux kernel (tracking in kernel-sec repo) - Embargoed issues continue to be tracked in separate file. To pick an issue, simply add your uid behind it. If needed, specify the release by adding a slash after the name of the source package. -- asterisk/oldstable -- chromium -- condor -- cryptsetup/stable (corsac) Maintainer is proposing updates, to be checked further procedure -- debian-edu-config Maintainer preparing updates down the supported suites -- expat (carnil) -- faad2/oldstable (jmm) -- librecad Aron Xu proposed update for {bullseye,buster}-security for review -- linux (carnil) Wait until more issues have piled up, though try to regulary rebase for point releases to more recent v4.19.y versions. -- minetest (apo) -- ndpi/oldstable -- nodejs (jmm) -- prosody (jmm) Regression update needed, cf #1004173 -- python-pysaml2 (jmm) -- rpki-client/stable new 7.6 release required libretls, which isn't in Bullseye -- runc -- samba (carnil) -- trafficserver (jmm) wait until status for CVE-2021-38161 is clarified (upstream patch got reverted) -- varnish (fw) --