A DSA is needed for the following source packages in old/stable. The specific CVE IDs do not need to be listed, they can be gathered in an up-to-date manner from https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/source-package/SOURCEPACKAGE when working on an update. Some packages are not tracked here: - Linux kernel (tracking in kernel-sec repo) - Embargoed issues continue to be tracked in separate file. To pick an issue, simply add your uid behind it. If needed, specify the release by adding a slash after the name of the source package. -- 389-ds-base (fw) Thorsten Alteholz proposed an update -- ansible Maintainer is preparing updates -- faad2 not yet fixed upstream -- glusterfs -- graphicsmagick waiting for proper fix for CVE-2018-20185 -- libidn santiago proposed debdiffs for jessie and stretch -- libspring-java -- libvncserver (jmm) -- linux Wait until more issues have piled up -- mbedtls -- mercurial -- openjpeg2 (luciano) -- passenger -- simplesamlphp -- smarty3 -- sssd Maintainer prepared an update and proposed debdiff, acked for upload, but update needs further testing before release. -- vlc (jmm) Maintainer proposed to wait for 3.0.5 and release a DSA based on 3.0.5 -- xen --