source: cgiwrap date: August 28th, 2005 author: Neil McGovern vuln-type: multiple vulnerabilities problem-scope: remote debian-specific: no cve: testing-fix: 3.9-3.0etch1 sid-fix: 3.9-3.1 upgrade: apt-get upgrade Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña discovered various vulnerabilities in cgiwrap: Minimum UID does not include all system users The CGIwrap program will not seteuid itself to uids below the 'minimum' uid to prevent scripts from being misused to compromise the system. However, the Debian package sets the minimum uid to 100 when it should be 1000. CGIs can be used to disclose system information The cgiwrap (and php-cgiwrap) package installs some debugging CGIs (actually symbolink links, which link to cgiwrap and are called 'cgiwrap' and 'nph-cgiwrap' or link to php-cgiwrap). These CGIs should not be installed in production environments as they disclose internal and potentially sensible information.