#!/bin/bash # Mac version 2. Sic. LANG=$(locale | grep LANG= | gsed 's:LANG=::') if [ -z "$LANG" ]; then LANG="C" fi #export LC_ALL=$LANG # for stable "sort" output export LC_ALL="C" # Paths DOT_DIR=.bitpocket CFG_FILE="$DOT_DIR/config" TMP_DIR="$DOT_DIR/tmp" STATE_DIR="$DOT_DIR/state" LOCK_DIR="$TMP_DIR/lock" # Use a lock directory for atomic locks. See the Bash FAQ http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashFAQ/045 # Default settings SLOW_SYNC_TIME=10 SLOW_SYNC_FILE="$TMP_DIR/slow" RSYNC_RSH="ssh" # Load config file [ -f "$CFG_FILE" ] && . "$CFG_FILE" # Test for GNU versions of core utils. Bail if non-GNU. gsed --version >/dev/null 2>/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "fatal: It seems like you are running non-GNU versions of coreutils." echo " It is currently unsafe to use bitpocket with this setup," echo " so I'll have to stop here. Sorry ..." exit 1 fi # Decide on runner (ssh / bash -c) if [ -n "$REMOTE_HOST" ]; then REMOTE_RUNNER="$RSYNC_RSH $REMOTE_HOST" REMOTE="$REMOTE_HOST:$REMOTE_PATH" else REMOTE_RUNNER="bash -c" REMOTE="$REMOTE_PATH" fi REMOTE_TMP_DIR="$REMOTE_PATH/$DOT_DIR/tmp" # Don't sync user excluded files if [ -f "$DOT_DIR/exclude" ]; then user_exclude="--exclude-from $DOT_DIR/exclude" fi # Specify certain files to include if [ -f "$DOT_DIR/include" ]; then user_include="--include-from $DOT_DIR/include" fi # Specify rsync filter rules if [ -f "$DOT_DIR/filter" ]; then # The underscore (_) is required for correct operation user_filter="--filter merge_$DOT_DIR/filter" fi USER_RULES="$user_filter $user_include $user_exclude" TIMESTAMP=$(date "+%Y-%m-%d.%H%M%S") export RSYNC_RSH function init { if [[ -d "$DOT_DIR" || -f "$CFG_FILE" ]]; then echo "fatal: Current directory already initialized for bitpocket" exit 128 fi if [[ -z "$2" || -n "$3" ]]; then echo "usage: bitpocket init { | \"\"} " exit 128 fi gmkdir "$DOT_DIR" gcat < "$CFG_FILE" ## Host and path of central storage REMOTE_HOST=$1 REMOTE_PATH="$2" ## SSH command with options for connecting to \$REMOTE_HOST # RSYNC_RSH="ssh -p 22 -i $DOT_DIR/id_rsa" ## Uncomment following line to follow symlinks (transform it into referent file/dir) # RSYNC_OPTS="-L" ## Use the following if a FAT or VFAT filesystem is being synchronized # RSYNC_OPTS="--no-perms --no-owner --no-group --modify-window=2" ## Uncomment following lines to get sync notifications # SLOW_SYNC_TIME=10 # SLOW_SYNC_START_CMD="notify-send 'BitPocket sync in progress...'" # SLOW_SYNC_STOP_CMD="notify-send 'BitPocket sync finished'" EOF echo "Initialized bitpocket directory at `gpwd`" echo "Please have a look at the config file ($DOT_DIR/config)" } function log { assert_dotdir tail -f "$DOT_DIR/log" } function pull { sync onlypull } function push { sync onlypush } # Do the actual synchronization function sync { assert_dotdir acquire_lock acquire_remote_lock echo echo -e "\x1b\x5b1;32mbitpocket started\x1b\x5b0m at `date`." echo # Fire off slow sync start notifier in background on_slow_sync_start # Check what has changed gtouch "$STATE_DIR/tree-prev" gtouch "$STATE_DIR/added-prev" # Save before-sync state # Must be done with rsync itself (rather than find) to respect includes/excludes # Order of includes/excludes/filters is EXTREMELY important echo "# Saving current state and backing up files (if needed)" echo " | Root dir: $(gpwd)" /usr/local/bin/rsync -av --list-only --exclude "/$DOT_DIR" $RSYNC_OPTS $USER_RULES . | grep "^-\|^d" \ | gsed "s:^\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*:/:" | gsed "s:^/\.::" | gsort > "$STATE_DIR/tree-current" # Prevent bringing back locally deleted files or removing new local files gcp -f "$STATE_DIR/added-prev" "$TMP_DIR/fetch-exclude" gsort "$STATE_DIR/tree-prev" "$STATE_DIR/tree-current" | guniq -u >> "$TMP_DIR/fetch-exclude" # It is difficult to only create the backup directory if needed; instead # we always create it, but remove it if it is empty afterwards. gmkdir --parents $DOT_DIR/backups/$TIMESTAMP # Determine what will be fetched from server and make backup # copies of any local files to be deleted or overwritten. # Order of includes/excludes/filters is EXTREMELY important /usr/local/bin/rsync --dry-run \ -auvzxi --delete $RSYNC_OPTS --exclude "/$DOT_DIR" --exclude-from "$TMP_DIR/fetch-exclude" $USER_RULES "$REMOTE/" . \ | grep "^[ch<>\.\*][f]\|\*deleting" | gsed "s:^\S*\s*::" | gsed 's:\d96:\\\`:g' | gsed "s:\(.*\):if [ -f \"\1\" ]; then gcp --parents \"\1\" $DOT_DIR/backups/$TIMESTAMP; fi:" | sh || die "BACKUP" [ "$(gls -A $DOT_DIR/backups/$TIMESTAMP)" ] && echo " | Some files were backed up to $DOT_DIR/backups/$TIMESTAMP" [ "$(gls -A $DOT_DIR/backups/$TIMESTAMP)" ] || grmdir $DOT_DIR/backups/$TIMESTAMP if [ "$1" != "onlypush" ] then # Actual fetch # Pulling changes from server # Order of includes/excludes/filters is EXTREMELY important echo echo "# Pulling changes from server" /usr/local/bin/rsync -auvzxi --delete $RSYNC_OPTS --exclude "/$DOT_DIR" --exclude-from "$TMP_DIR/fetch-exclude" $USER_RULES "$REMOTE/" . | gsed "s/^/ | /" || die "PULL" fi if [ "$1" != "onlypull" ] then # Actual push # Send new and updated, remotely remove files deleted locally # Order of includes/excludes/filters is EXTREMELY important echo echo "# Pushing changes to server" /usr/local/bin/rsync -auvzxi --delete $RSYNC_OPTS --exclude "/$DOT_DIR" $USER_RULES . "$REMOTE/" | gsed "s/^/ | /" || die "PUSH" fi # Save after-sync state # Must be done with rsync itself (rather than find) to respect includes/excludes # Order of includes/excludes/filters is EXTREMELY important echo echo "# Saving after-sync state and cleaning up" /usr/local/bin/rsync -av --list-only --exclude "/$DOT_DIR" $USER_RULES . | grep "^-\|^d" \ | gsed "s:^\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*:/:" | gsed "s:^/\.::" | gsort > "$TMP_DIR/tree-after" # Save all newly created files for next run (to prevent deletion of them) # This includes files created by user in parallel to sync and files fetched from remote comm -23 "$TMP_DIR/tree-after" "$STATE_DIR/tree-current" >"$STATE_DIR/added-prev" # Save new tree state for next run gcat "$STATE_DIR/tree-current" "$STATE_DIR/added-prev" >"$STATE_DIR/tree-prev" # Fire off slow sync stop notifier in background on_slow_sync_stop cleanup echo echo -e "\x1b\x5b1;32mbitpocket finished\x1b\x5b0m at `date`." echo } # Pack backups into a git repository function pack { assert_dotdir # Git is required for backup packing if [ ! `builtin type -p git` ]; then echo "fatal: For backup packing, git must be installed" exit 128 fi # If pack directory is missing, create it and prepare git repo if [ ! -d "$DOT_DIR/pack" ] then gmkdir $DOT_DIR/pack git init $DOT_DIR/pack gtouch $DOT_DIR/pack/.git-init-marker (cd $DOT_DIR/pack && git add .) (cd $DOT_DIR/pack && git commit -a -q -m "INIT") fi # If any backups exist, pack them into the repo if [ -d "$DOT_DIR/backups" ] && [ "$(gls -A $DOT_DIR/backups)" ] then for DIR in $DOT_DIR/backups/* do TSTAMP=$(echo $DIR | gsed "s|.*/||") if [ "$(gls -A $DIR)" ] then echo -n "Processing: $TSTAMP ... " echo -n "Moving ... " (gcp -rfl $DIR/* $DOT_DIR/pack && grm -rf $DIR) || die MV echo -n "Adding ... " (cd $DOT_DIR/pack && git add .) || die ADD echo -n "Committing ... " # Commit only if repository has uncommitted changes (cd $DOT_DIR/pack \ && git diff-index --quiet HEAD \ || git commit -a -q -m "$TSTAMP" ) || die COMMIT echo "Done." else echo "Removing empty dir $DIR ..." grmdir $DIR fi done echo "Running 'git gc' on pack dir" du -hs $DOT_DIR/pack (cd $DOT_DIR/pack && git gc) || die GC du -hs $DOT_DIR/pack echo "All snapshots packed successfully." else echo "No unpacked backups found ..." fi } function on_slow_sync_start { if [ -n "$SLOW_SYNC_START_CMD" ]; then grm -rf "$SLOW_SYNC_FILE" (sleep $SLOW_SYNC_TIME && gtouch "$SLOW_SYNC_FILE" && eval "$SLOW_SYNC_START_CMD" ; wait) & disown shell_pid=$! fi } function on_slow_sync_stop { if [ -n "$shell_pid" ]; then gkill $shell_pid &>/dev/null if [[ -n "$SLOW_SYNC_STOP_CMD" && -f "$SLOW_SYNC_FILE" ]]; then (eval "$SLOW_SYNC_STOP_CMD") & fi fi } function cron { DISPLAY=:0.0 sync 2>&1 | timestamp >>"$DOT_DIR/log" } function timestamp { while read data do echo "[$(date +"%D %T")] $data" done } function acquire_lock { if ! gmkdir "$LOCK_DIR" 2>/dev/null ; then gkill -0 $(gcat "$LOCK_DIR/pid") &>/dev/null if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then echo "There's already an instance of BitPocket syncing this directory. Exiting." exit 1 else echo -e "\x1b\x5b1;31mbitpocket error:\x1b\x5b0m Bitpocket found a stale lock directory:" echo " | Root dir: $(gpwd)" echo " | Lock dir: $LOCK_DIR" echo " | Command: LOCK_PATH=$(gpwd)/$LOCK_DIR && grm \$LOCK_PATH/pid && grmdir \$LOCK_PATH" echo "Please remove the lock directory and try again." exit 2 fi fi echo $$ > "$LOCK_DIR/pid" } function release_lock { grm "$LOCK_DIR/pid" &>/dev/null && grmdir "$LOCK_DIR" &>/dev/null } function acquire_remote_lock { $REMOTE_RUNNER "mkdir -p \"$REMOTE_TMP_DIR\"; cd \"$REMOTE_PATH\" && mkdir \"$LOCK_DIR\" 2>/dev/null" if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo "Couldn't acquire remote lock. Another client is syncing with \"$REMOTE\" or lock file couldn't be created. Exiting." release_lock exit 3 fi } function release_remote_lock { $REMOTE_RUNNER "cd \"$REMOTE_PATH\" && rmdir \"$LOCK_DIR\" &>/dev/null" } function assert_dotdir { if [ ! -d "$DOT_DIR" ]; then echo "fatal: Not a bitpocket directory. Try 'bitpocket help' for usage." exit 128 fi gmkdir -p "$TMP_DIR" gmkdir -p "$STATE_DIR" } function cleanup { release_lock release_remote_lock } function bring_the_children_let_me_kill_them { if [ -n "$shell_pid" ]; then pkill -P $shell_pid &>/dev/null gkill $shell_pid &>/dev/null fi } function die { cleanup bring_the_children_let_me_kill_them echo "fatal: command failed $1" exit 128 } # List all files in the sync set function list { echo -e "\x1b\x5b1;32mbitpocket\x1b\x5b0m will sync the following files:" /usr/local/bin/rsync -av --list-only --exclude "/$DOT_DIR" $USER_RULES . | grep "^-\|^d" \ | gsed "s:^\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*\S*\s*:/:" | gsed "s:^/\.::" | gsort } function usage { echo "usage: bitpocket [sync | push | pull | pack | log | cron | list | help]" echo " bitpocket init { | \"\"} " echo "" echo "Available commands:" echo " sync Run the sync process. If no command is specified, sync is run by default." echo " push Only push new files to the server." echo " pull Only pull new files from the server." echo " init Initialize a new bitpocket folder. Requires remote host and path params." echo " pack Pack any existing (automatic) backups into a git repository." echo " cron Run sync optimized for cron, logging output to file instead of stdout." echo " log Display the log generated by the cron command" echo " list List all files in the sync set (honoring include/exclude/filter config)." echo " help Show this message." echo "" echo "Note: All commands (apart from help), must be run in the root of a" echo " new or existing bitpocket directory structure." echo "" } if [ "$1" = "init" ]; then # Initialize bitpocket directory init "$2" "$3" "$4" elif [ "$1" = "pull" ]; then sync onlypull elif [ "$1" = "push" ]; then sync onlypush elif [ "$1" = "pack" ]; then # Pack backups using git pack elif [ "$1" = "log" ]; then # Display log file log elif [ "$1" = "cron" ]; then # Run through cron? cron elif [ "$1" = "list" ]; then # List all file in sync set (honoring .bitpocket/include & .bitpocket/exclude) list elif [ "$1" != "" ] && [ "$1" != "sync" ]; then # Show help usage else # By default, run the sync process sync fi