#use wml::debian::template title="Debian 书籍" GEN_TIME="yes" #include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/books.def" #use wml::debian::translation-check translation="193117c6582ca2ae3a4f481d2b76ddcaaebf8768" # Greetings translators! # As you may have noticed, we have changed the system for handling this # list: from now translation of the blurb of books will be managed with # gettext through the # doc.XX.po file (where XX is the code of your language), located at # webwml/$lang/po directory. # You can add directly there the translation for the description of # books, and they will be automagically included in the book list page. # More information about the translation of PO strings of the website are # available in the README file at webwml/english/po. For any doubt, # please contact debian-www@lists.debian.org


#include "$(ENGLISHDIR)/doc/books.data"

添加新的 Debian 书籍

如果您想在这里列出您的书籍,请用英语发送邮件到 <books@debian.org>。

删除 Debian 书籍

如果一本书基于已停止维护的发行版(早于 oldstable), 我们可能会删除它。

您也可以请求删除您的书籍。 例如,如果这本书绝版了,就可以要求删除。 请使用上一段中建议的方法与我们联系。