binutils (fixed) elfutils (not in debian) gdb (fixed) ht (fixed) prelink (not affected, as not using elfutils library) elfsign rpm (not affected, only newer than in debian contains elfutils) acl2 (affected according to maintainer, full exploit potential unclear, rebuilds complicated) alleyoop (moritz checking) axiom (affected according to maintainer, full exploit potential unclear, rebuilds complicated) crash (micah is talking with upstream) fenris (not in sarge, moritz checking) gccchecker gcl (affected according to maintainer, full exploit potential unclear, rebuilds complicated) gclcvs (affected according to maintainer, full exploit potential unclear, rebuilds complicated) ggcov insight kdebindings kdesdk kmd (fixed) ksymoops lcrash (fixed) ltrace (not vuln) lush maxima memprof mol mpatrol nitpic nmap oprofile oprofile-source kernel-patch-kdb chpax (not vuln) paxctl (not vuln)