# This is GPL'ed code, copyright 2000 Christian Couder . ############################## # Documentation # # hashes structures : # # tag elem hash : # 'before' : string before the tag # 'tag' : tag string # 'after' : string after the tag # 'num' : the tag's line number # # diff elem array : # 'orig_line' : line in the original text where the change begins # 'diff_line' : line in the diff file where the change begins # 'orig_count' : line count of the change in the orig file # 'diff_count' : line count of the change in the diff file # 'before_tag' : index of the tag before the change # 'after_tag' : index of the tag after the change # 'before' : line in the translation file where the change begins # 'after' : line in the translation file where the change ends # ############################## # Known Bugs # # - Multiline tags (tags starting at a given line and ending at another line) # are not found by the parsing. # This means that if a tag is multiline in the original file it must be # multiline in the translated file too. And of course if it's not multiline # in the original file it must not be multiline in the translated file. # use strict; package Local::WmlDiffTrans; ############################## # ignore_tag # returns 1 if the tag must be ignored ############################## sub ignore_tag { my $tag = shift(@_); # ignore comment tags like this if($tag =~ /^<\!\-\-.*\-\->$/) { return 1; } return ""; } ############################## # ignore_most_tag # return "" only if tag is one of








############################## sub ignore_most_tag { my $tag = shift(@_); # ignore


tags if($tag =~ /^<[\/]?(p|P)>$/) { # print "tag found : $tag\n"; return ""; } # ignore and tags with X = 1 or 2 or 3 if($tag =~ /^<[\/]?(h|H)(1|2|3)>$/) { # print "tag found : $tag\n"; return ""; } return 1; } ############################## # next_tag ############################## sub next_tag { my ($text, $full) = @_; my $elems; # print "text : $text \n"; # Search next wml tags in the text if($text =~ /([^<]*)(<[^>]*>)(.*)/) { if($full ? not ignore_tag($2) : not ignore_most_tag($2)) { $elems->{'before'} = $1; # the string before the tag $elems->{'tag'} = $2; # the tag } $elems->{'after'} = $3; # the string after the tag # print "before : $1 ! \n"; # print "tag : $2 ! \n"; # print "after : $3 ! \n"; } # Returns the elems hash return $elems; } ############################## # get_file_lines ############################## sub get_file_lines { my $filename = shift(@_); open TAG_FILE, "<$filename" or die "Couldn't open $filename : $!"; my @lines = ; close TAG_FILE; return \@lines; } ############################## # tags_from_lines ############################## sub tags_from_lines { my ($file_lines, $full) = @_; my $line; my $elem; my $line_num; my @tags; for $line_num (0..$#$file_lines) { $line = $file_lines->[$line_num]; # print "line : $line \n"; # Don't search wml tags in comment lines (lines starting with #) if($line =~ /^[^\#]/) { # Search the next wml tags in the line while($elem = next_tag($line, $full)) { # Check if a tag has been found if($elem->{'tag'}) { $elem->{'num'} = $line_num; # the tag line number push(@tags, $elem); # print "before : " . $elem->{'before'} . "\n"; # print "tag : " . $elem->{'tag'} . "\n"; } $line = $elem->{'after'}; # print "after : " . $elem->{'after'} . "\n"; } } } return \@tags; } ############################## # tag_match ############################## sub tag_match { my $orig_tag; my $trans_tag; ($orig_tag, $trans_tag) = @_; # convert tags to lower case $orig_tag =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $trans_tag =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; # special case for tablerow tag if(($orig_tag =~ /^[$i]; $trans = $trans_tags->[$i]; # print "orig before is " . $orig->{'before'} . " \n"; # print "trans before is " . $trans->{'before'} . " \n"; # print "orig tag is " . $orig->{'tag'} . " \n"; # print "trans tag is " . $trans->{'tag'} . " \n"; # print "orig after is " . $orig->{'after'} . " \n"; # print "trans after is " . $trans->{'after'} . " \n"; if(not tag_match($orig->{'tag'}, $trans->{'tag'})) { $text = "In the translation file, at line " . $trans->{'num'} . ", "; $text .= "there is the tag " . $trans->{'tag'} . ", but in the "; $text .= "original file at line " . $orig->{'num'} . " there is "; $text .= "the tag " . $orig->{'tag'} . " instead !\n"; $text .= "Please correct this error !\n"; return $text; } } return $text; } ############################## # read_check_tags ############################## sub read_check_tags { my ($orig_lines, $trans_lines, $full) = @_; my $info_text =""; $info_text .= "Reading tags from original file.\n"; my $orig_tags = tags_from_lines($orig_lines, $full); $info_text .= "$#$orig_tags tags found.\n"; $info_text .= "Reading tags from translation file.\n"; my $trans_tags = tags_from_lines($trans_lines, $full); $info_text .= "$#$trans_tags tags found.\n"; $info_text .= "Checking if tags from the translation file "; $info_text .= "and the original file match.\n"; my $check_tags_text = check_tags($orig_tags, $trans_tags); return ($check_tags_text, $orig_tags, $trans_tags, $info_text); } ############################## # add_diff_elem ############################## sub add_diff_elem { my ($parts, $orig_line, $orig_count, $line_num) = @_; # print "add_diff_elem : last part : " . $#$parts . " \n"; # Set the value of the number of lines that changed if($#$parts >= 0) { my $old_elem = $parts->[$#$parts]; $old_elem->{'diff_count'} = ($line_num - 1) - $old_elem->{'diff_line'}; # print "setting diff count : line num : $line_num ; diff count : "; # print $old_elem->{'diff_count'} . " diff line : "; # print $old_elem->{'diff_line'} . " \n"; } # Create a new part element if($orig_line ne "") { my $elem; $elem->{'orig_line'} = $orig_line; $elem->{'diff_line'} = $line_num; $elem->{'orig_count'} = $orig_count; push(@$parts, $elem); } } ############################## # diff_parts_from_lines ############################## sub diff_parts_from_lines { my $file_lines = shift(@_); my $line; my $line_num = 0; my @parts; for $line_num (0..$#$file_lines) { $line = $file_lines->[$line_num]; # find diff line like @@ -12,7 +14,7 @@ if($line =~ /^\@\@ \-(.*),(.*) \+(.*),(.*) \@\@$/) { # print "orig line : $1 \n"; # print "orig count : $2 \n"; add_diff_elem(\@parts, $1, $2, $line_num); # print "line num : $line_num \n"; # print "last part : " . $#parts . "\n"; # print "last orig_line : " . $parts[$#parts]{'orig_line'}. " \n"; # print "last diff_line : " . $parts[$#parts]{'diff_line'}. " \n"; # print "last orig_count : " . $parts[$#parts]{'orig_count'}. " \n"; # if($#parts > 0) { # print "part number : " . ($#parts - 1) . "\n"; # print "count : " . $parts[$#parts - 1]{'diff_count'}. " \n\n"; # } } } add_diff_elem(\@parts, "", "", ($#$file_lines + 1)); # print "line num : $line_num \n"; # print "last part : " . $#parts . "\n"; # print "last orig_line : " . $parts[$#parts]{'orig_line'}. " \n"; # print "last diff_line : " . $parts[$#parts]{'diff_line'}. " \n"; # print "last orig_count : " . $parts[$#parts]{'orig_count'}. " \n"; # print "last diff_count : " . $parts[$#parts]{'diff_count'}. " \n"; return \@parts; } ############################## # find_tag_number_before ############################## sub find_tag_number_before { my $tags; my $line_num; ($tags, $line_num) = @_; my $i; for $i (0..$#$tags) { if($tags->[$i]{'num'} > $line_num) { return ($i - 1); } } return (-1); } ############################## # find_tag_number_after ############################## sub find_tag_number_after { my $tags; my $line_num; ($tags, $line_num) = @_; my $i; for $i (0..$#$tags) { if($tags->[$i]{'num'} >= $line_num) { return $i; } } return ($#$tags + 1); } ############################## # find_tags_around ############################## sub find_tags_around { my $orig_tags; my $diff_elem; ($orig_tags, $diff_elem) = @_; my $first_orig_line = $diff_elem->{'orig_line'}; my $last_orig_line = $diff_elem->{'orig_line'} + $diff_elem->{'orig_count'}; # print "original first line : $first_orig_line \n"; # print "original last line : $last_orig_line \n"; # print "line count : " . $diff_elem->{'orig_count'} . " \n"; my $tag_before = find_tag_number_before($orig_tags, $first_orig_line); my $tag_after = find_tag_number_after($orig_tags, $last_orig_line); # print "tag before : $tag_before \n"; # print "tag after : $tag_after \n"; $diff_elem->{'before_tag'} = $tag_before; $diff_elem->{'after_tag'} = $tag_after; } ############################## # find_trans_lines ############################## sub find_trans_lines { my $trans_tags; my $diff_elem; my $trans_line_count; ($trans_tags, $diff_elem, $trans_line_count) = @_; my $tag_before = $diff_elem->{'before_tag'}; my $tag_after = $diff_elem->{'after_tag'}; # print "tag before : $tag_before \n"; # print "tag after : $tag_after \n"; my $first_trans_tag_line = 1; my $last_trans_tag_line = $trans_line_count; if($tag_before > -1) { $first_trans_tag_line = $trans_tags->[$tag_before]{'num'}; } if($tag_after <= $#$trans_tags) { $last_trans_tag_line = $trans_tags->[$tag_after]{'num'}; } # print "before : $first_trans_tag_line \n"; # print "after : $last_trans_tag_line \n\n"; $diff_elem->{'before'} = $first_trans_tag_line; $diff_elem->{'after'} = $last_trans_tag_line; } ############################## # set_trans_lines ############################## sub set_trans_lines { my $orig_tags; my $trans_tags; my $diff_elems; my $trans_line_count; ($orig_tags, $trans_tags, $diff_elems, $trans_line_count) = @_; my $elem; my $i; for $i (0..$#$diff_elems) { $elem = $diff_elems->[$i]; find_tags_around($orig_tags, $elem); find_trans_lines($trans_tags, $elem, $trans_line_count); } } ############################## # display_few_diff_info ############################## sub display_few_diff_info { my ($diff_parts) = @_; my $elem; my $text = "Diff information:\n\n"; for $elem (@$diff_parts) { $text .= " start line in original file : "; $text .= $elem->{'orig_line'} . " \n"; $text .= " end line in original file : "; $text .= $elem->{'orig_line'} + $elem->{'orig_count'} . " \n"; $text .= " start line in the translated file : "; $text .= $elem->{'before'} . " \n"; $text .= " end line in the translated file : "; $text .= $elem->{'after'} . " \n\n"; } return $text; } ############################## # add_text_lines ############################## sub get_text_lines { my ($lines, $start, $stop) = @_; my $text = ""; my $line_num; # print " start : $start \n"; # print " stop : $stop \n"; for $line_num ($start..$stop) { $text .= $lines->[$line_num] || ''; } return $text; } ############################## # display_full_diff_info ############################## sub display_full_diff_info { my ($diff_parts, $diff_lines, $trans_lines) = @_; my $elem; my $text = "Diff information:\n\n"; $text .= get_text_lines($diff_lines, 1, $diff_parts->[0]{'diff_line'} - 1) . "\n"; for $elem (@$diff_parts) { my $diff_start = $elem->{'diff_line'} || 0; my $diff_count = $elem->{'diff_count'} || 0; my $diff_stop = $diff_start + $diff_count; $text .= get_text_lines($diff_lines, $diff_start, $diff_stop) . "\n"; my $trans_start = $elem->{'before'} || 0; my $trans_stop = $elem->{'after'} || 0; my $trans_count = $trans_stop - $trans_start; $text .= "--> $trans_start,$trans_count <--\n"; $text .= get_text_lines($trans_lines, $trans_start, $trans_stop) . "\n\n"; } return $text; } ############################## # display_diff_info ############################## sub display_diff_info { my ($diff_parts, $diff_lines, $trans_lines, $option) = @_; # print " option : $option \n"; if($option eq 'few') { return display_few_diff_info($diff_parts); } if($option eq 'full') { return display_full_diff_info($diff_parts, $diff_lines, $trans_lines); } } ############################## # find_trans_parts ############################## sub find_trans_parts { my ($orig_lines, $trans_lines, $diff_lines) = @_; my $text = "Try tag match with most tags.\n"; # Try to read most tags and check them my ($check_tags_text, $orig_tags, $trans_tags, $info_text) = read_check_tags($orig_lines, $trans_lines, 1); $text .= $info_text; if($check_tags_text) { $text .= $check_tags_text . "Try tag match again with fewer tags.\n"; # try again with fewer tags ($check_tags_text, $orig_tags, $trans_tags, $info_text) = read_check_tags($orig_lines, $trans_lines, ""); $text .= $info_text; if($check_tags_text) { return $text . $check_tags_text; } } $text .= "Ok, tags match !\n"; if(not $diff_lines) { return $info_text . "No diff file was specified.\n"; } # Get the parts of the diff file my $diff_parts = diff_parts_from_lines($diff_lines); # Find the lines in the translated file where the changes must be translated set_trans_lines($orig_tags, $trans_tags, $diff_parts, $#$trans_lines); # Get display information $text .= display_diff_info($diff_parts, $diff_lines, $trans_lines, 'full'); return $text; } return 1;