The checklist program can be run on a system with madison available to check vulnerability info from the list files against what packages are in testing. Also the updatelist is used by the Makefile to update the lists with new info from Mitre. So the various list files need a common, machine parsable format. That format is: begin claimed by foo [date] id description {id id id} UPCASE: text - package [version] (note; note; note) end claimed by foo Without writing a format grammar, because this is really rather ad-hoc and probably will be replaced with something better: [date] The date of the advisory in the form dd Mmm YYYY (01 Nov 2004). Optional, only given for DSAs at the moment. id DSA-nnn-n, CVE-YYY-nnnn, etc description Pretty much freeform description of the problem. Short and optional. By convention, if it's taken from upstream data source automatically, it will be in parens. If you want to use a different description, put it in square brackets instead. {id id id} This is used to link to other ids that describe the same hole. Generally used to link DSAs to CVEs and back. UPCASE Any word in upper case, typically NOTE, HELP, TODO, RESERVED, REJECTED, NOT-FOR-US. May be repeated for each entry. - package [version] (note; notes; note) Indicates that the problem is fixed in the given version of the package. May repeat for other packages. If the problem is unfixed, use "" as the version. If the problem doesn't affect Debian, use "" as the version. If the problem only affects shipped releases, for which the stable security team provides security support and the affected package has meanwhile been removed from the archive use "" as the version. The notes can be freeform, but some are understood by the tools, including "bug #nnnnn", "bug filed", and "high", "medium", "low", "unimportant" and "unknown" urgencies. begin claimed by foo end claimed by foo Marks a set of items that are being checked by someone. Used to avoid duplicate work.