#!/usr/bin/perl -w # Compares the testing_status tables from two versions of security.db. # To be accurate, both versions must have been created with the same svn # revision of the tracker data files (but with different package files). use strict; use DBI; my $TESTING="squeeze"; my $MAILTO='secure-testing-team@lists.alioth.debian.org'; my $MAILFROM='sf@sfritsch.de'; my @d = localtime(time); my $MAILDATE = sprintf("%4d-%02d-%02d", $d[5] + 1900, $d[4] + 1, $d[3]); if (@ARGV != 2) { die "usage:\nlist-updates old.db new.deb\n"; } my $migrated = {}; my $dtsa = {}; my $removed = {}; my $versions = {}; my $mail_text = ""; my $old_dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$ARGV[0]","","", { RaiseError => 1 }); my $new_dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$ARGV[1]","","", { RaiseError => 1 }); my $sth_version = $new_dbh->prepare("SELECT version, archive FROM source_packages WHERE name = ? AND release = '$TESTING' AND subrelease = ? "); my $sth_desc = $new_dbh->prepare("SELECT description FROM bugs WHERE name = ?"); my $sth_debbug = $new_dbh->prepare("SELECT d.bug FROM package_notes p JOIN debian_bugs d ON d.note = p.id WHERE bug_name = ? AND package = ? AND release = ''"); my $old_issues = get_issues($old_dbh); my $new_issues = get_issues($new_dbh); foreach my $package ( sort keys %{$old_issues} ) { $versions->{$package} = package_version($package); # undef if package does not exist in $new_dbh foreach my $issue ( sort keys %{$old_issues->{$package}} ) { my $old = $old_issues->{$package}->{$issue}; my $new = $new_issues->{$package}->{$issue}; if ( $new ) { if ( $old->{testing_security_fixed} == 0 and $new->{testing_security_fixed} == 1 ) { push @{$dtsa->{$package}}, $issue; $versions->{$package} = package_version($package, "security"); } } else { if ( ! defined $versions->{$package} ) { push @{$removed->{$package}}, $issue; } elsif ( $old->{testing_security_fixed} != 1 ) { push @{$migrated->{$package}}, $issue; } } } } print_hash($dtsa, "DTSA", <<"EOF"); The following issues have been fixed by uploads to testing-security: EOF print_hash($migrated, "Migrated from unstable"); print_hash($removed, "Removed from testing", <<"EOF"); The following issues have been "fixed" by removing the (source) packages from testing. This probably means that you have to manually uninstall the corresponding binary packages to fix the issues. It can also mean that the packages have been replaced, or that they have been temporarily removed by the release team to make transitions from unstable easier. EOF if ($mail_text) { send_mail(); print "mail sent.\n"; } else { print "nothing fixed, no mail sent.\n"; } # workaround DBD::Sqlite bug undef $sth_version; undef $sth_desc; undef $sth_debbug; ########### end MAIN ############# sub print_mail { $mail_text .= join('', @_); } sub print_both { print_mail(@_); print @_; } sub print_hash { my $hash = shift; my $name = shift; my $desc = shift; return if ! scalar keys %{$hash}; print_both("$name:\n"); print_both('=' x ( length($name) + 1) , "\n"); print_mail("$desc") if $desc; foreach my $p (sort keys %{$hash}) { my $version = ""; if ( $versions->{$p} ) { $version = " $versions->{$p}"; } print_both("$p" . $version . ":\n"); # sort DTSAs first my @issues = sort grep(/^DTSA/, @{$hash->{$p}}); push @issues, sort grep(!/^DTSA/, @{$hash->{$p}}); my %seen_dbug; foreach my $i (@issues) { print_both(issue2string($i)); # print debian bug no more than once per package my @dbugs = issue2debbug($i, $p); foreach my $dbug (@dbugs) { if ( ! $seen_dbug{$dbug} ) { $seen_dbug{$dbug} = 1; print_both(" "x15 . "http://bugs.debian.org/$dbug\n"); } } } print_both("\n"); } } sub get_issues { my $dbh = shift; return $dbh->selectall_hashref( 'SELECT package, bug, unstable_vulnerable, testing_security_fixed FROM testing_status', [ 'package', 'bug' ] ); } sub package_version { my $package = shift; my $subrelease = shift || ""; $sth_version->execute($package, $subrelease); my $result = $sth_version->fetchall_arrayref(); if (scalar @{$result} > 1) { return ""; } if (scalar @{$result} == 0) { return undef; } my $archive = ""; if ($result->[0]->[1] ne 'main') { $archive = " ($result->[0]->[1])"; } return $result->[0]->[0] . $archive; } sub issue2string { my $issue = shift; my $url = ""; my $desc = ""; $sth_desc->execute($issue); my $result = $sth_desc->fetchall_arrayref(); $desc = $result->[0]->[0]; if ( $issue =~ /^CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}/ ) { $url = "http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=" . $issue ; return "$issue: $url\n"; } elsif ( $issue =~ /^DTSA-/ ) { return "$issue : $desc\n"; } else { return " : $desc\n"; } } sub issue2debbug { my ($issue, $package) = @_; $sth_debbug->execute($issue, $package); my $rows = $sth_debbug->fetchall_arrayref(); my @bugs = map { $_->[0] } @{$rows}; return @bugs; } sub send_mail { open(my $sendmail, "| /usr/sbin/sendmail -bm -ti") or die "could not invoke sendmail\n"; print $sendmail <<"EOF"; From: $MAILFROM To: $MAILTO Subject: Security update for Debian Testing - $MAILDATE This automatic mail gives an overview over security issues that were recently fixed in Debian Testing. The majority of fixed packages migrate to testing from unstable. If this would take too long, fixed packages are uploaded to the testing-security repository instead. It can also happen that vulnerable packages are removed from Debian testing. $mail_text How to update: -------------- Make sure the line deb http://security.debian.org $TESTING/updates main contrib non-free is present in your /etc/apt/sources.list. Of course, you also need the line pointing to your normal $TESTING mirror. You can use aptitude update && aptitude dist-upgrade to install the updates. More information: ----------------- More information about which security issues affect Debian can be found in the security tracker: http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/ A list of all known unfixed security issues is at http://security-tracker.debian.net/tracker/status/release/testing EOF ############################# close($sendmail); if ($?) { print "Sendmail error\n"; } }