# web_support.py -- simple HTTP generation framework # Copyright (C) 2005 Florian Weimer # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA import cgi import cStringIO import os import re import socket import struct import sys import grp import traceback import types import urllib import threading import SocketServer import BaseHTTPServer class ServinvokeError(Exception): pass class Service: """A class for service objects. Service objects are contacted by the program servinvoke and process HTTP requests in a serialized fashion. (Only the data transfer from and to the client happens in parallel, and this is handled by the servinvoke program.) If the newly created socket is owned by the www-data group, it is automatically made readable by that group. """ def __init__(self, socket_name): self.socket_name = socket_name self._unlinkSocket() self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM, 0) self.socket.bind(self.socket_name) self.socket.listen(5) self._chmod() def __del__(self): self._unlinkSocket() def _unlinkSocket(self): try: os.unlink(self.socket_name) except OSError: pass def _chmod(self): gid = os.stat(self.socket_name).st_gid grpent = grp.getgrgid(gid) if grpent[0] == 'www-data': os.chmod(self.socket_name, 0660) def log(self, msg, *args): sys.stderr.write((msg % args) + "\n") def run(self): while 1: (client, addr) = self.socket.accept() def read(count): data = '' cnt = 0 while cnt != count: d = client.recv(count - cnt) if d: data += d cnt = len(data) else: self.log("unexpected end of data from servinvoke") raise ServinvokeError() return data try: header = read(24) (magic, version, cli_size, cli_count, env_size, env_count) = \ struct.unpack("!6I", header) if magic != 0x15fd34df: sys.log("unknown magic number %08X", magic) if version != 1: sys.log("unknown version %08X", magic) cli = read(cli_size).split('\0')[:-1] env = {} for x in read(env_size).split('\0')[:-1]: (key, value) = x.split('=', 1) env[key] = value data = [] while 1: d = client.recv(4096) if d: data.append(d) else: break data = ''.join(data) result = cStringIO.StringIO() self.handle(cli, env, data, result) client.sendall(result.getvalue()) client.close() except ServinvokeError: client.close() pass except KeyboardInterrupt: client.close() raise except: client.close() target = cStringIO.StringIO() traceback.print_exc(None, target) self.log("%s", target.getvalue()) def handle(args, environ, data): """Invoke by run to handle a single request. Should return the data to be sent back to the client.""" return "" class URL: """A simple wrapper class for strings which are interpreted as URLs.""" def __init__(self, url): self.__url = url def __str__(self): return self.__url def __repr__(self): return "URL(%s)" % repr(self.__url) class URLFactory: """Creates URL objects. This factory class handles the case where a script wants to generate URLs which reference to itself (see scriptRelative).""" def __init__(self, server_name, script_name, path_info='', params={}, secure=False): self.server_name = server_name or 'localhost' script_name = self._stripSlashes(script_name or '') if script_name[-1:] == '/' or script_name == '': self.script_name = script_name else: self.script_name = script_name + '/' self.path_info = self._stripSlashes(path_info) self.params = params self.secure = secure def _convertArgs(self, args): arglist = [] for (key, value) in args.items(): if value is None: continue if type(value) not in (types.ListType, types.TupleType): value = (value,) for v in value: arglist.append("%s=%s" % (urllib.quote(key), urllib.quote(v))) if arglist: return "?" + '&'.join(arglist) else: return "" def _stripSlashes(self, arg): while arg[:1] == '/': arg = arg[1:] return arg def absolute(self, url, **args): """Creates an absolute URL, with optional arguments to pass.""" return URL(url + self._convertArgs(args)) def absoluteDict(self, url, args): """Creates an absolute URL, with arguments to pass.""" return URL(url + self._convertArgs(args)) def scriptRelative(self, path, **args): """Returns a URL which references to the path relative to the current script. Optionally, arguments to pass can be included.""" return URL("/%s%s%s" % (self.script_name, self._stripSlashes(path), self._convertArgs(args))) def scriptRelativeFull(self, path, **args): """Like scriptRelative, but returns an absolute URL, including the http:// prefix.""" if self.secure: schema = "https" else: schema = "http" return URL("%s://%s/%s%s%s" % (schema, self.server_name, self.script_name, self._stripSlashes(path), self._convertArgs(args))) def updateParamsDict(self, args): new_args = {} for (key, value) in self.params.items(): new_args[key] = value for (key, value) in args.items(): new_args[key] = value return URL("/%s%s%s" % (self.script_name, self.path_info, self._convertArgs(new_args))) def updateParams(self, **args): self.updateParamsDict(args) charToHTML = map(chr, range(256)) charToHTMLattr = map(chr, range(256)) def _initStringToHTML(s): for (ch, repl) in (('<', '<'), ('>', '>'), ('&', '&')): s[ord(ch)] = repl _initStringToHTML(charToHTML) _initStringToHTML(charToHTMLattr) charToHTMLattr[ord('"')] = '&34;' del _initStringToHTML def escapeHTML(str): '''Replaces the characters <>&" in the passed strings with their HTML entities.''' result = [] append = result.append for ch in str: append(charToHTML[ord(ch)]) return ''.join(result) class HTMLBase: def flatten(self, write): """Invokes write repeatedly, for the tag and its contents. Note that typically, a lot of very short strings a written, so it's better to add some buffering before sending the strings elsewhere.""" pass def toString(self): """Invokes flatten to create a new string object.""" r = cStringIO.StringIO() self.flatten(r.write) return r.getvalue() def toHTML(self): return VerbatimHTML(self.toString()) class VerbatimHTML(HTMLBase): """Creates verbatim HTML from a string object. Mainly used for optimizing recurring HTML snippets.""" def __init__(self, contents): self.__contents = contents def flatten(self, write): write(self.__contents) _string_types = (types.StringType, types.UnicodeType) class Compose(HTMLBase): """Glues a sequence of HTML snippets together, without enclosing it in a tag.""" def __init__(self, contents): self.__contents = contents def flatten(self, write): for x in self.__contents: if type(x) in _string_types: write(escapeHTML(x)) else: x.flatten(write) def compose(*contents): """Concatenates several HTML objects.""" return Compose(contents) class Tag(HTMLBase): """Base class for HTML tags.""" re_name = re.compile(r'\A_?[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*\Z') def __init__(self, name, contents, attribs={}): self._check(name) self.__name = name attrs = [] append = attrs.append for (key, value) in attribs.items(): if value is None: continue self._check(key) append(' ') if key[0] == '_': append(key[1:]) else: append(key) append('="') for ch in str(value): append(charToHTMLattr[ord(ch)]) append('"') self.__attribs = ''.join(attrs) self.contents = contents def _check(self, name): if self.re_name.match(name): return else: raise ValueError("invalid name: " + repr(name)) def flatten(self, write): if self.contents: write("<%s%s>" % (self.__name, self.__attribs)) closing = "" % self.__name try: for x in self.contents: if type(x) in _string_types: write(escapeHTML(x)) else: x.flatten(write) except: # If we encountered any exception, try to write the # closing tag nevertheless. This increases our # chances that we produce valid XML. try: write(closing) except: pass raise write(closing) else: write("<%s%s/>" % (self.__name, self.__attribs)) def __repr__(self): return "" % repr(self.__name) def toString(self): r = cStringIO.StringIO() self.flatten(r.write) return r.getvalue() def tag(__name, __contents, **__attribs): """Creates a new tag object. name - name of the tag contents - a sequence objet (or iterator) for the enclosed contents attribs - keyword arguments forming attributes """ return Tag(__name, __contents, __attribs) def emptyTag(__name, **__attribs): """A tag without contents. name - name of the tag attribs - keyword arguments forming attributes """ return Tag(__name, None, __attribs) def A(url, text=None): if text is None: text = url return tag('a', text, href=str(url)) def STYLE(contents, type='text/css'): return tag('style', contents, type=type) def SCRIPT(contents, type="text/javascript", src=""): return tag('script', contents, type=type, src=src) def LINK(contents, type="text/css", rel="stylesheet", href=""): return tag('link', contents, type=type, rel=rel, href=href) def TITLE(contents): return tag('title', contents) def HTML(head, body): return tag('html', (HEAD(head), BODY(body))) def HEAD(contents): return tag('head', contents) def BODY(contents, onload=None): return tag('body', contents, onload=onload) def H1(contents): return tag('h1', contents) def H2(contents): return tag('h2', contents) def H3(contents): return tag('h3', contents) def P(*contents): return Tag('p', contents) def SPAN(*__contents, **__attribs): return Tag('span', __contents, __attribs) def HR(): return tag('hr', ()) def BR(): return tag('br', ()) def CODE(*contents): return tag('code', contents) def EM(*contents): return tag('em', contents) def B(contents): return tag('b', contents) def TABLE(contents): return tag('table', contents) def TR(*contents): return tag('tr', contents) def TH(*contents): return tag('th', contents) def TD(*contents): return tag('td', contents) def FORM(*__contents, **__attribs): return Tag('form', __contents, __attribs) def LABEL(*__contents, **__attribs): return Tag('label', __contents, __attribs) def INPUT(*__contents, **__attribs): return Tag('input', __contents, __attribs) def UL(contents): return tag('ul', contents) def LI(*__contents, **__attribs): return Tag('li', __contents, __attribs) def HEADER(*__contents, **__attribs): return Tag('header', __contents, __attribs) def FOOTER(*__contents, **__attribs): return Tag('footer', __contents, __attribs) def NAV(*__contents, **__attribs): return Tag('nav', __contents, __attribs) def _linkify(match): extra = match.group(2) if extra is None: extra = "" link = match.group(1) return "%s%s" % (A(link).toString(), extra) def linkify(contents): contents = re.sub(r'(httpS?://[\w.-]+/.*?)([,\s]|$)', _linkify, contents) return contents def make_table(contents, title=None, caption=None, replacement=None, introduction=None): rows = [] for row in contents: cols = [] if caption and not rows: for col in caption: cols.append(TH(col)) rows.append(Tag('tr', cols)) cols = [] for col in row: cols.append(TD(col)) rows.append(Tag('tr', cols)) if rows: if not introduction: introduction='' if not title: title='' return compose(title, introduction, TABLE(rows)) else: return compose() def make_pre(lines): """Creates a pre-formatted text area.""" pre = [] append = pre.append for line in lines: # turn https:// and http:// into links results=re.search("(.*)(?Phttps?://[^\s]+)(.*)", line) if results: for group in results.groups(): if group.startswith('http://') or group.startswith('https://'): append(A(group)) else: append(group) else: append(tag("SPAN",line)) append(BR()) return tag('pre', pre) def make_menu(convert, *entries): """Creates an unnumbered list of hyperlinks. Each entry can be: - a pair (URL, LABEL). convert(URL) is used as the link, and LABEL as the link text. - some non-tuple value. This is added as an individual item. """ ul = [] append = ul.append for e in entries: if type(e) == types.TupleType: (relurl, label) = e append(LI(A(convert(relurl), label))) else: append(LI(e)) return tag('ul', ul) def make_numbered_list(entries): """Creates a numbered list. ENTRIES should be a sequence of P objects.""" ol = [] append = ol.append for e in entries: append(LI(e)) return tag('ol', ol) def make_list(lst, separator=", "): """Creates a list of HTML elements.""" assert type(lst) != types.StringType c = [] if lst: append = c.append for e in lst[:-1]: append(e) append(separator) append(lst[-1]) return Compose(c) class InvalidPath(Exception): """An unknown path was submitted to PathRouter.get""" class PathRouter: """This class maps paths to registered values.""" def __init__(self): self.__map = {} def register(self, path, value): """Registers the indicated value for the path. Path may end with '*' or '**', indicating single-level wildcards or multi-level wildcards.""" m = self.__map p = path.split('/') if p and not p[0]: del p[0] for x in range(len(p)): element = p[x] if element: if element in m: m = m[element] else: if element == '*': if x + 1 != len(p): raise ValueError('wildcard * in the middle of path') m['*'] = value return if element == '**': if x + 1 != len(p): raise ValueError( 'wildcard ** in the middle of path') m['**'] = value return m_new = {} m[element] = m_new m = m_new else: raise ValueError("path contains empty element") m[''] = value def get(self, path): """Returns a tuple (VALUE, REMAINING-PATH), for the most-specific path matching the given path.""" m = self.__map p = path.split('/') while p and not p[-1]: del p[-1] l = len(p) for x in range(l): element = p[x] # Ignore empty path elements (leadings slash, duplicated # slashes). if element: try: m = m[element] except KeyError: if x + 1 == l and '*' in m: # Use '*' only if the remaining path is empty. return (m['*'], tuple(p[x:])) if '**' in m: return (m['**'], tuple(p[x:])) raise InvalidPath() try: result = m[''] except KeyError: if '*' in m: result = m['*'] elif '**' in m: result = m['**'] else: raise InvalidPath() return (result, ()) class Result(object): """Base class for result objects.""" def __init__(self): self.status = 500 self.headers = {} def flatten(self, write): for k, v in self.headers.items(): write("%s: %s\n" % (k, v)) write("\n") def flatten_later(self): """Flattens this result. Returns a closure which sends the result using a BaseHTTPRequestHandler object passed as argument.""" def later(req): req.send_response(self.status) for k, v in self.headers.items(): req.send_header(k, v) req.end_headers() return later class RedirectResult(Result): """Permanently redirects the browser to a new URL.""" def __init__(self, url, permanent=True): super(RedirectResult, self).__init__() if permanent: self.status = 301 else: self.status = 302 self.headers['Location'] = str(url) class HTMLResult(Result): """An object of this class combines a status code with HTML contents.""" def __init__(self, contents, doctype='', status=200): super(HTMLResult, self).__init__() self.contents = contents self.status = status self.doctype = doctype self.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/html; charset=UTF-8' def flatten(self, write): """Invokes write for the response header and all HTML data. Includes the doctype declaration.""" super(HTMLResult, self).flatten(write) write("%s\n" % self.doctype) self.contents.flatten(write) def flatten_later(self): headers_later = super(HTMLResult, self).flatten_later() buf = cStringIO.StringIO() buf.write(self.doctype) buf.write('\n') self.contents.flatten(buf.write) buf = buf.getvalue() self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(buf)) def later(req): headers_later(req) if req.command != 'HEAD': req.wfile.write(buf) return later class BinaryResult(Result): """An object of this class combines a status code with HTML contents.""" def __init__(self, contents, mimetype='application/octet-stream', status=200): super(BinaryResult, self).__init__() self.contents = contents self.status = status self.headers['Content-Type'] = mimetype self.headers['Content-Length'] = str(len(self.contents)) def flatten(self, write): """Invokes write for the response header and the binary data.""" super(BinaryResult, self).flatten(write) write(self.contents) def flatten_later(self): headers_later = super(BinaryResult, self).flatten_later() def later(req): headers_later(req) if req.command != 'HEAD': req.wfile.write(self.contents) return later class WebServiceBase: def __init__(self): self.router = PathRouter() def register(self, path, method): """Requests that method is invoked if path is encountered. The path has the syntax required by PathRouter.register. The method should be a function taking several arguments - the remaining path - a dictionary for the request parameters - a URLFactory object The method is expected to return a HTMLResult object. """ self.router.register(path, method) def html_dtd(self): """Returns the DOCTYPE declaration to be used for HTML documents. Can be overridden.""" return '' def add_title(self, title, body, head_contents=None, body_attribs={}): """Takes a sequence of HTML objects and wraps them in 'body' and 'html' tags. Puts title in front of it, and optionally includes the head_contents material. The attributes of the body element are taken from the body_attribs dictionary.""" t = TITLE(title) if head_contents is None: head_list = [t] else: if isinstance(head_contents, HTMLBase): head_list = [head_contents] else: head_list = list(head_contents) head_list.append(t) if isinstance(body, HTMLBase): body_list = [body] else: body_list = list(body) body_list[:0] = (HEADER(H1(title)),) return tag('html', (HEAD(head_list), Tag('body', body_list, body_attribs))) def pre_dispatch(self, url): """Invoked by handle prior to calling the registered handler.""" pass class WebService(Service, WebServiceBase): "CGI service implemented using servinvoke" def __init__(self, socket_name): Service.__init__(self, socket_name) WebServiceBase.__init__(self) def __writeError(self, result, code, msg): result.write('Status: %d\nContent-Type: text/plain\n\n%s\n' % (code, msg)) def handle(self, args, environment, data, result): params = cgi.parse(data, environment) path = environment.get('PATH_INFO', '') server_name = environment.get('SERVER_NAME', '') server_port = environment.get('SERVER_PORT', '') if server_port and server_port != 80: server_name = server_name + ":" + server_port script_name = environment.get('SCRIPT_NAME', '') try: (method, remaining) = self.router.get(path) except InvalidPath: self.__writeError(result, 404, "page not found") return self.pre_dispatch() url = URLFactory(server_name, script_name, path, params) r = method(remaining, params, url) assert isinstance(r, Result), repr(r) r.flatten(result.write) class ThreadingHTTPServer(SocketServer.ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer): pass RE_BASE_URL = re.compile(r'^(https?)://([^/]+)(.*)') class WebServiceHTTP(WebServiceBase): def __init__(self, socket_name): WebServiceBase.__init__(self) (base_url, address, port) = socket_name self.lock = threading.Lock() self.__parse_base_url(base_url) service_self = self class Handler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler): def do_GET(self): (method, path, remaining, params) = self.route() if path is None: return url = URLFactory(service_self.server_name, service_self.script_name, path, params, secure=service_self.secure) service_self.lock.acquire() try: service_self.pre_dispatch() r = method(remaining, params, url) assert isinstance(r, Result), repr(r) result = r.flatten_later() finally: service_self.lock.release() result(self) do_HEAD = do_GET def __parse_path(self): pos = self.path.find('?') if pos < 0: return (self.path, {}) path = self.path[:pos] if path[:1] != '/': path = '/' + path params = cgi.parse_qs(self.path[pos + 1:]) return (path, params) def route(self): (path, params) = self.__parse_path() prefix_len = len(service_self.script_name) prefix = path[0:prefix_len] result = None if prefix == service_self.script_name: suffix = path[prefix_len:] try: (method, remaining) = \ service_self.router.get(suffix) return (method, suffix, remaining, params) except InvalidPath: pass self.send_error(404, "page not found") return (None, None, None, None) self.server = ThreadingHTTPServer((address, port), Handler) def run(self): self.server.serve_forever() def __parse_base_url(self, url): m = RE_BASE_URL.match(url) if m is None: raise ValueError("invalid base URL: " + url) self.secure = m.group(1) == "https" self.server_name = m.group(2) self.script_name = m.group(3) def __test(): assert str(URL("")) == "" assert str(URL("abc")) == "abc" assert str(URL(" ")) == " " assert str(URL("&")) == "&" u = URLFactory(server_name=None, script_name=None) assert str(u.absolute("http://www.enyo.de/")) == "http://www.enyo.de/" assert str(u.absolute("http://www.enyo.de/", t='123')) \ == "http://www.enyo.de/?t=123" assert str(u.scriptRelative("/a/b", t='123')) == "/a/b?t=123" assert str(u.scriptRelativeFull("/a/b", t='123')) \ == "http://localhost/a/b?t=123" u = URLFactory(server_name=None, script_name=None, secure=True) assert str(u.absolute("http://www.enyo.de/")) == "http://www.enyo.de/" assert str(u.absolute("http://www.enyo.de/", t='123')) \ == "http://www.enyo.de/?t=123" assert str(u.scriptRelative("/a/b", t='123')) == "/a/b?t=123" assert str(u.scriptRelativeFull("/a/b", t='123')) \ == "https://localhost/a/b?t=123" u = URLFactory(server_name='localhost.localdomain', script_name='/cgi-bin/test.cgi') assert str(u.scriptRelative("a/b", t='123')) \ == "/cgi-bin/test.cgi/a/b?t=123" assert str(u.scriptRelativeFull("a/b", t='123=')) \ == "http://localhost.localdomain/cgi-bin/test.cgi/a/b?t=123%3D" assert P("").toString() == '

' assert P(" ").toString() == '

' assert P("&").toString() == '


' assert P("\"").toString() == '


' assert P("<").toString() == '


' assert P(">").toString() == '


' assert P(">").toHTML().toString() == '


' assert FORM(method='get').toString() == '
' assert SPAN("green", _class="red").toString() \ == 'green' assert TD(A("http://www.example.net/", "example")).toString() \ == 'example' #assert make_pre(['a', 'b']).toString() == '
' s = cStringIO.StringIO() RedirectResult(u.scriptRelativeFull("123")).flatten(s.write) assert s.getvalue() == '''Location: http://localhost.localdomain/cgi-bin/test.cgi/123 ''' assert make_menu(u.scriptRelative, ("123", "A"), ("456", "B")).toString() == \ '' pr = PathRouter() pr.register('', "root") pr.register('/*', "default") pr.register('/abc', "/abc") pr.register('/a/bc', "/a/bc") pr.register('ab/c', "/ab/c") pr.register('/a', "/a") pr.register('/a/**', "/a/**") pr.register('/a/*', "/a/*") assert pr.get("") == ("root", ()) assert pr.get("/") == ("root", ()) assert pr.get("//") == ("root", ()) assert pr.get("/xyz") == ("default", ("xyz",)) assert pr.get("/a//xyz/") == ("/a/*", ("xyz",)) assert pr.get("/a//xyz/123") == ("/a/**", ("xyz", "123")) assert pr.get("/abc") == ("/abc", ()) assert linkify('foo bar moo') == 'foo bar moo' assert linkify('http://domain.tld/foo.cgi?bar=moo&test') == A('http://domain.tld/foo.cgi?bar=moo&test').toString() assert linkify('as seen in http://foo.tld/bar/moo.txt, ...') == 'as seen in %s, ...' % A('http://foo.tld/bar/moo.txt').toString() if __name__ == "__main__": __test()