path: root/ProcessList.c
diff options
authorNathan Scott <>2023-08-22 16:11:05 +1000
committerNathan Scott <>2023-08-30 13:11:57 +1000
commit0f751e991d399769fb8d7800f7c4bccec2ca7f60 (patch)
tree34cd7838f7ebf51049816f9acb6a63cea175af06 /ProcessList.c
parent68f4f10f012d11bd57bb725fe4113b2af937fc1d (diff)
Introduce Row and Table classes for screens beyond top-processes
This commit refactors the Process and ProcessList structures such they each have a new parent - Row and Table, respectively. These new classes handle screen updates relating to anything that could be represented in tabular format, e.g. cgroups, filesystems, etc, without us having to reimplement the display logic repeatedly for each new entity.
Diffstat (limited to 'ProcessList.c')
1 files changed, 41 insertions, 420 deletions
diff --git a/ProcessList.c b/ProcessList.c
index 58e63d03..516dcd7c 100644
--- a/ProcessList.c
+++ b/ProcessList.c
@@ -21,453 +21,74 @@ in the source distribution for its full text.
void ProcessList_init(ProcessList* this, const ObjectClass* klass, Machine* host, Hashtable* pidMatchList) {
- this->processes = Vector_new(klass, true, DEFAULT_SIZE);
- this->displayList = Vector_new(klass, false, DEFAULT_SIZE);
- this->processTable = Hashtable_new(200, false);
+ Table_init(&this->super, klass, host);
this->pidMatchList = pidMatchList;
- this->needsSort = true;
- this->following = -1;
- this->host = host;
void ProcessList_done(ProcessList* this) {
- Hashtable_delete(this->processTable);
- Vector_delete(this->displayList);
- Vector_delete(this->processes);
-void ProcessList_setPanel(ProcessList* this, Panel* panel) {
- this->panel = panel;
-// helper function to fill an aligned title string for a dynamic column
-static const char* alignedTitleDynamicColumn(const Settings* settings, int key, char* titleBuffer, size_t titleBufferSize) {
- const DynamicColumn* column = Hashtable_get(settings->dynamicColumns, key);
- if (column == NULL)
- return "- ";
- int width = column->width;
- if (!width || abs(width) > DYNAMIC_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH)
- xSnprintf(titleBuffer, titleBufferSize, "%*s", width, column->heading);
- return titleBuffer;
-// helper function to fill an aligned title string for a process field
-static const char* alignedTitleProcessField(ProcessField field, char* titleBuffer, size_t titleBufferSize) {
- const char* title = Process_fields[field].title;
- if (!title)
- return "- ";
- if (Process_fields[field].pidColumn) {
- xSnprintf(titleBuffer, titleBufferSize, "%*s ", Process_pidDigits, title);
- return titleBuffer;
- }
- if (field == ST_UID) {
- xSnprintf(titleBuffer, titleBufferSize, "%*s ", Process_uidDigits, title);
- return titleBuffer;
- }
- if (Process_fields[field].autoWidth) {
- if (field == PERCENT_CPU)
- xSnprintf(titleBuffer, titleBufferSize, "%*s ", Process_fieldWidths[field], title);
- else
- xSnprintf(titleBuffer, titleBufferSize, "%-*.*s ", Process_fieldWidths[field], Process_fieldWidths[field], title);
- return titleBuffer;
- }
- return title;
-// helper function to create an aligned title string for a given field
-static const char* ProcessField_alignedTitle(const Settings* settings, ProcessField field) {
- static char titleBuffer[UINT8_MAX + sizeof(" ")];
- assert(sizeof(titleBuffer) >= DYNAMIC_MAX_COLUMN_WIDTH + sizeof(" "));
- assert(sizeof(titleBuffer) >= PROCESS_MAX_PID_DIGITS + sizeof(" "));
- assert(sizeof(titleBuffer) >= PROCESS_MAX_UID_DIGITS + sizeof(" "));
- if (field < LAST_PROCESSFIELD)
- return alignedTitleProcessField(field, titleBuffer, sizeof(titleBuffer));
- return alignedTitleDynamicColumn(settings, field, titleBuffer, sizeof(titleBuffer));
-void ProcessList_printHeader(const ProcessList* this, RichString* header) {
- RichString_rewind(header, RichString_size(header));
- const Settings* settings = this->host->settings;
- const ScreenSettings* ss = settings->ss;
- const ProcessField* fields = ss->fields;
- ProcessField key = ScreenSettings_getActiveSortKey(ss);
- for (int i = 0; fields[i]; i++) {
- int color;
- if (ss->treeView && ss->treeViewAlwaysByPID) {
- color = CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS];
- } else if (key == fields[i]) {
- color = CRT_colors[PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS];
- } else {
- color = CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS];
- }
- RichString_appendWide(header, color, ProcessField_alignedTitle(settings, fields[i]));
- if (key == fields[i] && RichString_getCharVal(*header, RichString_size(header) - 1) == ' ') {
- bool ascending = ScreenSettings_getActiveDirection(ss) == 1;
- RichString_rewind(header, 1); // rewind to override space
- RichString_appendnWide(header,
- CRT_treeStr[ascending ? TREE_STR_ASC : TREE_STR_DESC],
- 1);
- }
- if (COMM == fields[i] && settings->showMergedCommand) {
- RichString_appendAscii(header, color, "(merged)");
- }
- }
-void ProcessList_add(ProcessList* this, Process* p) {
- assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidEqualCompare) == -1);
- assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) == NULL);
- // highlighting processes found in first scan by first scan marked "far in the past"
- p->seenStampMs = this->host->monotonicMs;
- Vector_add(this->processes, p);
- Hashtable_put(this->processTable, p->pid, p);
- assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, p, Process_pidEqualCompare) != -1);
- assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, p->pid) != NULL);
- assert(Vector_countEquals(this->processes, Hashtable_count(this->processTable)));
-// ProcessList_removeIndex removes Process p from the list's map and soft deletes
-// it from its vector. Vector_compact *must* be called once the caller is done
-// removing items.
-// Should only be called from ProcessList_scan to avoid breaking dying process highlighting.
-static void ProcessList_removeIndex(ProcessList* this, const Process* p, int idx) {
- pid_t pid = p->pid;
- assert(p == (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, idx));
- assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid) != NULL);
- Hashtable_remove(this->processTable, pid);
- Vector_softRemove(this->processes, idx);
- if (this->following != -1 && this->following == pid) {
- this->following = -1;
- Panel_setSelectionColor(this->panel, PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS);
- }
- assert(Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid) == NULL);
- assert(Vector_countEquals(this->processes, Hashtable_count(this->processTable)));
-static void ProcessList_buildTreeBranch(ProcessList* this, pid_t pid, unsigned int level, int32_t indent, bool show) {
- // On OpenBSD the kernel thread 'swapper' has pid 0.
- // Do not treat it as root of any tree.
- if (pid == 0)
- return;
- // The vector is sorted by parent PID, find the start of the range by bisection
- int vsize = Vector_size(this->processes);
- int l = 0;
- int r = vsize;
- while (l < r) {
- int c = (l + r) / 2;
- Process* process = (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, c);
- pid_t ppid = process->isRoot ? 0 : Process_getParentPid(process);
- if (ppid < pid) {
- l = c + 1;
- } else {
- r = c;
- }
- }
- // Find the end to know the last line for indent handling purposes
- int lastShown = r;
- while (r < vsize) {
- Process* process = (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, r);
- if (!Process_isChildOf(process, pid))
- break;
- if (process->show)
- lastShown = r;
- r++;
- }
- for (int i = l; i < r; i++) {
- Process* process = (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, i);
- if (!show) {
- process->show = false;
- }
- Vector_add(this->displayList, process);
- int32_t nextIndent = indent | ((int32_t)1 << MINIMUM(level, sizeof(process->indent) * 8 - 2));
- ProcessList_buildTreeBranch(this, process->pid, level + 1, (i < lastShown) ? nextIndent : indent, process->show && process->showChildren);
- if (i == lastShown) {
- process->indent = -nextIndent;
- } else {
- process->indent = nextIndent;
- }
- process->tree_depth = level + 1;
- }
-static int compareProcessByKnownParentThenNatural(const void* v1, const void* v2) {
- const Process* p1 = (const Process*)v1;
- const Process* p2 = (const Process*)v2;
- int result = SPACESHIP_NUMBER(
- p1->isRoot ? 0 : Process_getParentPid(p1),
- p2->isRoot ? 0 : Process_getParentPid(p2)
- );
- if (result != 0)
- return result;
- return Process_compare(v1, v2);
-// Builds a sorted tree from scratch, without relying on previously gathered information
-static void ProcessList_buildTree(ProcessList* this) {
- Vector_prune(this->displayList);
- // Mark root processes
- int vsize = Vector_size(this->processes);
- for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
- Process* process = (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, i);
- pid_t ppid = Process_getParentPid(process);
- process->isRoot = false;
- // If PID corresponds with PPID (e.g. "kernel_task" (PID:0, PPID:0)
- // on Mac OS X 10.11.6) regard this process as root.
- if (process->pid == ppid) {
- process->isRoot = true;
- continue;
- }
- // On Linux both the init process (pid 1) and the root UMH kernel thread (pid 2)
- // use a ppid of 0. As that PID can't exist, we can skip searching for it.
- if (!ppid) {
- process->isRoot = true;
- continue;
- }
- // We don't know about its parent for whatever reason
- if (ProcessList_findProcess(this, ppid) == NULL)
- process->isRoot = true;
- }
- // Sort by known parent PID (roots first), then PID
- Vector_quickSortCustomCompare(this->processes, compareProcessByKnownParentThenNatural);
- // Find all processes whose parent is not visible
- for (int i = 0; i < vsize; i++) {
- Process* process = (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, i);
- // If parent not found, then construct the tree with this node as root
- if (process->isRoot) {
- process = (Process*)Vector_get(this->processes, i);
- process->indent = 0;
- process->tree_depth = 0;
- Vector_add(this->displayList, process);
- ProcessList_buildTreeBranch(this, process->pid, 0, 0, process->showChildren);
- continue;
- }
- }
- this->needsSort = false;
- // Check consistency of the built structures
- assert(Vector_size(this->displayList) == vsize); (void)vsize;
-void ProcessList_updateDisplayList(ProcessList* this) {
- if (this->host->settings->ss->treeView) {
- if (this->needsSort)
- ProcessList_buildTree(this);
- } else {
- if (this->needsSort)
- Vector_insertionSort(this->processes);
- Vector_prune(this->displayList);
- int size = Vector_size(this->processes);
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
- Vector_add(this->displayList, Vector_get(this->processes, i));
- }
- this->needsSort = false;
-ProcessField ProcessList_keyAt(const ProcessList* this, int at) {
- int x = 0;
- const Settings* settings = this->host->settings;
- const ProcessField* fields = settings->ss->fields;
- ProcessField field;
- for (int i = 0; (field = fields[i]); i++) {
- int len = strlen(ProcessField_alignedTitle(settings, field));
- if (at >= x && at <= x + len) {
- return field;
- }
- x += len;
- }
- return COMM;
-void ProcessList_expandTree(ProcessList* this) {
- int size = Vector_size(this->processes);
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- Process* process = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i);
- process->showChildren = true;
- }
-// Called on collapse-all toggle and on startup, possibly in non-tree mode
-void ProcessList_collapseAllBranches(ProcessList* this) {
- ProcessList_buildTree(this); // Update `tree_depth` fields of the processes
- this->needsSort = true; // ProcessList is sorted by parent now, force new sort
- int size = Vector_size(this->processes);
- for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- Process* process = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i);
- // FreeBSD has pid 0 = kernel and pid 1 = init, so init has tree_depth = 1
- if (process->tree_depth > 0 && process->pid > 1)
- process->showChildren = false;
- }
-void ProcessList_rebuildPanel(ProcessList* this) {
- ProcessList_updateDisplayList(this);
- const char* incFilter = this->incFilter;
- const int currPos = Panel_getSelectedIndex(this->panel);
- const int currScrollV = this->panel->scrollV;
- const int currSize = Panel_size(this->panel);
- Panel_prune(this->panel);
- /* Follow main process if followed a userland thread and threads are now hidden */
- const Machine* host= this->host;
- const Settings* settings = host->settings;
- if (this->following != -1 && settings->hideUserlandThreads) {
- const Process* followedProcess = (const Process*) Hashtable_get(this->processTable, this->following);
- if (followedProcess && Process_isThread(followedProcess) && Hashtable_get(this->processTable, followedProcess->tgid) != NULL) {
- this->following = followedProcess->tgid;
- }
- }
- const int processCount = Vector_size(this->displayList);
- int idx = 0;
- bool foundFollowed = false;
- for (int i = 0; i < processCount; i++) {
- Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->displayList, i);
- if ( (!p->show)
- || (host->userId != (uid_t) -1 && (p->st_uid != host->userId))
- || (incFilter && !(String_contains_i(Process_getCommand(p), incFilter, true)))
- || (this->pidMatchList && !Hashtable_get(this->pidMatchList, p->tgid)) )
- continue;
- Panel_set(this->panel, idx, (Object*)p);
- if (this->following != -1 && p->pid == this->following) {
- foundFollowed = true;
- Panel_setSelected(this->panel, idx);
- /* Keep scroll position relative to followed process */
- this->panel->scrollV = idx - (currPos-currScrollV);
- }
- idx++;
- }
- if (this->following != -1 && !foundFollowed) {
- /* Reset if current followed pid not found */
- this->following = -1;
- Panel_setSelectionColor(this->panel, PANEL_SELECTION_FOCUS);
- }
- if (this->following == -1) {
- /* If the last item was selected, keep the new last item selected */
- if (currPos > 0 && currPos == currSize - 1)
- Panel_setSelected(this->panel, Panel_size(this->panel) - 1);
- else
- Panel_setSelected(this->panel, currPos);
- this->panel->scrollV = currScrollV;
- }
+ Table_done(&this->super);
Process* ProcessList_getProcess(ProcessList* this, pid_t pid, bool* preExisting, Process_New constructor) {
- Process* proc = (Process*) Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid);
+ const Table* table = &this->super;
+ Process* proc = (Process*) Hashtable_get(table->table, pid);
*preExisting = proc != NULL;
if (proc) {
- assert(Vector_indexOf(this->processes, proc, Process_pidEqualCompare) != -1);
- assert(proc->pid == pid);
+ assert(Vector_indexOf(table->rows, proc, Row_idEqualCompare) != -1);
+ assert(Process_getPid(proc) == pid);
} else {
- proc = constructor(this->host);
+ proc = constructor(table->host);
assert(proc->cmdline == NULL);
- proc->pid = pid;
+ Process_setPid(proc, pid);
return proc;
-void ProcessList_scan(ProcessList* this) {
- // mark all process as "dirty"
- for (int i = 0; i < Vector_size(this->processes); i++) {
- Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i);
- p->updated = false;
- p->wasShown = p->show;
- p->show = true;
- }
+static void ProcessList_prepareEntries(Table* super) {
+ ProcessList* this = (ProcessList*) super;
this->totalTasks = 0;
this->userlandThreads = 0;
this->kernelThreads = 0;
this->runningTasks = 0;
- Process_resetFieldWidths();
- // set scan timestamp
- static bool firstScanDone = false;
- Machine* host = this->host;
- if (firstScanDone) {
- Platform_gettime_monotonic(&host->monotonicMs);
- } else {
- host->monotonicMs = 0;
- firstScanDone = true;
- }
+ Table_prepareEntries(super);
+static void ProcessList_iterateEntries(Table* super) {
+ ProcessList* this = (ProcessList*) super;
+ // calling into platform-specific code
- uid_t maxUid = 0;
+static void ProcessList_cleanupEntries(Table* super) {
+ Machine* host = super->host;
const Settings* settings = host->settings;
- for (int i = Vector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
- Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(this->processes, i);
- Process_makeCommandStr(p);
+ // Finish process table update, culling any exit'd processes
+ for (int i = Vector_size(super->rows) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ Process* p = (Process*) Vector_get(super->rows, i);
+ // tidy up Process state after refreshing the ProcessList table
+ Process_makeCommandStr(p, settings);
// keep track of the highest UID for column scaling
- if (p->st_uid > maxUid)
- maxUid = p->st_uid;
+ if (p->st_uid > host->maxUserId)
+ host->maxUserId = p->st_uid;
- if (p->tombStampMs > 0) {
- // remove tombed process
- if (host->monotonicMs >= p->tombStampMs) {
- ProcessList_removeIndex(this, p, i);
- }
- } else if (p->updated == false) {
- // process no longer exists
- if (settings->highlightChanges && p->wasShown) {
- // mark tombed
- p->tombStampMs = host->monotonicMs + 1000 * settings->highlightDelaySecs;
- } else {
- // immediately remove
- ProcessList_removeIndex(this, p, i);
- }
- }
+ Table_cleanupRow(super, (Row*) p, i);
- // Compact the processes vector in case of any deletions
- Vector_compact(this->processes);
- // Set UID column width based on max UID.
- Process_setUidColumnWidth(maxUid);
+ // compact the table in case of deletions
+ Table_compact(super);
+const TableClass ProcessList_class = {
+ .super = {
+ .extends = Class(Table),
+ .delete = ProcessList_delete,
+ },
+ .prepare = ProcessList_prepareEntries,
+ .iterate = ProcessList_iterateEntries,
+ .cleanup = ProcessList_cleanupEntries,

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