/* htop - PCPProcessTable.c (C) 2014 Hisham H. Muhammad (C) 2020-2023 htop dev team (C) 2020-2023 Red Hat, Inc. Released under the GNU GPLv2+, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep #include "pcp/PCPMachine.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "Machine.h" #include "Macros.h" #include "Object.h" #include "Platform.h" #include "Settings.h" #include "XUtils.h" #include "pcp/Metric.h" #include "pcp/PCPProcess.h" static void PCPMachine_updateCPUcount(PCPMachine* this) { Machine* super = &this->super; super->activeCPUs = Metric_instanceCount(PCP_PERCPU_SYSTEM); unsigned int cpus = Platform_getMaxCPU(); if (cpus == super->existingCPUs) return; if (cpus == 0) cpus = super->activeCPUs; if (cpus <= 1) cpus = super->activeCPUs = 1; super->existingCPUs = cpus; free(this->percpu); free(this->values); this->percpu = xCalloc(cpus, sizeof(pmAtomValue*)); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) this->percpu[i] = xCalloc(CPU_METRIC_COUNT, sizeof(pmAtomValue)); this->values = xCalloc(cpus, sizeof(pmAtomValue)); } static void PCPMachine_updateMemoryInfo(Machine* host) { unsigned long long int freeMem = 0; unsigned long long int swapFreeMem = 0; unsigned long long int sreclaimableMem = 0; host->totalMem = host->usedMem = host->cachedMem = 0; host->usedSwap = host->totalSwap = host->sharedMem = 0; pmAtomValue value; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_TOTAL, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) host->totalMem = value.ull; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_FREE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) freeMem = value.ull; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_BUFFERS, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) host->buffersMem = value.ull; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_SRECLAIM, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) sreclaimableMem = value.ull; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_SHARED, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) host->sharedMem = value.ull; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_CACHED, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) host->cachedMem = value.ull + sreclaimableMem - host->sharedMem; const memory_t usedDiff = freeMem + host->cachedMem + sreclaimableMem + host->buffersMem; host->usedMem = (host->totalMem >= usedDiff) ? host->totalMem - usedDiff : host->totalMem - freeMem; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_AVAILABLE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) host->availableMem = MINIMUM(value.ull, host->totalMem); else host->availableMem = freeMem; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_SWAPFREE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) swapFreeMem = value.ull; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_SWAPTOTAL, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) host->totalSwap = value.ull; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_SWAPCACHED, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) != NULL) host->cachedSwap = value.ull; host->usedSwap = host->totalSwap - swapFreeMem - host->cachedSwap; } /* make copies of previously sampled values to avoid overwrite */ static inline void PCPMachine_backupCPUTime(pmAtomValue* values) { /* the PERIOD fields (must) mirror the TIME fields */ for (int metric = CPU_TOTAL_TIME; metric < CPU_TOTAL_PERIOD; metric++) { values[metric + CPU_TOTAL_PERIOD] = values[metric]; } } static inline void PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(pmAtomValue* values, CPUMetric previous, pmAtomValue* latest) { pmAtomValue* value; /* new value for period */ value = &values[previous]; if (latest->ull > value->ull) value->ull = latest->ull - value->ull; else value->ull = 0; /* new value for time */ value = &values[previous - CPU_TOTAL_PERIOD]; value->ull = latest->ull; } /* using copied sampled values and new values, calculate derivations */ static void PCPMachine_deriveCPUTime(pmAtomValue* values) { pmAtomValue* usertime = &values[CPU_USER_TIME]; pmAtomValue* guesttime = &values[CPU_GUEST_TIME]; usertime->ull -= guesttime->ull; pmAtomValue* nicetime = &values[CPU_NICE_TIME]; pmAtomValue* guestnicetime = &values[CPU_GUESTNICE_TIME]; nicetime->ull -= guestnicetime->ull; pmAtomValue* idletime = &values[CPU_IDLE_TIME]; pmAtomValue* iowaittime = &values[CPU_IOWAIT_TIME]; pmAtomValue* idlealltime = &values[CPU_IDLE_ALL_TIME]; idlealltime->ull = idletime->ull + iowaittime->ull; pmAtomValue* systemtime = &values[CPU_SYSTEM_TIME]; pmAtomValue* irqtime = &values[CPU_IRQ_TIME]; pmAtomValue* softirqtime = &values[CPU_SOFTIRQ_TIME]; pmAtomValue* systalltime = &values[CPU_SYSTEM_ALL_TIME]; systalltime->ull = systemtime->ull + irqtime->ull + softirqtime->ull; pmAtomValue* virtalltime = &values[CPU_GUEST_TIME]; virtalltime->ull = guesttime->ull + guestnicetime->ull; pmAtomValue* stealtime = &values[CPU_STEAL_TIME]; pmAtomValue* totaltime = &values[CPU_TOTAL_TIME]; totaltime->ull = usertime->ull + nicetime->ull + systalltime->ull + idlealltime->ull + stealtime->ull + virtalltime->ull; PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_USER_PERIOD, usertime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_NICE_PERIOD, nicetime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_SYSTEM_PERIOD, systemtime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_SYSTEM_ALL_PERIOD, systalltime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_IDLE_ALL_PERIOD, idlealltime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_IDLE_PERIOD, idletime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_IOWAIT_PERIOD, iowaittime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_IRQ_PERIOD, irqtime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_SOFTIRQ_PERIOD, softirqtime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_STEAL_PERIOD, stealtime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_GUEST_PERIOD, virtalltime); PCPMachine_saveCPUTimePeriod(values, CPU_TOTAL_PERIOD, totaltime); } static void PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(PCPMachine* this, Metric metric, CPUMetric cpumetric) { pmAtomValue* value = &this->cpu[cpumetric]; if (Metric_values(metric, value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64) == NULL) memset(value, 0, sizeof(pmAtomValue)); } static void PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(PCPMachine* this, Metric metric, CPUMetric cpumetric) { int cpus = this->super.existingCPUs; if (Metric_values(metric, this->values, cpus, PM_TYPE_U64) == NULL) memset(this->values, 0, cpus * sizeof(pmAtomValue)); for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) this->percpu[i][cpumetric].ull = this->values[i].ull; } static void PCPMachine_updatePerCPUReal(PCPMachine* this, Metric metric, CPUMetric cpumetric) { int cpus = this->super.existingCPUs; if (Metric_values(metric, this->values, cpus, PM_TYPE_DOUBLE) == NULL) memset(this->values, 0, cpus * sizeof(pmAtomValue)); for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) this->percpu[i][cpumetric].d = this->values[i].d; } static inline void PCPMachine_scanZswapInfo(PCPMachine* this) { pmAtomValue value; memset(&this->zswap, 0, sizeof(ZswapStats)); if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_ZSWAP, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zswap.usedZswapComp = value.ull; if (Metric_values(PCP_MEM_ZSWAPPED, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zswap.usedZswapOrig = value.ull; } static inline void PCPMachine_scanZfsArcstats(PCPMachine* this) { unsigned long long int dbufSize = 0; unsigned long long int dnodeSize = 0; unsigned long long int bonusSize = 0; pmAtomValue value; memset(&this->zfs, 0, sizeof(ZfsArcStats)); if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_ANON_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.anon = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_C_MIN, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.min = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_C_MAX, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.max = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_BONUS_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) bonusSize = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_DBUF_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) dbufSize = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_DNODE_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) dnodeSize = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_COMPRESSED_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.compressed = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.uncompressed = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_HDR_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.header = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_MFU_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.MFU = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_MRU_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.MRU = value.ull / ONE_K; if (Metric_values(PCP_ZFS_ARC_SIZE, &value, 1, PM_TYPE_U64)) this->zfs.size = value.ull / ONE_K; this->zfs.other = (dbufSize + dnodeSize + bonusSize) / ONE_K; this->zfs.enabled = (this->zfs.size > 0); this->zfs.isCompressed = (this->zfs.compressed > 0); } static void PCPMachine_scan(PCPMachine* this) { Machine* super = &this->super; PCPMachine_updateMemoryInfo(super); PCPMachine_updateCPUcount(this); PCPMachine_backupCPUTime(this->cpu); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_USER, CPU_USER_TIME); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_NICE, CPU_NICE_TIME); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_SYSTEM, CPU_SYSTEM_TIME); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_IDLE, CPU_IDLE_TIME); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_IOWAIT, CPU_IOWAIT_TIME); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_IRQ, CPU_IRQ_TIME); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_SOFTIRQ, CPU_SOFTIRQ_TIME); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_STEAL, CPU_STEAL_TIME); PCPMachine_updateAllCPUTime(this, PCP_CPU_GUEST, CPU_GUEST_TIME); PCPMachine_deriveCPUTime(this->cpu); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < super->existingCPUs; i++) PCPMachine_backupCPUTime(this->percpu[i]); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_USER, CPU_USER_TIME); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_NICE, CPU_NICE_TIME); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_SYSTEM, CPU_SYSTEM_TIME); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_IDLE, CPU_IDLE_TIME); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_IOWAIT, CPU_IOWAIT_TIME); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_IRQ, CPU_IRQ_TIME); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_SOFTIRQ, CPU_SOFTIRQ_TIME); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_STEAL, CPU_STEAL_TIME); PCPMachine_updatePerCPUTime(this, PCP_PERCPU_GUEST, CPU_GUEST_TIME); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < super->existingCPUs; i++) PCPMachine_deriveCPUTime(this->percpu[i]); if (super->settings->showCPUFrequency) PCPMachine_updatePerCPUReal(this, PCP_HINV_CPUCLOCK, CPU_FREQUENCY); PCPMachine_scanZfsArcstats(this); PCPMachine_scanZswapInfo(this); } void Machine_scan(Machine* super) { PCPMachine* host = (PCPMachine*) super; const Settings* settings = super->settings; uint32_t flags = settings->ss->flags; bool flagged; for (int metric = PCP_PROC_PID; metric < PCP_METRIC_COUNT; metric++) Metric_enable(metric, true); flagged = settings->showCPUFrequency; Metric_enable(PCP_HINV_CPUCLOCK, flagged); flagged = flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_CGROUP; Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_CGROUPS, flagged); flagged = flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_OOM; Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_OOMSCORE, flagged); flagged = flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_CTXT; Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_VCTXSW, flagged); Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_NVCTXSW, flagged); flagged = flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_SECATTR; Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_LABELS, flagged); flagged = flags & PROCESS_FLAG_LINUX_AUTOGROUP; Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_AUTOGROUP_ID, flagged); Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_AUTOGROUP_NICE, flagged); /* Sample smaps metrics on every second pass to improve performance */ host->smaps_flag = !!host->smaps_flag; Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_SMAPS_PSS, host->smaps_flag); Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_SMAPS_SWAP, host->smaps_flag); Metric_enable(PCP_PROC_SMAPS_SWAPPSS, host->smaps_flag); struct timeval timestamp; if (Metric_fetch(×tamp) != true) return; double sample = host->timestamp; host->timestamp = pmtimevalToReal(×tamp); host->period = (host->timestamp - sample) * 100; PCPMachine_scan(host); } Machine* Machine_new(UsersTable* usersTable, uid_t userId) { PCPMachine* this = xCalloc(1, sizeof(PCPMachine)); Machine* super = &this->super; Machine_init(super, usersTable, userId); struct timeval timestamp; gettimeofday(×tamp, NULL); this->timestamp = pmtimevalToReal(×tamp); this->cpu = xCalloc(CPU_METRIC_COUNT, sizeof(pmAtomValue)); PCPMachine_updateCPUcount(this); Platform_updateTables(super); return super; } void Machine_delete(Machine* super) { PCPMachine* this = (PCPMachine*) super; Machine_done(super); free(this->values); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < super->existingCPUs; i++) free(this->percpu[i]); free(this->percpu); free(this->cpu); free(this); } bool Machine_isCPUonline(const Machine* host, unsigned int id) { assert(id < host->existingCPUs); (void) host; pmAtomValue value; if (Metric_instance(PCP_PERCPU_SYSTEM, id, id, &value, PM_TYPE_U32)) return true; return false; }