$mArray_begin) $times[] = $start_date_unixtime; $times = restrict_bysetpos($times, $freq); $times = array_unique($times); sort($times); } foreach ($times as $time) { if (!isset($time) || $time == '') continue; // Why are we arbitrarily setting the time to noon? $date = date('Ymd', $time); $time = strtotime($date . ' 12:00:00'); $until_date = date('Ymd', $until_unixtime); $until_unixtime = strtotime($until_date . ' 12:00:00'); # day offset fixes shifts across day boundaries due to time diffs. # These are already fixed for the initial instance, but need to be fixed for recurrences if (date('Ymd', $time) != $start_date) $time = $time + ($day_offset * 24 * 60 * 60); if ((isset($time)) && (!in_array($time, $recur_data)) && (!in_array($date, $except_dates)) && ($time <= $until_unixtime) && ($time >= $start_date_unixtime) && ($date <= $until_date)) { $count--; if (($time >= $mArray_begin) && ($time <= $mArray_end) ($count >= 0)) { $recur_data[] = $time; } } else if (in_array($date, $except_dates)) { $count--; } else if (in_array($date, $except_dates)) { $count--; } } #dump_times($recur_data); return; } function expand_bymonth($time) { global $bymonth, $byweekno, $bymonthday, $year, $start_unixtime, $freq_type; if (!empty($byweekno)) return $time; if (empty($bymonth)) $bymonth = array(date('m', $start_unixtime)); $d = date('d', $start_unixtime); if (!empty($bymonthday)) $d = 1; foreach ($bymonth as $m) { $time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $m, $d, $year); $times[] = $time; } return $times; } function expand_byweekno($times) { global $byweekno, $year, $freq_type, $wkst, $wkst3char; # byweekno is only used when repeat is yearly # when it's set, the input times are irrelevant # it also needs a byday. if ($freq_type != 'year') return $times; if (empty($byweekno)) return $times; $total_weeks = date('W', mktime(12, 0, 0, 12, 24, $year)) + 1; $w1_start = strtotime('this ' . $wkst3char, mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year)); foreach ($byweekno as $weekno) { if ($weekno < 0) { $weekno = $weekno + $total_weeks; } $new_times[] = strtotime('+' . (($weekno - 1) * 7) . ' days', $w1_start); } #dump_times($new_times); return $new_times; } function expand_byyearday($times) { global $byyearday, $year; if (empty($byyearday)) return $times; $py = $year-1; $ny = $year+1; $new_times = array(); foreach ($times as $time){ foreach ($byyearday as $yearday) { if ($yearday > 0) { $day = strtotime('+' . $yearday . ' days Dec 31, ' . $py); } else { $day = strtotime('Jan 1 ' . $ny . ' ' . $yearday . ' days'); } if (date('Y', $day == $year)) $new_times[] = $day; } } # dump_times($new_times); return $new_times; } function expand_bymonthday($times) { global $bymonthday, $year; if (empty($bymonthday)) return $times; foreach ($times as $time) { $month = date('m', $time); foreach ($bymonthday as $monthday) { if ($monthday < 0) { $monthday = (date('t', $time) + $monthday + 1); } $new_times[] = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, $monthday, $year); } } return $new_times; } function expand_byday($time) { global $freq_type, $byday, $bymonth,$byweekno, $wkst3char, $year, $month, $start_unixtime, $summary; if (empty($byday)) return array($time); $times = array(); $the_sunday = dateOfWeek(date('Ymd', $time), $wkst3char); foreach ($byday as $key => $day) { /* set $byday_arr [0] => byday string, e.g. 4TH [1] => sign/modifier [2] => 4 number [3] => TH day abbr */ ereg ('([-\+]{0,1})?([0-9]+)?([A-Z]{2})', $day, $byday_arr); $on_day = two2threeCharDays($byday_arr[3]); switch ($freq_type) { case 'week': #need to find the first day of the appropriate week. $next_date_time = strtotime('this ' . $on_day, strtotime($the_sunday)) + (12 * 60 * 60); $times[] = $next_date_time; break; case 'month': $time = mktime(12, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year); // FIXME: Is this supposed to fall through? case 'year': if (empty($byweekno)) { $week_arr = array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); if(isset($byday_arr[2]) && $byday_arr[2] !='') $week_arr = array($byday_arr[2]); $month_start = strtotime(date('Ym01', $time)) - (24 * 60 * 60); $month_end = strtotime(date('Ymt', $time)) + (36 * 60 * 60); if ($freq_type == 'year' && empty($bymonth)) { $month_start = mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 0, $year); $month_end = mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year + 1); } $month_start_day = strtolower(date('D', $month_start)); foreach ($week_arr as $week) { if ($byday_arr[1] == '-') { $next_date_time = strtotime($byday_arr[1] . $week . $on_day, $month_end); } else { # we need this special offset in case the event day coincides with the month start day # eg: month starts on a Sunday, our event is the Nth Sunday of the month... without this # special offset, the event will be added to the (N+1)th Sunday of the month $special_offset = ($month_start_day == $on_day) ? (24 * 60 * 60) : 0; $next_date_time = strtotime($byday_arr[1] . $week . $on_day, ($month_start + $special_offset)); } # check that we're still in the same month if (date('m', $next_date_time) == date('m', $time)) $times[] = $next_date_time; } } else { # byweekno should act like freq_type = week $next_date_time = strtotime('this ' . $on_day, strtotime($the_sunday)) + (12 * 60 * 60); $times[] = $next_date_time; } break; default: $month_start = strtotime(date('Ym01', $time)); $next_date_time = strtotime($byday_arr[1] . $byday_arr[2] . $on_day, $month_start); break; } } return $times; } function restrict_bymonth($times, $freq = '') { global $bymonth, $byyearday; if (empty($bymonth) || !empty($byyearday)) return $times; $new_times = array(); foreach ($times as $time) { if (in_array(date('m', $time), $bymonth)) $new_times[] = $time; } return $new_times; } function restrict_byweekno($times, $freq = '') { global $byweekno; if (empty($byweekno)) return $times; $new_times = array(); foreach ($times as $time) { if (in_array(date('W', $time), $byweekno)) $new_times[] = $time; } return $new_times; } function restrict_byyearday($times, $freq = '') { global $byyearday; if (empty($byyearday)) return $times; $new_times = array(); foreach ($times as $time) { foreach ($byyearday as $yearday) { if ($yearday < 0) { $yearday = 365 + $yearday + 1; if (date('L', $time)) $yearday += 1; } $yearday_arr[] = $yearday; } # date('z', $time) gives 0 for Jan 1 if (in_array((date('z', $time) + 1), $yearday_arr)) $new_times[] = $time; } return $new_times; } function restrict_bymonthday($times, $freq = '') { global $bymonthday; if (empty($bymonthday)) return $times; $new_times = array(); foreach ($times as $time) { foreach ($bymonthday as $monthday) { if ($monthday < 0) { $monthday = date('t', $time) + $monthday + 1; } $monthday_arr[] = $monthday; } if (in_array(date('j', $time), $monthday_arr)) $new_times[] = $time; } return $new_times; } function restrict_byday($times, $freq = '') { global $byday; if (empty($byday)) return $times; foreach ($byday as $key => $day) { /* set $byday_arr [0] => byday string, e.g. 4TH [1] => sign/modifier [2] => 4 number [3] => TH day abbr */ ereg ('([-\+]{0,1})?([0-9]{1})?([A-Z]{2})', $day, $byday_arr); $byday3[] = two2threeCharDays($byday_arr[3]); } $new_times = array(); foreach ($times as $time) { if (in_array(strtolower(date('D', $time)), $byday3)) $new_times[] = $time; } return $new_times; } function restrict_bysetpos($times, $freq = '') { global $bysetpos; if (empty($bysetpos)) return $times; sort($times); $new_times = array(); foreach ($bysetpos as $setpos) { $new_times[] = implode('', array_slice($times, $setpos, 1)); } return $new_times; } # for diagnostics function dump_times($times) { global $summary; echo '
' . $summary . ' times:';
	foreach ($times as $time) {
		echo "\ndate:" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $time);
	echo '
'; }