I did a bunch of work on the web pages yesterday. You can find the results on http://www.debian.org/~treacy/debian.new/html/ Here's the changes I've made x I've converted pretty much every page not generated by a script or in the doc section. x moved the directories around a bit to make it easier to add different languages (still need to change the html directory to debian.org). The template dir will be moved back into the language dir and an option to wmk will keep it from converting the templates to html. x set up the mirror link correctly x when /index.html is generated, it grabs the titles of the latest 6 pieces of news. Hopefully I can get index.html to have a dependency on news.html so 'wmk -a' works correctly. Dependencies are fixed by using a makefile x bunch of little fixes people on #debian suggested. TODO x What do you think of the foreign links at the bottom of the main page? Still need to write the perl script that will check what versions are available for a page (and generates that line). I can't think of a way to generate the cross-dependencies needed so the versions in other languages will be remade when someone adds a new (language) versions of a file so I'll write a perl script to do it. It will be the translators duty to run this script when they translate a page for the first time. x 'What is Debian' on the main page makes too many references to 'free software'. It needs to be cleaned up. - Convert the pages in 'Debian goes International' to this format and get rid of that page. - Put the whole thing under CVS. x Change the filenames to .html.en. Read devel/mirror.html if you need to turn on content negotiation on your home machine as a result of this. x get some people to go through the entire site with a fine toothed comb. Done - I hope. Jay Treacy