/* htop (C) 2004 Hisham H. Muhammad Released under the GNU GPL, see the COPYING file in the source distribution for its full text. */ #include "ProcessList.h" #include "Process.h" #include "TypedVector.h" #include "UsersTable.h" #include "Hashtable.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" #include /*{ #ifndef PROCDIR #define PROCDIR "/proc" #endif #ifndef PROCSTATFILE #define PROCSTATFILE "/proc/stat" #endif #ifndef PROCMEMINFOFILE #define PROCMEMINFOFILE "/proc/meminfo" #endif }*/ /*{ typedef struct ProcessList_ { TypedVector* processes; TypedVector* processes2; Hashtable* processTable; Process* prototype; UsersTable* usersTable; int processorCount; int totalTasks; int runningTasks; long int* totalTime; long int* userTime; long int* systemTime; long int* idleTime; long int* niceTime; long int* totalPeriod; long int* userPeriod; long int* systemPeriod; long int* idlePeriod; long int* nicePeriod; long int totalMem; long int usedMem; long int freeMem; long int sharedMem; long int buffersMem; long int cachedMem; long int totalSwap; long int usedSwap; long int freeSwap; int kernelMajor; int kernelMiddle; int kernelMinor; int kernelTiny; ProcessField* fields; ProcessField sortKey; int direction; bool hideThreads; bool shadowOtherUsers; bool hideKernelThreads; bool hideUserlandThreads; bool treeView; bool highlightBaseName; bool highlightMegabytes; } ProcessList; }*/ /* private */ void ProcessList_getKernelVersion(ProcessList* this) { struct utsname uts; (void) uname(&uts); char** items = String_split(uts.release, '.'); this->kernelMajor = atoi(items[0]); this->kernelMiddle = atoi(items[1]); this->kernelMinor = atoi(items[2]); this->kernelTiny = items[3] ? atoi(items[3]) : 0; for (int i = 0; items[i] != NULL; i++) free(items[i]); free(items); } /* private property */ ProcessField defaultHeaders[LAST_PROCESSFIELD] = { PID, USER, PRIORITY, NICE, M_SIZE, M_RESIDENT, M_SHARE, STATE, PERCENT_CPU, PERCENT_MEM, TIME, COMM, LAST_PROCESSFIELD }; ProcessList* ProcessList_new(UsersTable* usersTable) { ProcessList* this; this = malloc(sizeof(ProcessList)); this->processes = TypedVector_new(PROCESS_CLASS, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); this->processTable = Hashtable_new(20, false); TypedVector_setCompareFunction(this->processes, Process_compare); this->prototype = Process_new(this); this->usersTable = usersTable; /* tree-view auxiliary buffers */ this->processes2 = TypedVector_new(PROCESS_CLASS, true, DEFAULT_SIZE); TypedVector_setCompareFunction(this->processes2, Process_compare); ProcessList_getKernelVersion(this); FILE* status = fopen(PROCSTATFILE, "r"); assert(status != NULL); char buffer[256]; int procs = -1; do { procs++; fgets(buffer, 255, status); } while (String_startsWith(buffer, "cpu")); fclose(status); this->processorCount = procs - 1; this->totalTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->userTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->systemTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->niceTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->idleTime = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->totalPeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->userPeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->systemPeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->nicePeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); this->idlePeriod = calloc(procs, sizeof(long int)); for (int i = 0; i < procs; i++) { this->totalTime[i] = 1; this->totalPeriod[i] = 1; } this->fields = malloc(sizeof(ProcessField) * LAST_PROCESSFIELD); // TODO: turn 'fields' into a TypedVector, // (and ProcessFields into proper objects). for (int i = 0; i < LAST_PROCESSFIELD; i++) { this->fields[i] = defaultHeaders[i]; } this->sortKey = PERCENT_CPU; this->direction = 1; this->hideThreads = false; this->shadowOtherUsers = false; this->hideKernelThreads = false; this->hideUserlandThreads = false; this->treeView = false; this->highlightBaseName = false; this->highlightMegabytes = false; return this; } void ProcessList_delete(ProcessList* this) { Hashtable_delete(this->processTable); TypedVector_delete(this->processes); TypedVector_delete(this->processes2); Process_delete((Object*)this->prototype); free(this->totalTime); free(this->userTime); free(this->systemTime); free(this->niceTime); free(this->idleTime); free(this->totalPeriod); free(this->userPeriod); free(this->systemPeriod); free(this->nicePeriod); free(this->idlePeriod); free(this->fields); free(this); } void ProcessList_invertSortOrder(ProcessList* this) { if (this->direction == 1) this->direction = -1; else this->direction = 1; } void ProcessList_sortKey(ProcessList* this, int delta) { assert(delta == 1 || delta == -1); int i = 0; while (this->fields[i] != this->sortKey) i++; i += delta; if (i < 0) { i = 0; while (this->fields[i] != LAST_PROCESSFIELD) i++; i--; } else if (this->fields[i] == LAST_PROCESSFIELD) i = 0; this->sortKey = this->fields[i]; this->direction = 1; // Weird code... } RichString ProcessList_printHeader(ProcessList* this) { RichString out = RichString_new(); ProcessField* fields = this->fields; for (int i = 0; fields[i] != LAST_PROCESSFIELD; i++) { char* field = Process_printField(fields[i]); if (this->sortKey == fields[i]) RichString_append(&out, CRT_colors[PANEL_HIGHLIGHT_FOCUS], field); else RichString_append(&out, CRT_colors[PANEL_HEADER_FOCUS], field); } return out; } void ProcessList_prune(ProcessList* this) { TypedVector_prune(this->processes); } void ProcessList_add(ProcessList* this, Process* p) { TypedVector_add(this->processes, p); Hashtable_put(this->processTable, p->pid, p); } void ProcessList_remove(ProcessList* this, Process* p) { Hashtable_remove(this->processTable, p->pid); int index = TypedVector_indexOf(this->processes, p); TypedVector_remove(this->processes, index); } Process* ProcessList_get(ProcessList* this, int index) { return (Process*) (TypedVector_get(this->processes, index)); } int ProcessList_size(ProcessList* this) { return (TypedVector_size(this->processes)); } /* private */ void ProcessList_buildTree(ProcessList* this, int pid, int level, int indent, int direction) { TypedVector* children = TypedVector_new(PROCESS_CLASS, false, DEFAULT_SIZE); for (int i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(this->processes); i++) { Process* process = (Process*) (TypedVector_get(this->processes, i)); if (process->ppid == pid) { Process* process = (Process*) (TypedVector_take(this->processes, i)); TypedVector_add(children, process); i--; } } int size = TypedVector_size(children); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Process* process = (Process*) (TypedVector_get(children, i)); if (direction == 1) TypedVector_add(this->processes2, process); else TypedVector_insert(this->processes2, 0, process); int nextIndent = indent; if (i < size - 1) nextIndent = indent | (1 << level); ProcessList_buildTree(this, process->pid, level+1, nextIndent, direction); process->indent = indent | (1 << level); } TypedVector_delete(children); } void ProcessList_sort(ProcessList* this) { if (!this->treeView) { TypedVector_sort(this->processes); } else { int direction = this->direction; int sortKey = this->sortKey; this->sortKey = PID; this->direction = 1; TypedVector_sort(this->processes); this->sortKey = sortKey; this->direction = direction; Process* init = (Process*) (TypedVector_take(this->processes, 0)); assert(init->pid == 1); init->indent = 0; TypedVector_add(this->processes2, init); ProcessList_buildTree(this, init->pid, 0, 0, direction); TypedVector* t = this->processes; this->processes = this->processes2; this->processes2 = t; } } /* private */ int ProcessList_readStatFile(Process *proc, FILE *f, char *command) { #define MAX_READ 8192 static char buf[MAX_READ]; long int zero; int size = fread(buf, 1, MAX_READ, f); if(!size) return 0; proc->pid = atoi(buf); char *location = strchr(buf, ' '); if(!location) return 0; location += 2; char *end = strrchr(location, ')'); if(!end) return 0; int commsize = end - location; memcpy(command, location, commsize); command[commsize] = '\0'; location = end + 2; int num = sscanf(location, "%c %d %d %d %d %d %lu %lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld " "%lu %lu %ld %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu " "%lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu " "%d %d", &proc->state, &proc->ppid, &proc->pgrp, &proc->session, &proc->tty_nr, &proc->tpgid, &proc->flags, &proc->minflt, &proc->cminflt, &proc->majflt, &proc->cmajflt, &proc->utime, &proc->stime, &proc->cutime, &proc->cstime, &proc->priority, &proc->nice, &zero, &proc->itrealvalue, &proc->starttime, &proc->vsize, &proc->rss, &proc->rlim, &proc->startcode, &proc->endcode, &proc->startstack, &proc->kstkesp, &proc->kstkeip, &proc->signal, &proc->blocked, &proc->sigignore, &proc->sigcatch, &proc->wchan, &proc->nswap, &proc->cnswap, &proc->exit_signal, &proc->processor); // This assert is always valid on 2.4, but reportedly not always valid on 2.6. // TODO: Check if the semantics of this field has changed. // assert(zero == 0); if(num != 37) return 0; return 1; } void ProcessList_processEntries(ProcessList* this, char* dirname, int parent, float period) { DIR* dir; struct dirent* entry; Process* prototype = this->prototype; dir = opendir(dirname); assert(dir != NULL); while ((entry = readdir(dir)) != NULL) { char* name = entry->d_name; int pid; // filename is a number: process directory pid = atoi(name); // The RedHat kernel hides threads with a dot. // I believe this is non-standard. bool isThread = false; if ((!this->hideThreads) && pid == 0 && name[0] == '.') { char* tname = name + 1; pid = atoi(tname); if (pid > 0) isThread = true; } if (pid > 0 && pid != parent) { const int MAX_NAME = 128; if (!this->hideUserlandThreads) { char subdirname[MAX_NAME+1]; snprintf(subdirname, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/task", dirname, name); if (access(subdirname, X_OK) == 0) { ProcessList_processEntries(this, subdirname, pid, period); } } FILE* status; char statusfilename[MAX_NAME+1]; char command[PROCESS_COMM_LEN + 1]; Process* process; Process* existingProcess = (Process*) Hashtable_get(this->processTable, pid); if (!existingProcess) { process = Process_clone(prototype); process->pid = pid; ProcessList_add(this, process); } else { process = existingProcess; } process->updated = true; struct stat sstat; snprintf(statusfilename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/stat", dirname, name); int statok = stat(statusfilename, &sstat); if (statok == -1) goto errorReadingProcess; char* username = UsersTable_getRef(this->usersTable, sstat.st_uid); if (username) { strncpy(process->user, username, PROCESS_USER_LEN); } else { snprintf(process->user, PROCESS_USER_LEN, "%d", sstat.st_uid); } process->st_uid = sstat.st_uid; int lasttimes = (process->utime + process->stime); status = fopen(statusfilename, "r"); if (status == NULL) goto errorReadingProcess; int success = ProcessList_readStatFile(process, status, command); fclose(status); if(!success) { goto errorReadingProcess; } process->percent_cpu = (process->utime + process->stime - lasttimes) / period * 100.0; if(!existingProcess) { snprintf(statusfilename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/cmdline", dirname, name); status = fopen(statusfilename, "r"); if (!status) { goto errorReadingProcess; } char* cmdline = process->comm; int amtRead = fread(cmdline, 1, PROCESS_COMM_LEN - 1, status); if (amtRead > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < amtRead; i++) if (cmdline[i] == '\0' || cmdline[i] == '\n') cmdline[i] = ' '; cmdline[amtRead] = '\0'; } else { strncpy(process->comm, command, PROCESS_COMM_LEN); cmdline[PROCESS_COMM_LEN] = '\0'; } fclose(status); } snprintf(statusfilename, MAX_NAME, "%s/%s/statm", dirname, name); status = fopen(statusfilename, "r"); if(!status) { goto errorReadingProcess; } int num = fscanf(status, "%d %d %d %d %d %d %d", &process->m_size, &process->m_resident, &process->m_share, &process->m_trs, &process->m_drs, &process->m_lrs, &process->m_dt); fclose(status); if(num != 7) goto errorReadingProcess; process->percent_mem = process->m_resident / (float)(this->usedMem - this->cachedMem - this->buffersMem) * 100.0; this->totalTasks++; if (process->state == 'R') { this->runningTasks++; } if (this->hideKernelThreads && process->m_size == 0) ProcessList_remove(this, process); continue; // Exception handler. errorReadingProcess: { ProcessList_remove(this, process); } } } closedir(dir); } void ProcessList_scan(ProcessList* this) { long int usertime, nicetime, systemtime, idletime, totaltime; long int swapFree; FILE* status; char buffer[128]; status = fopen(PROCMEMINFOFILE, "r"); assert(status != NULL); while (!feof(status)) { fgets(buffer, 128, status); switch (buffer[0]) { case 'M': if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemTotal:")) sscanf(buffer, "MemTotal: %ld kB", &this->totalMem); else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemFree:")) sscanf(buffer, "MemFree: %ld kB", &this->freeMem); else if (String_startsWith(buffer, "MemShared:")) sscanf(buffer, "MemShared: %ld kB", &this->sharedMem); break; case 'B': if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Buffers:")) sscanf(buffer, "Buffers: %ld kB", &this->buffersMem); break; case 'C': if (String_startsWith(buffer, "Cached:")) sscanf(buffer, "Cached: %ld kB", &this->cachedMem); break; case 'S': if (String_startsWith(buffer, "SwapTotal:")) sscanf(buffer, "SwapTotal: %ld kB", &this->totalSwap); if (String_startsWith(buffer, "SwapFree:")) sscanf(buffer, "SwapFree: %ld kB", &swapFree); break; } } this->usedMem = this->totalMem - this->freeMem; this->usedSwap = this->totalSwap - swapFree; fclose(status); status = fopen(PROCSTATFILE, "r"); assert(status != NULL); for (int i = 0; i <= this->processorCount; i++) { int cpuid; if (this->kernelMajor == 2 && this->kernelMiddle <= 4) { if (i == 0) { fscanf(status, "cpu %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", &usertime, &nicetime, &systemtime, &idletime); } else { fscanf(status, "cpu%d %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", &cpuid, &usertime, &nicetime, &systemtime, &idletime); assert(cpuid == i - 1); } totaltime = usertime + nicetime + systemtime + idletime; } else { long int ioWait, irq, softIrq; if (i == 0) fscanf(status, "cpu %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", &usertime, &nicetime, &systemtime, &idletime, &ioWait, &irq, &softIrq); else { fscanf(status, "cpu%d %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld %ld\n", &cpuid, &usertime, &nicetime, &systemtime, &idletime, &ioWait, &irq, &softIrq); assert(cpuid == i - 1); } systemtime += ioWait + irq + softIrq; totaltime = usertime + nicetime + systemtime + idletime; } assert (usertime >= this->userTime[i]); assert (nicetime >= this->niceTime[i]); assert (systemtime >= this->systemTime[i]); assert (idletime >= this->idleTime[i]); assert (totaltime >= this->totalTime[i]); this->userPeriod[i] = usertime - this->userTime[i]; this->nicePeriod[i] = nicetime - this->niceTime[i]; this->systemPeriod[i] = systemtime - this->systemTime[i]; this->idlePeriod[i] = idletime - this->idleTime[i]; this->totalPeriod[i] = totaltime - this->totalTime[i]; this->userTime[i] = usertime; this->niceTime[i] = nicetime; this->systemTime[i] = systemtime; this->idleTime[i] = idletime; this->totalTime[i] = totaltime; } float period = (float)this->totalPeriod[0] / this->processorCount; fclose(status); // mark all process as "dirty" for (int i = 0; i < TypedVector_size(this->processes); i++) { Process* p = (Process*) TypedVector_get(this->processes, i); p->updated = false; } this->totalTasks = 0; this->runningTasks = 0; signal(11, ProcessList_dontCrash); ProcessList_processEntries(this, PROCDIR, 0, period); signal(11, SIG_DFL); for (int i = TypedVector_size(this->processes) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Process* p = (Process*) TypedVector_get(this->processes, i); if (p->updated == false) ProcessList_remove(this, p); else p->updated = false; } } void ProcessList_dontCrash(int signal) { // This ugly hack was added because I suspect some // crashes were caused by contents of /proc vanishing // away while we read them. }