LTS regression update

It was discovered that there was a regression in a previous fix, which resulted in the following error:

ERROR: cannot compile regular expression: Error while compiling regular expression ^(?:[^%]+|%%)*%[+- 0#]?[0-9]*([.][0-9]+)?l[eEfF](?:[^%]+|%%) *%s(?:[^%]+|%%)*$ at char 18: range out of order in character class (^(?:[ ^%]+|%%)*%[+- 0#]?[0-9]*([.][0-9]+)?l[eEfF](?:[^%]+|%%)*%s(?:[^%]+|%%)*$)

For Debian 8 Jessie, this problem has been fixed in version 1.4.8-1.2+deb8u2.

We recommend that you upgrade your rrdtool packages.

Further information about Debian LTS security advisories, how to apply these updates to your system and frequently asked questions can be found at:

# do not modify the following line #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/lts/security/2020/" # $Id: $