#!/usr/bin/perl # # This is a little utility designed to keep track of translations # in the Debian web site Subversion repository. # ## For information about translation revisions please see ## https://www.debian.org/devel/website/uptodate # # Copyright (C) 2008 Bas Zoetekouw # Based on on code from: # Copyright (C) 1998 Paolo Molaro # Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Peter Karlsson # Copyright (C) 2000,2001 Martin Quinson # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. # # # Invocation: # check_trans.pl [-cdlvqQ] [-C dir] [-p pattern] [-s subtree] # [-m { -n | -M } [-g] ] # [-t outputtype] # [language] # # It needs to be run from the top level webwml directory. # If you don't specify a language on the command line, the language name # will be loaded from a file called language.conf, if such a file exists. # # For example: # $ check_trans.pl -v italian # You may also check only some subtrees as in: # $ check_trans.pl -s devel italian # # Options: # -Q be really quiet (only show errors/warnings on stderr) # -q just don't whine about missing files # -v show the status of all files (verbose) # -V output what we're doing (very verbose) # -d output diffs # -l output log messages # -T output translated diffs # -p include only files matching , # default is *.src|*.wml # -s check only that subtree # -a output age of translation (if older than 2 months) # -c disable use of color in the output # # Options useful when sending mails: # -m sends mails to translation maintainers as specified in # in database in $lang/international/$lang/translator.db.pl # PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE BELOW TEXT ABOUT MAKING MAILS! # -n <1|2|3> send mails of priority upper or equal to 1 (monthly), # 2 (weekly) or 3 (daily), as specified in the translator # database # -M instead of using the translator database, send all email # the specified address. The translator database is not # used. # -g instead of sending mails, dump them to the console # (no mails will be sent) # # GENERATING EMAILS # If you want to, this script send mails to the maintainer of the mails. # BEWARE, SOME PEOPLE DO NOT LIKE TO RECEIVE AUTOMATIC MAILS! # # PREREQUISITES: # You will need one database: # - one in which to get info about translators and the frequency at # which they want to get mails. It must be named # webwml/$lang/international/$lang/translator.db.pl # Please refer to the French one for more info. # # USAGE: # If you give the "-g" option, all mails are written to the console. No # mails are sent out at all. This is useful for debugging. # If you specify an email addres with the "-M" options, all mails are sent # to the specified addressee. No mails are sent to any other addresses. It # is useful if you want to run it for yourself. # Without either of these options, real mails will be sent to real # addresses. # MAKE SURE THE ADDRESSEES REALLY WANT TO GET THESE MAILS! use Getopt::Std; use File::Basename; use File::Spec::Functions; use Term::ANSIColor; use Encode; #use Data::Dumper; use FindBin; FindBin::again(); # These modules reside under webwml/Perl use lib "$FindBin::Bin/Perl"; use Local::VCS ':all'; use Local::Util qw/ uniq read_file /; use Local::WmlDiffTrans; use Webwml::TransCheck; use Webwml::TransIgnore; use strict; use warnings; # global variable to record verbosity my $VERBOSE = 0; # default files to process my $DEFAULT_PATTERN = '(?:\.wml|\.src)$'; # status codes use constant { ST_MISSING => 1, ST_NEEDSUPDATE => 3, ST_UPTODATE => 4, ST_NOTATRANSL => 5, ST_BROKEN => 6, ST_OBSOLETE => 7, ST_UNDEFINED => 8, }; # how to colour each different status my %COLOURS = ( main::ST_MISSING => 'magenta', main::ST_NEEDSUPDATE => 'blue', main::ST_UPTODATE => 'green', main::ST_NOTATRANSL => 'yellow', main::ST_BROKEN => 'red', main::ST_OBSOLETE => 'red', main::ST_UNDEFINED => 'red', 'warn' => 'bold red', ); # default values for sending mails my $MY_EMAIL = q{Debian WWW translation watch }; my $DEFAULT_SUBJECT = q{Debian web page translations needing updates}; (my $DEFAULT_BODY = <<"EOF") =~ s/^\t//gm; Hi! This is an automatic message providing an overview of Debian webpages of which the translation is outdated. Kind regards, Your automatic daemon. EOF # these is called in "main" so need to be declared here sub switch_var(\$\$); sub verbose; #================================================= #== "main" #== { # install a signal handler to catch Ctrl-C $SIG{'INT'} = \&handle_INT; # parse the command line my ($language,$file_pattern,%OPT) = parse_cmdargs(); # read the tranlator db if we need it (-n was specified) my %translators = $OPT{n} ? read_translators( $language ) : (); # this hash will be used to store the emails we want to send out my %emails_to_send; # the subdirs where the english and translated files are located my $english_path = 'english'; my $language_path = $language; # -s allows the user to restrict processing to a subtree my $subdir = $OPT{'s'} || undef; # Global .transignore my $transignore = Webwml::TransIgnore->new( vcs_get_topdir ); # first get a list with revision information from all files in english... my %english_revs = vcs_path_info( $english_path, 'recursive' => 1, 'match_pat' => $file_pattern, 'skip_pat' => '^template/' ); # ... and in the translation my %translation_revs = vcs_path_info( $language_path, 'recursive' => 1, 'match_pat' => $file_pattern, 'skip_pat' => '^template/' ); # construct a list with all files that either occur in english or # in the translation my @files = uniq ( keys %english_revs, keys %translation_revs ); # now check each of the files foreach my $file (sort @files) { # ignore this file? next if $transignore->is_global( $file ); next if $subdir and not $file =~ m{^$subdir}; # note: $language is the name of the current language we're # processing, whereas $transl is the name of the language which the # current file is translated into (which might be english!) my $orig = 'english'; my $transl = $language; my $file_orig = catfile( $orig, $file ); my $file_transl = catfile( $transl, $file ); my $revinfo_orig = $english_revs{$file}; my $revinfo_transl = $translation_revs{$file}; # TODO: put this in a separate function # first we check if the translated file has an origin other than # english if ( -e $file_transl ) { my $transcheck = Webwml::TransCheck->new( $file_transl ); my $original_lang = $transcheck->original(); if ( $original_lang and $original_lang ne 'english' ) { die( "Unknown original language `$original_lang' " ."for `$file_transl'\n" ) unless -d $original_lang; verbose "`$file_transl' is translated from $original_lang"; # now, we use the correct (non-english) original file $file_orig = catfile( $original_lang, $file ); # and find the correct revision info for this file $revinfo_orig = { vcs_file_info( $file_orig ) }; } } # TODO: put this in a separate function # secondly, we check if perhaps the original file is a translation # (such as in the case of english/international/Swedish/index.wml) if ( -e $file_transl and -e $file_orig ) { my $transcheck = Webwml::TransCheck->new( $file_orig ); my $original_lang = $transcheck->original(); my $rev = $transcheck->revision(); if ( $rev ) { ## This check is too strict: some translators like to translate ##from other translations rather than from the original english ##(see e.g., danish/international/Norwegian.wml) #if ( not $original_lang ) #{ # # TODO: ideally, this would also be mailed out to the # # translation team # warn "`$file_orig' has a revision header but no origin language\n"; # next; #} if ( $original_lang and $original_lang eq $language ) { verbose "`$file_orig' is a translation from $language"; # switch $orig and $transl switch_var( $orig, $transl ); switch_var( $file_orig, $file_transl ); switch_var( $revinfo_orig, $revinfo_transl ); } } } # skip original files (i.e., most of english) next if ( $file_orig eq $file_transl ); # determine the status of the file my ($status,$str,$rev_transl,$maintainer,$maxdelta) = check_file( $file, $orig, $transl, $revinfo_orig, $revinfo_transl, ); ###################################################################### ## Everything below is just output logic ###################################################################### # print info if ( ( $OPT{v} ) or ( $status == ST_MISSING and not $OPT{q} ) or ( $status != ST_MISSING and $status != ST_UPTODATE and $status != ST_NOTATRANSL ) ) { print colored( "$str\n", $COLOURS{$status} ); } # check age of the translation if ( $OPT{a} and $status == ST_NEEDSUPDATE ) { my $age = int get_revision_age( $revinfo_transl ); # only warn if the translation is older than 2 weeks if ( $age > 14 ) { print colored( "$file is outdated by $age days\n", $COLOURS{warn} ); } } # print log if requested and an update is needed if ( $OPT{'l'} and $status == ST_NEEDSUPDATE ) { my $log = get_log( $file_orig, $rev_transl, $revinfo_orig->{'cmt_rev'}, ); print $log; } # print diff if requested and an update is needed if ( $OPT{'d'} and $status == ST_NEEDSUPDATE ) { my $diff = get_diff( $file_orig, $rev_transl, $revinfo_orig->{'cmt_rev'}, ); print $diff; } # print text diff, if requested and an update is needed if ( $OPT{'T'} and $status == ST_NEEDSUPDATE ) { my $diff = get_diff_txt( $file_orig, $rev_transl, $revinfo_orig->{'cmt_rev'}, $file_transl ); print $diff; } # prepare a mail to be sent if ( $OPT{'m'} and $status != ST_UPTODATE ) { # -M was specified, so all mails to there if ( $OPT{'M'} ) { $maintainer = 'default'; # don't send mail about untranslated files if -q was specified $maintainer = 'none' if $status == ST_MISSING and $OPT{'q'} } else # addresses from the database is used { # handle special case maintainer fields $maintainer = 'unmaintained' unless $maintainer and exists $translators{$maintainer}; $maintainer = 'untranslated' if $status == ST_MISSING; } verbose "Found maintainer $maintainer for this file"; # mail to send to the maintainer push @{ $emails_to_send{$maintainer} }, { 'file' => $file, 'status' => $status, 'info' => $str, 'last_trans_rev' => $rev_transl, }; # additionally, if -n was specified, also see if we need to # send a mail to maxdelta if ( $OPT{'n'} and $status != ST_MISSING and -e $file_orig ) { $maxdelta ||= $translators{maxdelta}{maxdelta} || 5; my $delta; $delta = vcs_count_changes( $file_orig, $rev_transl, 'HEAD' ); if ( $delta >= $maxdelta ) { push @{ $emails_to_send{'maxdelta'} }, { 'file' => $file, 'status' => $status, 'info' => $str, 'delta' => $delta, 'last_trans_rev' => $rev_transl, } } } } } send_email( \%emails_to_send, \%translators, $language, $OPT{'n'}, $OPT{'M'}, $OPT{'g'} ); exit 0; } die("Never reached"); #================================================= #== swich two variables around #== sub switch_var(\$\$) { my $a = shift; my $b = shift; my $c = $$a; $$a = $$b; $$b = $c; } #================================================= #== output verbose messages #== sub verbose { return unless $VERBOSE; print @_, "\n"; } #================================================= #== handles INT signal #== sub handle_INT { # reset terminal color print color('reset'); die( "Interrupted by user" ); } #================================================= #== send out the emails #== sub send_email { my $emails = shift or die("No emails specified"); my $translators = shift or die("No translators specified"); my $lang = shift or die("No language specified"); my $priority = shift; my $default_rec = shift; my $debug = shift; foreach my $name (sort keys %$emails) { # special case next if $name eq 'none'; verbose("Preparing email for $name"); my $recipient; my $subject; my $mailbody; # First handle the case in whcih all mail goes to the -M address if ( $default_rec ) { # address was already validated while parsing the command line $recipient = $default_rec; $subject = $DEFAULT_SUBJECT; $mailbody = $DEFAULT_BODY; } else # handle the case in whcih addresses are fetch from the db { # skip unconfigured users if ( not exists $translators->{$name} or not $translators->{$name}{'email'} ) { verbose( "Woops! Can't find info for user `$name'\n" ); next; } # check the user's email addres if ( not Email::Address->parse( $translators->{$name}{'email'} ) ) { printf STDERR "Can't parse email address `%s' for %s!\n", $translators->{$name}{'email'}, $name; next; } # skip if the user doesn't want a summary at all if ( $translators->{$name}{'summary'} < $priority ) { verbose( "Not sending message to $name (prio " . $translators->{$name}{'summary'} . " < $priority)" ); next; } $recipient = $translators->{$name}{'email'}; $subject = $translators->{'default'}{'mailsubject'}; # read body and interpret perl that's embedded there $mailbody = read_file_enc( $translators->{'default'}{'mailbody'} ) or die("Can't read $translators->{'default'}{'mailbody'}"); { # a bit hackish, but I want to keep the curent format of # the mail body files intact, for now # so we need to use the same old variable names as the original # script used my %translators = %{$translators}; $mailbody =~ s{#(.*?)#}{eval $1}mge; } } my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( 'From' => $MY_EMAIL, 'To' => $recipient, 'Subject' => $subject, 'Type' => 'multipart/mixed', ); # and attach the body to the mail my $part = MIME::Lite->new( 'Type' => 'text/plain', 'Data' => encode('utf-8',$mailbody), ); $part->attr( 'content-type.charset' => 'utf-8' ); $msg->attach( $part ); # attach part about NeedToUpdate files my $text = ''; foreach my $file ( @{ $emails->{$name} } ) { next unless $file->{'status'} == ST_NEEDSUPDATE; $text .= $file->{'info'}; if ( exists $file->{'delta'} ) { $text .= sprintf( " [out of date by %d revisions]", $file->{'delta'} ); } $text .= "\n"; } $msg->attach( 'Type' => 'TEXT', 'Filename' => 'NeedToUpdate summary', 'Data' => $text, ) if $text; # attach part about Missing files if ( not $default_rec ) { $text = ''; foreach my $file ( @{ $emails->{$name} } ) { next unless $file->{'status'} == ST_MISSING; $text .= sprintf( "%s\n", $file->{'info'} ); } $msg->attach( 'Type' => 'TEXT', 'Filename' => 'Missing summary', 'Data' => $text, 'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable', ) if $text; } # add diffs, if requested if ( $default_rec or $priority <= $translators->{$name}{'diff'} ) { foreach my $file ( @{ $emails->{$name} } ) { # diffs really only make sense if there is an existing # translation next unless $file->{'status'} == ST_NEEDSUPDATE; my $filename = catfile( 'english', $file->{'file'} ); my $rev = $file->{'last_trans_rev'}; my $diff = get_diff( $filename, $rev, 'HEAD' ); $msg->attach( 'Type' => 'TEXT', 'Filename' => "$filename.diff", 'Data' => $diff, 'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable', ); } } else { verbose( "Not attaching diffs (prio " . $translators->{$name}{'diff'} . " < $priority)" ); } # add tdiffs, if requested if ( not $default_rec and $priority <= $translators->{$name}{'tdiff'} ) { foreach my $file ( @{ $emails->{$name} } ) { # diffs really only make sense if there is an existing # translation next unless $file->{'status'} == ST_NEEDSUPDATE; my $filename = catfile( 'english', $file->{'file'} ); my $filename2 = catfile( $lang, $file->{'file'} ); my $rev = $file->{'last_trans_rev'}; my $tdiff = get_diff_txt( $filename, $rev, 'HEAD', $filename2 ); $msg->attach( 'Type' => 'TEXT', 'Filename' => "$filename.tdiff", 'Data' => $tdiff, 'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable', ); } } else { verbose( "Not attaching tdiffs (prio " . $translators->{$name}{'tdiff'} . " < $priority)" ) unless $default_rec; } # add logs, if requested if ( $default_rec or $priority <= $translators->{$name}{'logs'} ) { foreach my $file ( @{ $emails->{$name} } ) { # logs really only make sense if there is an existing # translation next unless $file->{'status'} == ST_NEEDSUPDATE; my $filename = catfile( 'english', $file->{'file'} ); my $rev = $file->{'last_trans_rev'}; my $log = get_log( $filename, $rev, 'HEAD' ); my $part = MIME::Lite->new( 'Type' => 'TEXT', 'Filename' => "$filename.log", 'Data' => $log, 'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable', ); $part->attr( 'content-type.charset' => 'utf-8' ); $msg->attach( $part ); } } else { verbose( "Not attaching logs (prio " . $translators->{$name}{'logs'} . " < $priority)" ); } # add file, if requested if ( not $default_rec and $priority <= $translators->{$name}{'file'} ) { foreach my $file ( @{ $emails->{$name} } ) { my $filename = catfile( $lang, $file->{'file'} ); my $part = MIME::Lite->new( 'Type' => 'text/wml', 'Filename' => $filename, 'Path' => $filename, 'Encoding' => 'quoted-printable', ); $part->attr( 'content-type.charset' => get_file_charset($filename) ); $msg->attach( $part ); } } else { verbose( "Not attaching files (prio " . $translators->{$name}{'file'} . " < $priority)" ) unless $default_rec; } # check if we really want to send the mail if ( $debug ) { print color('bold yellow'); print '*'x72, "\n"; printf "Would send email to %s (but -g was specified):\n", $recipient; print '-'x72, "\n"; print color('reset'); # make sure perl doesn't do any annoying charset conversions binmode( \*STDOUT, ':bytes' ); print $msg->as_string; print color('bold yellow'); print '*'x72, "\n"; print color('reset'); } else { verbose "Sending email to $recipient"; $msg->send or warn("Couldn't send message to $name"); } } } #================================================= #== return the age of the revision (in days) #== sub get_revision_age { my $rev_info = shift; die("No revision info specified") unless ref $rev_info eq 'HASH'; my $rev_timestamp = $rev_info->{'cmt_date'}; my $age = time - $rev_timestamp; warn( "Timestamp is in the future!" ) if $age < 0; # return age in days return $age / ( 60*60*24 ); } #================================================= #== get a log #== sub get_log { my $file = shift or die("No file specified for diff"); my $rev1 = shift; my $rev2 = shift; die("NO such file `$file'") unless -e $file; my @log = vcs_get_log( $file, $rev1, $rev2 ); # remove the first item of the log, because we only want # to see when changed in the (left-open) range (rev1,rev2] shift @log; # format it nicely my $str = '-' x 78 . "\n"; foreach my $l (@log) { chomp $l->{'message'}; $str .= sprintf( "%s | %s | %s\n", $l->{'rev'}, $l->{'author'}, scalar localtime $l->{'date'} ); $str .= "\n"; $str .= $l->{'message'} . "\n"; $str .= "\n"; $str .= '-' x 78 . "\n"; } return $str; } #================================================= #== get a diff #== sub get_diff { my $file = shift or die("No file specified for diff"); my $rev1 = shift; my $rev2 = shift; die("NO such file `$file'") unless -e $file; my %diffs = vcs_get_diff( $file, $rev1, $rev2 ); # just glue all diffs together and return it as a big string my $difftxt = join( '', values %diffs ); return $difftxt; } #================================================= #== get a diff while trying to match html tags #== sub get_diff_txt { my $english_file = shift or die("No file specified"); my $rev1 = shift or die("No revision specified"); my $rev2 = shift or die("No revision specified"); my $transl_file = shift or die("No transl file specified"); die("No such file $english_file") unless -e $english_file; die("No such file $transl_file") unless -e $transl_file; # Get old revision file my @english_txt = split( "\n", vcs_get_file( $english_file, $rev1 ) ); # Get translation file my $transl_txt = read_file( $transl_file ) or die("Couln't read `$transl_file': $!"); my @transl_txt = split( "\n", $transl_txt ); # Get diff lines my @diff_txt = split( "\n", get_diff( $english_file, $rev1, $rev2 ) ); # do the matching my $txt = Local::WmlDiffTrans::find_trans_parts( \@english_txt, \@transl_txt, \@diff_txt ); return $txt; } #================================================= #== show help from the top of this file #== sub show_help { # read the help from the comments above and display it open( my $me, '<', $0 ) or die "Unable to display help: $!\n"; while ( my $line = <$me> ) { last if $line =~ m{^use}; print "\n" if $line =~ m{^#$}; next unless $line =~ m{^# }; $line =~ s{^# ?}{}; print $line; } close( $me ); } #================================================= #== parse command line options and read defaults #== sub parse_cmdargs { my %OPT; $OPT{s} = ''; # parse options if ( not getopts( 'acdghlmM:n:p:Qqs:TvV', \%OPT ) ) { show_help(); exit -1; } # show help if ( $OPT{h} ) { show_help(); exit 0; } # handle verbosity setting if ( ( $OPT{'v'} or $OPT{'V'} ) and ( $OPT{'q'} or $OPT{'Q'} ) ) { die "you can't have both verbose and quiet, doh!\n"; } $VERBOSE = 1 if $OPT{'V'}; $OPT{'v'} = 1 if $OPT{'V'}; # handle really quiet setting if ( $OPT{'Q'} ) { # redirect stdout to /dev/null close( STDOUT ); open( STDOUT, '>', '/dev/null' ) or die( "Can't redirect STDOUT to /dev/null: $!" ); } # handle -c (disable color) setting if ( $OPT{'c'} ) { # nice feature of Term::ANSIColor $ENV{'ANSI_COLORS_DISABLED'} = '1'; } else { # we need flushed STDOUT putput, because otherwise the colours wills # blend into STDERR $| = 1; } # handle -s (subtree check) setting if ( $OPT{s}) { verbose "Checking subtree $OPT{s} only\n"; } # check validity of mail options # if -m is specified, either -n or -M must also be given # furthermore, the argument to -n must be 1, 2, or 3, and # the argument to -M must be a valid email address if ( $OPT{'m'} ) { # load additional module we need for mail eval { require MIME::Lite; import MIME::Lite; }; die "The module MIME::Lite could not be loaded.\n" ."Please install libmime-lite-perl\n" if $@; eval { require Email::Address; import Email::Address; }; die "The module Email::Address could not be loaded.\n" ."Please install libemail-address-perl\n" if $@; # now check the options if ( $OPT{'n'} and $OPT{'M'} ) { die "You can't specify both -n and -M\n"; } elsif ( $OPT{'n'} ) { die "Invalid priority `$OPT{n}'. " ."Please set -n value to 1, 2 or 3.\n" unless $OPT{'n'} =~ m{^[123]$} } elsif ( $OPT{'M'} ) { die "Invalid email address `$OPT{M}'\n" unless Email::Address->parse( $OPT{M} ); } else { die "You specified -m (send mails), but you didn't specify " ."either -n or -M, so I don't knwo where to send my mails\n"; } } if ( $OPT{'g'} and not $OPT{'m'} ) { die "Option -g (debuG mail) without -m (use mail) " ."really doesn't make much sense\n"; } # include only files matching $filename my $file_pattern = $OPT{'p'} || $DEFAULT_PATTERN; my $translation = shift @ARGV || ''; # language configuration if ( not $translation ) { if ( exists $ENV{DWWW_LANG} ) { $translation = $ENV{DWWW_LANG}; } elsif ( -e "language.conf" ) { open( my $conf, '<', 'language.conf' ) or die("Can't read language.conf: $!\n"); while (<$conf>) { next if /^#/; chomp; $translation = $_; last; } close $conf; } } # Remove slash from the end $translation =~ s{/$}{}; if ( $translation eq '' ) { die "Language not defined in DWWW_LANG, language.conf, " ."or on command line\n"; } return ($translation,$file_pattern,%OPT); } #================================================= #== read the translators from translator.db #== sub read_translators { my $lang = shift or die("Internal error: no language specified"); my %translators; my $db_file = catfile( $lang, 'international', $lang, 'translator.db.pl' ); verbose "Reading translation database $db_file"; if ( -e $db_file) { require $db_file; verbose "READ TRANSLATOR DB: $db_file\n"; %translators = %{ init_translators() }; if ( exists $translators{default} ) { my @field_list = keys %{ $translators{default} }; foreach my $user (keys %translators) { next if $user eq 'default'; foreach my $f (@field_list) { $translators{$user}{$f} = $translators{default}{$f} unless exists $translators{$user}{$f}; } } } } else { die "File `$db_file' doesn't exist!\n" ."I need my DBs to send mails.\n" ."Please read the comments in the script and try again\n"; } return %translators; } #================================================= #== check if a single file is up to date #== returns ($status,$message) #== where status is one of the ST_* constants (see top of file) #== sub check_file { my $file = shift; my $orig = shift; my $lang = shift; my $english_rev = shift; # might be undef my $translation_rev = shift; # might be undef die("Internal error: insufficient arguments") unless $file and $orig and $lang; # filename of english and translated files my $file_orig = catfile( $orig, $file ); my $file_translation = catfile( $lang, $file ); # revision of the latest change in the english file my $orig_last_change = $english_rev ? $english_rev->{cmt_rev} : 'n/a'; # revision of the english file that was translated my $transcheck = Webwml::TransCheck->new( $file_translation ); my $translation_last_change = $transcheck->revision() || 'n/a'; my $translation_translator = $transcheck->maintainer() || undef; my $translation_maxdelta = $transcheck->maxdelta() || undef; verbose "Checking $file_translation, $orig revision $orig_last_change"; # status information my $status = undef; my $str = undef; # at this point, there are several possibilities: # 1) file exists both in english and translation # 2) file exists only in english # 3) file exists only in translation # 4) file exists in neither original or translation: can't happen # we handle those cases one by one # 1) both files exist if ( -e $file_orig and -e $file_translation ) { # now check if both files have correct revisions # again, three cases # 1a) original file doesn't have a revision (can't happen) # 1b) translated file doesn't have a revision (error in wml file) # 1c) revision of both files is known # 1a) no revision for english file if ( $orig_last_change eq 'n/a' ) { # this can't happen: something must be wrong with this script die( "internal error: no revision for english file" ); } # 1b) no revision on translated file: error elsif ( $translation_last_change eq 'n/a' ) { $status = ST_UNDEFINED; $str = "Unknown status of $file_translation " ."(revision should be $orig_last_change)"; } # 1c) both files have revisions else { # check the revisions to see if they're up to date my $cmp = vcs_cmp_rev( $translation_last_change, $orig_last_change ); if ( $cmp == 0 ) # revisions equal { # up to date $str = "UpToDate $file_translation"; $status = ST_UPTODATE; } elsif ( $cmp == -1 ) # $translation_last_change < $orig_last_change { # out of date $status = ST_NEEDSUPDATE; $str = "NeedToUpdate $file_translation from revision " ."$translation_last_change to revision $orig_last_change"; } else # $translation_last_change > $orig_last_change { # weirdness: translation is newer than original $status = ST_BROKEN; $str = "Broken revision number r$translation_last_change " ."for $file_translation, it should be $orig_last_change"; } } } # 2) original file exists, but translation is missing elsif ( -e $file_orig and not -e $file_translation ) { $status = ST_MISSING; $str = "Missing $file_translation version $orig_last_change"; } # 3) translation exists, but original is missing elsif ( not -e $file_orig and -e $file_translation ) { # the translated file doesn't have a translation header, # so it probably is an original if ( $translation_last_change eq 'n/a' ) { $status = ST_NOTATRANSL; $str = "NotATranslation $file_translation"; } # otherwise, it has a translation header, # so the english file was removed else { $status = ST_OBSOLETE; $str = "Obsolete $file_translation"; } } # neither original nor translation exists else { # this should never occur, because it means the function was # called with an invalid argument die( "Internal error: file not present in english nor $lang" ); } # add name of translator $str .= " (maintainer $translation_translator)" if $translation_translator; return ($status,$str,$translation_last_change, $translation_translator,$translation_maxdelta); } # get the encoding of a certain file, by looking for wmlrc sub get_file_charset { my $file = shift or croak("No file specified"); # default charset my $charset = 'utf-8'; # read the wmlrc file my $wmlrc_dir = dirname($file); while ( not -e catfile( $wmlrc_dir, '.wmlrc' ) ) { $wmlrc_dir = dirname $wmlrc_dir; last if length( $wmlrc_dir ) < 3 } # now read the wmlrc file to find the charset my $wmlrc = catfile( $wmlrc_dir,'.wmlrc' ); if ( open( my $fd, '<', $wmlrc ) ) { while ( my $line = <$fd> ) { next if $line =~ m{^[#%]}; next unless $line =~ m{CHARSET=(.*?)\s*$}; $charset = $1; last; } close($fd); } else { verbose "wmlrc for `$file' not found; assuming $charset charset"; } return $charset; } sub read_file_enc { my $file = shift or croak("No file specified"); my $charset = get_file_charset( $file ); return read_file( $file, $charset ); } __END__